Days of Our Lives - Tues. Nov. 12, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of our Lives
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

We are staying in the present today, 1 year, and 1 day after the wedding and Jen's fall off the balcony. Jack is still in 7th heaven that Jen is awake, he has her back. “Hope” comes in, stops abruptly, seeing Jen awake. (yes, she is still Princess Gina, pretending to be Hope). She puts on the glad face, hugs, happy to see her, etc. She sits as Jen relates how she has remembered everything up to when she fell. She does not recall Eve (who is in prison for attempted murder) pushing her or even seeing her. Not at all. Hope says it is on the footage, Rafe showed it to her, Eve is up there, behind Jen. Finally Hope leaves, Jen notes Jack is wearing a wedding band, but she isn't. Jack tells her he had them made from the part of the Loretta (cruise ship), will go get hers. She closes her eyes, Hope sees Jack leave, sneaks back into Jen's room. She is at side of bed...Jen opens her eyes, Hope apologizes for startling her. Small talk. Again, Hope seems about to do something, but Jack returns, Hope leaves. Jack talks again of having the rings made, putting his on sitting by her bed a year ago, vowing to put hers on, when she wakes up. He does, talks lovingly and earnestly. She doesn't have a gift for him.......(they have both said Happy Anniversary to each other) but he tells her she has all he has ever wanted.

Justin comes to see Eve, telling her Jen has woken up, Eve is so happy because now Jen can clear her. Justin says she might not, Eve makes nasty comments about Jen, Justin tells her that Jennifer was the victim, & if Eve is going to talk that way, get herself another lawyer, he starts to leave. She jumps up, is sorry, he is right, none is Jen's fault, yada yada.

Sonny sits talking to Rafe is park. They talk of David, the guy Rafe has as a nanny for him, Ari, and how she misses her daddy. Evan brings Ari (new actress) up, seems a couple boys were teasing her as both mom & dad are jailbirds, she will be, too. All the men assure her not so, Evan has nice advice, and pep talk. She talks of being a mermaid detective. Sure, why not. She goes off to play on swings, Sonny thanks him, Rafe leaves, Evan & Sonny talk a bit more, Evan wants him to try new Japanese restaurant. But Sonny meeting his dad. Some other time then.

Ciara is with Victor, who congratulates her on the report she turned in to him, has done good work, went thru the training program so well, promoted to junior exec. She thanks him, owes him apology for accusing him of framing Ben, loves him so much, and now he has invited her to live there. She gushes, Victor is happy all is going well for her, she says she doesn't love Ben any more, she realizes he is a killer, has not really changed, she is moving on. She leaves to get her things. Victor sips his brandy, smiles, “good riddance, Ben Weston”.

Justin sees Hope, learns that Jen doesn't remember anything about her fall, thus cannot exonerate Eve. Justin calls Eve, who about has a fit that she is not cleared.

Hope is in the apt., back to being Gina, painting a picture, gabbing away to Stefano's portrait, all about Jen waking up, not remembering, what should she do, she decides to let sleeping dogs lie. There is all that fake footage Rolf doctored up. Right Steffie? Camera shows man sitting, just his hand, holding a cigar, phoenix ring on his finger.

Sonny meets his Dad, they sit at a table, chit chat, but Sonny can see he is bothered. Justin talks of getting married a year ago, right here, both talk of how happy, bubbly she was, so full of life. Cannot believe she is dead, miss her still. Sonny says what is harder to believe is it is my own husband who killed her.

Ben & Will talk of Ben being innocent, Will trying to go over who might have killed Jordan. Ben suggests Rafe, Will gives all sorts of reason why not, after all Rafe had done for her, constantly. Ben has one more appeal left (he evidently already had one, lost) He says Ciara is sticking by him, Will asks if that is what he wants for her, to be constantly out there, waiting for him, while he is inside, behind bars.

Guard arrives, Ben has visitor, he figures his lawyer, about new appeal. He goes with guard, and there is Ciara sitting at the table. Ben is surprised, what are you doing here? She is sorry about the appeal, thought he would win. Therefore we have to fix this ourselves. Already started, told Grampa Victor I no longer loved you, did not believe you were innocent. I am moving into the house. He will let his guard down at some point, and will have it. They kiss.

Will pulls a pic of Sonny out of the book he was reading. I am so sorry for what I did.
The writing and the right amount of mystery is working so far. This is what the show definitely needed. I love seeing Jack and Jennifer written like this. Their love is strong and they have such perfect chemistry on screen. I hope it keeps getting better.
So far, the jump ahead is at least giving us a reason to watch. We wonder who's who and what's what. It's nice to feel intrigued by the show again instead of frustrated with the same recycled storylines.

The actress playing Ciara did a good job of conveying that she was working Victor over vs really putting Ben behind her. I have a hard time believing the authorities would think Ben was a killer and put him in a cell with one of his previous victims, but I'll pretend that makes sense.

The only thing I don't like is the continuing Princess Gina storyline. I wish someone would put her in a coma and then she could wake up and not remember all of this nonsense. I hope they haven't recast a Stefano clone or something. That would be awful.
That is exactly how I feel tennisdocc.......Jack & Jen are just terrific, absolutely what the show needed, the kind of story...and dialogue.
I do not know why it was decided to have Adrienne be dead now, but I am not all that excited about Justin pairing up with Kayla.
But really, Jack & Jen have been marvelous....and then no one has even an inkling that Gina is back. Amazing.
I am actually really liking this time jump. I was very skeptical but am enjoying it.

I am glad that Ben and Ciara are still together and they are trying to get Victor. Seems obvious it was him. Kill 2 birds with one stone, or scarf.

It's frustrating that Jennifer can't remember that she was looking at Rolf's flashdrive and that "Hope" came up. And seriously has Gina fooled everyone for a year that she is Hope?

I had read that Adrienne would be dead but why?! I can't believe they would kill her. And Will killed her? Is there a body? Are we gonna find out it was Bonnie?

I am enjoying this though.
They are talking all around the death of Adrienne, the how is not being mentioned. Will says he made a decision, one he regrets. It has affected a lot of people.

I remember when Victor's thug knocked on the door, intending to kill Jordan, but only stopped by a call from Victor to cancel. He shoved the pizza at Jordan & took off. If Victor did this, he had the thug following Jordan, as she was found in the gatehouse........not Rafe's place.
There are 3 deaths now, geez I am getting deja vu similar to the Salem stalker storyline. Now I am seeing why the actors' contracts were cut. It is obvious that Victor seems to have framed Ben for Jordan's murder and Ciara is getting to the truth.

As for Will killing Adrienne, I have absolutely no idea how the writers will play that out. I don't know. I like change yes, but this could discourage people in large numbers.
Thanks, Poirot.

Another day of mystery in Salem.

Did Victor put the contract out on Jordan to get Ben away from Ciara or not?
It was interesting to see him put the liquor back in the desk drawer.

I'm glad Ari only grew up a little and hasn't become a teenager yet.

What did Will do to Adrienne?

Why hasn't anyone in Salem figured out Hope is Gina?

Gina mentioned that Kayla didn't think Jennifer would come out of the
coma. Again. Jennifer should be glad Kayla didn't take any body parts :)

What else has Dr Rolf done this past year? He made a fake video to
convict Eve and a fake paternity test to show Xander is the daddy.

Will Jennifer ever remember the night she got pushed or will Eve
have to stay in prison forever?
More less than desirable developments today.

Salem's lawyers: No wonder Eve is in jail. Justin is her lawyer. Why couldn't the bumbling barrister have hired a competent expert who would have been able to detect that the surveillance tape was doctored? And what idiot put Ben on the witness stand at his trial? Doing this meant that the prosecution's cross-examination could bring up all of Ben's past murders. If he wanted to show that there were other persons who could have killed Jordan, other witnesses should have been put on the witness stand.

Nanny Evan: Talk about transparent plotting. How much experience could this "Nanny" Evan have? Instead of some handsome guy, Tater Tot's old nanny, Nanny Megan, could have been hired to care for Baby Ridgeway. In the alternative, there was always blunt-spoken Nanny Megan who tells it like it is.

Eve: Has she been spending her time in prison reading Victor's guide to snappy one-liners? Calling Jenny an "old nag," may entertain her, but this line of talk won't do her any good.

Inmate Will: The viewers are supposed to accept that he murdered Adrienne?? Good grief. The writers' plots have now morphed from the implausible to the preposterous.