Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 20, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Brady goes to see Paul, heard about Paul & Will breaking up, knows he told Paul about Will’s feelings and probably should not have done so. Paul has accepted it all, knew something was not right between him & Will, all is o.k. John arrives, Brady is glad he came, as he was going to call, seems Paul is leaving Salem.

Earlier, John comes into Marlena’s hospital room, she is all dressed, tending to her makeup, Kayla is releasing her, she is going home. John is so happy, hugs, kissing, Will comes in. Marlena talks of them wanting to see Will’s new place, but he lets them know, change of plans, he is moving out. John leaves to go see Paul, Will talks to Marlena, tells her what happened. She feels he & Sonny belong together, but he cannot reach Sonny, who has gone out of town, took the Titan jet, Vic won’t tell flight plan, not even to Justin & Adrienne. & Vic doesn’t think much of Will. He has called a dozen times...left messages. Marlena says give him some time, when he hears all the messages, he will call. Will wonders if he should check on Paul, wants to still be friends. Marlena figures to just give Paul some space, plus she & John will be there for him.

Ben confronts Claire about working with Tripp, throwing him under the bus. She tries to wiggle out, Ben doesn’t buy any of it. Reveals Wyatt told him all, no he did not hurt him, but any deal between Ben & Claire is over. Yes, he already told Ciara, Claire figures that is a good thing, she will be furious at Tripp, and Claire will be there to comfort Tripp. Ben tells her he no longer trusts her, she is a loose cannon. Claire smirks at the idea of Ciara & Tripp perhaps breaking it off.

And those two go into a long confrontation (surprised his employer doesn’t get on his case) about Tripp framing Ben, lying to Ciara, getting her mother in trouble, etc. etc. How did he get Ben’s print on to the can, his dad had mentioned it in an old case. She is appalled at him framing someone, but then he has done it before to Aunt Kayla. They go round and round, back & forth. Tripp thinks she has feelings for Ben, knew Ben was guilty, killed others, and more of the same. He could tell she was so sympathetic towards him, she realizes that he did his best to convince her how guilty Ben was, and then they slept together, yada, yada. The upshot….they break up, tis over.

John has this really wonderful talk with Paul, who goes on and on about working with him, being with him, how he always thought his father was dead, would imagine what he was like, and John was even more. Paul is so grateful. He, however, is going back to San Francisco, his mom called him a couple months ago, found thus experimental clinic, great work, could help him walk again. He has missed his mom, called the clinic last night, they have a few openings, so arrangements have been made. There is a knock at the door…….the guy has arrived to accompany Paul back to San Francisco. John checks the place out on computer, great success rate. The therapist arrives, is so happy to meet him, big fan of his when he played baseball, thanks him for his courage on coming out a few years ago, gave him the courage to do the same. He & Brady take the luggage out, Paul saying how his mom made the arrangements figuring he would not be able to handle all the luggage and his chair alone. (All these scenes are really good!) The therapist, Brady and then finally John go out the door. Paul sits for a bit, looks around, takes a deep breath, wheels himself out the door.

Claire comes to the square, asks Tripp what happened. He looks dejected, is clearing off a table, says he & Ciara are over. He takes the tub of dishes into the restaurant as Claire secretly smirks.

Ben is sitting on a park bench, Ciara comes walking by, increasing her speed when she spots him. He stops her, you o.k.? She says she & Tripp broke up. He asks if she wants to talk about it. No, she doesn’t, and especially not with you. She hurries off in a huff.
P.S. Just a heads up.... It is very obvious that scenes have been cut, the editing is not good at all, in my opinion. The John/Paul scenes are very good. One can tell how much Christopher Sean (Paul) thinks of the man who played his father....John!
I'm going to miss the character of Paul Narita! I liked his dynamic with John. Great scenes today.

I was cheering Valerie on when she put Abe in his selfish place and walked out!

It's bothering me that Eric lost (what he calls) the love of his life and Marlena has been nowhere near to comfort him. And, today she was comforting Will. She was able to leave the hospital to get married but not comfort her child? I know this is not real life but I would have run to my child before I worried about getting married again for the 18th time. Did I miss a scene where she called him or talked to him?
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I’m really sad to see Paul go. He and Chelsea were like the only long lost kids I accepted and enjoyed. I liked when Paul’s therapist told the story of how Paul’s story helped him when he was coming to terms with being gay. I’m so glad Brady has been here for Paul through this whole ordeal. I haven’t enjoyed Brady in so long. Him trying to set Paul up with the therapist was hilarious. John and Paul’s scenes were very touching also.

They use Marlena to prop any and every couple. I hate it but whatever. I’m so glad they haven’t compromised Victor. If he doesn’t think someone is suitable for one of his loved ones, he won’t budge. He has yet to change his stance on Chloe or Will.

Finally we got the Ciara and Tripp truth scene. Too bad we never got one with EJ and Sami about the pub shooting and the Basic Black pension funds :rolleyes: Hopefully John and Marlena find out what Claire has been up to. Those scenes would be good.

Lastly, Abe was so low today. I could not believe his words and his mindset. I’m so glad Valerie and Sheila told him off. What is it with these writers and making almost every decent guy into a selfish jerk? I don’t find that interesting. It’s annoying. Some these characters are going to be unfixable after a while. Some already are.
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I'm trying to go with this "Ben has changed" thing and root for Ben and Ciara, but I just can't. What Tripp did was terrible, but Ben's murders are just, "Hey, he's seen a therapist." I'm trying, but come on.

Poor Paul. Hopefully, they can bring him back at some point.
Valerie was offered the job of Chief of Staff at a hospital in Washington, DC. She's excited and wants to take it, and wants Abe to come with her. He doesn't want to leave Salem because he's the mayor. He sort of expects her to stay there with him and not pursue her dream. She snaps at him that she can't stay in Salem just so he won't be lonely.

Later, he talks to Sheila about it and she more or less says the same thing Valerie did.
Sorry, I forgot that scene.......Sheila had come in....ooops, see that JS filled in. Thanks, JS.
Sheila also cleaned Abe's shoes and brought them back. Val was so excited, but Abe was not going to leave Salem, wanted no part of a long distance relationship. Sheila went on how that was always Val's dream, she & Eli would hear her talk about it all the time.
I had to laugh at how red Will's nose was when he was outside. Guess they are trying to sell that yes, it is cold in Salem.

Paul and John's scenes were sweet. A tear down Paul's cheek gets me every time. There was an article in Soap Opera Digest and the actor said he did think of Drake Hogestyn (john) as his father so the scene was really real. I'm gonna miss Paul I liked him. And him and Will!!! I still do not think that Will and Sonny are soulmates.

I am so tired of Angry Abe. He's pretty much been angry since Theo was shot. I had to agree with everything Sheila said to him about not being happy for Val. Pretty selfish on his part.

I was surprised that Tripp actually dumped Ciara. Will be interesting if she and Ben get together. I really like the actor so I am ok with them redeeming Ben. It's been done many times in soaps so just gotta go with it. And if it makes Hope's head explode I am all for that!
Count me in on those who will miss Paul. I feel so bad for him--another character, like Nicole, who is constantly beat up on. He didn't deserve this. I say this as someone who really loved Sonny & Will before, yet was able to let them go and move on.

I don't get why Ciara is upset at Ben at the end. Tripp chose to do this, and he did it alone. If she should be mad at anyone, it should be her ex-boyfriend and her paranoid hypocrite mom.

The Abe storyline is boring to me at the moment. I just can't find any way to care. And I'm tired of what's going on with Gabi, Chad, Stefan0, and Abigail. Just end the storyline already so something better can come center-stage!
She hurries off in a huff.
I know I'm in the minority here...but I'm hoping she hops on Bo's motorcycle and has another mishap. I just can't deal with her.

I like Claire but I hope she doesn't go too scheme-y. I imagine with the corner Gabi's being written into, she will be Ron's next victim of "ultra witch" syndrome.

Luke's connection to Paul is interesting - but I'll always be angry that they didn't bring Derrick back for the 7 minutes of screen time. Oh, well. I guess only EJ and Sami deserve a happy ending.
I was cheering Valerie on when she put Abe in his selfish place and walked out!
Me too! What is this, 1964? A bad 1990s sitcom? Abe works less than 20 hours a week as Salem's mayor (and no way is his salary near Valerie's). He was just selfish. I loved that Sheila told him he was a dope for dumping Val.

Meanwhile - we're now left with the insufferable Sarah and the is-he-in-Salem-or-not Rex as our on-screen doctors. BLECHH.

Finally I have absolutely no concern for Victor's wishes. I'm ready for him to have another stroke or housefire. I'd love another who-killed-[badguy] with him as the victim, Will as the prime suspect, and Maggie as the actual killer. It will be my fever dream until he dies or retires or at least stops acting like he didn't frame his brother for murder and sleep with several married women (not to mention the countless deaths he ordered) -including one that would today be considered essentially rape.
Thanks, Poirot and JS.

I'm going to miss Paul too. He's lucky he didn't have to go to Africa for experimental
treatment where Theo had to go.

I hope Tripp shaves soon.

Since Will and Paul aren't staying in the apartment, will someone else move in? Or we will
see parts of it here and there in Salem?

If Ben is smart, he'll tell Ciara he was working with Claire.
Aaaand I'm caught up again. Hehe, thank you, seriously, so much for these. I've been out of the loop with the move and everything and managed to watch all of the episodes with Mimi, but nothing since then. Now that Ciara and Tripp are over and it's looking like she'll be free for the Ben romance, I may have to tune in again!
Abe & Valerie: No wonder Valerie wants to go to DC. it’s her chance to work at a real hospital. As for Abe, Jason was being kind when he said that he works 20 hours a week. A few minutes a week is probably more like it,

Victor: He’d better get some ear plugs. When Sami learns that he called her son a “pathetic waffler,” he’ll be in for a major rant,

Paul: He’ll be in for a Sami rant too if the blonde screecher hears about his glowing description of John

Little Trippy: He’s another one who hasn’t been paying attention Any veteran Salemite could have told him that it’s not the initial bad act that will do you in, it’s all the cover-up lies.
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Guess he figured he'd beat her to it....She had what he had done all out in front of them, and his list of wrongs was pretty lengthy. I agree it surprised me when he said it.
By the way, the actor, Lucas Adams, said that one day he came into work, and the suits told him to stop shaving. He said he had no idea why. Maybe they thought it would look like Brady does when he doesn't shave. (I know many like the look, I hate it. )
Who the heck thought it was a good idea for Abe to throw himself back into the 50s or 60s (sadly, today, for some veins of thinking) where a woman's place is by her man and that he isn't *important* enough for Valerie to give up an amazing opportunity. What does he expect? For her to usurp Kayla and take her job? Meh. Glad she told him the what-for on that.