Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 26, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Most of the excitement of the time jump evidently is over, as we seem to be back in the repeating of dialogue, using flashbacks, etc. Nicole sits on the floor crying, sobbing, and going over the scenes of Eric proposing, her telling him about being Mackenzie's father, him leaving, etc. Brady arrives with some papers to sign (of course! No offices ever in Salem) and learns what has upset Nicole, comforts her. They even talk a bit about how she comforted him when running into him when his daughter died. (flashback) He encourages her, she & Eric will be o.k., they love each other.

Over at the convent chapel, Lani is praying, then lighting a candle, Kristen comes in. In the course of the time, Lani tells Kristen all that Gabi did, how she wanted Eli to hate Lani, which he does, how she held the phone up all the while at the wedding to show Lani she meant business. And Kristen, who is in a convent, in a chapel, wearing nun's clothing, manages to call Gabi a couple choice names. She also sadly talks of losing her baby, Brady standing by her, but she knew with the loss, she would lose him as well. He even stood by when the DA was deciding about bringing charges against her. When she decided to leave, she did not even say goodbye.

At DiMansion, Gabi waltzes in, another hooker outfit, talking of her day, needing bubble bath, then telling distracted Eli he is now supposed to ask if she wants company. Instead he tells of trying to get a look at Chad's computer, thinking the couple were both gone, but Abby came in, caught him. He thinks they are definitely up to something. Gabi looks serious, but then does flashback to accidentally zapping Julie with her phone, but catching it (flashbacks)......Eli thinks time for the bubble bath, Picks her up, they kiss as he carries her..upstairs, I guess.

Julie is setting places at her club, Abby arrives. Mom is doing fine so far, she is meeting JJ there. He arrives, yes, chip on his shoulder. Julie knows he has been upset since Haley's accident, he says not accident, Kristen murdered her. He joins Abby at a table, she notes the authorities said accident, he knows otherwise. Also that Kristen is not around, thinks maybe Chad might know where she is. Notes that Chad doesn't have much family, Theo in Africa, Tony/Anna in Europe, Stefano gone, might be in touch since no DiMeras around. Abby asks why JJ wants to know where Kristen is. Never mind, he jumps up and leaves. Julie comes out with a couple veggie burgers, no JJ, Abby decides she has to go as well, Julie will wrap them to go. That will work.

Eric burst into the Kmansion, wanting to help find Mackenzie, Maggie clues him in on her being found, he wants to see Sarah, Maggie protests that Sarah & Xander are upstairs, and should have private family time with their daughter. Lots of blah, blah, Eric tells Maggie Xander not the daddy, he is, she cannot believe her daughter would lie to her, yada, yada.

Upstairs, Xander & Sarah sit with Mickey, happy she is safe. Sarah knows she should put her to sleep, but cannot bear to be away. Xander assures her Mickey safe now, all is o.k. Then he kisses her, tells her he loves her, more kissing. She praises all he has done for Mickey, what a great father he has been. She takes Mickey upstairs, he slaps himself in head for kissing her. She returns, they sit together as they seem to be heading towards some kind of understanding. Eric burst in, Xander asks what he thinks he is doing. Eric came to see his daughter, Nicole told him everything, including the “fixed” paternity test. He wants his daughter. Sarah is doing her usual stricken look, being silent, but finally says Mickey is sleeping. Baby cries, Eric notes someone awake. Asks if she is going to get baby, or he will go himself. Maggie comes in, telling all to cool it, the loud voices woke the baby, probably scared her. Sarah goes to get Mickey, brings her down. Eric takes her, talks of how beautiful she is. Xander looks downcast. Eric is happy. My daughter.
Eric is just the worst. He's awful and selfish, and when people don't respond to his awfulness with perfect moral righteousness, he behaves even more awful. What a horrid character he's become. How dare he go charging over there and tell Maggie all of that without talking to Sarah first. After how quickly he dumped her when she left a marriage to be with him, he has no room to be so obnoxious about her choices.

Waking up the baby and making demands? Eww. And he'll blame Xander for all of this as if Sarah doesn't make her own choices, of course, because he doesn't easily accept that women have their own minds. I hope Xander didn't kill Jordan and that he gets to be with Sarah.

And I'm so over Abigail/Chad vs Gabi. Also, please get Gabi a sweater. Isn't it winter in Salem? What is she wearing?
At least, thanks to the jump, WE didn't have to wait a full year for this secret to be out. And have to watch mopey Nicole's face, and Sarah's silent stares. And I agree about sanctimonious Eric being judgy, but, to be fair, he did just find out that he had been played and lied to about something pretty important.

And, LOL, @Poirot, just flat out saying that Gabi is wearing a hooker outfit. Another hooker outfit!
Eric is such a jerk. "I want to see my daughter. I don't care she was kidnapped and was just returned. I don't care if she's sleeping. I want to see my daughter!" Ugh, it has turn out she isn't his!! But I will hate if she's Brady and Kristen's supposed dead baby. But Eric is awful. How he has 2 woman fawning over him is beyond me. I always liked Nicole and Brady and today only reinforced that.

It is still really weird to see Lani and Kristen bonding.
I get charging over the mansion, but what Maggie said made perfect sense and he blew right past that because it's all about Eric. The baby has just been returned to the home and parents she knows. She is sleeping. The house is peaceful. Take a breath and let's talk about this tomorrow. OR stay downstairs and demand to talk to Sarah. To go upstairs screaming and make that snide remark when the kidnap-victim baby wakes up is gross. He's disgusting. Nowhere in any of his behavior was actual concern for that baby. Compare that to the fact that Xander was willing to go to jail confessing to something that, personally, I'm not sure he did. Eric is totally awful.

I'll add that I agree about Nicole and Brady. When she said all Eric has ever done is love her, I screamed at the TV. Other than the terrible thing Brady did when she cheated on him with Eric, Brady has ALWAYS been there for her. Always. And usually without judgment--unlike Mr. Sourpuss.

I like the idea of reforming Kristen. That could be interesting. Characters like her and Xander are more interesting with they're sly and imperfect but human vs psychotic and doing crazy things. I loved the Gabi character for so long. I find her scenes now unwatchable--not because the actress is bad but because the character has been turned into another psycho doing crazy things.
Actually, Eric went over to the Kmansion, as he wanted to help in the search to find Mickey. He wanted to join in the search - do something to find the baby. And he got happy news!

Eric has been wronged for an entire year (not that I believe there are not more twists coming somewhere). As he said to Sarah, she lied to him repeatedly, and the love of his life withheld the knowledge. Eric feels very betrayed, as he should. In the past, Xander has tried to kill him a number of times, and this is the man who has been raising Eric's daughter. Eric has had to process a lot in just a few minutes, & so he rants at those who have been hoodwinking him for all this time.

Eventually, Eric will probably settle down, but right now, he just wanted to see his child that was hidden from him for so long.
What Noel said, only "cheerless" was putting it nicely. Thanks, Poirot.

I barely made it through yesterday's episode and had to fast forward parts of it. Today sounds even worse. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood for soaps or something but these stories are a combination of boring and irritating to me. I hope some of the issues will eventually work out to my liking but right now I don't like the direction anything is going.
Thanks, Poirot.

I only enjoyed Xander with Sarah. He kissed her. He told her he loved her. Then
grumpy Eric had to come in. It was cute when Xander said he was Mickey's "da"

Mickey wasn't happy with grumpy Eric either. Eric sort of smiled at the end, but
he was yelling too much for me. They woke up Mickey. What about Victor?
Maybe he sleeps with ear plugs

We got a little more information about Brady's daughter. Something happened
when the baby was born or maybe just before since Nicole wondered why
Brady not at the hospital waiting the birth.

Gabi remembered what happened with app with Julie's pacemaker when she was
on the couch with Eli. Is she thinking about doing something to Julie because
of Chad and Abby?
Thanks for the summary!

All I know is I would be more than upset if I had a child I didn't know about AND my supposed love ones didn't tell me for over a year! I'd probably be screaming too! And I still see lots of evil in Xander, so I would be upset to have him around my child too!