Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 3, 2020


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Dec 29, 2012
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First we have recaps of Steve talking to Kayla talking on the phone about DNA test being in. Allie talks about the DNA test with Tripp. Vincent telling Shawn and Ben more to the story.

Kate goes to the pub and talks to Roman about Allie. She tells him how some babies are made out of love and others are not. Roman figures out Allie raped. Roman talked Kayla about Tripp and Allie being in London at the same time. Kate tells him Allie says Tripp is the father and the rapist. Roman asks about Sami. Kate says Allie should tell her (When will Sami find out since everyone in Salem knows now?)

Allie tells Tripp she was surprised he agreed to a DNA test. He said what DNA test. Allie said Kayla took sample of Henry and she was running a DNA test. Tripp upset because he told Kayla he didn't want to do it. Tripp leaves. Kayla calls Allie to come to the hospital. The DNA result is in.

Tripp find Steve on the square and tells him what Kayla did. Steve said it was his idea to do the test not Kayla. He wanted to do the test to prove Tripp innocent. They leave to go to hospital.

Abby and Chad in their bedroom. Chad didn't go to service because he was in a meeting. Abby told him Hope not there. She said Jack and Jen found a letter Hope wrote and she couldn't come. Ben wasn't there either. Chad wondered if Ben went with Hope. Abby said she felt sorry for Ben and he's reformed. She told Chad she would feel the same way if she lost Chad. Abby then told Chad she saw Kayla and that Rolf had a plan
B to get Stefano back. Rolf was going to clone Stefano. Chad laughed. Chad asked how. Rolf was going to take cells and implant them. Chad laughs more. They both agreed it was creepy. They laughed about raising little Stefano and having to give Gwen a raise. Abby said Gwen needs raise now because of all the help she's doing for party. They start to make out on the bed.

Vincent tells Shawn and Ben the rest of the story. Ciara cried and said how much she loved Ben. She begged for mercy. Vincent asked Ben if Wendy begged for mercy. Probably not. Vincent said he killed her. Ben doesn't believe him. Back at the station, Shawn has to arrest Ben for attacking a police office and putting him in the hospital. Shawn said it was a felony. Shawn said he would talk to the DA to go easy on Ben. He would have to spend the night in jail since it was too late to get bail.

Gwen on the phone with Rolf. She told him she did his favor and he had to keep her secret. Jake overheard the last part when he came in. Gwen calls Jake a big rat. Jake wonders what plans she has since it was the 2nd time he heard her scheming on the phone. He's worried about Abigail. Gwen told Jake Abby trusts her and they were good friends. Jake said she doesn't have friends and she puts on a act because she doesn't care about anyone or is being honest. He said Gwen goes after things with a vengeance. Gwen tells him since he can't have Gabi he wants Abby.

Jake said he's not interested in Abby. Gwen implies he can't go without sex for a long period of time and he needs to put another notch in his bedpost. She said it was a DiMera trait to go after a brother's wife. She wondered when he fixed Abby's car if he wore a sexy wife beater (t-shirt). Jake implies there is someone in the mansion he was interested in, but not her or Abby (Kate at door listening)

Gwen leaves. Kate and Jake talk. Jake says he likes to push Gwen's buttons. Kate says she has nice buttons. Jake said Gwen was the last woman on earth he would be with. Kate mentioned what woman he wanted to be with. He mentioned Jennifer in fun, but said he liked bad girls. He leaves the den.

Chad and Abby in the bedroom and Gwen interrupts them. Gwen needs papers signed. Chad goes to check on the kids. Abby wonders if they should wait on the party because of Ciara's service. Gwen got very upset about that. She convinces Abby they should still do party that week.

Allie is at hospital to see Kayla. Kayla holding the papers. She told Allie that Tripp was coming to hear results too. Allie asked Kayla if she believed her. Kayla said it wasn't good for the family to pick sides. Steve and Tripp arrive. They are standing close to the nurse's station when Kayla opens the envelope. Kayla pulls out the paper. The DNA test says Tripp is the daddy.

(I think I got all of the important stuff)
Got my hopes up when Allie was going to be there for DNA reveal. Thought she would be shocked and lead to good story but nope. Let's do the old someone messed with DNA test, gee, they never do that. Or does Tripp have an identical twin that he knew nothing about, that just so happened to be in London, was spying on Tripp, saw him take Allie home and took advantage of her. I'm going to hate this. I wish they would have gone the other way. Could be good story.

I wish they would show US where Ciara is.

Be glad when the big anniversary, coming-out-of-a-coma party is done. I'm afraid it's going to be disappointing.
I for one person can NOT wait for Allie to be knocked off her pure white pedestal.

I'm not condoning rape, but are we ever sure a rape occurred? Yes, she remembers saying NO and a guy on her, but she also says she spent most of the time wasted.

I HATE this poorly written story.

And what in the world is Kate wearing around her neck? Historic Hubcabs of America??
SPECULATION: Allie admits being quite the party girl, and very easily could have met a guy (I am still betting Charlie) who slipped a date-rape drug into her drink. She was already wasted, so really went out of it. Tripp came along, had to carry her, got her home, and into bed. They were followed, the other guy just waited til nice guy Tripp left, went in, and .......well, we all know what followed. So, just remember, as of now, Allie has not met Charlie or even seen him. And when part of her fog lifted, she could remember Tripp being with her. He already said, she could not even walk. But her memory is still foggy, and yep, she could remember saying no, and a male being on top of her, but, bet she really doesn't remember who yet.

PURELY GUESSING here. The story is taking entirely too long to play out.
Jake: So he doesn't like his women "nice." Maybe, he ought make a move on Sami the next time that she's in town. ("Sami, you need a real man, not a mummy.")

Trippy: He's a medical student so he should immediately start researching the reasons for false positives in DNA tests and start asking questions. ("Dad, do you have any sons I don't know about? And how about my mom? I understand that she really got around.")

Kate: She appears to be quite the expert on hate boinks. Perhaps, she ought to relate the dirty details of the infamous EJ-Sami encounter.

Allie & Gwen: These two both need lessons in civility. Gwen calling Jake a rat isn't exactly helpful and Allie dumping on the hapless Trippy will make him even more determined to clear his name.

Ben: If he wants Vincent to die, he ought to inform all the other prisoners in the Salem jail about what he did to the popular Ciara. It would be rough justice if Vincent shared the fate of Fake Rafe who didn't get out Roman's lockup alive..
Ohhh, that would be perfect, for Vincent to suffer the fate of Fake Rafe. Good one, Dr. B. Love it.
I'm not watching the Tripp stuff until this storyline wraps up. I can't sit through a bunch of angsty conversations about how Tripp is a rapist, knowing it's all going to be undone with a plot twist we all see coming (or at least that we know will be undone somehow). It's too bad because I like the young actors playing Tripp, Allie, and Claire. They could be doing something much more interesting. Remember when people used to have fun on this show in between dark stories? You could have tension and adventure but through capers and things that didn't involve constant kidnapping, assault, rape and torture.