Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 7, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Brady is finishing up his fake run in the park, spots Eric, stops him, and proceeds to diss Nicole, always with a smile on his face, seemingly good natured, but very insulting. Eric keeps his cool, leaves.

Meanwhile, Eve returns from her horseback ride, Victor asking about her daughter, Eve admitting that it is confirmed, Ben Weston did kill Paige, she is dead. Victor is sorry, but glad she learned the truth, can put it all to rest. She thanks him, he asks for a favor, get out of his house. LOL. They go back and forth about Maggie keeping him from having her things thrown out the door, then Eve lowers the boom. Seems she is now CEO of Basic Black, being she owns the controlling shares, inherited from Deimos. Seems he quietly bought up all the outstanding shares, bequeathed them to her. She has the paperwork with her.

Victor is very annoyed, Brady comes rushing in, babbling something about Eve Donovan, til he spots her. She corrects him that it is Kiriakis, is very smiling, happy, nonchalant as she talks of being in the fold, then leaves the room.

Brady is beside himself, wants to know what Vic is going to do about this, Vic says nothing, YOU ARE! Vic then relieves Brady of all duties or anything to do with Titan, no Brady is no longer CEO. Sonny may not be here, but he always has kept his eye on the prize, unlike Brady. He mentions knowing Brady is drinking again, has not been to any meetings, despite Brady claiming to only have one once in a while. He talks of him running off to Canada , and returning but being distracted, not paying attention. So, now Brady has to prove himself to Victor, and get rid of that succubus (witch) Eve Donovan forever.

A series of scenes of Chad & Abby in bed, him wanting to spend the day there, but settling for just the morning, a roll in the sheets, kisses, hugs, love/honeymoon talk.

Kate is in the Pub, on the phone with Theo, explaining why she did not tell Chad about Theo helping her to expose Andre, etc. Jennifer comes in, hears tail end of convo, sits down and immediately goes into investigative reporter mode, asking questions about DiMera Corp. having lost 3 deals recently. Kate denies, but Jen has sources. Kate is curt, gets up and leaves. Later she meets up with Gabi, offering to have DiMera buy Gabi Chic (some successful company Gabi evidently started, who knew?) & Gabi can still run it. Gabi is hesitant, doesn’t want to work around Chad, Kate assures Gabi would only report to her, never even see Chad. Gabi has heard some things about DiMera losses, Kate claims it all not true, mentions their new PR person will be making a statement later. Kate runs off to a meeting, tells her to think it over, leaves, in comes the kissing couple, Abby & Chad. A bit awkward, but o.k. They invite her to have breakfast with them, Gabi declines, mentions Kate being there, making her an offer. Chad’s face shows he is not a happy camper about that.

Eric has run into Jennifer, they sit in the park, have a really nice conversation, are glad they are friends (amazing the weather is so nice they don’t need warm coats in November), & his work at the Horton Center.

Earlier, Gabi & Eli arrive at the cop shop for Eli’s first day, having dropped Ari at school. Eli went since Sonny was in Memphis. Rafe comes in, commenting he finally got there. Eli retorts he is 10 min. early. Rafe has a bruise on his face, says a perp got carried away. Gets a phone call, leaves. Eli & Gabi chat, she thanks him, they kiss, Rafe returns, scolds them, saying this is not a kissing booth. LOL, Gabi is right back at him…..oh, only for you & Hope, right? A bit of testy discussion, Gabi leaves. Rafe makes digs at Eli, who gives it right back, even reciting exact details of the drug problem on the docks, and finally telling Rafe, he knows Rafe doesn’t like him, but they are partners, Rafe is not his boss, and he has no right trying to send Eli on a coffee run. And now Eli says he figures that Rafe is really upset that he did not get the commissioner job, which went to his fiancée instead, but he is taking out his frustration on Eli. Rafe doesn’t think that is true, Eli gets a call, will be right there, tells Rafe they have a call on one of their cases.

Brady is drinking up a storm, talking to himself, mad about losing the CEO job, having to deal with Eve, and finally hitting on a plan.

Eve comes into the Kiriakis living room, Brady is nicely dressed, sitting. She says she doesn’t want to fight with him, that she adores Tate, and for his sake, can they just start fresh, with no animosity?

In come Eli & Rafe, evidently in response to a call Brady made about the murder of his uncle. He stands up, Eli asks if he knows who did it. Yes, replies Brady, you are looking at her, nodding in Eve’s direction.
Thank you, Poirot.

I agree, Noel. Brady is just a scum bucket, and I'm tired of him. They better not try to blame his behavior on that stupid amulet.

Sorry, I still don't buy Deimos and Eve being married. A little too much revised history for me.

Are we supposed to just forget how he chased Nicole? How he hunted for her the whole time she and Brady had their little love nest across the border? Yada yada yada
No, RS. It won't be blamed on the amulet. It will be blamed on having Demos' heart and just like having Daniel's heart, he just somehow KNEW that he needed to get to California because Daniel was drawing him to Summer. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Today was a bit of a filler but progressing, none the less, great acting! Looks like Eve is reliving the past I recall something similar happening with her and Nick Corelli, inheriting his money then accused of his murder. Though Brady's accusation at Eve killing Deimos will probably be blown off by the next episode. I almost think Gabi should work over with Eve at Basic Black. Also can I say, thank you writers for destroying "DJ WEAR" and bringing back Basic Black, which is a classic!
Brady doesn't have Deimos' heart. He still has Daniel's heart.
If Brady keeps up with his bad behavior, he just might have a cardiac emergency. After being rushed to University Hospital, Kayla would check him with a stethoscope and then dramatically announce to one and all: "It's Daniel's heart!! It wants to get out!!!" On other characters:

Sami: the Salem screecher wasn't on today. :):):):)

Eve: She is truly delusional. Being the head of the moribund Basic Black is like having a good cabin on the Titanic. And if Brady's "Eve-killed-Deimos" solution doesn't work out, there's always the lethal Xander option.

Eli: He may have a photographic memory and once passed Psych 101, but he's not off to the greatest start at the Salem P.D. For starters, who has their girlfriend walk them into the station house?And his telling Rafe, he still had five minutes to go before he was on duty was as unprofessional as smooching Gabi. If he tried that five-minutes line about a team meeting for the Salem U. football squad, the coach would have him running laps until midnight.

Jenny: She still thinks that the internal machinations of DiMera Enterprises are of interest to the average Salemite? If she wants to compete with the Intruder, she's going to have to start serving up heaping portions of scandals straight from the pig sty that is Salem society.
While I don't mind Eve being back because I like the actress her, but her and Deimos being married seems ridiculous. And he didn't have a prenup? So she gets everything. Guess I'll give it time.

When is Rafe going to stop being such a jerk?! Gabi is a grown woman, has a child, pretty sure she is going to date and big brother is just gonna have to get over it!!! Loved when he said it wasn't a kissing booth and Gabi said only for you and Hope. And get over Eli taking a shot at Raines to SAVE Gabi!! Not endanger her. He knew what he was doing. Ugh.

Don't like Brady being tasked with "eliminating" Eve.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm glad Victor knows Brady is drinking again. Too bad Victor
gave Brady the job to get rid of Eve because it made him drink.

Gabi gave Eli a lunchbox. She said she was sorry she couldn't get
one with the cast of Chicago PD.

It's been awhile since anyone mentioned the horses at the K-Mansion.
I wonder if Eve actually rolled in the hay with Lars?

I loved it when Gabi asked Rafe about him kissing Hope at the cop
shop when he got upset she was kissing Eli.