Days of Our Lives, Tues., Nov. 8, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Steve & Kayla are lighting candles in the church, Steve being thankful that Kayla was kept safe, and Kayla for Hope. They both are hoping the judge will be taking into consideration all that Stefano had done to Hope and her family though the years, when Andre walks in, making his usual snide remarks, wanting justice for his father. Kayla goes off on a rant of how Stefano tormented Hope, goaded her, etc. but Andre only talks of being framed for his father's death (I truly cannot stand him being the "son" now) & spending time in jail. Steve tells him the only reason he has not clocked him yet, is they are in church. Andre makes a few more nasty comments, referring to his father being in his grave, and finally departs.

Steve and Kayla almost leave, too, but go back in the church, as Steve talks of them finally getting it right, being in a good place. He takes a ring box from his pocket, saying she told him to keep this until they get it right. He thinks they finally have, gets down on one knee - Kayla, would you please marry me. She smiles, but sort of babbles, uh, oh, uh, til he says to just please say yes or no. Oh, yes, yes. Hugs and she wants to go home. Steve says no, Joey has his friends over tonight, and thinks of some place else they will go, telling her to guess.

Chad & Gabi are still with Vicky Bush, making it up as they go along. They went to high school together, had a thing, but, did not work out. Each married other people, had kids. Her husband died, then his wife died. They ran into each other again (this is all mostly Gabi faking it all, with Chad nodding). Chad offered her a job, it worked out, but they don't want anyone to really know they are a couple. Vicky decides she will endorse Chad, (Gabi is referring to her coming on to Chad, and being jealous) and let's keep this all between just us 3. In walks Brad Bush, who wants to know the secret, Vicky pretends it is just about Chad & Gabi being a couple. He buys it, wants to talk business, Vicky suggests Gabi can leave, but she is hungry, so they all go to the Pub. Under the table, Vicky is playing footsy with Chad's leg, he jumps, claims he saw a mouse. A bit later, she tries again, but gets Gabi by mistake. Brad gets a call, leaves the table, Gabi warns Vicky she will tell Brad how Vicky entertains his partners if she doesn't shape up. Vicky claims she was just having some fun, Brad returns, Chad asks if he has decided whether to invest, Vicky gives her seal of approval, Brad thinks the same, deal sealed. They leave, Chad thanks Gabi for saving the day. She checks her turned off phone, realizes JJ has been trying to reach her, and takes off.

Over at the Horton house, Jennifer has been trying to get the reluctant JJ to realize he has to tell Gabi about the one night stand. He is upset, Gabi is the best thing that ever happened to him, beautiful, smart, funny, could have had any guy, chose him. He figures he doesn't want to hurt her by telling her, will just break things off. Jen says she thinks Gabi would be hurt worse if he did that, instead of 'fessing up, reminding him that Gabi knows an awful lot about forgiveness. Later, JJ comes into the room as Jen is talking on phone to Adrienne, about their checks clearing, they now own the paper. He smiles when she hangs up, happy for them. He remembers that is where she & dad first met. (Picture of Jack on a side table shows now). Jen smiles, it is where they fell in love. JJ knows they had ups and downs, but never stopped loving each other. Jen emphatically replies, no never. No matter what, always loved each other.

Brady sits with his computer, wondering where the heck Theresa is, getting very late. She quietly enters the foyer, flashes back to her talk with Victor, who was her last chance, his refusal to help, he can't, Mateo is more powerful than he is. She shakes herself, saying "Showtime", goes into the room, pretending she has had a lot to drink already, oh, yeah, forgot to pick up Tate, Brady did. She pours herself a drink, is talking of feeling trapped for so long in the house, wanting to have fun. Brady is stunned, surprised, as she goes on, and on. When her back is to him, the agony is on her face, knowing she is hurting him. But she continues on. Brady tries to reason with her, proclaiming his love, praising her, knowing the stress she was under, watching out for him, taking care of Tate, promising to do more. She is near tears, but insists she wants to have some fun, grabs her purse, is goin out to do so. Brady is puzzled, perplexed. Later Victor comes in, Brady sitting in the dark, Vic tries to question him, Brady doesn't want to talk, but then does, going on how Theresa was acting, coming in drunk, and leaving to get more drunk. He doesn't understand, knows she was cooped up, but the danger is all over, and she just is acting so different. Victor asks a few questions, realizes Brady has no idea of the problem, just tells Brady quietly, he is sorry, so very sorry.

Steve has taken Kayla to a hotel room, filled with yellow roses, candles, etc. She laughs, he was pretty sure of himself. No, with her, she always keeps him guessing, and right now, he wants her so bad.

Gabi is with JJ, Jennifer has greeted and left them alone. She has explained about the dress, the business thing with Chad and the Bush couple. Is sorry her phone was turned off. JJ tells her he doesn't care, it doesn't matter. They kiss, a long kiss.

Chad sits in the study, looking at a brochure of some kind. Out in the foyer, Andre is about to come in, but takes a call. Hmmm, it is Laura, he asks how all is going with their mutual friend. His face changes.....What? How did that happen, you are her grandmother, were to keep an eye on her. He cusses. Bloody hell, she's gone? He mutters, Hmmm, where could she be.
I find it interesting that many fans on this board have previously speculated that Laura knew where Abby was all the time. Guess those on this board can stay one step ahead of the writers. No fools here.

Maybe they will have Abby "narrate" her story like they did with Chloe.
I had read speculation too but I am surprised that Laura has been hiding Abigail and working with Andre apparently. Why? She is letting her daughter believe that her daughter is dead? Guess I'll find out why sometime.

Theresa and Brady are breaking my heart. You can tell Victor knows why she's doing what she's doing but he can't let on. Sad situation.
Laura is a psychiatrist, so....would she be treating Abby? I mean Abby ran away from the hospital, so was it to keep her feeling safe?

My biggest problem is the liar, Andre. I knew his stupid story of being unable to stop Abby after she gave him the note for Chad was such a crock of baloney, and it truly disappointed me that Chad did not question him more.
Steve proposes to Kayla -- at last some romance for Days viewers. Now how about an uplifting wedding where nobody gets shot.

Andre entered a church today? If this isn't a sacrilege, it'd close to it. When Bishop Wright finds out, he'll probably arrange to have the place reconsecrated.

Vicki Bush is a real piece of work. If Giselle van Hopper knew that a married member of Salem's blueblood set was behaving like a tramp, she'd be appalled.

JJ should stop beating himself up. Salem men can't help themselves. It's in their DNA.

The Pub has tasty apple pies. Who knew? It would have been a nice touch if Caroline had appeared to promote the merits of Table Talk pies. After all, why should Wanchai Ferry get all the publicity?

Theresa and Brady: I can't even come up with a joke about this one folks. I'm just not paying any attention to it.

The confrontation between Steve and Kayla and Andre in the church just struck me as silly. I'll grant you if you look at it just the from the perspective of the cold letter of the law or since they were in church from the Ten Commandments namely "Thou Shall not Kill": Andre is riii- sorry my keyboard is acting up. Andre is rii- oh heck he's not wrong. But did he really expect anyone to feel compassion for Stefano? It just felt contrived.

JJ quit beating yourself up buddy, I really think it's going to turn out that what he thinks happened did not in fact happen. So should he even tell Gabi? I see his point about hurting her unnecessarily since he apparently doesn't remember the other woman. Yet at the same time Jennifer made some excellent points about how it would hurt Gabi more find out some other way. Plus Gabi does know the value of forgiveness big time. So JJ my advice is just tell her then you two adorable kids can past this.

Now as to the continuation of Chad and Gabi's "Evening in the Bushes" it was once again mostly filler that I could take or leave. But on the other hand I did love how My Gabi took down the blonde-haired blue-blooded bimbo. Now if she would show that much fire and backbone with Julie all will be right with the world. :)
I honestly hope that JJ is mistaken about the "amazing night", which might have consisted of a couple games of pool, a walk on the beach, or managing to outwit some con artists.
Just want to add that JJ said Gabi was the best thing to happen to him since Paige. So Paige was mentioned.

I too am tuning out the Brady/Jeannie T nonsense. The entire time he was talking to Victor I kept wishing it was John and/or Marlena he was confiding in.

Shocked that JJ and Jen were on 2 days in a row. Love their scenes together and the entire chat about The Spectator. I think the comment about hiring Abby was foreshadowing since we know she is alive.

Could Andre be blackmailing Laura? If not, maybe they are working together to keep Abby away from Chad? Very bizarre. We really don't know what Jen and JJ know at this point. One of them could know she is alive and be lying to the other.

I thought the Bush couple has overstayed their welcome. This should have been limited to one episode. Instead we get repetitive scenes with day players when we should have seen more with JJ and Gabi and perhaps Adrienne and Lucas.

So everyone was talking about Adrienne and Lucas yet they weren't even on. I like that Kayla and Jen are involved. I hope we see more family members at the actual wedding.
Steve and Kayla: :love::love:
Someone should run and tell Roman there's a new woman in town named Vicky. He
might have a good chance with her.

Where, oh where, has Victor gone? No snarky remarks about Theresa. He's going to
have to do that unless Brady is so dopey he can't tell what's going on at all.

Another day in Horton living room and we see Jack's picture.

The best part was Steve and Kayla. Romance in Salem :love:

It's official, Abigail is alive.. Andre must not be thinking. Where would she go?
Home, of course :)
Watching Theresa and Brady was sad and truly upsetting to see. Even I got kind of sensitive when Brady started crying about Theresa to Victor, that hurt feeling. For once it's nice to see Brady not feeling so entitled or self righteous not even judging Theresa for getting plastered. Poor Theresa, even she was shocked that Brady wasn't ready to throw her away. In the past the way Brady was written before he would have threw Theresa away so fast, but it's nice to see the character changing.

I'm also loving the JJ and Jennifer scenes as well. Jennifer is not being pushy or judgmental, she was a good mother and gave JJ an outlet to start to deal with the truth and how to tell Gabi. Nice to see that connection on screen.

The Bush couple remind me of one of those super overkill rich couples you see on "The Real Housewives of Wherever". Nothing but drama and no respect for each other.

Steve and Kayla scenes were fantastic. The Bush couple need to be taking some notes here!

I had a feeling in the very beginning that Andre had been keeping Abby hidden away and that Laura had known. Though I definitely was thrown off guard however and went into disbelief the way Laura ripped into Chad about Abby's memory. It seemed like she was grieving Abigail, so I suppose that was all a act. Interesting.
KathyLu, preach it sister!!! Being with Brady seems to be the kiss of death for any character. I don't understand how the writers can make this one character so unbelievably stupid. Every love interest of his always leaves in one form or another. At some point, the writers will have to remove the naiveté from the character. How can he still believe in love after everything that's happened to him? Seriously, what a dope! Ok, rant over.