Days of Our Lives -Tues., Oct. 16, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ciara is having a dream of Ben telling her he cares about her, wakes up as they almost kiss. Shirtless Tripp comes in with coffee for her, (he needs a shave) sits in bed, they talk of not having left it for 48 hrs., should they work on 72. Before you know it, they are going for another round, then later he is hungry, moldy food in kitchen, decide to go out to eat.

Claire is looking at photos in her phone, Ben is hiding behind a menu, she goes to wait on him, alas he has no money, just a glass of water. She feels for him, brings coffee & a plate of food she rummaged up in kitchen. As he eats, she talks of how Ciara & Tripp are always together, kissing, can’t keep hands off, Ben would rather she shut up, doesn’t want to hear it. He moved out because Ciara asked him to, she thought him being there was uncomfortable for Tripp. Claire can tell Ben cares about Ciara, he avoids, then talks of how he found this girl, accident, broken leg, he helped, that is what you do. She knew all about him, eventually came to believe in him, trust him, stood up for him to her mother. Yes, he fell for her. Claire tries to talk Ben into fighting for Ciara, he won’t, people would figure he was just what they always thought. He has been working hard to be better person, but he will never be with Ciara, having killed 3 women. Claire suggests they leave Salem then. She talks up a storm, admits she wants Tripp.

Then, over at the Horton house, JJ comes to see Abby, having talked to Mom, heard about the wig, etc. And Gabi has waylaid Chad at the Kmansion, asking how things went over at the Horton house, but actually, putting in her digs about having Abby committed, etc. Scenes go back and forth between these two, with Abby telling JJ she doesn’t think her alters returned, she doesn’t feel the same way in her head, is convinced that Gabi is somehow responsible. Gabi, meanwhile, is shown the wig Chad found, and goes on and on, about getting Abby help, Chad is appalled she is suggesting he have Abby committed. Oh, she did not say that……no, said it differently. Abby wants to see Marlena, but cannot just yet since Marlena was shot. She doesn’t want to see anyone else. JJ gets a text from Hope, who wants to see him, Chad goes to see Thomas. Gabi looks as he walks upstairs, guess it is time for Plan B.

Rafe & Hope sit in the cop shop, talking of the long list of people who are not happy Ben was released. They have no leads on Xander & Kristen, cops in 3 states are on the lookout. Back to Ben, the can, the prints. Gee, where did the print come from. Rafe notes they have them on file there in the station. Yada, yada, they focus on JJ, former cop, now an EMT, in and out of station doing reports, etc. Knows how to access the prints. They call him in.

JJ denies being responsible, would not do that, Hope believes him. Chit chat. He leaves. Gabi has texted Abby asking her to come over to the Kmansion, will explain when she gets there. Abby says 30 min. Gabi readies things, putting drugs into a tea cup, then looking around for somewhere to hide the wig, she is putting it under a chair cushion, turns, there is Abby. Thought you said 30 min. Abby says Gabi made it sound urgent, so she hurried. Gabi asks how long were you standing there.

After JJ left the cop shop, Rafe & Hope are going to go over the list, who planted the can, should talk to those who lost loved one because of Ben…..but Hope says something is missing, then suddenly says it isn’t anyone on this list. I know who did it.

JJ runs into Chad, they talk of finding the wig. JJ tells of talking to Abby, and there could be another explanation…..

Claire is still talking herself blue in the face to Ben, wanting him to work with her to break up Tripp & Ciara. She finally says they will be helping Ciara, before things go too far, and she gets hurt. Ben caves at last, and agrees to help. They shake hands on it. Along comes Ciara & Tripp…she wants to know why they are shaking hands.
Sounds decent enough from the write up. Thanks Poirot! I originally liked the idea of Tripp (Steve's son) and Ciara (Bo's daughter) together. With heritage like that they may have had the potential to be the super couple of the next generation but alas...she does have more chemistry with Ben!

I wonder who Hope thinks planted evidence. I hope it's not Tripp because we already have Joey in jail for murder, Steve being held on trumped up charges so I'm thinking we don't need another one of their family members in trouble! Did I miss where he's cared his dad has disappeared???? Admittedly, I may have hit fast forward at some point.
Did I miss where he's cared his dad has disappeared????
To my knowledge, no one has addressed the situation (of Steve being arrested and gone) with Tripp onscreen. I guess we have to pretend Kayla called Tripp and Stephanie to let them know, and wrote a letter to Joey (or however he can receive communication from family).
Maybe Days will surprise us........I don't remember that Tripp knew where that cabin was located...not that he wasn't told or found out some way. Honestly don't know of any other way for anyone to get his fingerprints
I am hoping that they are catching on to Gabi now. I loved her "oh I didn't say have her committed". Umm not those words but yes you did. Why does Chad keep listening to her. I am hoping Abby saw her with the wig and declines the drink. Or switches them.

Would have been nice when Rafe said about JJ concerning Ben, "well he did kill his girlfriend" and my half sister!! I still wish it would be Hope that planted the evidence so she will lose her job!! But it doesn't seem like it. I still think Tripp which will put a wrench in his relationship with Ciara so Ben can pick up the pieces.

I was hoping Ben would continue to have sense and not get involved in Claire's scheme. You could see it coming a mile away that Ciara and Tripp would walk up as they were shaking hands which was really stupid thing to do in public.
No Kristen, Bonnie, or Mimi today, which made it a decent episode regardless of what was on screen.

Rafe and Hope: If they are looking for somebody with a motive and access to Ben's fingerprints, they ought to direct their attention toward Little Trippy. The one-time medical-records forger badly wanted Ben gone from the loft and had access to many good prints that Ben would have left on numerous objects there. It's also likely that he would have learned from Ciara where the cabin was.

Hope: She thinks that all Salemites hate Ben. Really? He had his breakfast right in the middle of the Town Square and not one person had a harsh word unlike the fallen Father Eric who caught serious flak from some passerby after the sex tape incident became common knowledge.

Ben: He's making a big, big mistake if he gets involved with one of Claire's crack-brained schemes. Any time she says things like "trust me," "I'm really good at this kind of thing," and "I'm so sure of it," it's time to run in the opposite direction.

Gabi: She talks way too much -- so much that she'll talk her way back into prison. The master of revenge schemes, Stefano DiMera, never talked endlessly during his evil plots, he just acted, usually through hired help so he could keep his hands clean.
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I agree. At this point it's just a horrible story.

I find it hard to believe that Victor wouldn't have some kind of surveillance cameras in that mansion.
They had one when Melanie fell, I thought...oy this story is so awful.

If Abby doesn't get wise to Gabi by tomorrow, I no longer care. I actually hope Gabi poisons (not fatally) Arianna so she can lose custody for real and we can be rid of Gabi forever.
Thanks, Poirot.

A new day in Salem and we see Ciara's bedroom.

I enjoyed Abigail surprising Gabi getting to the mansion early. Did see
something? Will she lie to Gabi if she did?

Since Rafe mentioned it might have been cop who planted evidence,
would someone to that to get Hope in trouble
. Why plant the evidence
after the first search and hope someone would go back again?

I agree with Claire with all the "Ews" when she saw the pictures of
Tripp and Ciara. Did they take pictures of themselves in bed? Will
Hope see them?

Line of the day goes to Ben when he talks to Claire if he dated Ciara,
"Brady family reunion. This is my boyfriend Ben"