Days of Our Lives - Tues., Oct. 23, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Give Greg Vaughan his Emmy…..Wow! Kate is sipping a drink, knocking at door, it’s Gabi, who is eager to hear what Chad said after Kate told him her big lie, of seeing Abby in the Gabby wig, and how she attacked her. Kate is not happy, she knows Chad is very hurt, but Gabi lists all the reasons she feel Abby wronged her, venom in her voice, refusing to allow for it being Abby’s alter who lied on the witness stand. Since she can probably not have any more children, she is taking Abby’s child, and her husband, will raise Thomas with Ari. Now she wants Kate to go to hospital, to make sure Chad to Abby to get checked. Kate is reluctant, once again Gabi threatens to tell Chad of Kate handing Titan business secrets to Stefan, Kate caves (hey, Kate, Gabi is going to hold that over you forever). They both are drinking, Gabi does get rather vicious.

Meanwhile, Chad, Jennifer & JJ are discussing Gabi’s tale of being attacked by Abby, as Abby walks in, saying it is all a lie, Gabi drugged her, is not her friend. Abby even suggests that Gabi may have given herself the smack on the forehead. But, while they all are kind, it is very apparent they are believing Gabi’ tale. Abby finally agrees to see another doctor at the hospital, to prove she is fine, is herself, no alters appearing, etc. JJ seems a bit reluctant, though, isn’t all that sure Gabi hasn’t been telling the truth. He leaves. The others go to the hospital, where Kate shows up, happy to see that Abby is going to see a doctor.

Gabi arrives back at the Kmansion, talking to herself, she has a headache from the bash she gave herself on the forehead, needs some aspirin, rummages thru her purse, finds the bottle of pills. Should get rid of them, but Abby may just need one more dose. Back in her purse, and she leaves the room, evidently to go find some aspirin. JJ arrives, calling for Gabi, no answer. He goes into the room, spots Gabi’s purse. Hesitates, flashes back to Abby saying she thinks Gabi drugged her. JJ begins to search Gabi’s purse.

At the hospital, Will is calling Sonny, checking on Ari, learns she wants to learn to play drums. They joke, Will is saying he just wanted to hear his voice. Unbeknownst to Will, Paul has wheeled up behind him, big grin, until he hears Will’s comment. Will realizes Paul has come out, ends the call. Is surprised Paul out of the room, Paul wants to have some fresh air, smell the fall leaves, wants Will to take him outside for a bit. Will agrees, and they are in the square. Paul asks who Will was talking to on the phone, as he heard him say he wanted to hear the voice. Will admits it was Sonny, who comes up, immediately saying he called Will, and it was Ari. Grateful Will mentions the drums, they all small talk for a while, with Sonny mentioning Vic has lost patience with Susan, wondering if they can get a room for her at Martin House. Paul says their room will be vacant, as Will found them a wheelchair accessible apt., which surprises Sonny, did not know they were moving……. and finally Will takes Paul back to hospital. Sonny sits, thinking, finds some item on the floor, picks it up, Will arrives looking for it. Yes, got Paul back, has to get back to hospital himself. He thanks Sonny for covering for him about the phone call, they chat a bit, how hard it has been to be away from each other, but Will knows he is doing the right thing.

Back at the warehouse, Eric is trying to go back inside, screaming for Nicole, more explosions, fire, Eric still wants to go back in, Sami & Brady restrain him. The mystery patient sits quietly in the wheel chair, not even moaning in pain, blanket over him. Brady takes a look, he is bad, needs to get to hospital. Eric is still trying to go back in, Brady says Holly is with a shopkeeper across the street, he & Sami are holding Eric back, he promised to take care of Holly for Nicole, cannot go back on his word. Finally a firefighter comes, they will take care, get out of here, as more fire erupts.

They are all t the hospital, Eric is a basket case, he yells at Brady this is all his fault, he goes on, truth spilling out, as Brady just stands there, Sami trying to shut Eric up, he might say something he will regret later. But Eric blames Brady, he recorded her, she was trapped, Xander got hold of it. He promised Nicole he would not leave her, Sami is teary as she says if he had gone back, he would not have come out, she could not lose him. She already urged Brady to go talk to police, see if any info. He has mentioned Holly had very little smoke inhalation, is fine. He leaves, Sami continues to talk to Eric. He is brokenhearted, she trying to console him, he notes she would not have left without EJ, would she? (yep, Sami, the heck with your children). She admits she doesn’t know if the man was EJ or not, face burned. Eric says he will be o.k. she should go, he will be fine. She hurries out.

Eric is praying to God to let Nicole live, to save her, behind him, Brady enters the room. Listens as Eric talks of losing Nicole once, then again, just cannot lose her now, again. He senses Brady, turns, Brady has news. Firemen got the blaze under control. Eric wants word of Nicole. A fireman arrives, tells Eric there were no survivors. They search the place, found nothing, except this…..handing Eric the medal on a chain he had given to Nicole. The fireman says please accept his condolences.

Sami walks into a room, the patient in the bed has completely bandaged face, with a breathing tube in mouth. Sami stands by the bed. Says…EJ??
Thank you, Poirot.

Oh my goodness. Why doesn't Kate just shoot Gabi already!?!?! She has taken out scarier people than this psycho want-to- be witch. Cancel that last comment. Calling Gabi a witch isn't fair to witches.

Does anyone know how much longer we have to put up with Sami in Salem ?

I hope Nicole's "death" doesn't push Eric over the edge with drinking again.
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Can’t believe Kate is letting Gabi blackmail her. Kate would have handled Gabi one way or another, not let her manipulate her like this. I wish Kate would have Gabi kidnapped and brought to some remote island or place far from Salem. I hope JJ finds out the truth and confronts Gabi. But if that happens, will Gabi let JJ inform his family or will she knock him out and stash him somewhere? She is crazy. Reminds me of how nice Kristen transformed into devious evil Kristen in 1996-1997. No turning back after that. Once she became crazy and evil, she never could go back to being sweet and nice.
I am suspecting tunnels. DiMeras love those things........Rolf escaped, as did Xander........while Kristen stood...I am not afraid. The fire chief did not find any remains.....and if there were people there, SOMETHING would have been left, since the FD got the "fire under control. ". Sami not only got out with the mystery patient, but from the room where it started. As Dr. Baker noted elsewhere......the bldg. was all concrete, steel, yet, the fire spread, along with multiple explosions........what the heck caused the explosions???
The Days writers would probably just ignore that history so they wouldn't have to explain the absence of a scar. Same from when Will shot EJ.
Why would EJ still have a scar?? Nobody else in Salem has scars from their various misadventures. Salem is truly a scar-free community. As for other characters:

Nicole: If there's not a single trace of her in Kristen's house of horrors, it's a virtual certainty that she'll be back at some future date, perhaps with a dramatic story of being rescued by Xander and then being held prisoner in a Greek villa.

EJ: He's certainly proving versatile. Yesterday, we had Blanket EJ and today it was Mummy EJ. Many viewers probably prefer these versions of EJ to the old smug, smarmy, amoral EJ.

Eric: He's certainly brought his outraged anguish routine up a several notches. As for his angry blasts at Brady, the ex-priest seems to have forgotten all about the virtues of forgiveness. It might have made for a good scene if when Eric was loudly ripping into Brady, a doctor had appeared to tell him to shut up because he was scaring the patients.

Gabi: If JJ doesn't find the incriminating pills in her purse, the friends of Abigail should hide a few cameras in the K-mansion living room and arrange a counter-set-up to trap Kate's revenge-crazed little partner in crime.
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Gabi and Kate: *sigh* The strange thing is if Gabi had NOT messed with the paternity test and was just doing the gaslighting I Abigail I could get on aboard to an extent. Don't get me wrong, I still wouldn't like that either, it's always wrong to drug a pregnant woman and drag her all over creation I'm just saying that listening to her explain her motivations to K ate I understood what's driving her. But this is just so over the top its getting to be a chore.

At this point I'm sticking with it because I find Camila Banus (Gabi) so captivating I just enjoy watching her even thought I'm displeased with Gabi right now. But still I refuse to give hope for some redemption for her I mean it's not like she's planning on selling the baby on the market/ I'm just saying. :wink:

And on a somewhat related note I have to ask why do Gabi and Will continue to act like Sonny soul custody of Arianna? If I didn't know any better I would think he was her biological father not Will I mean it's great that he's stayed in Ari's life but it's like he's her primary caretaker and its kind of starting to drive me nuts.
Will was "dead" and Gabi in prison. Sonny WAS the sole caregiver and only parent she had for quite some time. Right now, Sonny has no job, Gabi no apartment, and Will is caring for paralyzed Paul. Plus Will just got memory back. I preferred when the 3 parents lived together, lol. things will be changing, I am sure.
Gabi does get rather vicious.
When did Kate soften so? Normally people who try this with her get locked up or her special recipe brownies.
isn’t all that sure Gabi hasn’t been telling the truth
Wow. The hubris and idiocy required to make this story "work" (I use that term very loosely) is astounding. Gabi is a multiple lying felon - and I've given her a pass on Nick (he was abusive) and even Melanie/Andrew (she didn't intend for it to spiral as it did). This is all intentional and is ruining her character.
Will takes Paul back to hospital. Sonny
I can't deal with this story, either. I miss the strong Paul who accepted that Will/Sonny could reunite if Will's memory returned. His saving Sami (who happens to be Will's mother) has no bearing on their relationship.

Also - we're resurrecting people left and right, and we can't fix a measly spinal injury? Not even in Salem.
screaming for Nicole, more explosions, fire, Eric still wants to go back in
Good acting. Bad story. No Emmy® from me.
Eric says he will be o.k. she should go, he will be fine.
These were nice scenes. I like the John/Marlena family. But again - empty of any meaning, and spoiled by Sami's gasbaggery about her rapist.

Though I'll admit I'm pleased that we don't have confirmation about who the heck this glorified corpse is.
handing Eric the medal on a chain he had given to Nicole. The fireman says please accept his condolences.
You knew this was going to happen. Again - no body, no remains - no death. Don't cry Eric. (And certainly don't spend the next 4 years gassing on about Nicole and searching the world for her.)
I'm so sad that Nicole is ending this way and that she was only on for 2 weeks!! I know we all know if they want her back she won't be dead. Heck probably taken by Rolf to perform his magic. I have to say I was disappointed at the end that the bandaged person wasn't Nicole! Speaking of which, apparently they are gonna go that way with why he doesn't look like EJ. I hate when shows do that! I think Dynasty started it with Steven. We don't need an explanation. We understand actors change. It's just dumb.

Please please let Gabi's downfall start!! I'm sure JJ will be caught before he finds the drugs. But it needs to start ending. I totally sympathize with Gabi and have to agree with her that Abigail gets away everything but enough already.
Thanks, Poirot.

Poor Ari. Will is occupied with Paul and Gabi is running around trying to get
Abby committed. Gabi should be spending time with her daughter.

I figure JJ opens the purse and Gabi returns. Maybe Gabi will lose
her cool and JJ gets suspicious.

The fire chief said no survivors. He didn't mention any bodies. Are
Xander, Rolf, Kristen and Nicole alive?