Days of Our Lives - Tues., Oct. 25, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Victor is in the Kmansion, meeting with Deimos, tells him he intends to retire to spend more time with Maggie, that he has not been going to the office and she seems better. He says he has a few ideas for who will be running Titan. Deimos gets a call, tells the person to go straight from airport and get her, call him. He tells Victor that he found out from Nicole that he really is the father of Chloe's baby, wants her back here in Salem. Vic is assured Nicole was telling the truth, advises Deimos to take possession of his son the moment he is born.

Nicole is at Daniel's graveside (where else?) saying how much she misses him, especially when she screws up. She talks about what Chloe told her in confidence, but she blabbed to Deimos, who was enraged. Maggie, on crutches, comes up behind her, thinks perhaps she needs a friend. They sit, Nicole admits she does, she talks of what she did, how her feelings for Deimos are so intense, how she broke her word to Chloe. Maggie comforts her, they hug, say ing they love each other.

At the cop shop, Rafe is insisting on taking the blame for shooting Stefano, he can sell it, Roman insisting he needs backup about it. They have no idea what Aiden is holding over Hope, but both want to help her. They argue back and forth, but finally agree that both will go see the deputy mayor and tell their story.

Theo is at Abe's bedside, telling him how the power is back on, he went to the house, threw everything out of the frig and freezer, cleaned up, bought new food so there will be some there when his dad comes home. Kayla comes in, hopes Abe can leave soon, too, but he does need surgery to remove the bullet fragments. Though the first surgeon refused to come because of the siege, she has another, twice as experienced. In comes Valerie Grant, someone Abe knew years ago. Kayla & Theo leave, Abe catches Valerie up on his life, how he would not have been a good husband back then, but that changed when he married Lexie, 20 years, but she died 4 years ago. Yes, Theo is our son, the light of our lives. She has gone over his charts, x-rays, is read to do the surgery.

Out in the hall, Julie arrives, recognizes Valerie, happily greets her, but Dr. Grant is rather aloof, has to go now for Abe's surgery, barely replies when Julie talks of catching up later. Julie is puzzled.

Theo & Ciara wait word, Kayla says Abe is out of surgery, went well, Theo insists on seeing him now, Kayla tells him he can see through the window. Theo & Ciara watch, as Dr. Grant tends to Abe, who has a breathing tube, is hooked to machines, when suddenly he flatlines. Kayla rushes in, grabs a cart, paddles, both doctors get ready to tend to Abe.

In the hotel room, Hope is berating Aiden, telling him this is rape, that what Chase did to Ciara was rape, this is rape. Aiden looks shocked, no, no. But Hope is on a roll, he forced her to come there, what does he call it. Aiden is a bit contrite, loves her so much, is sorry, just wanted her to see he never stopped loving her. Hope bitterly refers to all the lies, to how they met, with him always planning to kill her. She goes through the litany of things Aiden has done to her.....Love? Aiden is sorry, wanted them to be happy. Really? Do you really want me to be happy. She reminds him he threatened her, he claims he never would send her to prison, but she notes he also threatened Rafe & Roman. Aiden is taken aback, has tried his excuses, but deflates at last, realizing all he has done was wrong. He is blowing out the candles, keeps saying he is sorry, yes, it is all over, erases the tape on his phone, gives her a copy, telling her it is the onlty one, she can go, but he has one last thing to do, wants her to go with him.

Nicole sees Deimos in the square, asks him to give her a minute. He is reluctant, but listens. They have a rather semi-civil conversation, about her friendship with Chloe, why she broke her work to her good friend, how she wanted Deimos to have his child, knows he would be good father, wanted Chloe to see that, figured she could help him do so. He asks what she did in 2012, Vic mentioned something. She says it is when she lost her baby, but also how she did not want the father to know it was his, that friends helped her, that it was wrong of her, and she paid for that, as she lost the baby.

Deimos has no sympathy, but she explains how she did not trust the father, so understood how Chloe felt. She was hoping she & Deimos could put it all behind them now, mentioning that she hopes Chloe is still talking to her. He asks if Chloe is mad at her. She guesses so. He gets a call, gets angry, says "Just find her", hangs up, is enraged as he says Chloe has disappeared. Then, pointing his finger, he is yelling that she has to have warned Chloe. You told her, didn't you. He is very angry, as he finally departs, telling Nicole that he will never forgive her.

Rafe & Roman are with the deputy mayor, receiving praise for handling the siege, etc., as Roman & Rafe start to try and say why they are there. But in comes Hope & Aiden, with Hope asking what is going on, the deputy saying the two men had something to tell him, but Aiden saying it is about me, I am resigning. He claims he let his personal feelings for Hope interfere with his doing his job properly, and so he is resigning. The deputy says it is a bad time, he says he will try and make the transition as smooth as possible, and will fax any help he can be from Portland if they need it. He is going to be where his son is, he needs him. Aiden, Roman & the deputy mayor go to his office to go over some things, Hope & Rafe hug, it is all over. Roman comes out, they all jabber a bit, Aiden comes out, calling Roman back to the office. Rafe & Hope hug, Aiden sees them, smiles a bit, leaves.

Hope has explained to Rafe about the recording, shows him the copy, all over now, more hugs, she asks if he will take her back. He says he will think about it, pulls her back, hugs.

And in another place, Andre sits listening to the recording play, a big satisfied grin on his face.
Aiden almost had me in tears when he was realizing what he was doing and how low he has sunk. Guess I'm glad the writers aren't totally throwing him under the bus again. He did love Hope and she loved him too!

I still wish they had just had Aiden step aside and let her deal with Bo coming back then they could have lived happily ever after. And I've always thought if someone had been threatening her children, Hope would probably agree to kill someone, too. Just saying.

And really still not feeling Hope and Rafe as a couple. I hope it doesn't last. But how interesting Andre has the recording? Gonna miss Aiden and Daniel Cosgrove again.
When Aiden was leaving and saw Hope all lovey-dovey with Rafe, proclaiming her love saying it's all over, seems like an evil gleam came into his eyes. Next thing you know, Andre has a copy of the recording.

I bet if Hope had been a little more cordial (even just faking it), wished Aiden well, maybe shook his hand, he'd have left and been done. But her snuggling with Rafe just seemed to flip his switch again. He wasn't even all the way to the door before she was cuddled up to Rafe.
Agree about the Hope-Rafe PDA. Those two should really have kept a lid on it until the apparently "reformed" Aiden walked out the door and took the first plane to Portland. As for the other woman who was appealing to a badly-flawed man's better side, Nicole, she should give up on ranting-raving Deimos sooner rather than later. Sure, he has spasms of good, even generous, behavior, but when things don't go his way, all his demons come out to play. Regarding Salem's latest miracle surgeon, Dr. Valerie Grant, was it medical malpractice for her not to go to the grave of Salem's secular saint, Dr. McScruffy, before operating on Abe? If she had, the mayor never would have had his faux medical crisis at the end of the episode. Finally, a word about yesterday's episode. If there was going to be a scene with Kate sitting in the Town Square there couldn't have been a more appropriate background than a large spider's web.
When Aiden was leaving and saw Hope all lovey-dovey with Rafe, proclaiming her love saying it's all over, seems like an evil gleam came into his eyes. Next thing you know, Andre has a copy of the recording.

I bet if Hope had been a little more cordial (even just faking it), wished Aiden well, maybe shook his hand, he'd have left and been done. But her snuggling with Rafe just seemed to flip his switch again. He wasn't even all the way to the door before she was cuddled up to Rafe.

I'm sorry, maybe that's because I'm one of the few who happen to like Hope with Rafe, but this seems like blaming the victim to me. No offense, JS, as you know, most of the times, I agree with you and I appreciate your posts a lot. But I can't fault Hope for anything Aiden is/was/has been doing. It's all on him. And not matter what anyway, the truth was bound to come out sometime (about Hope killing Stefano, I mean). So, again, blaming Hope and Rafe... nope, doesn't work for me.
I can see both JS's point and yours, TheWriter. I think Hope and Rafe could've been smarter about that, given Aiden's history. But that doesn't mean they're responsible for his behavior at all--there is no excuse. I am glad this storyline looks like it's over, although Andre will still be lingering around. On the other hand, it also frees up Hope and Rafe:sick:.

The scenes with Abe were the best in today's episode, though I did like Maggie and Nicole's interaction. But I digress: this part with Julie and Valerie looks like it could be intriguing.

I don't like Nicole and Deimos so I'm glad he's apparently not forgiving her (but I'm sure he and Chloe will in time). That said, I'm so tired of Nicole begging before a man that mistreats her. Please, get her a new storyline and fast.
Lexie, 20 years, but she died 4 years ago. Yes, Theo is our son, the light of our lives. She has gone over his charts, x-rays, is read to do the surgery.

Out in the hall, Julie arrives, recognizes Valerie, happily greets her, but Dr. Grant is rather aloof, has to go now for Abe's surgery, barely replies when Julie talks of catching up later. Julie is puzzled.
This was the episode for me. And Theo. Nice scenes.

Rafe - please, confess to the murder. Get the gas chamber. Go on the lam. Whatever. Take Hope with you.

Aiden - revelation great. Leave and don't come back until you (unlike EJ or Deimos) have really changed. And if/when you do return, stay away from Hope, please.

Deimos - go poison someone instead of harassing Nicole. (Hope is on my nerves, try her. We'll think of a reason later.) You're not Daniel or EJ or Eric so you can't get away with this shabby treatment of Nicole.

Valerie - HOLY SMOKES I'm not one to get superficial but I don't think this actress has aged a day since her time on Melrose Place. She looks identical but with a different haircut. Super curious as to what's up with Julie. Perhaps there's a Banning bouncing around somewhere???

He says he will think about it, pulls her back, hugs.
Well there go my hopes for this couple. Let's move on now. I still want to care about these characters separately...please let's not focus on the "lerv" affair between them.

As to André, I really hope he got that recording on his own. After all, this man has killed or pretended/attempted to kill dozens of Salemites, and struts about town in ill-fitting coats with impunity. He probably has had Aiden bugged this whole time.
So I'm watching right now. The grief-stricken fiancee routine is old. Only because everyone else has moved on from the deaths of their loved ones. We are coming up to the 1 year anniversary of Bo's death, we just passed Will's. I feel like they glossed over it because of the terrible trio.

Please writers, I beg you, enough of Daniel Jonas, you're really making me hate Nicole, and I really used to like her. She was awesome. This is character assassination.

On a positive note: Ari Zucker (Nicole) kills it with whatever they give her.

edited to write out text-speak - also to add character's name - JS
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I'm already calling Valerie the new "save the day" doctor. Will she save Abe tomorrow? :)

When Victor retires, will he still wear suits? I'm surprised he wasn't very snarky today
about Nicole or Chloe.

I laughed when the Deputy Mayor told Roman he was proud of the Salem PD and wanted
to have a ceremony next week. We heard yesterday the town was terrorized for a month.

I'm glad Aiden finally woke up and decided to leave town. It was interesting to hear Aiden
tell Hope that technically they were still married. We've been wondering about that one.

I can't believe Nicole still wants to be with Deimos. I hope after today she no longer does.
It would be a good idea for Nicole to take a step back (more like 20 steps back) and get some therapy for her attraction to men who abuse and mistreat her. She made so much progress in loving herself and making better choices.

I understand (to a point) that Deimos had an appeal to him, especially when he played the piano and the wrongfully accused brother of Victor. He even seemed to "change" because of his love for Nicole and near death experience from being pushed in the river by Kate. However, after he spoke to Nicole and berated her, I was saddened that she still wants to be with this man.

Her therapist can't be Marlena, because that's Eric's mother and there would not be any mutual respect there. So they need to bring in someone else. Maybe Maggie can help her realize that she deserves much better than that. Nicole should not regress and become the victim again. She is a lot stronger and has learned to love herself. I really hope the writers will reflect that in their writing for this great character.
Today was okay to me, at least some of these storylines are starting to progress. Deimos and Nicole I am just so over it already, there is absolutely no redemption for Deimos for Nicole in my opinion. Completely selfish and Nicole was right about making the comparison of Deimos to EJ. He was his doppleganger there for a moment.

I thought Valerie Grant did a splendid job on her first return back to Salem. I also wonder what was with that awkwardness around Julie. You can tell Julie noticed Valerie being dismissive of her besides Abe's surgery. Think Theo will probably have a fit tomorrow with Valerie.

And finally Aiden.....I don't feel sorry for him nor was I upset over his pity. Leave with the tail between your legs running while you still can. Because, I absolutely loved smiling Andre's face at the end of the episode listening to Hope's confession.
After annoying me last week, Deimos goes even further with his bashing of Nicole today, making me more determined to have this character leave Salem and not return. Nicole also annoyed me begging Deimos to forgive her. I was telling her through the TV to just move on, she doesn't need that pig! I really hope now Deimos never has a child of his own, he doesn't deserve one, except Xander (if Xander is his son). I'm glad Chloe disappeared on him.

Also, Victor in his usual misogynist mode annoyed me when he told Deimos to take his "son" away from Chloe. Chloe doesn't deserve to have her baby taken away from her. Also, unless I missed something on the show, I don't think Chloe has had a test to determine the gender of the baby and it could be a girl. Leave it to the chauvinistic Kiriakis clan to think all babies related to them will be boys (even though this baby is not Deimos', but Victor and Deimos think it is).

Bye, Aiden. Don't let the door hit you on your way out of town. You and your son Chase will not be missed in Salem, thanks to the writers throwing both of you under the bus. Hope and Rafe better enjoy their time together. Based on that grin on Andre's face at the end of the show, their time together is very short lived.
Clearly there was some type of behind the scenes battle considering this abrupt change in storyline for Aiden. Overall, I'm glad he is seemingly reformed and not dead. If they are not bringing Jack back, I wouldn't mind seeing them try him out with Nicole or Jennifer in the future. Or give him a twin brother. I like the actor and he has chemistry with many on the cast.

I still wish they had just had Aiden step aside and let her deal with Bo coming back then they could have lived happily ever after. And I've always thought if someone had been threatening her children, Hope would probably agree to kill someone, too. Just saying.

I agree. Rafe should have been a non-factor in all of this. But similar to Sami and EJ, somebody within TPTB has it in their heads that Rafe and Hope are the new it couple so everybody else is thrown under the bus to prop that couple.

As to André, I really hope he got that recording on his own.

Stefano almost always had cops working for him. Andre has been written as rather comical for the past year but it would be within character if he had his own plants at the Salem PD.

I have no use for Deimos anymore. It seems like they are using him to replace Daniel within the Kiriakis family. All of the attention is around him whether he airs or not. And he is being written as a lead too. Yet Bo Brady's son is in Hong Kong. And yes, Nicole should stay far far away from him. And I think what Deimos has said to Nicole in the past week is far worse and unjustified than anything anyone else has said to her. She and Eric had made their peace up until the accident. Eric had apologized profusely to her as well so I don't put him in the same category as Deimos. King Daniel never apologized for the way he treated her--he just finally decided he wanted to be with her and she went along with it. EJ became a typical Dimera over time.

Enough with the Daniel grave visits, the Daniel mentions, the Daniel shrines, the Daniel wings at the hospital, the gifts from Daniel, etc. ENOUGH.

Valerie seems a bit young but I think the actress looks youthful. I know she's in her 50s. I'm intrigued by the Julie scene.