Days of Our Lives - Tues., Oct. 3, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A bit slower show today, as various couples talk over, at length, the failure of either couple to get married, and the claim by Ben, that Will is not dead.

At DiMansion, Kate talks with Andre, telling him all about the kind of person Will was, how she did not spend enough time with him, but how much fun they had together when they did. She was glad Andre helped her thru all that went on, thought he gave a lovely speech. He makes her a drink, both need one, but now she worries about Lucas, what he will do when he hears what happened, how she cannot locate him, he won't answer her calls, and how she feels she failed him. Andre offers to have his men go out and try to find Lucas. Kate is grateful.

John & Marlena sit in the square, talk it all over. Marlena tells how she thought of Will all day, of the day she married him & Sonny. She knows Will is dead, but both she & John have been thru a lot, know a lot of strange things have happened, and ...what if? John notes Stefano is no longer alive, but he understands her thoughts. Both of them have been thru much, and are here now. He kisses her hand. Marlena is going to call Bayview, and ask to see Ben's file. They had better not refuse (patient confidentiality) after all they put her & John through, and besides, Will is her grandson.

Hope & Rafe jabber a bit at the police station, Abe calls, wants to talk to the both of them. They go meet him in the park (how strange), glad it is so warm in Salem in October as Hope needs nothing over her halter top dress. LOL. Abe makes sure they both are still a go on their decision to be considered for commissioner. The town is in an uproar over Ben escaping, especially after what happened with John & Marlena, so he has made a decision. We do not learn who he chose for several other scenes......but it is Hope who is the new commissioner.

Chad & Abby sit in the back of the church, chattering away about all that happened, he teases her about her right hook, they both know they will get thru this, and be on the other side. Abby mentions being glad Ari wasn't there to hear that maybe her dad is still alive, they figure they need to call Gabi, see how she is doing, and they do just that. They talk serious, light hearted, and eventually end up kissing.

(I am going to interject here, that I, personally, was not happy with the cursing that went on IN CHURCH, whether deserved or not!)

Over at the cop shop, Ben is not giving Sonny any more info, proof, details, etc. Just keeps saying Will is not dead. That things are not always what they seem to be. Eventually Sonny walks out, Paul is earnestly talking to Sonny about there being not a shred of proof, that Ben really has just made a claim. Sonny knows that, he loves Paul, but he cannot marry him today.

Meanwhile, JJ comes in, Ben's head is laying on the table, he is hungry. Too bad. Ben comments that jail slop is at least a bit better than sanitarium slop, and keeps insisting he is innocent. JJ gets angry, grabs Ben by the hair, asking if the others are not dead either. What about Serena. What about Paige. Ben laughs, oh, Paige, you mean the one whose heart you broke by sleeping with her mother? He pretends to contemplate, repeating Paige's name.....nope, she is worm food.

JJ pulls his gun out, aims it at Ben, saying he COULD do everyone in the town a favor. Ben struggles a bit, stands up, putting his forehead up against the gun, looking straight at JJ, who hand does not waver. Standoff!
(I am going to interject here, that I, personally, was not happy with the cursing that went on IN CHURCH, whether deserved or not!)
It's just another liberty the writers are taking with the church. Sad.

Ben's head is laying on the table
Whew! I thought for a moment that someone had given Ben what he deserved.
Another good show today. Jeez, Ben is really cruel, with what he said about Paige and worm food; what an awful person. Part of me wishes that JJ would pull the trigger! I'm also surprised Serena got a mention.

I feel so bad for Kate, Marlena and John, all of this old pain resurfacing, and the what ifs. I'm really glad that Andre is there for her right now.
You can watch Days of our Lives on Roku television? I didn't know this as I have a Roku TV. What is the name of the streaming channel you watch this on? It could be that I may not be able to access the same streaming services in Canada as in the U.S. but worth a try. I have been watching Days a day later when it becomes available on one of the local stations website.

Ben - He is cruel but playing his role so well. He has the ability to portray a good person as he did in the beginning of his appearances on Days to a full on psycho as he is now. He does so well that I like seeing him every now and then for short stints.
That was a good catch, though. The Salemites (excluding Patch and Shane) all think Stefano is alive and hiding now. Although, they did throw in that little hint of a doubt when Shane was looking at the pictures of himself dressed as Stefano. There was one with Stefano feeding the pigeons that Shane said he didn't sit for.
I went back and watched all the John/Marlena sections and I swear I didn't hear him say that Stefano wasn't alive. He did say after all Stefano put us through I'll never say never. Maybe I just missed it but I didn't see it.

I really liked Ben before they made him a killer. Actor is very good at being a psycho.

I was sad that Abby and Chad didn't get married.
Did John let something slip here? Don't Salemites think Stefano just slipped away from jail? I hope there is a story angle from this, lol.
kt, I wondered the same thing when I read that in the summary. I agree with JS that those words were probably mistakes by the writers who didn't do their continuity homework.

I'm surprised, but pleased, that Hope is the new commissioner. DOOL seems to have a history of making many of their females weaklings.
So I like how the show will take a single plot, and have all the characters stories and interactions work around it for a day.

But I don't like waiting 10 scenes to find out what could have taken 1, maybe 2. Keep it moving. Bored viewers don't stick around, even if there are no other options.

Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Marlena took a moment to say, with all the crazy things we've been through, maybe it is possible...and JOHN IS ON BOARD.

Honestly I couldn't be happier with how this Will story is turning out. All Sonny needs is a doubt to reconsider his rushed relationship with the sleazy ex-pitcher.
Thanks, Poirot.

I wonder why everyone thinks Ben is lying that Will is alive? How many times
have other Salemites come back from the dead?

I enjoyed psycho Ben. He had some great lines.

So, Hope is now the commissioner. Will she disappear in her office like
Roman used to do?

I laughed at the line Abby said to Chad when she hit Ben "he's not dealing
with the same person" That's true. She looks totally different.