Days of Our Lives - Tues. Oct. 5, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Episode #ll432 Taped 7/29 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Kayla is on the phone with Sister Anne, making arrangements to meet with her, catch up. Seems they go way back, used to know each other well. An anxious Stephanie worries that Kayla may not find out who switched the paternity results, yada, yada, yada. Kayla has to leave, but warns Stephanie they are going to have a heart to heart when she returns, Stephanie complains her mother doesn’t understand, whines that she has never loved anyone like she does Nathan, and she cannot bear the thought of perhaps losing him. Kayla tells her that if Nathan is all that to her, she should be upfront & honest, and stop acting like a lovesick teenager.
Over at the Pub, Bo is sitting with Ciara, sharing an ice cream soda/sundae, but Ciara is not really into it. She misses Mommy, why can’t they go see her. Bo promises they will, in comes Kayla with a gift for Ciara, big stuffed animal. Ciara loves it, runs off to show Gramma Caroline. Kayla sits with Bo, he asks about little Joey, she says Adrienne is watching him, comments they are going to bunk with Mom, Bo replies that Mom doesn’t HAVE THAT MUCH ROOM, lol, Kayla says they will manage. Bo suggests Kayla come stay with him & Carly….and Kayla has a minor fit. She obviously doesn’t like Carly, calls her a liar and manipulator, tells Bo he & Hope belong together, that is their destiny, and she leaves to go visit Hope.

At the Kmansion, Nicole sips her drink, continues her conversation as Vivian apologizes for calling Nikki a washed up porn star. She is pleading with Nicole to get her out of that place, calling Brady all kinds of names for keeping her in there. Nicole is not too sympathetic, since Vivian had that sarcophagus built especially to do this to someone else.
Meanwhile, Brady is in the mauseleum, trying to explain to Justin what his mothers old coffin is doing there. He claims Vivian made no arrangements to get rid of it, it was left with the caretaker, who brought it here. Justin is willing to help Brady get it out of there, in fact he is really pushy. Brady claims he wanted some alone time, he will take care of it, doesn’t need Justin’s help. Justin is insistent, thinks Brady is not telling him the truth, in walks Nicole, who says Brady should tell Justin the truth, then pops up with how she wanted to do a story on Isabella, talks of her being Victor’s illegitimate daughter, Justin is appalled, knows Philip would not have approved. Nicole agrees, Justin finally leaves.
Brady thanks Nicole, who says she will always have his back. Vivian has been listening, talking, etc. all this while. She hummed her mantra, asked Lawrence to send help, thanked him when Justin appeared, had a fit when he left. Now Brady gets Nicole to help him put Isabella’s coffin back into the crypt where it used to be, thanks her as it was very heavy, locks it, then both agree to take their conversation outside.
Brady again thanks Nicole who says she loves him, he tells her he is not the same man he once was, admitting he had sex with her to manipulate her, she retorts she knew it, and he knew she knew it. She is in this with him, doesn’t care if he leaves Vivian in there forever. Vivian meanwhile, has for some reason, had to push her shoes off (no idea the why of that) and is talking of the revenge she will have on them all when she gets out of there. She is waving the phone around, suddenly looks at it, babbles something “can it be?” and seems to be very happy that she will soon be rescued.

At the hospital, Daniel & Nathan are having a confrontation over why Nathan doesn’t seem to like Chloe. Nathan mumbles a bit about her hurting his cousin Lucas, Daniel retorts it was him who pursued Chloe, but Nathan only says Lucas still got hurt. Along comes Ms. Nosy, who wants Nathan to tell her what that was all about, he hedges. Melanie sees her dad, tells him she saw the setting for the wedding, tis beautiful, all is gonna be wonderful. She gets to talking about having his back, and if anyone ever gives him trouble, she would go after them. That is what daughters do.

At the park, Chloe is showing Melanie the setting she wants to use for the wedding (can someone please tell the show, it is October in the Midwest, trees are changing colors, and no on wears halter tops now??), all green trees and grass, etc. Melanie agrees it will be just lovely. Along comes Father Matt, Melanie takes off, he comments on the upcoming nuptials, and that she has not yet told Daniel of her indiscretion. Chloe admits she hasn’t, explains about the paternity test proving Daniel is the father, all is well. He warns her that if the secret ever comes out…..she assures him it won’t, asks him if will baptize the baby…he would be honored.

At the prison, it looks like Hope is now working in the infirmary, under another inmate called Lee (Robin Mattson), the warden comes in, Hope thanks her for getting her into this job, and the change in cell. The warden tells her it was due to her husband, Lee is obviously listening to this all. Warden Smith leaves, Lee asks Hope about her husband, Hope says she screwed up. Later we see Hope talking with another inmate who has come in, seems she was assaulted by on of the inmates for “looking at her funny”, swears she didn’t, cries because she doesn’t know how she has got herself into this predicament, she was always a good girl. Hope sympathizes, same goes for her.
Kayla comes to visit Hope , worried about her. Hope says she is fine, they talk a bit about Bo, Hope says she is going to give Bo what he really wants, and that is his freedom. While she is with Kayla, the Warden comes to talk with Lee, asking her how it went. Fine. Warden tells Lee to continue watching Hope.
At the Pub, Justin has come in, chats a bit with Bo…..then tells him he has received the divorce papers from Hope. She has signed them all, and he only has to now file them to make them official.

Chloe has met up with Daniel, tells him about running into Father Matt, and that he is going to baptize their child. She starts moaning about all her own insecurities, at how easily Vivian made her believe Daniel was cheating…he assures her it is all in the past, they both have forgiven each other. Chloe doesn’t want their baby to grow up with those same kinds of feelings that she cannot seem to get rid of, abandonment, insecure. Daniel promises that with her for a mother, and him for a father….no worries in that dept.

Stephanie & Nathan are in the doctor’s lounge, she is pressing him as to what the problem is between him and Daniel. Nathan is hesitant, but finally makes her promise she won’t tell anyone, then tells her that Chloe cheated on Daniel, that he found out because of hearing her on the phone. Stephanie acts surprised, asks if Nathan knows with who, he says he doesn’t know, but that he hates that he knows at all that Chloe cheated on Daniel.
So….cue Melanie to come bouncing into the doorway, hears that last sentence, backs out (they don’t see her), with her jaw dropping

you have to remember barb it may be fall here in good old wisconsin but on days 1 of their days = 2 weeks of our days. so if is it fall here they may still be in summer there. actually the writers are getting a little better at not having a single salem day drag out so long.
Wow! Thanks for the write up!!
Wonder whats going on with Hope? Why is the warden watching her?? Hmmm??
Thanks, Barb.
I'm confused about the scenes with Nicole, Justin, Brady, Viv. Is this all in the mausoleum? You mention the mansion, but with Viv?? I'm just trying to picture who is on the scene in each conversation.
Nicole is at the Kmansion as she talks to Viv via the earpiece. (she later returns it to Brady)
At the mauseleum, first there is Justin & Brady, then Nicole arrives, and Justin leaves. Sorry for the confusion. Viv appears both in conversation with Nicole (tho Nicole & Viv cannot see each other) and then later at the mauseleum when the others are there.

As to the seasons, it makes no difference. If Days can film Christmas in October, decorations, coats, snow, ice.......then if they are filming October in July.....they should think about weather.
the warden

I think she is on the take for some reason why would she be keeping watch on hope ?

something is not right .
I live in NJ and it was hot hot hot here last week...halter tops all over campus. October still can be very warm. And it is not even all that warm now...maybe high 60s and everyone is in shorts still. The weather is so different now, it is totally possible for it to be that warm in the fall. We don't even take out our winter coats around here until November - the past few years.

But my favorite show of all time was set in Massachusetts and filmed in North Carolina - I think they wore coats maybe a few episodes a season and when they did they were thin. No way is that indicative of actual New England weather.

So perhaps Salem is having a heat wave. :)

Thanks for the write up.
LOL, yep, could be....have had them even this far north. But the leaves still change color. LOL
Where I live, near the Bay of Green Bay, the fall colors are just starting to pop and it will be another week or so before we have full color, so if Salem is in the middle of Illinois, maybe the color change hasn't started there yet. They are probably 3-4 weeks behind us. Needless, the writers and dressers need to coordinate better with Mother Nature!
maybe they are closer to me- green trees and grass here still...not for long though, it finally cooled off this week!!!! This summer we broke 100 degrees nearly every other day... just finally cooled off below 80 this past it should only get up to the low 70's!! colorful trees here we come! :) woop woop!

GREAT write up Barb! OOHHH How happy you have made me, oHHH OHHH How happy you have made me! :) (singing the tune to that oldie
i missed you so much when you were on vacation. nobody does days summaries like you do!
Vivian's feet are probably starting to smell or hurt. I hope she doesn't take off anything that song will be running thru my head all day. Ha. Just heard it on the radio the other day, too. Nope, Salem is somewhere near Chicago, inasmuch as they can drive/train there in such a short time, plus they root for all the Chicago sport teams. LOL. However, while there last week, one day it was 87°, next it was 64°. LOL
Salem tho must be some sort of entity unto itself, since the show refuses to attach a state name to any letters, or when a character I.D.s themselves in other countries.
Sort of like the Vatican, or D.C. here in America, huh? And definitely climate controlled. Ha.
Maybe Salem is accepting "Global Warming" better than me. Like Days Lady here in S. Carolina last week it was around 100, but this morning I had to turn the heat on - now the ac is back on. I still always learned no white after labor day. I forgot and yesterday had white shorts on!
South Carolina heat

Hey all you South Carolinians. We will be driving down there this week for a wedding (Sunday at Middleton Planation). I was dreading getting all dressed up (makeup and all) in that South Carolina heat. Was I wrong about the weather? I hope so.
Sandrajean, you made me smile. I also was conditioned with the "no white after Labor Day" rule, but I learned it during a time when no one wore shorts on warm days throughout the year like they do now. Somehow I'm thinking color probably isn't an issue when wearing shorts. :)

Poirot, thanks for another good writeup. Daniel just can't leave well enough alone, can he? It doesn't seem realistic for someone to keep dogging another person about why they don't like somebody.

I'm interested in seeing what is going on with the warden and Hope. And also wondering whether Bo is going to file the papers.
Go Kayla! Thank God she is back and breathing a little life into this story and actually making me want to watch scenes with Stephanie!