Days of Our Lives - Tues. Oct. 7, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sami is at his apt with Will, having a huge argument over her reconciling with EJ. Will is totally upset that his mother has apparently forgiven EJ, but evidently does not feel the same about Abigail. She eventually attempts to pose a hypothetical situation between Will & Sonny.....saying "if" Sonny made this mistake, blah, blah, blah. He loves you, never stopped, was a mistake, would you be forgive and go on. Will seems to capitulate a bit, goes to quiet Arianna, Sami finds notes on Chad, realizes Will is going to write about him. When Will returns, another shouting match. with Will finally telling her to leave before either one says something they will regret.

Meanwhile, EJ is having a verbal set-to with Chad, berating him for telling Stefano that EJ was the one who turned additional evidence on Stefano into the Salem P.D. and now he can never return to Salem, and is vowing revenge. Chad is pretty flippant, big deal, what's he going to do, kill his son. Never. Oh, but that is precisely what he would do. Chad laughs that off, no way. Until EJ reminds him that Stefano put Tony on an island prison for over 20 years. He has let Peter rot in jail. He left Kristen in the white slave trade for years, and abducted Lexie, putting her in a dark tunnel. The carcinogens in that tunnel are what eventually led to Lexie's brain tumor and death. Chad has now had the grin wiped off his face. EJ goes on, that he did what he did to protect his wife and his children. But Stefano's revenge knows no limits. Will you be able to live with something happening to your nephew or niece?

Eric is with Caroline at the Pub, she is thanking him for what he did to get John the drug, but is sorry he was unable to get Kristen, and give himself some peace. She figures Brady just may find himself back in Kristen's orbit now, and is very thankful Sami came to her senses. Uh, oh, Eric breaks the news that Sami is back with EJ.

Paige & JJ are at Daniel's apartment, talking of Jack, with JJ misunderstanding what Paige is asking about. It gets straightened out, she goes to tend to Parker who woke up with a bad dream, she returns, then JJ talks about his dad not being exactly the greatest guy, but he loved him, will always love him. He explains how he was an odd fellow, and even after he married his mom, had kids, he still wanted to go on his adventures, while Aunt Adrienne & Aunt Kayla always sided with his mom, who doesn't really want to talk of those times now. He loves his dad, and it bothers him that folks don't think kindly of would she please not talk to Aunt Kayla about him anymore. Paige is sympathetic, promises she won't. They are soon kissing away on the sofa, but suddenly JJ jumps up, has a lab, has to go. She knows it isn't for an hour, but he has to go, will call her later. He leaves, she wonders aloud why he is always pulling away from her. She calls someone, wants to make an appointment, as soon as possible.

Brady rejects Kristen's advances, is about to leave when she stops him, blathering about him still wanting her, yada, yada. He wants cocaine, too, but it isn't going to happen, thanks her for what she did for his dad.
Marlena sits with John, letting him know that Kristen was responsible for getting the drug that got him out of the coma. John wants to deal with everything in his own way, but needs Marlena's help. Later, she calls Brady, telling him his father wants to see him right now, and to bring Kristen. He is on his way.
Kristen reminds him about the restraining order, brady texts Roman to have it lifted at John's request, and they go to the hospital. Marlena comes out, says John wants to see Kristen alone first. She goes in, Marlena talks to Brady, who is soo confident he can handle Kristen, the situation, etc. Marlena asks if he really is so sure he can.

Pounding on Will's door, it is Chad. Will scolds him as Ari is sleeping, then tells of his mom being there, the argument they had, and how he expected the person at the door to be EJ. Chad asks a few questions, wheels are turning, is Will still going to do the article. Oh, absolutely. Then let's get to it, I have a lot to say about my family, says Chad.

Sami has come home, all ready to spill to EJ what she just went through with Will. But EJ has his own news, relates how Chad told Stefano that EJ was the one who gave Rafe the info, etc. etc. Sami is having a fit, how did Chad know, only you, me, Rafe & Kate knew. Ah, it was Kate who cleverly spilled it to Chad. Sami is all set to rush off and take care of partner Kate, EJ stops her, he did not tell her so she could do anything. WE will do it together. Deep breath. Now someone is at the door, EJ goes to open, and there is Caroline & Eric. She wants to see her granddaughter. LOL

At the hospital John is talking to Kristen, acknowledging her getting the drug that helped him. She says she only facilitated Daniel & Kayla getting it. They talk a bit of having been through a lot over time, John noting that a lot happened while he was there in the hospital. Marlena & Brady come in, time is up. Kristen protests that they had not finished their conversation. Marlena says they had 5 minutes, and John needs to rest. At that point, John's face is changing, he looks a bit bewildered, Marlena asks what is wrong. John says it is all coming back, I am remembering. I remember everything that happened that night.
Thanks Poirot!!

I may not remember this correctly, but wasn't it just a few months ago that Caroline was telling Sami to follow her heart when it comes to EJ? I was going to make a comment as to how he writers have forgotten about Caroline' Alzheimer's but if she is now upset that Sami is back with EJ, it would seem that they haven't forgotten.
Thanks for the summary. Good episode.
Caroline most definitely is suffering from Alzheimer's. Or maybe the writers have it, since they can't seem to remember that a few months ago, Caroline was trying to get Sami to forgive EJ. And Sami was annoying, as usual.
EJ begging Chad to tell Stefano it isn't true--:rotfl: Now I understand what James Scott (EJ) was saying in that interview about him hating the scripts for his character for a while. I'm absolutely loving Chad.

I'm proud of Brady resisting Kristen's advances. It's also nice to see John and Kristen in scenes. I'm wondering if he will ask her to destroy Theresa.
She knows it isn't for an hour, but he has to go, will call her later. He leaves, she wonders aloud why he is always pulling away from her. She calls someone, wants to make an appointment, as soon as possible.

Could it be that SOMEONE is going to take responsibility for her own sexual health? And get some birth control??? OR would that be reading too much into a situation???
I wonder if Elvis DiMera ever gets tired of every man, woman and child in Salem emasculating him? Yesterday it was Stefano, today it was Chad, maybe Caroline will have a go at it tomorrow! Also he failed AGAIN in the scheming department, hoping Stefano would take Rafe out, OOPS! Junior records must be 0-100! Poor guy he is a loser with a capital "L"!

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum....JS
@robinsnest....I think JJ keeps thinking about his father & Kayla.
And then, he told Daniel that back in England, when he was skipping classes, selling weed, that he treated a lot of girls badly. That no, they were willingly with him, but afterwards he just forgot about them, didn't call despite saying he would, etc.
He doesn't want that to happen to him & Paige, he doesn't want ANYTHING to spoil the relationship they have now.
It would be just like Eve to have him arrested for rape or something like that, if she learned of it. (Remember Chloe & Philip willingly in the barn, along comes Chloe's mother, Nancy Wesley who finds them, and bingo. Philip was accused of rape)

I think Paige is making an appointment with Daniel (maybe not, but it seems it would have to be a doctor, if she wants an "appointment".
Poirot--thinking of Daniel and Paige having an 'appointment' does not sound good, considering this character's past with his patients...:rotfl::sick: Not to mention how the show just LOVES these cougar-type relationships nowadays. Ok, off to Rew's corner...

Lovin'--I think maybe Eric will be the one to emasculate EJ tomorrow. Sami and Caroline will be talking, and I doubt they will just have them stand there without saying anything. I'm sure Eric is still furious that EJ kept his rape secret.
Poirot, I'm trying to understand why JJ is pulling back. Not terribly invested, as this may change with tomorrow's show. But that would make sense given what we know about JJ. And I have 3 sons, all adults now (how we all manged to get this far is still amazing) so I understand that JJ thinks he has something good with Paige and doesn't want to blow it. But if Paige is calling Daniel, would he be able to tell her anything? Is she making an appointment with Kayla to discuss Jack even after being asked not to?

Eve pulling the rape card is a real possibility and given the current lack of historical understanding of this show, something "new", no matter what Paige would say of the event.

Sorry for taking this so terribly off topic.
Sami says she teamed up with Kate to get Stefano, not for Kate to side against Sami with Stefano. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Sami team up with Kate to get BOTH Stefano and EJ. And isn't Sami siding with EJ now against Kate which is what has led Kate to seemingly team up with Chad? Let's just call Sami "Doc Holiday Jr" since it appears her hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Whatever Sami and EJ do, they will do it together. Hmm....I wonder what that means. :)
It's too bad that instead of just individual photos of the notorious EJ-Abigail cabin tryst, Percy did a full-length video. Then, maybe Days viewers wouldn't have to hear over and over people putting all the blame on loverboy Elvis. Sure, lowlife EJ has a bad rep, but Jenny's perfect daughter is no slouch when it comes to initiating "love" encounters. Just ask Cameron Davis about his misadventure in the Horton living room. As for EJ's "education" of Chad, he really should have mentioned the sad fate of poor Benjy Hawk. Then, he could have concluded by saying: "Chad, keep an eye on your liver the next time fatha needs one." And when are people going to stop badmouthing her "changed" smoochy-moochy" to Sami? That ship has sailed. They'd have better luck trying to convince Rafe and Roman that Stefano is really a prince among men.
I have to say that I was a bit puzzled about Caroline. I can remember her saying something about the heart wanting what the heart wants. So when she said she was glad Sami came to her senses, I was ...HUH? I thought perhaps I missed a scene someplace back a week or two ago.
And yep, I truly was waiting for Benjy's name to come up...they WERE talking of killing a son.
Heck, John Black lost his kidney. Stefano has more than one spare part now. Amazing how he can still drink and smoke. LOL
Paraphrasing Ed Sullivan "It was a really dull show"

We heard Parker and Arianna wake from their naps. They were
the lucky ones in Salem.

I hope John told Marlena everything about his plan. Otherwise, it will
make their journey getting back together more difficult.

I laughed when Chad told EJ Sami highlighted the good
parts of the article :)
First of all, what the heck was Will wearing??? I couldn't concentrate on his scenes because of it. My dad happened to be in the room and he said, "Well, a checkered vest that's not tucked in and a tie make a very interesting combination." and my mom and I were laughing so hard we had to rewind because we missed half of the next scene.

Now that that's out of the way...

I am very curious to see what John is up to. I thought that maybe he was going to tell Kristen to keep Brady away from Theresa and tell Theresa to keep Kristen away from Brady and then sit back and watch them destroy each other lol. But now I think somehow he wants to expose both of them for who they are to Brady at the same time in the hopes that Brady will run far far away from them both.

I was proud of Brady today when he realized that Kristen is just like cocaine for him. But I didn't like that he let her keep him from leaving. He didn't have to listen to any of her drivel. He could have just said what he had to say and leave. However I laughed out loud when Marlena said something to the effect that Kristen hears what she wants to hear and Brady rejecting her advances sounds like "I'm going to forgive you and want to be with you soon.":rotfl: That could also explain why Kristen hasn't got the message from the five times Daniel has told her, "I thought I made it crystal clear that I am not working with you. Go away."

Paige really annoyed me today. First of all, she doesn't seem to have any understanding about relationships. Even without knowing the whole story about Jack and Kayla, she should realize what bringing Jack up over and over and over is going to do to JJ. How would she like it if JJ found someone who knew her dad (whoever HE is) and kept asking all these questions and reminding her all the time her dad isn't there anymore? She also should figure out that JJ runs away every time she brings up sex and so obviously whatever is going on with him has to do with that. Also, even though it was 95% an excuse, JJ was right. Daniel specifically told him no fooling around in the apartment especially while watching Parker, and it doesn't look great for Paige that she was totally willing to disregard that (or JJ's wishes.) As usual, DAYS seems to be sending the message that normal people are sex-crazed and people who turn down sex for any reason whatsoever have a problem :rolleyes:

I'm glad they are writing Parker to be like a four year old finally but they need a kid who can say some lines. My nephew is about his age and definitely would have reacted the same way to a dream about a train in his room, except he would have, you know, actually talked. Paige was giving a monologue instead of talking with him. It reminded me of my niece talking to her imaginary friend or her doll.

I enjoyed the confrontation between EJ and Chad. Sami and Will not so much, though I enjoyed Will pointing out Sami's hypocrisy in forgiving EJ and not Abby. Caroline going from telling Sami to get back with EJ to being angry that they're back together threw me off. I feel like she suddenly caught a righteousness bug from Eric. Not that I disagree with her, but it wasn't made explicit that it was an Alzheimer's moment so it just seemed like a case of one writer not knowing (or forgetting) what another had done. Maybe if they show the rest of the scene between Sami and Caroline it will come up in the dialogue that she totally changed her opinion and why.

Finally, um EJ how long have you known Sami that you didn't think she'd want to go running to yell at Kate as soon as she heard Kate told Chad anything? In fact, wasn't EJ just on the receiving end of Sami's impulsive wrath for the last few months? So much for knowing her better than anybody.
I have to say that I was a bit puzzled about Caroline. I can remember her saying something about the heart wanting what the heart wants. So when she said she was glad Sami came to her senses, I was ...HUH? I thought perhaps I missed a scene someplace back a week or two ago.
And yep, I truly was waiting for Benjy's name to come up...they WERE talking of killing a son.
Heck, John Black lost his kidney. Stefano has more than one spare part now. Amazing how he can still drink and smoke. LOL

But last I recall he was supposed to be diabetic and that's not something you can fix with a spare part.:rolleyes:
I usually don't really pay much attention to how people dress but when I saw Will I thought what are they going for here: eccentric hipster writer or Muppet? I mean seriously what early twenty-something old guy dresses like that willingly? I just don't get it.

I have to say I'm a bit worried about Susan's sweet, sweet baby boy Elvis. It looks the upswing his life seemed to be taking last week isn't going last for much longer.