Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 1,2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Episode #11,156 Taped 7/22 Director – Albert Alarr

On a plane, Sami & Rafe are on their way back home, happy they were able to get the flight. They are each asking the other what they were doing in the Dominican Republic. Sami gives a thorough explanation of Dr. Baker calling her with something important to tell her about Grace, but when he heard she had died, he became flustered, then just made the excuses and hung up. She goes on about telling Nicole, who told her Baker was trouble, to forget him, Sami agreed, but when she went to the Pub, learning Rafe has gone to the Dominican Republic, she figured something was amiss, and Rafe was trying to help her. Rafe claims Baker called him, too, but when he got there, her certainly did no expect to find Baker dead. And thank goodness Sami came when she did, or he would probably be in a jail in Santo Domingo. He cannot imagine why anyone would want to have set him up, but they did. Sami wonders who could have killed him, Rafe comments that the man was such a huge gambler, probably owed tons of money, etc. Probably his bookies got carried away. Sami reminds him a dead Baker cannot pay up, but Rafe replies times are tough. She wonders if this guy, William Hynes could be on any help, Baker had the card in his wallet, showing Rafe the card.
Sami has left her seat, Rafe is calling Hynes, leaving a message, just claiming to be a new client, needing his service. He then calls Arianna, leaving a message for her that he is on his way home, and Nicole is up to her eyeballs in the whole thing, whatever it is. Sami returns to her sea, as he is hanging up. She again wonders about calling Hynes, but Rafe shrugs him off, saying he probably just handled malpractice or small stuff, was unimportant. Later, they are at her doorway, she comments he did not have to see her to the door, we get silence, and then a few heavy duty looks between them, their heads move closer, and just as they are about to kiss, her cell goes off, she is startled, checks and sees Doug & Julie have texted her about setting up a time for a call to the twins. With there being a 6 hr. difference, they have to coordinate. They say goodnight to each other, Sami asks him to do her one more favor – stay safe.

Brady & Arianna are stark naked, with the towel wrapped around them, going at it on the memorial scrumping patio lounge chair, when out walks Victor, drink in hand, asking what is going on here. He disgustingly says he came out to have a cocktail and relax on the terrace, reminding Brady he has a room. Both Brady & Arianna are giggling over being caught, though neither is embarrassed, and later both are dressed, kissing, she is going to leave, he talks her into going up to his room. And then we find them them naked again, twisted up in those L-shaped sheets, doing the horitzontal mambo to the mournful sax music, lots of bare skin, roaming hands, etc. Then, Brady is gone somewhere, Arianna is on the phone with Troy, who tells her the meeting with the behind the scenes higher up is tonight, in about 10 minutes. She agrees to come, Brady returns with a glass of water or something to find her dressed. He is kissing her, trying to talk her into round 2, she claims it would be round 3, lol, but she really has to go.

Nathan & Melanie are talking to Lucas, who has decided to end life support for Chloe. When Nathan hears Kate is in Chloe’s room, he rushes off, catches her before she would enter, saying he has to check Chloe out first, and then she can go in. Melanie is awkwardly trying to make conversation with Lucas, talking of the current class lesson which is about how families deal with situations like his, and how they finally make their decisions. Lucas says it is none of her business, Melanie suddenly remembers something she has to do and takes off. Lucas joins Kate, and a rather nervous Nathan, who goes into Chloe’s room, relieved to find it empty. Earlier, Daniel had given Chloe the hypo, told her how much he loved her, would not ever leave her, ever, said he had to go, but then could not leave her, grabs her hand, telling her again how much he loves her.
Nathan finally lets Lucas & Kate in, only to have her monitors suddenly begin beeping a bit more, checks her out, pupils are responsive, and pulse is stronger. He says she seems to be getting better, a miracle. Has already called Lexie to come and check. A worried Kate asks if she will remember what happened, who visited her, what they said (LOL), but Lucas asks about all the papers he signed. Nathan says they would be put on hold since Chloe seems to be improving.
The scene switches to the park, where Daniel is thanking Melanie for coming to warn him. He wants to call Nathan, Melanie warns him that he can’t use his phone, because if there is any trouble at all, it would connect Daniel to Nathan and Nathan could lose his internship. She texts Nathan to call. Later, he does, she hands her phone to Daniel, Nathan updates him on the improvement, tho she technically is still in a coma. Nathan is glad Melanie was able to get Daniel out of there, will keep him updated. Daniel sits alone on Benchie, talking to Chloe, telling her to come back to him, proclaiming his love, and promising to never leave her. And now we find Lucas coming alone into Chloe’s room, standing, looking at her. Camera goes in on Chloe’s face for a huge closeup of just her eyes, as they flutter open a little, the camera pulls back a bit, and we hear Chloe say…”Daniel”

Over at the DiMera house, Stefano is having a roaring rant at Nicole, yep, those Rs are really rolling, as he berates her for not telling him before about Baker’s letter that was left with his lawyer. Nicole is trying to explain, Stefano is having none of it. They are talking over each other,…..actually Stefano is yelling…lol. He tells her how he managed to arrange for Baker to leave this world, and cannot believe she never let him know there was a letter that could expose them all. He rants about Elvis finding out his own father betrayed him, yada yada yada. He is having an absolute fit, then gets a phone call, and now tells Nicole of learning that Rafe was on his way to see Baker, arranging for evidence to be planted to incriminate him, only Rafe was able to leave the country first.
Now Stefano calls someone, who he calls darling, lol, and sweet talks her into getting him the name of a lawyer who had visited Baker, and is given the name William Hynes.
Now he calls someone else, telling them to go get Hynes and bring him to DiMansion.

Now Hynes is there, aggravated because he was searched and his cell phone taken. Stefano promises it will all be returned, explains about the letter Baker gave him and wanting to know where it is. Hynes is reluctant, saying it was to be given to the authorities, Stefano threatens a bit, Nicole chimes in, Stefano assuring him that the DiMera repuation in this town is well deserved – they do not take no for an answer. Hynes caves, opens his briefcase, taking out the letter. Nicole snatches it from him, opens it, yes, this is it. Stefano thank the good man, then tells him that when he returns home he will have a call from a Rafael Hernandez, warns him not to call the guy back, and then says he thinks Hynes needs a vacation, to pick a state far far away and go there, never to return. He will have a very, very generous check sent over to him within the hour to help him. And now he has to take a call from Japan, Nicole will see him out. Stefano leaves, Hynes is nervous, then tells Nicole there is something else. Stefano didn’t ask, so he did not mention it, but there are two other letters, one addressed to Mia McCormick, and the other to Samantha Brady, and he has already mailed them, putting them in the box right in front of the Post Office. Nicole is dumbfounded.

And over on Pier 6, Troy is explaining to some guy, how this woman is their best dealer, wanted to meet the man behind the scenes, she really moves a lot of stuff, and very quickly, too. The man he is talking to is relucatant, but Troy is very convincing, talking of how good she is. The man turns, and says, “what do you think”, and the camera shifts over to the left, and there is Victor, who just says…”interesting”.

thanks for write up!

on prevuze is written that lucas pull the plug is this mean it was prevuze joke?

and who is in previews?
Oh....I hate that Victor is tied into this drug thing!! What is he thinking!???

I wonder if the "darling" that Stefano was talking to on the phone was Vivian??? Hmmmm??

Thanks for the write up Barb!!!
I got the impression it was just some woman he knew, who he supplies with "gifts" for info. lol.
No, Lucas does not pull the plug....Nathan even states that he cannot since Chloe has showed signs of improvement.

The previews have Philip telling Stephanie he has something to tell her, Kate telling Lucas that he made an agnonizing decision, now stick with it, Daniel muttering to himself "I swear Kate, I am gonna make you pay", & Arianna telling the #2 guy that if he is not interested in THE best dealer, she is going to take her business elsewhere, as a hidden Victor listens in.
I really don't look for Vivian to fool much with Stefano, remember he almost set her insane with that chip he had Dr. Rolfenstein put in her tooth. I think she will stay clear of him unless she buries him alive, which could be very interesting!
Thanks, good stuff! Love your details like "those Rs are really rolling." :)
pulling the plug - what do they have it hooked up too? Chloe's breathing on her own - I've never seen her on a ventilator. Calling a real dr to provide technical assistance!
In Monday's show Daniel said" before they shut down her IV and feeding tube." So I assume that's it.
However in Salem, "life support" could mean mascara and lip plumper.
ITA it appears she is being monitered but there is no sign of "life suport' Having said that , Lucas did say something about a feeding tube
Where is craig wesley? He made one little appearance! If they were ready to pull the plug (which there isn't one) shouldn't he be there? He just came to say he would support lucas's decision and that's it? I bet nancy wouldn't agree to that.....hah! If you're going to bring in the parents then do it right....or don't do it at all, right?! Okay, just had to get that out...

The whole drinking scene with dr. Dan was the worst acting i've seen him was kinda annoying.

So, do you think chloe will wake up to find dan playing kate and thinking it's real? Is she going to remember everything?

Love sami and rafe playing out this whole baker thing...get back together already!
Victor, Victor, tsk, tsk.....didnt dealing with a drug mess with Brady teach you anything????? Cant wait to see what his reasoning is....

@icecat - Salem 'life support', mascara & lip plumper?? Had me rolling, I about choked on some Jelly Belly's I was munching on, lol..good one....

Thanks for another great summary, Barb.........
No, I'm not Kidding . . .

but I'm beginning to think that when Chloe is alive and well again, that her and Daniel just might be the next Power Couple!

My DVDR's fired up and ready to go for that first lovemaking scene between them; hopefully nuptials first, but sure they won't be far behind.

Bo can do NO wrong!
Which way to Salem?

p.s. and by the way Poirot, your evolving complimentary closing cracked me up as I watch my next door neighbor leave a perfectly dry and good porch in midwest thunderstorms here to stand out in the rain. No, I'm not from here, nor am I staying long.


I am so excited, I hope that the truth comes out. Ab:hot:out the baby switch and all.. :hot::hot::hot::hot::hot::hot: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
not involved

come on people victor is not involved in the drug dealing.....he just is on the pier and over heard this.....
Welcome to the Spectator, victhaking.

I wish someone would use a bedroom once in a while instead of being exhibitionists. Does it seem to anyone else like Brady and Arianna have gone from 0 to 60? I don't know. They just don't seem like they should be at the point of going to bed together yet. I just haven't been feeling the buildup, and it's not just because it's a different actress. I'm not sold on her yet, but she does appear more well matched, physically, for Brady.

Thank you for the detailed summary, Poirot!
I agree that Brady and Arianna have had sex too quickly (what have they had, 1 date?), but I think that is pretty par for the course now, on soaps that is. I still like to think people wait a bit longer in real life.