Days of Our Lives - Tues., Sept. 1, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
September 1, 2020

Will and Sonny continue their goodbye tour, finally visiting Sami. She is on the phone with someone, using the promise of a huge donation to get the party to do something they don't want to do. Will & Sonny arrive, telling they are leaving Salem. Sami knows, but when told “today”, responds “like hell you are”. She protests, they tell their reasons, she mentions custody battle with Gabi, they tell of Gabi's mother being sick so the family went to Mexico. Sami has an even bigger fit, grabs her phone, will stop it. Will stops her, all is well, when they get back we are going to work it out. She gets a call, judge is ready with decision, hugs Will, loves him, is sorry for all her mistakes, blah, blah. (she admits her interference caused them to lose custody of Allie's baby. She asks them to babysit til Lucas arrives to watch over the baby.

Replay of Xander demanding an answer as to who will be CEO, Philip walking in. Victor gets a call, has to take care of unfinished business, will finish conversation upon return. Now the two guys insult each other, list their faults, past misdeeds, Xander even head-butts Philip, who warns he was a Marine, takes off his jacket. Both guys have fists up when Victor returns, and puts a stop to it all.

Eric return home to find Nicole crying as she chops veggies. She finally admits she hated he lied in court to cover for her, he lets her know he is happy, and has no regrets. They both know Sami will give them nothing but grief. Justin arrives, judge ready to give decision.

Replay of Brady arriving, Marlena giving hugs, so happy he is there. They are both filling each other in on their lives, he was with Kristen & Rachel, Kristen wanted to come, but he would not let her, she'd be arrested. Marlena tells the Allie, baby, Eric, Nicole/Sami tale. Brady promises to stay til Dad gets better.

In court, judge arrives, tells all to be seated, Sami remains standing. Judge ready to render decision, but Sami has further proof of Nicole's unfitness as a parent, telling how Eric admitted lying after court yesterday. She has a witness, Victor Kiriakis. Justin protests, but tis futile, different murder. Victor's. He tells of relaxing in his bath, nearly electrocuted by a radio tossed into the water. Justin protests, Vic admits not Nicole, but another woman, at direction from Nicole. Sami tells of it being Jan Spears, who has been in coma, so unable to tell what happened. However, she woke up, has been in a heavily secured mental facility in NY for treatment. Belle & Shawn knew she woke up, Eric should keep in contact with his family, he would have known as well. Judge leaves to contemplate all this.

Sonny & Will are in the square, saying goodbye to Tom & Alice at the plaque, and all of Salem, we get a bunch of flashbacks of their love story, they say Salem is home, maybe they return some day, now going to make new memories. With their arms around each other, they leave the square.

Victor has decided that Philip will get the job, Xander ticked, but not for long. Victor says they both will be co-CEOs.

Judge returns, made a decision, says she is awarding the baby to.............Sami interrupts again. Your honor, I have another witness to testify. Jan Spears. Camera to Jan, standing in doorway.
Thanks, Poirot.

I saw two new pictures on the K-mansion mantel. One is Sonny and Will. I think the
other is Ciara. It's a dark haired woman. It's hard to tell.

Justin won the custody hearing again, or has he? We'll have to wait until after Jan
Spears testifies. And when is he going to bring up all of Sami's wrong doing?

And who was Sami talking to on the phone at the beginning? She was making a
donation using DiMera money.

Maggie was lucky Victor came home before Xander and Philip fought. Her knick
knack collection might have been broken.

Interesting to learn Horton family members say goodbye to Tom and Alice when
they leave town.
I am only guessing, but being that Jan Spears appeared at the courthouse, am thinking Sami was talking to the special hospital in NY that Sami noted was where Jan was being treated. Sounded like private hospital. She would make the donation if they released Jan, sending her to the courthouse???

I just don't understand how Victor was convinced to testify.
I'm sure this will all go wrong, but what a farce that hearing is. That judge must have the patience of Job. Sick of it.
Will & Sonny arrive, telling they are leaving Salem. Sami knows, but when told “today”, responds “like hell you are”. She protests, they tell their reasons, she mentions custody battle with Gabi, they tell of Gabi's mother being sick so the family went to Mexico. Sami has an even bigger fit, grabs her phone, will stop it.
In addition to the rest of Sami's horrible behavior today. I'm shocked she didn't demand the judge give her custody of her other grandchild too because well, because she was the bestest mommy EVER.

Sami had found and destroyed my last nerve. And if Justin doesn't start pointing out Sami's deeds, it will really tick me off (he won't and I'll not watch).
How will Eric respond to hearing that Nicole coerced/manipulated Jan Spears to kill Victor? Will he be shocked or disappointed? Or will he forgive and be understanding? It was a long time ago and Nicole has changed. Unlike some people on the show.
Well, Doc, since women in Salem fall in love with their rapists and baby switchers, I'd say the odds are pretty good on Eric forgiving her. But wait! Maybe we will see a Salem miracle and Eric will NOT forgive Nicole this time. Time will tell and we all know Salem is in it's own weird time zone.
I have to admit that Sami acting like she was a real lawyer was pretty amusing. I hope the judge sees how much of a manipulator Sami is and acts accordingly. But, this is Salem so who knows!
Actually, it was more like Sami pretending to be a bumbling barrister like Justin. Her tale of Nicole being behind the attempted murder of Victor by toaster was inadmissible hearsay, since it was based on a tale told by the absent Jan Spears. If Sami knew what she was doing, she would have had Jan right there to confirm Victor's sad tale and to testify that she tried to zap him as part of a Nicole-inspired plot. That said, if she really wants to be a trial lawyer, Sami should enroll in Salem University School of Law's quickie J.D. program. After all, she could hardly be a worse attorney than the likes of Justin, Belle, Carrie, Aiden, Ted, D.A. Woods, and D.A. Giddens. As for Justin, his performance was no better. He should have anticipated that Sami would attempt to assassinate Nicole's character and had witnesses to testify to of Sami's worst misdeeds. E.g., "Ms. Perrault, is it true that Ms. Brady once dumped gasoline all over Mr. EJ DiMera and then tried to burn him alive?" "Ms. Roberts, isn't it true that Ms. Brady once helped you throw Mr. Nicholas Fallon into the icy Salem River."
This whole custody hearing is ridiculous. Lucas doesn't seem to be involved at all, nor does he seem to care. After the first accusation that Sami threw, why didn't Justin talk about Sami and her laundry list of dirty crimes? Why didn't Belle show up and talk about what just went on with John, etc.?

Boring, ridiculous, and a waste of time, as it's a pretty sure bet that the father will show up and we will start this all over.
I agree, guys. The whole thing is unbelievable. I can't imagine any judge allowing behavior like Sami's. I don't think that any of the parties involved should have custody. They are acting like spoiled, finger pointing brats.
So what would be the top of the list "crimes" Sami committed in her lifetime that Justin can use against her? Feel free to add to the list:

1. kidnapping her sister Belle
2. drugging Austin and raping him
3. being dishonest about the paternity of her son Will
4. working for Tony as "Stan", selling illegal drugs to John
5. attempted murder, shooting EJ in the head
6. got Ben Weston out of the sanitarium to "almost kill" her son Will so he could regain his memory
changing DNA results at the hospital.
marrying the man who raped her, who kidnapped her daughter, plus countless other crimes .
Ignoring her children's needs to drag them all over Europe looking for her dead husband.
Convinced she saw him in Nashville as a patient, takes this completely bandage wrapped person to Italy, moving her family there, but spending all her time with the patient. Yep, perfect mother.