Days of Our Lives - Tues., Sept. 10, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Once again there was “breaking news” but thank goodness, short lived. Doug is with Julie, Haley comes in, Doug wants to know exactly how Julie is doing, Haley evades. Eli on phone with his mom (esteemed heart surgeon) but she explains why Julie is not candidate for heart transplant, no strings to pull. Hope comes out, sees Eli, who fills her in. She has to tell Doug, he agrees, she is heartbroken. Jen arrives at hospital, sees Kayla, they talk some about Julie, then the trip to Chicago. Jen has huge favor, wants Kayla to o.k. Rolf getting a lab. She is hesitant, but agrees when Jen brings up Jack not remembering his children. She will o.k. it. Elevator opens, a dirty, disheveled Kate stumbles out, all bloody, passes out. They rush over to her.

Jen has called Adrienne to change the front page, tells about Kate being shot, Kayla working on her. She spots Eli, hangs up, fills him in on Kate, and telling him the person who hates Kate enough is Vivian Alamain. Eli says she is dead. Nope. Jen explains about all those in the warehouse were still alive, including Rolf, & Vivan. She says she left with Jack & Rolf, Eric was so wound up finding Nicole & Holly, she doesn't know about Viv. But her son is here, she probably is as well. Eli leaves for DiMansion.

Gabi comes home, all worked up over Lani telling Rafe about her leaving Julie to die. Stefan comes down the stairs, tells Gabi about Vivian killing Kate. Gabi is having a fit, Viv is nasty piece of work, she is calling cops. Stefan stops her, tis his mother. But she killed Ari's great grandmother. Stefan tells all, including giving Viv the gun because she said she was scared Kate would come after her again, or had paid off the bellboys or something. Gabi notes she really wanted the gun to kill Kate. They argue, but he eventually sweet talks her into keeping mum.

Hope tells her father, slowly but clearly, crying at times, that there is nothing can be done for Julie. She is over the age to be eligible for transplant, (It has been said unless one is offered). Doug is heartbroken, what is he going to do?

Over at the Pub, Jack & JJ sit, watch Rolf stuff himself with all sorts of goodies. First chowder, then he wants roast chicken, JJ noting that takes 45 minutes. (missed a scene or two here). Jack & JJ talk while Rolf is in the men's room. Rolf is a genius, they have to make allowances. Jack knows he is not the man he was, wants his memory back, and if it means watching Rolf wolf down the whole left side of the menu, so be it. Rolf returns, he has gotten pot roast, dives in. Then he wants espresso, and I am thinking a brandy (Calvados??) JJ has given a big apology, talking of Jack not being the same person who left the family 6 yrs. Ago. Not just his memory, but the kind of man he was, JJ wants him back. Rolf warns that this is not easy without his beloved diary of his life's work, things could go wrong.

In Kate's room, she is all dirty still, in bed, Kayla asking who did this, Kate flatlines. Again, no Code team, just Kayla & Haley, paddles, etc. After a few tries, they get her back into sinus rhythm.

Eli arrives at DiMansion, tells them about Kate being shot, getting to hospital, is in bad shape. He asks Stefan if he shot Kate, Stefan denies doing so. He & Gabi exchange looks. Well, what about your mother?

Jack, Rolf & JJ arrive at hospital. Rolf looking for the lab. Jen says Kayla busy right now, she will check. In Kate's room, she is all cleaned up, cap covering hair, even got great eye shadow job. LOL On her way to surgery. Kayla leaves for a second, Kate mutters “Vivian”.

Doug is with Julie alone, crying over how can he go on without her. There now is a wonderful collection of video clips of Doug & Julie thru the years from the a plaintive song is playing. Julie eventually wakes up.......asks Doug.......well, what did they say? When am I going home?
Just when you think things can't get any more ridiculous, there comes Kate, all dirty, out of the elevator, to collapse in front of Kayla and Jennifer. So nobody saw her, no interns, nurses, security guards, patients, no one saw this bloodied up dirty woman coming into the hospital. Only in Salem. :rolleyes:
Exactly! However, when Eli is with Hope telling Doug, he gets a call about a woman, all dirty, walking down the street, stumbling as she goes. But no one assists her, especially when she reaches the hospital??? She gets to the elevator unassisted? Give me a BREAK!
She WALKS to the hospital? No one calls 911? She is all bloody, for cryin out loud!
Sorry, Days, I know that was for dramatic effect, but even in tiny town U.S.A. someone would have come to her assistance long before she reached the hospital.
It's great seeing Rolf again. At least I think so. It was funny him eating so much. Though he did leave a lot of food on his plate!

I had to laugh at Kayla asking what he meant by pet projects. Favorites or actual pets?

I, for one, was disappointed that we didn't actually see Kate crawl out of the grave. They didn't say anything about her covered in dirt, did they? I was thinking when she was dirty at least her makeup isn't perfect but then at the end, face was clean, eye,shadow was on.

Stefan is awfully loyal to a mother he knew for like 2 minutes.

Aww, Julie. Why are they doing this Julie? I wouldn't think they would really kill her, so why? The flashbacks were nice.
Who knew Salem's ER is on an upper floor...... IT must save time avoiding those pesky ambulances backing up and unloading people..... just walk on in push elevator buttons and volia super fantastic care!!!!

Guessing it's still night time as Sarah is not present to wander about aimlessly thinking about anything but work.....
Thanks, Poirot.

Nice to hear Haley saying Mr and Mrs Williams. Most people say
first names to everyone in Salem.

Poor Kate, her weird colored pantsuit is probably ruined.

Will Dr. Rolf be able to help Jack get his memory back? Can he help Julie?
Maybe he can use a 3D printer and make a new heart for her.

Does Dr. Rolf know something about Hope? The way they looked at each
other at the end of the show today.

I liked the montage of the Doug and Julie clips.
Just when you think things can't get any more ridiculous, there comes Kate, all dirty, out of the elevator, to collapse in front of Kayla and Jennifer. So nobody saw her, no interns, nurses, security guards, patients, no one saw this bloodied up dirty woman coming into the hospital. Only in Salem. :rolleyes:
Almost as bad was that she was able to stagger all the way from the cemetery to the hospital and only one Salemite bothered to report this to the authorities. And kudos to the make-up department who turned the usually impeccably-dressed Kate into a total mess. She looked so bad that even Sami might have felt a little sorry for her. As for other Salemites, here are a few comments.

Rolf: Who knew that he was such a glutton. Jack and JJ should be glad that he stuck to chowder and pot roast. If Roman offered an all-you-can-eat Brady Burger special, they might never have gotten the mad scientist out of the Pub.

Stefan Zero: The clueless wonder actually had the nerve to mention Mami Hernandez and deranged Vivian in the same sentence. He was lucky that Gabi did grab the pistol and shoot him on the spot for such effrontery. Instead of insulting Mami, Zero should get busy making sure that Mommie Dearest doesn't get out of the DiMansion again. If she's free to roam the streets, there's no telling what the final body count will be.

Julie: Pity poor Doug facing bad news about his beloved Julie. (Nice flashbacks in one of these scenes.) That said, the one-time grifter shouldn't lose hope for a heart. Somewhere, somehow a heart will become available. Either somebody will conveniently die or better yet, Rolf could take time out from serum research to clone a heart by extracting a few cells from the heart that Brady received from Dr. Super Jonas. What better heart could Julie get than one that's derived from that of the miracle surgeon himself.
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Rolf: Who knew that he was such a glutton. Jack and JJ should be glad that he stuck to chowder and pot roast. If Roman offered an all-you-can-eat Brady Burger special, they might never have gotten the mad scientist out of the Pub.
Or thrown in some tasty Wanchai Ferry, or maybe a double serving of Garbage Can Nachos.
even got great eye shadow job

I'm wondering if someone else will die and that will be Julie's heart. Again, I'd prefer she die, since that would be unusual since it's looking hopeless and the story is being told in the hospital. (Did Bo even bother beyond a visit with his sister to seek additional medical opinions?)
Rolf did look at Hope oddly, also he acted strangely. He bowed, she really said nothing, looked oddly at him. Hmmm, you don't think maybe, somehow, Princess Gina has been impersonating Hope for the past few years??? And if that is possible, where is real Hope? Just off the top of my head this minute.