Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 14, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2010
Episode #11,417 Taped 7/16 Director – Albert Alarr

And the Emmys today go to Brady & Vivian, whose scenes are absolutely delish! However, we do have to deal with a few other things, too, one of which is Stephanie visiting Chloe, who is on the phone with Carly, being assured there will be no further worries about Vivian. The call is ended, but on the other end, Daniel has heard Carly, wants to know why Chloe should be worried about Vivian. Carly evades, just assures Daniel that Viv is no threat any more to Chloe, who was a bit worried about her.
Back at the apt., Stephanie has brought a baby gift, figures she would not be invited to the shower, but wanted to “do her part”. She talks of them almost being sisters-in-law, and then begins comparing wonderful Nathan to terrible Philip, ending with Nathan having all this integrity while Phil has none. Chloe thinks perhaps she is fooling herself, sounding just like she did when she told everyone how happy she was with Lucas. Stephanie inisists this is no so, then asks to borrow her computer, she forgot to turn in a report, wants to download it, yada, yada. Sure, go ahead. Stephanie gets to work. (By the way, a few flashbacks to her conversations with Ian). Later she is with Ian, he is doing his magic hacking into St. Mary’s, and SURPRISE! Wasn’t Chloe who changed the results. Stephanie ponders who could have done this..and the camera segues back to the apt. where Daniel has come in, hugs, a kiss, declarations of love, and Daniel telling Chloe that he never wants her to worry, he would do anything to make her happy.

In the hospital locker room, Melanie is about to leave when Nathan comes in, having just finished his 4th shift, is dead tired, falls asleep standing up. She leads him over to a cot, he bangs his sore elbow, she goes for ice. Maggie arrives, Nathan is sound asleep.

Over at Maggie’s house, Bo is in the kitchen repairing a toaster for Maggie, Ciara with him. Bo can’t believe Maggie called them over just for the toaster, wonders what is up, and in walks Maggie with the costume Ciara is to wear for her skating recital. She puts the crown of flowers on Ciara’s head, as Ciara talks of her coming. Maggie breaks the news she is going away. Ciara gets upset, as Mommy is not going to be there, and now Maggie won’t either. Maggie is sorry, but it just cannot be helped. Later, Bo is still working on the toaster, Ciara drawing a picture, telling her daddy Mommy WILL be there. Bo gently says no, she can’t. Ciara wonders why Mommy hasn’t answered her letter she wrote, Bo explains about the mail, Ciara wants to know why she can’t talk to her mommy on the computer, like she did with Daddy when he was away. Bo explains they don’t allow that where Mommy is. Carly arrives, Ciara is very polite to her, telling her how very, very nice it is to see her, explaining to Daddy that Grampa Victor told her to be nice to Carly, as that would make her daddy happy, and she loves her daddy, and wants him to be happy, so is trying very hard. (really adorable scenes). She leaves to put her picture in Maggie’s room, Carly & Bo talk a bit, he thanks her for being there through all this, he might not have made it otherwise. Then he talks of having to go see Hope, talk to her about Ciara.

And let’s now go see what that Mommy is doing. The warden is showing Hope into her dismal cell, her cell mate will be along soon. The warden says the cell mate has 3 kids of her own, keeps her head down, stays out of trouble, assures her no one knows she’s a cop. The guard brings Tina in, warden leaves with the guard. Tina is a tough one, tells Hope to stay on her side, and hands off her stuff. Hope asks if they can put up pictures, Tina says if you have tape, Hope wants to put up a pic of her little girl. Tina softens, throws her some tape. Guard arrives with mail, gives Tina hers, calls out Williams, Hope takes the letter from Ciara, but Tina is alerted. Hope looked familiar, and now she has it. Hope is that psycho cop. She calls Charlie the guard, wants out of there now. No can do, sez Charlie. Tina rants about the dingbat cop, Hope tries to explain about the medication, but Tina doesn’t care. If she cannot be moved, then Tina will have to take care of her, and she lunges at Hope, throwing her flat down on the cot. Next scene, Charlie is taking a coughing Tina to the infirmary, the warden is chastising Hope, who explains she defended herself as she was taught in the academy, when Tina attacked her. She will be fine. The warden tells her that the infirmary is gossip central, and within a half hour everyone will know she was a cop and who she is. Hope implores the warden not to tell the commissioner. Don’t worry, she won’t. Charlie brings Tina back, she is fine. The warden & guard leave, and Tina delivers the nasty warning. Everyone knows what you did, who you are. Don’t shower, eat, and if exercise yard is mentioned, watch out.

Maggie tells Melanie that the doctor Nathan was subbing for has finally arrived, Nathan can go home. Melanie rushes to go tell the sleeping Nathan, who seems to be talking in his sleep. He turns, murmuring Melanie’s name, then saying very clearly, “I love you”, as the camera pans to Melanie standing silently in the doorway. Out in the waiting area, Maggie gets a call…it is from Gus. Lots of static as he tells her he was Vivian’s personal assistant, he resigned…went too far…leaving town…Maggie is having a hard time understanding him, tells him he is breaking up. His last words…watch out.

And over now, to the mauseleum, and I just kept laughing while watching, as Brady & Vivian are a delight. Brady would do Perry Mason proud…as he talks, interrogating Vivian about the sarcophagus. What is the TV monitor for? She bumbling replies so she could see what is going on. Brady is in her face….with a dead person, what could possibly be going on with a dead person? Now he notes the straw inside, just what could a dead person need with a straw. Brady has closed the door, wonders if Vivian thinks they are all stupid, that anyone would forget about burying Carly alive, or trying to get Melanie to wear this pretty comb. Vivian’s furtive looks are priceless, as Brady goes on about using his mother for her plans. She insists she hasn’t done anything, he can’t go to the cops. Oh, he wouldn’t, but his grandfather is another story. If there is one thing about his grandfather, it is his love of family, and the one person in the family who meant the most to him was Brady’s mother. And Vivian made the mistake of her life trying to use Isabella for her nefarious schemes. Viv tries to sneak out, grabbing her purse, but Brady stops her, she is not going anywhere, She drops her purse, papers fall out, she tries to keep him from seeing what they are, but Brady picks them up. Aha! Forged letters from Maggie to various friends and relatives. So, it was Maggie she was intending to keep here. Brady goes on and on about how Victor liked Maggie, Vivian so jealous, since Victor never married her for love. She insists he did, but Brady knows better, his grandfather has his eyes on Maggie, and Viv could not stand it. He goes over to his mother’s crypt, running his hands across it, berating Vivian for trying to use his mother this way. You moved her, where is she, you ***** Vivian has her hands on an urn..takes it, Brady’s back is to her, she hits him on the head with it, and down he goes. “Wherever she is, you will be soon joining her” spits out Vivian.

I expect the Brady/Viv story to bring some excitement hopefully the writers won't let us down. The Hope thing might be interesting. Melanie & Nathan, well what can I say, they always put me to sleep. Stephanie & Chloe, well, do me the same way. I think the person that did the deed is Daniel.

Thanks for the write up, your a peach.
I expect the Brady/Viv story to bring some excitement hopefully the writers won't let us down. The Hope thing might be interesting. Melanie & Nathan, well what can I say, they always put me to sleep. Stephanie & Chloe, well, do me the same way. I think the person that did the deed is Daniel.

Thanks for the write up, your a peach.
AMEN I cant stand the melanie and nathan ****. they are BORING. I wish the writers would get a freakin clue and stop pushing this mess. I am so damn tired of seeing nathan on my tv screen anyway. where is my philip? the writers will be making a huge mistake if they really do break up philip and melanie just to put melanie with boring *** nathan. If the writers do this I feel so sorry for molly because it is definitely going to ruin her character. philip and melanie are so damn good togeter and the writers would be stupid to break them up just to put melanie with nathan.
I am betting it will just be sturm & drang......furtive glances, sighs, puppy dog eyes, uncomfortable moments. Throw in Philip, Chloe & their secret......ring around the rosie.
Barb, thanks for another great writeup.

AMEN I cant stand the melanie and nathan ****. they are BORING. I wish the writers would get a freakin clue and stop pushing this mess. I am so damn tired of seeing nathan on my tv screen anyway. where is my philip? the writers will be making a huge mistake if they really do break up philip and melanie just to put melanie with boring *** nathan. If the writers do this I feel so sorry for molly because it is definitely going to ruin her character. philip and melanie are so damn good togeter and the writers would be stupid to break them up just to put melanie with nathan.

ITDA! (I totally disagree.) I like Nathan, and I would like him and Melanie to be together. Philip is NOT a good guy and I hate to see him with Mel.
Put me in the Nathan is a bore pile. If I hear one more time about his elbow, I may scream. How lame a character do you have to be to hurt your elbow while rescuing a girl???l...not because you punched the guy, or tossled with you BANGED IT INTO A CHAIR. I swear even the writers mock him. If Chloe is telling Stephanie she needs to rethink Nathan, then I think the same can be said for Melanie. Melanie is too dynamic a character to be shackled to that snoozefest of a doctor. I see what his purpose is after all the secrets are revealed...but in no way can I see the showing keeping Melanie and Nathan together for long. If it is not Philip who wins her back, it will be another man, because guys like Nathan don't ever get to keep girls like Melanie. It happens the same every time, in every story....

ITDA! (I totally disagree.) I like Nathan, and I would like him and Melanie to be together. Philip is NOT a good guy and I hate to see him with Mel.

And yes...we need more Philip on my screen. I have to disagree with the sentiment that Philip is not a good guy....just because he is impulsive and makes mistakes, does not make him makes him human...and it also makes him a far more interesting soap character, than someone who toes the line and only has the courage to reveal his true feelings for a woman in his sleep. Which I guess is fitting for Nathan, since he is putting half the audience to sleep anyway with his scenes.

And I still contend that Carly switched the results...she is the only option that makes any dramatic sense with the story they are telling. And besides that there have been clues dropped each week.

Thank you Barb!
s written, Nathan has not developed into anything--but I prefer him to Philip. I haven't cared for him in ages. All those younger people just sort of mosey around and aren't very interesting. I don''t know when I've been so disillusioned with Days. So many characters have no spark.
I agree that Nathan is a total BORE. I also think Carly is the one who changed the DNA results. And I totally hate about lame! Why would you want to keep someone if you know they are in love with someone else. I want Melanie to stay with Philip.
Put me in the Nathan is a bore pile. If I hear one more time about his elbow, I may scream. How lame a character do you have to be to hurt your elbow while rescuing a girl???l...not because you punched the guy, or tossled with you BANGED IT INTO A CHAIR. I swear even the writers mock him. If Chloe is telling Stephanie she needs to rethink Nathan, then I think the same can be said for Melanie. Melanie is too dynamic a character to be shackled to that snoozefest of a doctor. I see what his purpose is after all the secrets are revealed...but in no way can I see the showing keeping Melanie and Nathan together for long. If it is not Philip who wins her back, it will be another man, because guys like Nathan don't ever get to keep girls like Melanie. It happens the same every time, in every story....

And yes...we need more Philip on my screen. I have to disagree with the sentiment that Philip is not a good guy....just because he is impulsive and makes mistakes, does not make him makes him human...and it also makes him a far more interesting soap character, than someone who toes the line and only has the courage to reveal his true feelings for a woman in his sleep. Which I guess is fitting for Nathan, since he is putting half the audience to sleep anyway with his scenes.

And I still contend that Carly switched the results...she is the only option that makes any dramatic sense with the story they are telling. And besides that there have been clues dropped each week.

Thank you Barb!
preach it slyn. I agree with absolutely everything you said. and too funny about the elbow I couldn't agree more. I'm with you if philip doesn't win melanie back. I say bring on someone new to the show who is just as intresting, handsome, and has the same amount of chemistry or more with melanie. I'll take that if I cant have philip and melanie together.
Maybe Nathan's constant complaining about his elbow is going to lead to some problem, wherein he is going to have a problem that will make him unable to perform surgery. ??????? (Just happened to think of this only because he had the problem in his first surgery because of it)
However, honestly......this show on this day belongs to Brady & Viv!
Put me in the Nathan is a bore pile. If I hear one more time about his elbow, I may scream.

I agree. Has he even bothered to get that thing looked at yet???

And yes...we need more Philip on my screen

Definitely - more Philip.

And I still contend that Carly switched the results...she is the only option that makes any dramatic sense with the story they are telling. And besides that there have been clues dropped each week.

Here I was thinking that this episode was hinting at Daniel.

Later she is with Ian, he is doing his magic hacking into St. Mary’s, and SURPRISE! Wasn’t Chloe who changed the results. Stephanie ponders who could have done this..and the camera segues back to the apt. where Daniel has come in, hugs, a kiss, declarations of love, and Daniel telling Chloe that he never wants her to worry, he would do anything to make her happy.

See, this is what makes me think that it's Daniel, even though I didn't think so before. But then again, we were told it would be the last person we suspect, so Carly is an equally good possibility.
But we have been suspecting both for some time. (I thought Daniel.....but then Sister Theresa is still at the forefront for me)
Maybe Nathan's constant complaining about his elbow is going to lead to some problem, wherein he is going to have a problem that will make him unable to perform surgery. ??????? (Just happened to think of this only because he had the problem in his first surgery because of it)
However, honestly......this show on this day belongs to Brady & Viv!
you could be right, but to be honest I really dont give a damn. I dont care about nathan's character. the boy could fall into the river and drown for all I care. I wouldn't miss him.
Thanks for the summary! Brady and Vivian sound like a lot of fun. I'm so glad to see both of those characters getting something worthwhile; I think they've both been terribly underutilized for far too long.

Philip is the only interesting character in that entire group and needs to be free from the lot of them. I'd love to see Nathan, Stephanie, Chloe, Daniel, Melanie and Carly all catch the same plane out of Salem (and maybe Ava can make the flight arrangement for it.)
Put me in the Nathan is a bore pile. If I hear one more time about his elbow, I may scream. !

Amen and here here... I'm ready for EJ to wake up and say "I've been shot in the head?" and Nathan to say.. "what about me, I hurt my elbow"
If you will all recall, Melanie wrote Nathan a letter on her wedding day to Philip that if there was any hope for them at all, she would NOT marry Philip so doesn't that speak multitudes that she loves Nathan and not Philip?!

Nathan got wickedly drunk the night before her wedding to Philip I think it was because he loves Mel.

I still contend that Nathan and Mel belong together and Philip belongs with Stephanie. Sorry but when the poop hits the fan I'm 100% sure Mel will dump Philip and Daniel may stick by Chloe but somebody in Salem has to have a backbone and this will show that Mel does and Daniel doesn't.

I agree that Carly probably changed the records and knows the truth but she wanted to make Chloe happy I think for some reason so she changed the records so she would be.

I was VERY happy until Brady was knocked on the head by Viv and now I worry about Brady. Viv is a total wack job as we all know and she is dangerous to those who stand in her way or cross her.

I do agree I can't stand Stephanie which is why I also would like to see her lose Nathan.

As for Philip not being a good guy, I don't think he IS a good guy. He is self-serving; petulant and definitely spoiled rotten. I don't like him. Sorry but I also believe once a cheater, always a cheater. Watch your back, Mel!
OOPS! Forgot to add. . .

It was two faced, manipulative, connniving, self-serving, rotten, lying Stephanie that kept the letter from Nathan and lied to Mel about his response so she could have Nathan all to herself. She deserves to lose him for that reason alone.