Days of Our Lives - Tues., Sept. 17, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Not much story movement today, but a lot of conversation. Rafe is outside his house, evidently with David in the buggy/stroller......and there is Hope. Cannot imagine why she is there, but she comments how big David has gotten, and that he is asleep. Rafe said he zonked out the minute he was in the stroller. (Like all Days children, they spend 22 hrs. asleep, just 2 hrs. for eating and getting dressed, undressed :sarcasm: ) Rafe asks Hope's opinion on Ben visiting David, she would have said no back a year or so, but Ben is really proving himself, and he just saved Julie's life. Rafe asks how Julie is doing, Hope fills him in, he mentions Gabi telling him the story, she wants to know what, so Hope learns from Rafe about Gabi being there when Julie had her attack. Hope does also comment that tho there is nothing can be done for Julie, Ben gave them all more time with her, she is grateful. Rafe on way to court hearing, to become David's legal guardian. Hope leaves, he texts Ben to come to his house after hearing.

Julie pulls her oxygen tube from her nose, and is trying to get out of bed when Doug arrives, stopping her. She wants to go home, he calms her down, convinces her to stay where she is. (nice scenes!) She wants a drink, he doesn't think that wise.......not alcohol, she says, orange juice. He goes to get some.

Lani & Eli are out in the waiting area, talking of how today was to be their engagement party, Julie so excited, they can have party anytime. Lani spots Gabi, has a fit, goes over asking why she is there. Gabi babbles about wanting to see Julie, they all argue a bit, Gabi once again denying leaving Julie to die, thought she was faking. She stalks off........showing up in Julie's room!

Julie not happy to see her, Gabi does an apology thing, but Julie isn't buying it. Gabi is calm at first, but gets all excited, starts yelling at Julie, same ol witch she always has been. Hope comes in, quiets it all down, scolds Gabi for carrying on with a woman who just had a massive heart attack. Julie is repeating how Gabi stepped over her, knows she is in bad shape, and when she dies, she is coming back with Nick to haunt Gabi. Hope finally ushers Gabi out of the room, running into Eli & Lani, both appalled Gabi went in to Julie. Eli firmly tells Gabi to stay away from his grandmother, and his entire family.......”do I make myself clear?”

Ben returns from a run, Ciara comes in with smoothies, he is distracted, thinking about David. They have long conversation about him being unable to see David because of Jordan, he gets a text from Rafe to come to his house after the court hearing, both talking of fun things to do with David, Ben not being able to go to zoo or fun stuff when a kid, now he wants to make sure his nephew gets to experience all the things he never did. He & Ciara eventually end up in the sack, but he is anxious about getting to see David.

Maggie confronts Victor about trying to kill Ben, Victor claims he wants to save Ciara, and somehow manages to turn the whole thing away from his own attempted murder, to ridding Ciara of her serial killer lover. Maggie attempts reasoning, Vic says Bo not here to protect her, so he will. She notes Ciara grown adult, Vic claims Bo would not stand for it. She notes how Doug looked at Bo, this motorcycle riding, good for nothing.......but Vic is determined. She says he is making a mistake in trying to interfere, and will regret it.

Doug returns to Julie's room with the O.J. Julie is on her side, not feeling well. She murmurs she is no longer hungry. Doug put the orange juice down, lays on the bed back of her, holds her.

Ben & Ciara arrive at Rafe's house, he is nervous. He knocks, Rafe opens the door, come in. Ben all excited to be able to spend some time with little David. Sorry, says Rafe, but Jordan doesn't want you to see him. What has she got to do with it. Ciara pipes up, who cares what the witch Jordan wants...after what she did to me? Into the room walks Jordan!
I'm sorry, but while Gabi is no angel, Julie is even worse. I know she's a character that many love, but I personally can't stand her. Telling Gabi that her and Nick would come back to haunt Gabi was horrible. Gabi was attacked by Nick, he tried to rape her (another one of those instances where the victim is blamed or not taken as seriously as she should be), she defended herself. Julie is a witch and really, I wish she would just die already. Enough of her rantings. She's just plain awful.
Trying to be as polite as I can.........agree, 65days.

I know in continuing storylines, one has to sort of "mark time", but the show doesn't have to do them all in one episode! Maggie could have had confronted Vic tomorrow, (it was a pointless conversation)
I definitely agree.......Julie has hung onto that pretense that Nick was such a saint for entirely too long. She just refuses to acknowledge what he did, and uses Nick against Gabi for everything under the sun. Now Gabi has annoyed me at times, but Julie's "thing" against Gabi is unfounded and over the top. There has to be something else for which she resents Gabi, but she doesn't want to admit it. ????
As others have said, things weren't too exciting today, but here are a few comments about certain Salemites.

Lani: Why is she so reluctant to believe that Julie faked her own heart attack? She's being naïve. In Salem, this sort of duplicity is par for the course.

Ben: He shouldn't worry too much about David learning about his criminal past. Any history of Salem that David takes in school will cover the lurid, outrageous crimes of the likes of Stefano, EJ, Andre, Vivian, Orpheus, Kristen, and Yo-Daddy, which all make Ben's former career as a serial killer seem like small change. (Imagine how much the children will enjoy learning about the adventures of Horton the Tiger.)

Victor: If he thinks that Ciara is the most-qualified person to lead Titan into the future, shouldn't he encourage her to finish her degree at Salem U. and then get an MBA from a top-level business school? Victor has been appointing the unqualified as CEO for far too long. It's about time, he put somebody in charge who had some real qualifications.

Julie: Yesterday, both Eve and Jack were dishing out insults that were worthy of the old master of one-liners himself, Victor. Today, Julie showed that she too is no slouch in this area by calling Gabi a "wretched little rodent." That said, once Julie inevitably recovers, Doug should schedule her for some anger-management sessions with Marlena.

Jordan: Who let her out?? Based on the expression on her face today, she should still be sharing space in Bayview with Claire.
Thanks, Poirot, for the summary. As always, your summary is better than the real thing.

I don't have strong feelings about Julie. She's like the little girl with the little curl in the middle of her forehead, from nursery rhymes in days of yore. When she is good, she is very good; when she is bad she is horrid. I've come to think Julie and Gabi are cut from the same cloth. They just have different backgrounds, families, circumstances, etc.
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

Maggie said her name was Margaret.

Ciara has a new job. Why isn't she working today?

Nice surprise at the end seeing Jordan.

Today we saw Bo's picture in a frame.

Loved the Doug and Julie scenes.

Line of the day goes to Julie talking to Gabi "After I die, I plan to rise from the dead
with Nick at my side and to haunt you all the days of your miserable life"