Days of Our Lives - Tues. Sept. 18, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Ciara walks in on Claire kissing Tripp, who is not resisting, says “am I interrupting something”. Now come all the excuses, Marlena is awake, taken off ventilator, woke up, yada, yada. Claire thanks Tripp for being a good friend, scoots off to her bedroom. Tripp & Ciara “discuss” the events, he claims he was being good friend, but Ciara’s fault, as she went running to help Ben. Blah, Blah, they come to a sort of understanding, he loves her, tries to kiss her, no dice. More talk, she tells him to stop sending Claire the wrong signals, he agrees, no more,. Now they kiss. Ciara has to leave. Claire cannot wait to come rushing out of the bedroom, diss Ciara, Tripp says she is over Ben (which Ciara explained to Tripp, how she realized her mom was right, etc. etc. ) Claire is not too sure Ciara will keep that stance, she is constantly changing her mind.

Hope cannot believe Rafe might think she planted the evidence. He only is surprised that after how thoroughly the CSI went over the cabin, how many times the area was searched, that Hope could go back, so easily find evidence, and with Ben’s fingerprint on it, especially after she vowed she would make sure he went back to prison. Is not long before Hope manages to change the conversation over to Rafe taking Sami out of the P.D. and not telling her. There is protocol in place for situations such as that, (taking her to say goodbye to her mother), he did not follow it. He says time was a factor, then asks the “commissioner” what she is going to do to punish him. Suspend him, fire him? Go ahead, go for it. She says her first priority (since when?) is to find Kristen, and to make sure Ben is sent to prison for rest of his life. Then her daughter & granddaughter will be safe. Rafe kisses her, but Hope coldly leaves the room.

Shawn meets up with a tearful Belle in the square, he think Marlena is gone, but no, tears of joy, tells of her mother waking up, and when she & Sami were having words. She also thinks she herself is terrible daughter, was so insistent on following the directive, she had given up hope. Sami, Eric, her dad…….they never gave up hope, but she did. He says she is not a terrible daughter, then tells of Ben under arrest, his mom finding evidence. More flashback of Hope talking of doing whatever it takes to put Ben away, both now discarding any idea that Hope could have planted evidence. Belle wants to go back to see her mom.

And in the hospital room, John is trying to reason with Hattie, who doesn’t think he is appreciative of her agreeing to become Marlena. And, we get the whole story in various flashbacks. Right now, Hattie wants food from the Pub, a steaming hot cup of Roman, John argues with her. She has to tone it down with the kids, she has been in a coma, cannot be yelling for food, and more. See, Roman went down to the prison, had Hattie brought in, telling her he wants her to pretend to be Marlena. Seems he told the warden Bonnie was in custody, Hattie had told them how to find her, Bonnie will be sent there vowing revenge on Hattie (who is protesting this lie) so, he wants to take Hattie to new prison for a while, just to keep her safe. Warden agrees. Roman promising to confess that lie to warden later on. Hattie agrees.

Later, we see Roman, in hospital duds, with a laundry cart, wheeled into Marlena’s room, empty bed. From under all the dirty sheets, Hattie emerges, already in a hospital gown, complaining about it, how they don’t close in back, warning Roman not to peek. He is telling her to get into bed, she is babbling (o.k. funny scenes), he is warning/reminding her she has to pretend to be Marlena. She lays her head on the pillow, quiets down, smiles, Ready for a miracle.

Roman & Kayla sit on a bench in park, talking more about flashback, how Kayla put her job at risk. Evidently John slipped out of the chapel, told Kayla, who has Marlena all ready, breathing tube out, but IV still attached, they have 5 minutes to get her out, and Hattie in her place. John & Kayla wheel Marlena out, and up to a room all prepped, in a wing being renovated. (someone also “fixed” the security cameras by 5 min. so no evidence of the switch). Marlena is back with breathing tube, monitors, etc. She does mention to Roman that while they bought time, it doesn’t mean Marlena will wake up.

In the room, Hattie is talking to John, wants her food, etc. He promises to bring, tells her to please remember she has to be Marlena. Hattie talks of feeling guilty when she nearly got John & Marlena zapped when in that mental hospital, figures she is making up for that. She will co – operate, but what if Marlena never recovers? John is convinced tho, that she will. But Hattie lays her head on the pillow….but what if she doesn’t. What then?

Nearly forgot, Hattie has this long, funny conversation with Roman at one point, wanting him to come into the bed to help keep her warm, body heat better than a blanket. She brings up Andre, being killed by that itty bitty gal, Abigail. That was good. She should send her a gift, buy her a drink. Roman reminds her Marlena would never do any of that. She agrees.

John is sitting beside Marlena’s bed, holding her hand, telling her he is there, not giving up, could not pull that plug, she needs to not give up either. Kayla warns him that Marlena might not ever recover. He says he and Marlena have been through so much and one thing they both know, is to never give up.
Hattie is going to be interesting portraying Marlena. But she does have a point. What if Marlena does not recover. Or takes months. Let's hope not.

Loved, loved, loved Rafe and Hope fighting. Loved that he said well you have before. Thank you!! She is being convincing though that she didn't do it so now I'm getting concerned someone else did it for her to find. I hope not cause I want Hope to go down!! And after all that Rafe still wants to kiss her!! Why!!

I'm still not convinced that Ciara has turned on Ben.
Boy, Hope still has it in for Rafe sleeping with Sami, no matter how sorry he is. Despite Marlena being at death's door, she resents him taking her to the hospital. She really claims big time about that evidence. My question is, if she did find something like an accelerant can, after everyone searched and combed that area inside and outside so thoroughly, how/why was it so easy to find? And why did she herself not question it? Question the team who did original searching?
And I have to add this. The character of Marlena is so calm, collected, reserved, it is really refreshing to see the actress, Deidre Hall, be able to shake that off, and cut loose as Hattie. She is having fun, and we get some great laughs.
And yes, Hattie is best taken in small doses, agreed. But I give Deidre H. credit for doing such opposite characters so well.
Hattie is going to be interesting portraying Marlena. But she does have a point. What if Marlena does not recover. Or takes months. Let's hope not.

Loved, loved, loved Rafe and Hope fighting. Loved that he said well you have before. Thank you!! She is being convincing though that she didn't do it so now I'm getting concerned someone else did it for her to find. I hope not cause I want Hope to go down!! And after all that Rafe still wants to kiss her!! Why!!

I'm still not convinced that Ciara has turned on Ben.

P.S. Loved that Rafe brought up Hope killing Stefano. Yayyyyy! And yes, am wondering if Ciara thinks perhaps her "mind change" might lead to the truth coming out. Someone will slip at some point. Her change of mind was really too fast, it seemed.
I think (total speculation and I haven't read any of this in spoilers) that Tripp was the one who planted whatever Hope "finds." Didn't he just say something like, "evidence doesn't lie." At least that would clear the way for Ciara and Ben to be together since she won't forgive Tripp.
For a second there, I thought they were going to have angry sex on the table. :sick:
And then Ciara could walk in and have her life ruined?

Hattie is going to be interesting portraying Marlena. But she does have a point. What if Marlena does not recover. Or takes months. Let's hope not.
This is a good point. If Marlena's recovery takes a long time, Hattie is sure to get more than a little stir crazy. If so, Roman will have to keep her quiet with big helpings of the Pub's finest offerings: Brady Burgers, clam chowder, Wanchai Ferry, Choco-Puffs, and garbage can nachos. As for some other characters, here a few comments.

Hope: Has it ever occurred to her that her "evidence" probably wouldn't stand up in court. A good defense lawyer could make hash of the Police Commissioner at any trial. After all, as Rafe pointed today, she can't say that she's never broken the law. In truth, she's made a habit of it.

Ciara: So she's apologizing to Little Trippy for being played by Ben. How long will it be before she's apologizing to Ben for being taken in by Hope's lies.

Rafe: How long is he going to put up with Hope's abuse about Sami. To say that he's turned into her lap dog would be an understatement. Mami needs to come back to Salem to save her hapless son.

Roman: How does a retired cop and bartender get to transfer a prisoner? Only in Salem. As anyone who's ever seen The Fugitive knows, if Hattie was being transferred, she'd be shacked and then transported in a prison van or bus.
I think (total speculation and I haven't read any of this in spoilers) that Tripp was the one who planted whatever Hope "finds." Didn't he just say something like, "evidence doesn't lie." At least that would clear the way for Ciara and Ben to be together since she won't forgive Tripp.

That's an interesting idea, LisaK.

I'm so sick of Rafe apologizing to Hope and groveling for her forgiveness and attention. The only positive thing I can say about her is that the actress is doing a good job of portraying a very miserable person.
Confess now, admit it, you burst out laughing at John & Hattie's "handshake"........right?
(for those who are unable to watch the show, she spit on her hand, offered to John to "seal their deal", he looked, made a "face", but then spit on his own hand, shook........and they both looked at their hands, saying Ewwwwww, as they tried to wipe them off. cracked me up. )
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm enjoying Hattie because she makes me laugh.

There was a break after John and Hattie shook hands. Later, John is at the
sink washing his hands.

I'm surprised Ciara kissed Tripp after he kissed Claire. She should have
made him use mouth wash first.

Claire, your "grandmother" is better and you made a promise
to her. You couldn't keep
it 24 hours. You're already trying to cause trouble between Ciara and Tripp.

It was interesting to hear Roman and Kayla talk in the park about the plan.
At least, Roman whispered
(o.k. funny scenes)
A little humour can go a long way.

This is too little, too late, and doesn't go far enough. Just my opinion but I'm already bored. Give Hattie a web series for those who enjoy her, dishing about the hot men in Salem.
figures she is making up for that
Good. Now if only Bonnie could be redeemed so easily. Oh, and since Hattie kidnapped Adrienne, this hardly makes up for it (given the implausibility of the main story).
Ciara: So she's apologizing to Little Trippy for being played by Ben. How long will it be before she's apologizing to Ben for being taken in by Hope's lies.
This is a classic setup for Ciara to get seriously involved with Tripp (after all, she's already practically finished college and ready to marry!), then question everything when the truth comes out about the evidence. I'm bored by it already. Too bad the only original story we get has to involve a doppelgänger. And again, I don't like my Claire being treated like a barge of medical waste nobody wants.
Thanks for the summaries. Finally caught up---school and the gym has been keeping me busy! I have to say that Hope, Sami, and Rafe (when groveling) have been irritating me lately, as has Belle! But the Hattie turn of events is hilarious! I hope Marlena wakes up soon, though, because otherwise it would just be too unrealistic.The acting and goodbye scenes to Marlena were very emotional and well-acted. Everything else on the show is kind of a dud...glad they took a break from Abigail, Stefan, and all that group. It was just too much.

I am enjoying the young adult scene. While I'm fine with Tripp & Ciara for a bit, I do want him to wind up with Claire and Ciara with Ben (which, while predictable, will probably happen). I'm really excited for all the drama when the truth comes out about Hope and the likely-planted evidence. Can't wait for her to get hers!
Tripp planting evidence doesn’t sound so far fetched. Ben fixed Ciara’s bike and from
having grease monkey brothers I know flammable liquids are frequently used to
clean parts. Tripp could easily have snatched the can, gone to the cabin and planted the
supposed evidence. Or how about Eve!
Confess now, admit it, you burst out laughing at John & Hattie's "handshake"........right?
(for those who are unable to watch the show, she spit on her hand, offered to John to "seal their deal", he looked, made a "face", but then spit on his own hand, shook........and they both looked at their hands, saying Ewwwwww, as they tried to wipe them off. cracked me up. )

Drake Hogestyn (John) is doing and awesome job with these scenes lately!
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DaysD, I'm with you on Ben and Ciara. I really do not want these two to get together romantically because in today's world I feel Ciara going for Ben is the wrong image and message that is being sent to young women. Television has such a huge role to play in changing the message of typical soap women, "I can change him", "I only wanted him to like me". UGH......I'd better stop, but I will say this one last thing, I won't.

Hope, I'm not sure what is going with her and where her integrity, honesty, and work ethic has gone but I'm hoping there will be some sort of explanation to her change in character over the years. And as for her beef with Sami, for crying out loud, let it go. Jealous much????? I hope Rafe and Shawn figure it out.

Rafe - WRITERS!!!!!! STOP writing Rafe to be so stupid!!!! Remember he was an FBI agent RIGHT?!?!