Days of Our Lives -Tues., Sept. 25, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

While today is really filled with a lot of unhappiness, the scenes between Brady & Eric are fantastic. Adrienne sits with Sonny, talking with him about Will’s decision to stay with Paul. She relates all the stuff Bonnie is pulling with Lucas, the baby, etc. But is concentrating more on Sonny & Will. She is pulling out all the stops to try and convince Sonny that he & Will should claim their own happiness, but Sonny feels he already did Paul wrong. Dumped him at the altar to chase after Will. That was terrible. And now, how unreal that the minute Will regains his memory, & they decide to be together, Paul falls out a 3rd story window. No, his body is broken, he is paralyzed, in great pain, it is not right to give him more pain. He does not deserve to be dumped again.

These scenes are interspersed with Will sitting at Paul’s bedside, Paul waking up, asking if Will is sure he still wants to be with him. He just got his memory back when Paul landed in the hospital, never a chance to talk about it. They go back and forth, Will assuring him that because he has memories of him & Sonny, he also has memories of him & Paul, citing several. Paul smiles, talks of when they first met, the article Will was doing, how it was supposed to be about Paul’s pitching comeback, which they learned wasn’t gonna be, and instead took a different turn. Will notes Paul came out, Paul talks of sleeping with Will, of learning he was Sonny’s husband. And now he is going to be in a wheelchair. Will gives him a pep talk, he is strong, can overcome anything. Paul talks of being in wheelchair for rest of life, Will won’t let him go there. One day at a time.

Jennifer has called Kayla, who arrives, wondering what is the matter. Jen tells the entire tale, of telling Eric, going over the whole scenario. Kayla is trying to be positive, but Jen knows she has lost Eric. He was so frustrated, so angry, what if he goes after Brady.

And yes, that is exactly what Eric did. He pounds on the door, it is opened, he bitterly tells Brady he knows what he did, punches him, down goes Brady. Eric is calling him names, Brady gets up, and goes down again as Eric goes after him. Eve is trying to stop Eric, but he is beside himself. Brady admits he is a monster, yes he did that, was angry, and took it out on Nicole. Is no longer that man. They go back and forth, (really good scenes!) with Eric asking why Brady did not tell him himself. Brady figured they just had gotten back together, made up, he did not want to rock the boat. Is sorry. Eric says Brady ruined his life, Brady is sorry, Eric was with Jennifer, Brady goes on about Eve meaning so much to him, how Theresa & Kristen relationships turned out so badly, did not want that to happen again, (knowing Nicole loved Eric). Eric starts to leave, turns back……..we are not brothers, we are no longer brothers, and is gone.

Justin is on phone with Adrienne, promising to do his best for Lucas, who arrives. They are meeting with Bonnie, who is brought in with a guard. They sit, Bonnie is all set to get her way, making snarky remarks. O.K. Adrienne has agreed to drop the charges, she has to tell Lucas where is daughter is. Oh, no, she brings up her original sentence for murder, she prefers to call it self defense. Justin says because of overcrowding at the prison, state has mandated that some prisoners, who have served a certain percentage of their time, will get early release. Yes, that is her. He gives her papers to sign, but Lucas takes the pen, not until she tells where Baby is (and he is changing that name lst thing). Nope, stalemate, as she won’t tell because they might take back the get out of jail free offer, once she does. Justin & Lucas leave. Justin tells Adrienne the situation, she asks what Lucas has decided.

Will calls Paul from the square, asking what flavor yogurt he wants. Surprise me. Paul puts his phone down, smiling. Will shoves his in his pocket, along comes Sonny, asking about Paul. He is good, but Sonny wants to know about conversation. Yes, Will told him he still loves him, and nothing has changed, despite having his memory back.

Back in the interrogation room, Lucas has the papers, tells Bonnie to sign, and if she reneges on telling him where baby is, she will regret it.

Eve tends to Brady’s facial injuries, ice packs, etc. He is wondering how Eric found out, who told him. Knocking at the door. Tis Jennifer, calling out to Brady, has to talk to him.

At the Pub, Eric pours himself a drink, is about to sip, puts the glass down, bowing his head in despair. He starts again to take a sip, then throws it at the back bar, shattering glass.
Great acting on the part of Eric.
But I’m having a hard time accepting all this anger and “you ruined my life”. That’s a bit over dramatic.
He supposedly moved on from Nicole and loves Jennifer. I can understand some anger and feeling betrayed. But isn’t he supposed to be happy with Jennifer? I can understand if they showed us Eric secretly dreaming and thinking of Nicole and missing her and showing the viewers he still loves her and wants to be with her. But alll we have seen the last 9 months is Eric falling in love with Jennifer and moving on.
It just makes me feel that Eric wasn’t honest with himself (that he was over Nicole) and wasn’t honest with Jennifer. I kind of figured this couple wouldn’t last because it felt forced on the viewers and he never had chemistry with Jennifer like he did with Nicole.
Now we will see the righteous anger of Brady next directed at Eve because she told Victor to do something to help with the custody case.
I kinda felt bad for Brady. Eric was over the top. I'm sure Jen will be thrilled that he lost the love of his life.

Was Will listening to himself when he was telling all the memories he shared with Paul? I certainly hope he wasn't lying then. You love Paul, you love Sonny. There is no reason in the world that you have to choose who to be with 10 minutes after getting your memory back. Just hate to see Paul hurt . . . .again!! I was glad that at least Sonny owned up to what he did to Paul.

Can't they legally just force Bonnie to bring the baby? This is dumb.
Amazing how all the characters on Days live on instant gratification. They want what they want when they want it, immediately, with no thoughts to consequences or feelings.

Will has promised Paul, over and over again, that even if he did regain his memory, it would not matter. (I wish he could stop and think, he would realize that he and Sonny were really not that great of a couple. He and Paul are the real deal, in my opinion.) Yet 5 seconds after regaining his memory, his promise was reduced to nothing. So were his feelings for Paul. How can someone just turn on and off feelings like that is beyond me.

Eric promised Jennifer he was over Nicole, no matter what. (I don't like this pairing, mind you, but still...) Eric will later tell her he's mad at her because she lied, but the truth is, Nicole was and always will be in his heart. Yet, instead of sorting everything out, let's go for the next available woman, think later.

Brady wanted revenge, acted out, thought about things later. Now, he's paying for it.

Again, so many people are acting first, thinking later... Stupid and boring, if you ask me.
Having had time to think about it...Eric did feel he had moved on, did care deeply about Jen, felt he was going to have the settled happy family life he craved. And then came the bombshell. That happy, family life he craved, had wanted, had looked forward to orignally had been snatched away by his jealous brother. On purpose. What could have been was taken away, in secret, by threats! Eric was devastated and torn. Jennifer, whom was going to marry found out, and withheld the info from him for over 2 months. All the while talking of no secrets, lies, honestly, etc. Eric's world really did come tumbling down. His mother nearly died, his step brother is paralyzed saving his sister, his brother betrayed him, his fiancee' withheld the secret. He trusted Brady, Jennifer, and that trust was not worth anything. Eric's world crashed in just a couple minutes.
He has no one to talk to.......maybe Roman, but Roman has been wrapped up in the Marlena thing.
I really thought that whole thing was done so well, Eric in such pain.........and it showed perhaps how Paul might feel, if he knew the truth, too.
Eric: So his first reaction to learning about Brady and Nicole is to go to his brother's hotel room and attempt to rearrange his face? Whatever happened to the message of love and forgiveness that he used to preach to the little children at St. Luke's Academy? And if Eric's so handy with his fists, perhaps he might want to start a career in boxing, where he could be known as the Battling Padre. As for Brady destroying his life, if memory serves, he really didn't have much of a life to begin with.

Justin: Some negotiator he is. He really ought to sign up for a continuing legal education course on the subject offered by the Salem Bar Association. An attorney like Ted would have had Bonnie on her knees begging to agree to all of Lucas's terms.

Adrienne: Is she trying to be the Queen of All Helicopter Parents? Somebody should tell her that parents are generally not heavily involved in their adult children's love lives.

Paul: It's nice that Will and John are stopping by to see him, but why doesn't anyone notify his mother, Tori, or his kindly old Japanese grandfather? Shouldn't they know what's going on with him?
Thanks, Poirot.

Too bad Lucas couldn't find a different lawyer. Maybe he or she could have done a
better job getting Bonnie tell them where the baby is. The best part of the show was
when Lucas said he was going to change the baby's name.

I'm glad Brady didn't fight back. I hope one day Eric will forgive him.

It was interesting to hear Will talk to Paul about their first date since that was
something he remembered after he got his memory back.
DrBakerFan, I'm glad to see I'm not the only who feels that way about Adrienne meddling in Sonny's love life. She has a habit of doing this and I don't know which bothers me more--that she does it or that Sonny participates in it. She doesn't even just give opinions, she pressures him to do what she thinks he should. He is a grown man. He needs to work through his own decisions.

I'm disappointed but not surprised that Lucas is going through with the agreement, and certainly not surprised that Bonnie isn't true to her word. I really can't stand this character.
I’m with you Old Cowgirl. I don’t care for pushy, sappy, Adrienne or cocky con artist Bonnie
who is using a baby as her “get out of jail” leverage. I’m not knowledgeable on law and I don’t
know how exactly to word this but isnt using a child as blackmail endangering the welfare of that child.
Why isn’t this blackmail plot given to the DA and would she, Bonnie, be required to produce
the child since she was so insistent on proving Lucas is the father?
Why oh why do they keep using the incompetent Attorney Justin? What a useless character.
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I am thinking that while she talks a big talk......the baby & parentage is a separate issue, but inasmuch as she is insisting Lucas is the father, it seems he could go to court to gain full custody (just as Theresa did) and therefore she would have to produce that baby or go behind bars. Dr. Baker might weigh in here on that point.