Days of Our Lives - Tues., Sept. 6, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The show jumped all over the place today, plus very short scenes, making it hard to keep just bear with me. Jennifer is so happy to see her mother at the door, and surprised as well, but Laura has something to tell her about Abby. She went over Abby's records at the hospital (wonder how she managed that??) and is adamant that Abby was misdiagnosed, thus given the wrong meds.for her condition. She is sure that Abby was suffering from PTSD, and thus the meds she was taking only made it worse. She feels that this info should ease Jen's mind, Abby was not running from her, still loved her, and all Abby was doing was running. Not from her, or to anything else. Jen tells her mom how she became addicted to pills after the accident, and is trying to stay on the right path. Hugs.

Chad sits with the adorable Thomas, (who is facinated apparently with all the mikes and cameras hanging from the ceiling, lol) talks to his son about being with Lucas & Adrienne, coming to see him a lot, etc. Later, he has taken Thomas to the nursery, returns to find Andre sitting there. What are you doing here. Andre plays the "family" card, how in times of trouble, sticking together, blah, blah, Chad figures Andre has some scheme in the back of his mind, is sure of it. In walks Laura & Jennifer, who tries to introduce her mother to Chad, but Laura rejects the handshake, only wants to see Thomas. Andre greets her, she ignores him as well, leaves to go see Thomas.

Jennifer talks of Lucas & Adrienne, but Chad has changed his mind. He will not give son to anyone ever. He is not going to leave this house. Jen asks Andre for privacy, he leaves, but then in walk Lucas & Adrienne, who came because Jen asked them. Chad is not happy camper, but Adrienne has the solution. We will move in here. Lucas objects, they argue just a tiny bit, Lucas caves, agrees. Jen asks Chad how he feels, he ponders a bit, then says this would be o.k. with him This could work. Lucas & Adrienne ask about taking Thomas outside, like to the park, yep, that is o.k. They go to the nursery to bond a bit with Thomas. Laura returns, Thomas is such a doll, Jen wants to talk to Chad, Laura mentions they came in 2 cars (yep, you all can laugh here, I did) will see her back at the house.

Chad figures Laura hates him, wonders if the arrangement will make her like him just a bit. Jen thanks him, this means a lot to her. Big hug.

Andre is on the phone with someone, saying that he made a discovery, and thinks he has found someone to be "our ally". !!!

John is leaving the Kmansion, after telling Deimos & Victor what he has been working on. He advises Vic to make up with Brady, who is being married tomorrow.

Nicole comes to see Theresa, all giggles and happy that Nicole is helping her with her wedding. They hug, who would have thunk it that they would be friends. Theresa notes Nicole is not just a friend, but family to her, Brady & Tate.

Deimos tells Victor he wants him & Maggie to move back into the Kmansion with him, so Maggie can recuperate in familiar surroundings. Vic is shocked.

Brady comes into the club, sees Victor, ignores him, but Vic calls him over, tells him he knows he doesn't trust him, but put aside the facts of the kidnapping, and think about someone setting me up, Deimos as well. I promised your mother I would always look after you, I love you, and I love your boy. Brady asks about Theresa, who has just come in, but Brady abruptly gets up, leaves Vic's table, tells Theresa they are getting married and going to be happy.

Steve runs into Adrienne at the hospital, she gives him a hard time about breaking their last 3 luncheon dates, but they end up in a hug. She can tell something is wrong, he tells her about skipping the couples therapy, she scolds him, taps him on the head, knocking some sense into him, gives him fair warning that if he doesn't get the help he needs, he will lose Kayla forever. This is his last chance.

Marlena talks with Kayla who despairs of ever fixing things with Steve, she is tired of it all. Marlena figures that it is all going to work out, they will fix everything between them.

Later, Steve is on the park bench, Kayla comes along. They talk a bit, Steve realizes he does need help, and promises to find a shrink who is not a friend, neutral, and get the help he needs. Kayla is skeptical, will believe it when she sees it.

Later, at the hospital, Steve comes in, all excited, has found a Dr. Carmine (sorry, forgot last name) and thinks he has discovered his problem. He filled out a huge questionnaire, lots of items about his childhood, how his father treated him & Adrienne (hey, Jack, too!) & realized that all his life choices, dangerous deeds, etc. etc. were all the flip side of low self esteem. Yep, Kayla knew that, but knew he would never accept that coming from her.

He sees the doc next week, hopes that after that perhaps he & Kayla can push "reset". She asks what he means, "you know" he says. She tells him to let her know when he figures it out, and flounces off.

And at the prison, Marlena is let into a room where Clyde is waiting, seems he asked to see her. She asks why, he says he has no privileges, kept on a tight leash, and that perhaps if he got a psychic reval (revaluation) things would get better for him. Well, Marlena could do that, but he might not get the results he is looking for. Clyde manages to make a veiled threat, she assures him that his statement will be in her evaluation. She leaves.

Another prisoner comes in the room, claiming he thinks he recognized that woman who just left. He says "what's your name", gets the "It's Clyde, Clyde Weston".....and you? The man replies he is Milo Harp.....but has been known as just Orpheus. They exchange a bit of info, Clyde asks how he knows Marlena, Orpheus flashes back 30 years to Marlena asking him if he is going to let her go. He only says that perhaps he will tell Clyde some time.

John & Marlena are in the park, she has told him what Clyde wanted, hard to believe. But he only wants to talk about her, kiss, and kiss again.

Clyde & Orpheus talk about being transferred there, probably going to be transferred somewhere else. Would be great if they could perhaps change things so they could achieve what they want. Clyde asks Orpheus just what he would do to get the revenge he is seeking. Orpheus says he would kill every one in Salem.
Knew I would forget something. Nicole is with Deimos, hears John is trying to find out something about Titus Drew. She might be able to help, will use her former reporter skills. She later has news for him, they do hear a noise, so she whispers it in his ear. He smiles, and says that could probably blow this whole thing wide open.

He also mentions her moving in, but she doesn't think the prospect of sitting across from Vic every day for breakfast would be appealing to her.

And by the way, loved her dress, she looked terrific today!
There is mention about them being so "close to Salem" & a shame to be so close, and behind bars.

There was so very much going on.......and I really meant to mention this....but I purposely checked the credits at the end (they really are very small, and go too fast, lol) but the headwriters listed were: Dena Higley, Ryan Quan, & Rick Draughan!!!! So, wonder when the 3rd writer got elevated. (he has also been writing dialogue/breakdown for a long time on Days)
So Deimos has invited Maggie and Victor to move back to the K-mansion, and the DiMansion will acquire two unlikely residents in Lucas and Adrienne. If and when this happens, it will be a bigger "move-in day" than the arrival of Salem U.'s class of 2020.

Laura claims that Shady Hills gave Abigail the wrong meds? With the case against Victor apparently ready to collapse, perhaps Justin could keep himself busy by filing a suit against the place for medical malpractice.

Brady, Victor, and gullibility? Of course Brady is gullible. How else could one describe a man who once fell for Kristen DiMera?

So poor Steve doesn't think his brain would fare too well under a microscope? He shouldn't feel too bad about this. How many Salem brains would look too good under such close inspection? Imagine a microscopic inspection of the brains of Sami and Andre.

Orpheus hates Marlena and wants to kill her? This could never happen if Stefano was still alive. Who would dare to mess with his beloved Queen of the Night? Therefore, following Salem logic, if anything now happens to Marlena, it's all Hope's fault.
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So Deimos has invited Maggie and Victor to move back to the K-mansion, and the DiMansion will acquire two unlikely residents in Lucas and Adrienne. If and when this happens, it will be a bigger "move-in day" than the arrival of Salem U.'s class of 2020.
Or the day Doug and Julie moved into Jen's place and JJ "carried something for Julie". That was a real banner day in Salem.
I thought today was a good episode over all even if it relied a bit heavily on contrivance. But I realize that you just to have to accept that contrivance and daytime drama go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Either that or just watch "Law & Order" re-runs all day. :)

Milo/Orpheus and the Heinous Hillbilly: I think these scenes would have played just a bit better if they had established these two ere already in cahoots rather then go the insta-"Let's be BFFs" route they went with. And I still don't know why the Dixieland dirtbag thought Marlena would write him a positive psych evaluation, did he really think she was charmed by his winning personality?

But I'm going to overlook these things because they've managed to hook me and that's what's important.

Plus I kind of liked the hillbilly's look I don't know if it was necessarily what they were going for but I couldn't help thinking of Charles Bronson.

I have to say I found Laura's Abigail announcement to be a bit underwhelming because I thought it had been established that Abigail was suffering from PSTD. At least I'm sure Marlena mentioned it around the time Abigail checked into the hospital and that's what they were treating for.

I also found the way Laura treated Chad to be a complete and total turn-off. Fine, like everybody else in Salem she had bad experiences with that family but they had nothing to do with Chad. I won't judge Laura on the basis of her interaction with one character but I'm hoping that fi she sticks around for any length of time we'll get to a point where she's at least civil. Because in my opinion what we saw today is going to get real old real fast.

Lucas and Adrienne moving the D-mansion. Again I don't see why this is necessary but if it stops Jennifer and Chad's squabbling I'll go along for the ride. I did get a kick out of Adrienne manipulating Lucas with the sad eyes. Little touches of humor like that have been missing from the show for far too long.
Was surprised to see a scene, short as it was, of John & Marlena together. The show has seemed to go out of it's way to make sure that each character is only shown with other people.
I also found the way Laura treated Chad to be a complete and total turn-off. Fine, like everybody else in Salem she had bad experiences with that family but they had nothing to do with Chad.
This is 100% on target. When are certain people going to get it through their very thick heads that Chad is not a real DiMera?? Unlike EJ and Andre who were schooled in DiMera awfulness by the Phoenix himself, Chad was raised in the home of Judge Maddie and D.A. Charles Woods (who had his own issues) and didn't learn of his DiMera heritage until he was ready for college. If Chad was a "real" DiMera, custody-minded Jenny might by now have received a "friendly" and "persuasive" visit from top DiMera thugs, Sergio or Ricardo. That said, let's have some appearances by Ghost Maddie. It might make for some interesting scenes if all those who knock Chad because of his surname received a midnight visitation from her and were treated to a few choice words about their rude and clueless behavior toward her son.
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it will be a bigger "move-in day" than the arrival of Salem U.'s class of 2020.
Surely you mean the class of 2017? LOL
Fine, like everybody else in Salem she had bad experiences with that family but they had nothing to do with Chad
In Laura's defence, her dealings were a little more direct. They iced her boyfriend and gaslighted her. Sure, Chad didn't do it, but he proudly boasts the name. If I were Laura, I'd be leery of Chad, too. (And for all we know, the last info she got on Chad's doings might have been when he faked his brain tumour.)
If Chad was a "real" DiMera, custody-minded Jenny might by now have received a "friendly" and "persuasive" visit from top DiMera thugs, Sergio or Ricardo.
This is true, too, though I still say I'm team Laura on this one. Mainly because her experience was so close, and there has been a litany of "non-evil" DiMeras through Salem...almost all of whom turned evil when it suited DA PLOT. LOL
Good show today. I enjoyed the characters interacting with others on the show. There
was new background music in same areas.

Nice to see John with a haircut.

I laughed when Clyde told Orpheus Marlena was 'the Devil'.

Nice conversation with Steve and his sister. We have mentioned here they haven't seen
a lot of each other since he's been back in town.

Did Marlena diagnosis Abby with PTSD and the woman at Shady Hills didn't follow
though with that?

Was Andre talking to Kate when he said he found an ally?

Kayla mentioned Kim.

Clyde was putting a puzzle together and Deimos told Nicole that what she him could
be the missing piece they need.

The big question I have is does Titus Drew draw
I'm a bit lost on the Titus Drew stuff. I know Titus is Victor's brother/Xander's father but why Drew? Jeannie's brother is Andrew.

I did NOT like Orpheus' entrance. It was way too lax, just like Andre was last year. Had I not recently watched a bunch of clips from the 80s, I would have had no idea who he was or his significance. We had better get more flashbacks.

Nice to see Laura but I didn't expect her to say what she said. Where was she while Abigail was actually in the hospital? Part of me still wonders if Abigail is living with her offscreen. The bed scene we had last week looked like a nice bedroom.

Nice to see Steve and Kayla but again it's the same conversation over and over and over. Move on.

I don't like pop up John and Marlena. They should be on the entire show. And they should interact with Belle and Claire.

Lucas living at the DiMansion is just lazy writing and budget management. Get them a home set. Or better yet, I hear Justin is single. I did however like that Lucas mentioned Will to Jennifer.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see a 3rd head writer.
Thanks for the summary. I loved the character interactions---so much of it! Bringing Laura back was a good idea, but her attitude towards Chad and her "diagnosis" was a letdown. Didn't we already know this? Moreover, why did she drive in a separate car than Jennifer, and how did she get her hands on Abigail's medical records? This was silly. So, too, was Adrienne & Lucas deciding to move into the DiManse However, at least that means we get more scenes of them (surely) and an end to Jennifer's shrew-ish attitude.

Kayla & Steve, meh. But at least we get some movement. I just hope that movement speeds up to them getting remarried by Valentine's Day. As it is, they've been apart for too long, and DOOL needs some super couple romance--and needs it badly.

It was the prison stuff that made it for me. Clyde and Orpheus teaming up will be great! I don't really know the backstory of Orpheus too well, but I'm sure it will be explained even more in depth shortly. Furthermore, it was actually nice seeing Clyde. Although I'd grown tired of the Poplar Bluff hillbilly last year, he's far more entertaining as a bad guy than the likes of trampy Kate, ever-grinning Andre, desperate Aiden, or anyone else who passes as a villain on this show. I found it hilarious that Marlena told him his threat to her would be documented!:rotfl: