Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
42 minutes.

It's May Day. It was said twice.

Paulina is in her office talking to Abe on the phone. She tells him Kayla told her she's no longer radioactive and hangs up as Chad walks in. Chad tells her he got a tip she abused her power and created a health problem. Paulina wants to know who told him that?

Everett's at the pub. He has a flashback of when he was under hypnosis and saw his evil face. Marlena comes up to his table. She asks if she can join him? He says he's busy. She sits down anyway and asks if he changed his mind about hypnosis? He says no. She wants to know why he lied to Stephanie?

Stephanie's outside the Salem Inn and see Sweet Bits is closed; their hours shown. They open at 10AM. (very odd time for morning pastries). Chanel runs up and says she's sorry she's late. She overslept and is the only one opening up. Johnny comes up, says he had to drive fast. Chanel goes to open and tells Stephanie she can have a discount. Stephanie tells Johnny she wants pastries for a prospective client. She had breakfast at her mom and dad's, a little farewell party for Tripp and Wendy, but she left early. Johnny asks where they're going?

Maggie is in the K-mansion den looking at her roses. Julie walks in and is excited. Kayla gave her the all clear not to be in isolation anymore. They hug. Doug is happy too. She apologizes to Maggie that she left Doug behind; didn't know she would be longer than one night. Maggie says they took care of him. Julie thanks Maggie for arranging a guest house so she could stay isolated. Maggie tells Julie she's marrying Konstantin.

Replay of Konstantin in John's office where he shows him the card. John has a reaction. John is either chewing gum or acting like a cow. (which is annoying) Konstantin says he has important mission for him. He tells John he's marrying Maggie, but there's a slight problem. John is going to fix it for him.

Stephanie tells Johnny that Wendy and Tripp are going to spend time with her family in Hong Kong. He asks how long they will be gone? Stephanie says it's open ended. Johnny's surprised Wendy didn't tell him. Chanel comes up and tells Stephanie she can have anything she wants. No charge. Stephanie says Chanel was only two minutes late and wants to pay. Chanel says they will talk about it later, the yawns and wants Johnny help set up a table to give out cookies to kids for May Day. Johnny's in daze and asks what she needs?

Paulina asks Chad if he got the tip from his brother the DA, because Chad said almost the exact words EJ said yesterday. Chad says he hasn't talked to EJ and wants to get ahead of the gossip. Paulina says there was snow storm and my daughter missing. Chad says you left the hospital against doctor's advice and illegally took a snowplow. He wants her story on the record.

John asks what Konstantin's problem is? Konstantin tells John he's marrying Maggie in name only, but she wants to keep Victor's money away from him.

Everett tells Marlena that Stephanie is a fan of hers and he didn't want to tell her you're a quack in front of her. Marlena says a quack?? Everett says hypnosis is a pseudoscience. He says the divorce papers are signed and he's ready to move on. Marlena says that's fine, but he can still benefit from therapy and she can give names of other therapists. Everett's not interested. He wants to move on, then leaves the pub.

Chad takes out his tape recorder. Paulina says his tip is blown out of proportion. Chad says the firefighters had to wear hazmat suits to protect themselves. Paulina says they overreacted. Chad says he knows the facts and knows her numbers weren't down when she left hospital. He says she was in a hazmat suit going back to hospital.

Paulina says her numbers were going down. Chad wants to know why didn't tell anyone she was leaving hospital? He talked to the man who she took snowplow from. He asks how she knew how to drive one? Paulina says she had a construction company and knew how to drive heavy equipment like a bulldozer. Chad says you don't deny that it happened? (go Chad, go).

Maggie tells Julie that Konstantin has had a hard life and he likes being with me. He can't stay in county unless she marries him. Julie understands she wants to help him. Maggie likes his friendship and companionship. Julie hopes Maggie is protecting herself. Maggie tells Konstantin signed the prenup. He knows if she dies first, Victor's fortune goes to his children. Julie says she supports her. They hug. Julie's face says something else.

Konstantin tells John he had to sign prenup and it's in safe at the K-mansion. He wants John to steal prenup. There's a knock on the door. Konstantin orders John to ask who it is. It's Marlena and the door is locked.

Paulina tries to turn this on EJ because of what EJ did. Chad won't have it. He says no one wants to slander you, but you left the hospital and hijacked a snowplow. Someone could have been hurt. Chad goes on to she may not have found Chanel, or Paulina could have hurt herself. Paulina says it worked out fine.

Chad says it was risky for others since she was radioactive. Paulina says any parent would have done what she did. She goes on that Chad would have done anything if his kids were missing, and says it was a minimal risk. He asks if she's sure? She says Julie, Chanel and Johnny are doing fine. Paulina says to go talk to Chanel about being lost out in the snow.

Chanel tries to talk to Johnny, who is going to go apartment hunting on his own. He says he doesn't have job except money from trust fund. Johnny wonders if he should take his dad's offer? Chanel says to do his dream. He says he's not in LA or New York to do film making. He won't leave Salem since Chanel's life is here.
Everett is at the Spectator office when Stephanie comes in with a bag. She has flashback of when they talked in the pub when Everett was acting like two different guys. She acts if Chad's around? She has gifts for Thomas and Charlotte. Everett says Chad is doing an interview and he's doing article about May Day. He's not able to write first paragraph. They talk about him signing divorce papers.

Konstantin flashes the card in front of John. John acts confused and lets Marlena in. Marlena sees Konstantin and asks if she's interrupting? John doesn't know what to say. Konstantin says he came by to invite them to his and Maggie's wedding. He asks them to pretend not knowing if Maggie invites them, then he leaves. Marlena can't believe Maggie is marrying him. She asks what he said. John doesn't know what was said. Something about Maggie. John knows they talked, but doesn't remember what they talked about. Not the first time, either. He said it happened before,when he saw Konstantin in the park.

Everett says he doesn't care about divorce papers since he doesn't know Jada. He says it would seem like forgery. Stephanie is glad he signed them. Chad comes in. Stephanie has gifts for the kids. Stephanie asks if Chad's doing an interview? Chad says yes. He came to get his tape recorder. He tells Everett he'll tell him later if it works out. Chad's going home before the next interview. He tells reminds Stephanie that Thomas wants her to come over to play cards. Chad takes bag and leaves. Everett tells Stephanie he needs to forget Bobby Stein and move on with his life.

Paulina sees Chanel and Johnny at the table with cookies. She a has flashback of the cabin after Chanel was found. Paulina is sitting away from Julie, Johnny and Chanel. Julie tells Paulina she should have stayed in isolation. Paulina walks up to table and ask how they are doing? She asks Johnny for a favor. She tells him the Spectator is doing article about her leaving the hospital. She says it was probably EJ's idea and she wants Johnny's help.

Konstantin arrives at the K-mansion. He says nice to see Julie after her isolation. Julie says congratulation for pending marriage to Maggie. She's happy he can stay for Maggie. They don't know the date yet. Julie leaves to get breakfast for her and Doug. Maggie notices Konstantin changed his shirt. She says she told Julie about the prenup and his visa expires end of month (May). He says they need to marry soon. Maggie says don't worry, she won't let the deadline pass.

Marlena tells John maybe when he's around Konstantin he shuts down so he won't remember his past. John wonders if that's why he can't remember conversation right now?

Johnny asks if Paulina had a disagreement with his dad? Paulina says then your Uncle Chad comes into my office. He asks questions and twists stuff around. Johnny says he's sorry this happened. Paulina wants Johnny to put in a good word with Chad and his dad saying that she was being responsible. Chanel says ok; she says she feels sick and runs to Sweet Bits. Johnny and Paulina look worried.

Chad arrives at the K-mansion and talks to Konstantin and Maggie. Chad dropped off gifts and wants something to eat. Maggie says cook made a wonderful chicken pot pie. Chad asks Konstantin if he found what he lost? He tells him yes. Maggie says it was a playing card that Konstantin said reminded him of his daughter. Chad leaves.

Stephanie tries to get Everett to remember his past. He's not interested in the past and a waste of time. She thinks he should know his past to go on. Everett says he can't live in the past. He thinks he's turning a corner and not interested in his past. Everett lies that Marlena discharged him from therapy.

Stephanie can't believe Everett was discharge from therapy. He thinks he's gotten everything out of his sessions. They both agreed to focus on the here and the now. He reminds her the specialist told him his memories might be gone. Stephanie says he was making progress. He trusts Marlena and is happy to make new memories with Stephanie.

Chad stops Julie in the hallway. He asks when they might get to go home? No date yet. Chad asks about her experience at the cabin. He wants to know how she feels that Mayor Price exposed her to radiation. Julie understands why she did it, but is not happy all of them had to spend days in isolation. Julie says as mayor, Paulina should protect her people and not put them at risk. She says that Paulina put them at risk since she didn't stay at the hospital, but she's glad they didn't become ill.

Chanel comes back to the table. She feels awful. She called Lauren to come in to work. Johnny reminds her the symptoms she's having is something Kayla said to watch for with radiation poisoning. Paulina gets upset. They convince Chanel to go to hospital to get checked out.

John says something not right. He's happy Marlena came. He feels disoriented. They go home.

Konstantin's talking to card that today wasn't meant to be. He's not going to worry since he'll get what he wants next time.
Sweet Bits opens time is 10AM. Chanel is late. When are the pastries made? The night before?

Are Robert Stein's and Everett's signature different? Will someone notice?

Chad had a recorder with Paulina. I guess the editing was done wrong since he picked one up at the
office, or maybe he has two.

Why did Julie say she and Doug were having breakfast when everyone else is having lunch?

Will Marlena hypnotize John and learn what Konstantin did?
Was there a reason that it was pointed out that Konstantin changed his shirt?
Why on earth didn't loudmouth Julie tell Maggie what a stupid idea this is??

Go Chad! I loved that he let Paulina have it and was not backing down. I hate how defensive she was and accepts no criticism.
Everett signed Robert Stein as if he had been signing it his whole life, he had turned into Bobby at that point in my opinion.

I guess Sweet Bits sells stale, day-old pastries when they open at 10:00 am. :rolleyes:
They possibly could have someone come in at 5:30- 6 a.m., bake up whatever, and leave 9:30. The place would not be open to the public then. Or, someone could come in after closing, do the baking,, then leave so when the crew arrives morning all is ready. Those hour signs are for the public, the customers...........not the help.
Paulina, you cannot deny you abused your powers and put people at risk. Oh, I know your precious Chanel was missing and it didn't matter if others got hurt as long as you got Chanel. So Chanel, radiation poisoning or pregnant?

I cannot believe Julie didn't flip out that Maggie is marrying creepy Konstantin. Geez Julie, usually we can depend you.

Oh, Everett, you just lied big time to Stephanie. You know she is going to find out. He was pretty harsh with Marlena.

Thank goodness John knows something is going on with Konstantin. Maybe someone will mention he was missing a card and it will click. This man needs to end soon.
I'm really not much into sci-fi, weird mess. The playing card triggering a "pawn" persona is just really weird. Makes the entire show seem like a joke to me. I've been ready for the Konstantin story to end since before it was ever dreamt up by the writers. What a terrible waste of my time to watch that mess.
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I am guessing John has been brainwashed/hypnotized to take care of problem for Konstantin, when shown that card....a trigger obviously. When he completes a task, Kon then shows the card again, maybe upside down or something, and John snaps out of his trance like state.

I don't like sci-fi, horror, of mind changing storylines, EVER. Giving the actor credit, tho, as without looking like Dracula, or Frankenstein, he manages to make characters afraid of him, even tho they were liking him a minute before.

I guess Sweet Bits sells stale, day-old pastries when they open at 10:00 am. :rolleyes:
It looks like those who want nice fresh rolls or pastries to go with their morning coffee are out of luck. (I can remember while I was a child being in a popular local bakery, which was crowded with customers who were picking up baked goods after church on Sunday.)
As for Chanel, it looks as if she doesn’t need any time off. The place is open seven days a week.

Elsewhere, Konstantin is proving to be the world’s worst schemer. Stealing the prenup won’t do any good. Maggie’s lawyer must have the text saved on the computer system as well as a paper copy. Just as bad, his clumsy use of the Pawn card has both Doc Evans and poor, Swiss-cheese brain John smelling a large rat.

Another one who should pack it in is Paulina. Julie is right about her. Any way one looks at it, she’s loud, impulsive, and irresponsible. Bring back Mayor Jack!

Finally, dazed and confused Everett may be on to something. People’s memories in Salem can be so bad that amnesia is a reasonable option. Recall that RoboJohn didn’t want his memories back after Stefano downloaded them onto some CDs.
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