Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, August 1, 2023


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today's show 42 minutes. It could have been shorter.

Episode 227. Interesting what we see today.

Marlena is on the phone with Sami discussing Eric and Sloan. Marlena doesn't trust Sloan. She's afraid Sloan will be like Kristen. She says John will be home soon as he walks in behind her. She hangs up and is surprised to see John. He says he still has stealth moves.

Steve and Kayla by the nurses' station kissing. Steve says he can't wait to see Abe again. Kayla says Abe is going home today.

Paulina and Theo are finished decorating the apartment (#227) with balloons and a banner. Banner says welcome home Abraham. They talk about Theo leaving today. Paulina tells Theo thank you for decorating. He reminds her Kate and Roman did a lot.

Abe is dressed to leave, sitting on his hospital bed. Chanel comes in with something from Sweet Bits. He opens box and finds a bear claw. Chanel says that's his favorite. Abe tells her he remembers her.

Belle and Brady are in the judge's chambers waiting on Kristen. They discuss how Abe was held by a crazy person. Brady says Kristen is crazy. Kristen rushes in, still dressed in the dress from the wedding. She tells them she was at a double wedding. Everyone expects the judge to sign joint custody papers. The judge says she wants what's best for Rachel and she's not signing the paper.

Abe tells Chanel he knows she's his step-daughter and remembers her from before. He remembers her after his surgery, but not before. Chanel tells him he shouldn't be pressured to remember. She tells him Paulina was a different person after they thought he died. Chanel says she's herself again since he's been found. Paulina woke up at 5 AM (I was up before that) cooking and cleaning the house.

Chanel says Paulina is crazy in love with you. Abe doesn't want anyone to fuss over him. People told him how much Paulina loves him. He would do anything to feel that love. Chanel tells him Paulina will do anything to help him remember. Even have him fall in love with her over again. (will he remember all the times she lied?)

Steve is sad that Abe can't remember anything. Kayla tells him Marlena tried hypnosis. (oops) Steve talks about the low life of an actor since he made Abe more confused, is at the Salem PD. Steve wants the book thrown at Jerry. Kayla reminds him they found Abe because of him. Kayla tells Steve that Whitley had a break from reality after her husband died last year.

Steve wonders if she's faking since she still worked as a nurse? Kayla says she's not faking it. They talk about Nurse King going to Bayview. Steve is upset about that since Whitley knew she kidnapped Abe and how she kept him from his family. He says she might have kept him from knowing his family.

John is upset the hypnosis didn't work. John says Abe will need more time. Marlena says everyone needs to be patient and understand Abe may never get his memory back.

Theo and Paulina are looking at all the food that she cooked. She made all his favorites. She hopes the food will help with his memory. Theo says she needs to make the dish his mom made. Actually, she bought it. Clam pizza with red sauce. Paulina hopes everything is nice since Abe likes it neat and tidy. She wants to change to a nice dress (she's wearing a dress now) and put on makeup. Theo tells her she looks nice and Abe loves her with his heart.

Abe is looking at the wedding photo of him and Paulina again when Steve and John come. Both are happy to see him, but Abe looks terrified. John and Steve introduces themselves and tell Abe they have been friends for a long time. They both ask if they can hug him. They tell him the kid who played Theo is at the police station. Abe asks if he's in trouble?

John tells Abe the kid lied about him going off the pier and planted evidence. Abe remembers that John's wife found him because of them. John tells Abe that he and Steve will annoy him to help him remember who he is. They tell Abe they have stories. John tells Abe he has support with friends and family. John reminds him what he said a long time ago, "rest is a weapon". They leave and tell him their numbers are in his phone.

Theo is on the phone. Paulina walks in and he hangs up phone. Paulina says she put on makeup. Theo tells her he talked to JJ and he's going to stay in Salem instead of going back to Africa. He needs to close a deal, but he's going to stay. Paulina tells him he needs to go back (darn). She will call him when Abe starts to remember. They leave to go to the hospital.

Kayla and Marlena are discussing Abe at the nurses' station. Marlena wonders if it's ok for Abe to go home now? Kayla says he's physically fine. Marlena is worried about his mental health. She wants him to stay longer to protect him from his pressure. Kayla asks if Marlena wants Abe to stay? Marlena is hopeful Abe will regain his memory at home.

Meanwhile at the courthouse, Brady keeps sticking his foot in his mouth. Kristen tries to tell the judge Brady agreed to the joint custody and she's a good mother. The judge says it's not her fitness she's worried about, it's Mr. Black. The judge talks about how Brady was a arrested with a loaded gun. He tries to explain he wanted Kristen tell him the truth where Rachel was. Belle keeps trying to hold him back. The judge talks about how Brady had Rachel kidnapped last year. He says it was to find out where the orchid was to save three women. The judge rolls her eyes.

The judge can't believe an orchid was needed to save their lives. (she must not read the paper). Kristen keeps sitting and listening. Brady keeps getting upset and asks if the judge looked into Kristen's past? The judge has, but Kristen was pardoned (uh oh) They discuss Rachel leaving camp and the judge thinks Rachel was hiding from Brady (sort of). The judge has talked to Rachel and that because of Brady's behavior today the judge gives full custody to Kristen (oh my).

Brady is shocked. Brady tries to explain Kristen will turn Rachel against him. The judge mentions Brady was implicated in Philip's death (not dead yet). The judge explains most children Rachel's age are awarded to their mothers (doesn't mean that's correct). Belle asks if Rachel wanted to stay with her mother? The judge talks about how Rachel took a ride-share to see Kristen and to get out of Brady's control (see, it's both of their faults how Rachel acts). The judge wants Rachel with Kristen by tomorrow. The judge leaves.

Brady is devastated. He tries to talk to Kristen about share custody. Kristen reminds him he tried to replace her with Chloe. She listened to the judge and agrees. She tells Brady she used to love him, but she's going to follow the judge's ruling. Kristen tells Brady he will see Rachel, but visits will be supervised. Kristen leaves. Brady is upset. (hopefully he realizes his actions caused this).

Abe is looking at wedding picture again. He has memories of people coming to see him after he came back to the hospital. Paulina told him she's his wife. Theo had to tell him his name is not Brandon. Kayla's telling him she's Dr. Johnson and they are friends. Theo walks in and tells Abe he's coming by to say goodbye. He has to leave to go back to work. Theo says he's only a phone call away. If Abe needs him, just call. Theo asks if he can hug him? They hug. Theo tells Abe he's the best father he could've had. Abe tells him he's scared.

Kayla and Marlena are still discussing what's best for Abe. He doesn't need a lot of pressure. Kayla is worried about Paulina. Marlena says Paulina will give him love, but she needs to have patience. The elevator dings and Paulina comes out. Paulina yells where is everyone? She wants to take her husband home.

Paulina sees Marlena and is excited to take Abe home. Marlena reminds Paulina that Abe may never get his memory back. Paulina says she'll get him to remember. She's determined. Marlena tells her she needs patience. Paulina promises she'll be patient and determined. Paulina knows she'll get her Abraham back.

Abe says he has family and friends. He's afraid he won't remember that life. Theo tells Abe he was afraid all the time. He tells Abe he told him there's nothing wrong with being afraid, and don't let it keep you from living. Theo says he has to leave and he'll call Abe all the time. Abe is happy to hear that and Theo says he can call him too. Theo leaves.

Abe sighs as Paulina walks in. Before she speaks, she remembers what Marlena said about being patient. Paulina calmly walks over to Abe and asks if he wants to blow this joint? He laughs and says yes.

Chanel and Theo are in Horton Town Square. She gives him a Sweet Bits box of goodies to eat on the plane. She wants to take him to the airport. He says he's using a car service. Chanel asks if he saw Abe? She tells Theo she saw Abe too. Theo told Abe to call him anytime, but he doesn't think he will. Theo asks Chanel to call him if Abe needs him. Chanel will call him, and her mom will take care of Abe.

Kayla's talking to Steve again about Abe's condition. Marlena said not to pressure Abe. Steve said he saw some of the old Abe when he saw him. Steve says their prayers have been answered that he's alive.

Paulina and Abe are at the apartment. Abe's in wheelchair. Paulina said she made the banner. Paulina says you're home. She asks if anything seems familiar? Abe looks around.

Brady's looking at a picture of Rachel when John and Marlena come home. (will he still move out?) They ask him what's wrong? He turns the picture toward them. He tells them he lost her. Kristen got full custody. Marlena gasps and her mouth flies open. Brady is sad.

Belle is looking at papers when Kristen walks into the judge's chambers. Kristen asks if those are the papers of the ruling? Belle says she'll get her own copy. Kristen can't believe she won and Brady lost. Belle says Rachel lost too, then leaves.
Thanks kat.

Now we can see just what type of mother Kristen can be now that she isn't special fun weekend mom. She's now relegated to "Is your homework done?" "Is your bed made?" "Eat your vegetables" mom. I'd recommend supervised visits for Brady for a bit too. Sheesh, but that man has shot himself in the foot over and over.
It is ridiculous that because she got a pardon the judge doesn't even consider all Kristen has done. I was expecting to see her reunite with Rachel and Rachel saying "we really got him, didn't we?" I know she loves her dad but also know she's a conniving little brat. Just like mommy.

Since Abe lost his memory right after surgery, so Whitley isn't entirely responsible for it?
Maybe Whitley wasn't 100% responsible for Abe's memory loss, but she did keep drugging him, so that didn't help. It does sound like she will get the Bayview treatment and not jail. Bayview will need more beds with everyone who is there now.
Add Judge Ramirez to such undistinguished Salem jurists as clueless Damon Thorpe, witless Rose Duncan, angry Judge Goldberg, and bought-and-paid-for DiMera judge Karen Fitzpatrick. If she really knew Kritter’s pre-pardon conduct, she’d never have ruled the way she did. If Belle knew her stuff, which she doesn’t, she’d appeal immediately to the Illinois Appellate Court on the grounds of mistake of fact. Affidavits from such Kritter victims like Marlena, Eric, and Jeannie T. would make the appellate judges’ hair stand on end.

Steve really won’t cut the hapless Jerry any slack. If he’d been a judge in the 19th century, he would have been known as Hanging Judge Johnson.

Finally, amnesiac Abe really is a tough case. A lot of Salem amnesia victims would have instantly regained their memories after chowing down on Chanel’s bearclaws.
Great job, Kat!

I am also shocked by the judge's idiotic decision. As I said the other day, neither parent is fit to be a parent. And they are fighting over a she-devil. Brady should count his blessings.

Rachel might soon be the youngest blackmailer in Days' history, since she has the goods on Leo and Dimitri. Will she tell someone? Kristen already knows. Will they conspire together?

The drugs Abe was given definitely messed him up even more. While Colin is responsible for the brain injury, Whitley made it even worse, and it might take months, if at all, for him to regain his memories. He can't be Mayor again until then, so they are stuck with that cretin who wants to put Chanel out of business permanently.

Paulina needs to tone it down while she is being "patient" with Abe. Can she do this?

It was heartbreaking seeing Steve and John visit Abe, and even more so when Abe spoke about his fear of not regaining all his wonderful memories. Another great acting turn by James Reynolds.
Steve wants the book thrown at Jerry.
This is coming from a man whose son is a knife-wielder, whose daughter is highly unstable, and who himself was introduced as a paid thug.
The judge says it's not her fitness she's worried about, it's Mr. Black.
:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
That judge is remiss for not examining Kristen’s list of evil deeds:

-locking up Salem’s university hospital’s renowned psychiatrist in a secret room in the DiMera mansion

-faking a pregnancy and hiring a look alike to go to all of her OB visits then passing off the baby as her own

-helping her father zap the memories out of Salem’s other psychiatrist with a special laser to the temples

-kidnapping her look-alike and giving her to an Ottoman Sultan

-raping a priest by drugging him then filming the two of them having sex

-kidnapping the ISA’s leader’s daughter and stealing the embryo and then attempting to raise the little boy as her own

-kidnapping and torturing the renowned psychiatrist’s oldest daughter

-stabbing Titan’s original CEO right in the guts

-impersonating another woman using a mask that looks just like the other woman and then having sex with a man who thinks he is having sex with that other woman (another rape of sorts)

-stealing and withholding the healing orchid mentioned in today’s episode as leverage to live with her ex and their daughter

-taunted and terrified a University hospital young nurse until she caused her to back into a stairwell and fall to her death

-brainwashed (along with the elusive crazed doctor/scientist of Salem) her brother to make him think he was in love with a woman he wasn’t really in love with.

There are probably more evil deeds I’ve forgotten!

Also, I think the judge is played by the same actress that played the prison warden in charge of the organ harvesting operation back around 12 years ago, remember Jenn’s heart being removed then put back in by Dr. Dan?