Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, August 13, 2019


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Nov 6, 2015
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Brooklyn, NY
Opening scenes... Xander (shirtless and sexy) in Kiriakis living room looking at a picture of Sarah and pining over her. Meanwhile, Sarah arrives from work to Eric’s apartment and is surprised to see him cooking a candlelight dinner. Anna walks into the square and sees Tony and walks up to him and gives him a slap. He responds in shock. Then she gives him two more slaps to the face. First slap was for not telling her he was alive. Second one for spending night in hotel with Kate. Third one for marrying Nicole.

Brady is at Doug’s Place and receives a text from Fake Nicole to come over now. John comes in and tells Brady about a big surprise he has planned for Marlena. Marlena is knocking on Nicole’s hotel door. Kristen is shown inside napping on sofa. She awakes and ponders opening the door. She decides she will handle Marlena and picks up a gun. She opens the door and Marlena says “Kristen! You’re alive!” And begins to run away but Kristen grabs her and brings her in the hotel room and starts to tell Marlena there is no one to come to her rescue this time. No Roman or John. She shoots Marlena in the stomach and Marlena collapses.

Of course Kristen was daydreaming and quickly puts on the Nicole mask and opens the door. Marlena comes in and they talk about grief and she wants Nicole to talk about her feelings about losing Holly. Nicole wants her to stay out of her personal life but Marlena insists because Nicole is involved in Eric and Brady’s lives. Marlena doesn’t understand her marrying Tony. Nicole says she did it because she loves Brady. Marlena thinks Nicole is reacting out of grief and it is a mistake to be with Brady. Nicole wants Marlena to leave. Marlena asks if she will call hotel security. Nicole goes to her purse and gets gun out with her back turned from Marlena and says “No, something much worse!”

John and Brady talk but Brady daydreams of Kristen and them in bed and her telling him she got her tattoo after her swan dive in Italy and signified her rebirth. Brady tells John he has been thinking of Kristen lately. John asks why the heck would he be thinking of Kristen? Brady doesn’t know. He tells John he will help in any way he can for the anniversary party John wants to plan for Marlena for August 22 (their initial wedding anniversary).

Brady leaves and Hope comes in and asks for John’s help. She wants him to help her find Ted Laurent’s murderer. Her speculations are the woman she saw with $100 bill and necklace could be the murderer and also the one who orchestrated the kidnapping of Ted and Kate. She believes Stefan DiMera is not the murderer. John agrees to help. Hope thinks Nicole may have something to do with the murder and the kidnapping. She thinks she convinced Ted and Kate to lie that Stefan kidnapped them.

Xander still thinking of Sarah. Will and Sonny come in and want to do interview story for the Spectator. About the murder of Ted Laurent. Xander wants to know why they want to question him. Will and Sonny imply Xander has a motive. Xander denied this but says he knows who might have killed Ted. He has a flashback of him talking to Kristen and she said she was going to kill Ted. Sonny and Will ask who Xander feels is the suspect. Xander turns it on Will and Sonny. He brings up the blackmail Ted had on Sonny. He also says Kate could be a suspect. Will and Sonny deny this. They want to know why Ted lied about seeing Xander at the docks, as there is no video footage to support that story. Xander doesn’t want to answer their questions because it might endanger his immunity deal. He leaves. Will says he knows Xander is hiding something. Sonny vows to help him solve the mystery.

Tony and Anna sit on the bench in the private area in the park. She wants to know why he never contacted her or called. He tells her he wanted to tell her in person. Then she wants to know why he married Nicole and he gives her a story about how he saved her in the fire and he feels responsible to help her because they now have this bond. (unbelievable in my opinion). But Tony gushes he always loved her and always will and they share a passionate kiss on the bench. Anna now says they can be together. Tony squirms and says he can’t get out of his marriage to Nicole. He explains to Anna he can’t and that he has to see this to the end and that Nicole is crowned CEO of DiMera, and take power from Gabi or there will be serious repercussions. Anna doesn’t like this and says there will be serious repercussions....for Tony and her.

Anna says Nicole’s bid for DiMera Enterprises failed so he needs to divorce her and then they can be together. Tony can’t. Anna gets angry and says she waited 10 years for Tony but she won’t wait a minute longer. He better figure this mess out fast. She walks away in a huff. Tony stands up from the bench and calls for Anna to come back. Leaning on his cane, he says under his breath, “Damn you Kristen!”

Eric and Sarah talk and Eric prepares the pasta dinner. They talk how they love each other and feel bad for Rex. Lots of silly talk and Sarah dips her hand in the pasta sauce and puts it on Eric’s shirt and then he flicks sauce on her. They kiss. (yuck) The next scene with them they are laying on the sofa and Eric says let’s just skip to dessert...and the scene cuts to the kitchen with pasta still on the table.

Brady knocks on Nicole’s hotel room door. Fake Nicole puts the gun away so Marlena never saw it. She lets Brady in. She says Marlena was just leaving. Marlena leaves and Nicole tells Brady that “She is such a pain in the *bleep*” and she doesn’t need a nosy shrink to help her with her issues. Brady tried to get Nicole to see that she is just trying to help. Nicole embraces him and says she is happy he is in her life and they kiss. Brady notes something is different when he kisses her. He can’t quite tell what it is....familiar....but different. Nicole says maybe they are different people than who they were before. She suggests they just enjoy the ride together. She turns a lamp off and pulls him to the bed and they lay in bed, Brady on top of her and kissing her.

John tells Hope of the anniversary party and Hope says she will be there. He tells her it’s a surprise and not to tell Marlena. They show Marlena standing behind John as he says this, and she has a perplexed expression on her face. Next scene and John realizes Marlena is behind him and explains he was having a sensitive conversation about a police matter or something like that. Marlena is understanding. John has to go make a quick phone call. Marlena is glad she and Hope have a moment. She tells Hope that she is planning a whopping wedding anniversary party for John and herself. And it is a please do not tell John! Hope keeps a serious face and turns toward John who is on his cell phone. She turns toward the camera smirking, not telling Marlena what she already knows about John’s own surprise plans for Marlena.
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Thank you, tennisdoc!!

The Anna/Tony scenes were wonderful. Boy, I missed them as a couple. I'm glad she wouldn't let him off the hook despite his apologies and explanations.

The John/Hope/Marlena scenes were good, too. It was good to see them as themselves instead of badly written cartoons.

Brady and Kristen made me cringe.

Yummm!!! shirt day for Xander!
Great job!

I was surprised at the brief mention of Parker (Brady tells John that Chloe had just left the club, to go pick up Parker).

It was funny when Anna asked Tony whose ashes were in the urn all this time and he said one of Rolf's cats.
They really don't want Xander wearing a shirt. That's ok.

Man, how fast can she get her Nicole face on!! Guess I gave Brady too much credit hoping he had figured out it was Kristen. He lives in Salem, someone having someone else's face would not be that far-fetched!! Guess he hasn't and now he's saying stuff like being with Nicole just feels right now. Good lord, is he really still in love with Kristen?!! Please no!!

Tony and Anna were cute as could be!! And apparently it really is Tony!! So yay for that!!
Thank you for giving us a good summary, tennisdoc!

Not more of the two dreadful couples. Eric and Sarah....I can't wait for the real Nicole to be revealed, just to see the reactions from these two. Hoping that will blow this ridiculous romance out of the water.

Brady and fake Nicole. Worst case scenario is that he ends up having feelings for Kristen by the time she is revealed. You know with Brady, anything is possible, when he only has a vague notion that something doesn't feel right when he kisses a fake face/mask.

I'm looking forward to Tony and Anna. I hope he stands up to Kristen, and soon.

There's something I've always wondered about---on almost every tv show/movie I've ever seen, when someone cooks a romantic dinner at home, why is it ALWAYS pasta? I'm not a fan of pasta and it's hard for me to think of it as romantic, but even if some people do, am I the only one who doesn't?
Thanks, tennisdocc.

I know robin will like this episode since Xander isn't wearing a shirt.

Sarah and Eric were a big waste of time. We were suppose to think putting food on each
is romantic? Nah..not too me.

I laughed when Xander called Hope sassy.

I enjoyed Anna and Tony.

It would be funny if someone else decided to have a surprise party for John and Marlena.
I missed this episode because I was traveling, but here are a few belated comments.

It's a fine comment on the state of the Salem P.D. that the fired and newly clued-in Hope goes to John for help in investigating the Stefan Zero case rather than Commissioner Eli.

Will and Sonny had to be kidding themselves when they tried to interview Xander like he was an ordinary source. The shirtless wonder would only give them good information if it suited his purposes.

Here's hoping that Anna slaps some sense into Tony ASAP. The fake Nicole story gets more absurd and off-putting with every episode. The sooner that Tony and anyone else can put an end to the farce the better for everyone.
Yes to everything you said, DBF!

John said to Hope that he didn't think Nicole could murder anyone. Can someone here help me remember something? Didn't Nicole kill some young man, maybe 15 or so years ago? I can't remember the story but I think he was British and his name could have been Colin or something like that.
Colin Murphy was supposedly murdered by Nicole, Jan. 1, 2002, but a couple years later turned up alive, a prisoner of Tony (Andre) on some island. When all escaped, Colin was presumed dead.
Nik also supposedly killed Deimos...tho everyone was drugged at that party.