Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023


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Dec 29, 2012
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It's still Christmas in Salem.

Chad is at the pub when Harris comes in. They discuss mistakes they have made. Harris says it's not the first time someone broke up with him at Christmas. One woman left a break up note in his stocking. Harris then mentions a nice woman he was with and she got drunk. They kissed and nothing else. Ava can't forgive him. Chad said the kids are at Doug and Julie's. He says it will take a Christmas miracle to get back with Stephanie.

Ava and Stefan are at the back of The Bistro waiting on a shipment. Ava doesn't have a coat. They discuss Stefan going to prison to see Gabi. He says Gabi is in pain and he told her what was going on. She's going to watch her back.

At the K-mansion, Justin, Maggie and Sarah are in the den. Justin says Bonnie is in Chicago with Emily and Mimi. Xander comes in from the door in the back. He has Victoria in a car seat. Sarah is happy to see her. Alex and Theresa come in. Maggie is happy they came. Alex said it was important to be there as respect for Victor to have the family together. Maggie looks at Victor's portrait. Victoria cries. Sarah picks her up. Brady comes in the room. Theresa and he have a side conversation. She's happy Tate had a nice Christmas. Brady's upset Kristen won't let him see Rachel. Maggie gives Alex a wrapped box. She gives him Victor's watch. It was one Victor's father gave him.

Everett comes into the pub. Chad invites him to the table. Harris wants to know how Everett knows Stephanie? Everett says they worked together in Seattle. He didn't want to say more about it. Later, Harris asks Everett where he was from. Everett changes the subject (he must have secrets). Everett mentions Harris was a Navy seal. Harris thought that would help with being a cop, but so far it's not working well (it's Salem, maybe it would in a different town).

Ava and Stefan are still at the back of the restaurant. Stefan admits to Ava that he told EJ what was going on. He was hoping EJ would help get rid of Clyde. Ava is upset EJ knows. They can't believe they are waiting on a delivery mixed with drugs. They hear a noise. It's a cat.

At the K-mansion, all the family is looking a tablet. Maggie is saying bye to Will, Sonny and Arianna. She tells the family Philip sent flowers and Hope called. Konstantin arrives with a package. He came by to say goodbye. Maggie opens the gift and finds a tablecloth. Konstantin says his friend sent it over from Greece. Maggie invites him for dinner.

Stefan talks to Ava about breaking up with Harris. Maybe she shouldn't have done that. They would be able to keep tabs on the police. Ava says she broke up with him to keep him safe. A car comes and honks its horn.

Later, at the K-mansion, they have grappe to toast Victor. Maggie, Theresa and Brady are drinking something else. Konstantin makes the first toast in Greek. When it's over, Theresa slips out. Konstantin goes to Xander and Sarah. He wants them to bring their child to Greece. He goes out after Theresa.

After eating, the three sad, lonely men talk about having a Christmas tradition together. Harris is having tea since he's on duty. He discusses his current case. He talks about the drug problem and they have no idea how and where the drugs are coming in. He says there's a new player in town.

Theresa wants Konstantin to leave. He says he's not giving up on Maggie yet. He's going to be staying in the house tonight. He steps on his ankle. You can hear bones crushing (ouch).

Meanwhile, in the den, Alex is commenting about how he has to be nice to the staff at Titan and send nice emails to all of them. Maggie is upset with him complaining. She suggests Victor would want her back at Titan. Xander agrees. He would like to be a consultant. Xander knows he would be a better CEO. Xander and Alex start to argue. Justin and Brady try to stop it. Then they hear Konstantin screaming.

Ava and Stefan are standing over a pile of flour and sugar. They can't believe drugs are inside.

Konstantin hobbles into den. He said he tripped on the stairs. Brady and Xander help him sit down. Alex walks past Justin and says can you believe this? Justin's not sure if he does. Maggie has Sarah look at Konstantin's ankle. Sarah doesn't think it's broken, but he needs X-rays tomorrow. Theresa looks disgusted. Konstantin says he has flight. Sarah says no. Maggie says he can stay in guest room until the next day. He doesn't want to be a burden. Maggie says he's not (but he's a jerk). Theresa talks to Justin alone about Alex. Justin says Alex seems more distant than usual. Theresa tries to reassure him. Justin says his heart says Alex will always be his son (that's a fact).

Chad decides to check on the kids. Harris' phone rings. He hangs up and has a tip about drug transaction happening now from a CI (confidential informant). Everett wants to ride along. Harris says no, not until he fills out the paperwork. Everett gives Harris his card. He wants a story. Harris hopes it's the break he's been waiting for, then leaves.

Sarah finishes wrapping Konstantin's ankle. Victoria is crying. Sarah says Victoria just ate. Xander and Sarah leave to take Victoria for a ride in the car. Brady walks out with them. Theresa and Alex decide to leave. Alex says Merry Christmas to Justin. Justin leaves to get ice for Konstantin's ankle. Maggie is upset the gathering didn't go well. She wanted peace. Konstantin tells her she did her best. Konstantin makes a remark and Maggie tells him it sounds like something Victor would say.

Chad and Everett discuss the drug problem and it's distressing. Chad says he's been reading police blotters and the police are now required to carry Naloxone. They discuss the Spectator could have a story when people won't talk to cops, but reporters. Chad tells Everett to earn his stripes.

Stefan takes a package of pills out of the flour. He says they need to get the stuff inside. Harris comes up behind them (Ava & Stefan) and asks what's going on?
I know! Alex was terrible. Talking to Theresa he says I will always think of Justin as my father, but to Justin he's a jerk.

I hate the Gabi story, that she is being abused in prison again.

Konstantin needs to go now. And Maggie needs to stop coddling him and inviting him to everything. Asking them to help him to the chair that was 6 inches away from him. Maggie is irritating me.

Chad is still an idiot. He just is not nice. Harris does know Chad & Stephanie were a couple, right? He didn't seem like it.
Thank you, Kat!

Alex gets the badge of horror, not honor, for acting like a complete jerk today. I hope Xander gets that watch very soon.

Painful watching Konstantin hurt himself, even though we really want him hurt and banished from Salem. At least a few are suspicious of him. I wish Maggie would be one of them.

I believe that Harris DOES know that Stephanie was with Chad but did not think he should mention it. Good for Harris and his discretion. That is rare in Salem.

If not for Ava needing to distance herself from Harris due to her "job," I think she would have forgiven him for his slight indiscretion with Stephanie and being honest about it. That shows his character, and that is a refreshing change for her.

Was Everett being hush hush about his past for a specific reason? As someone pointed out, we have no valid reason for disliking him. He has actually acted decently towards everyone. There is just that huge question mark about the coma and Jada which needs to be answered.

I hope tomorrow's episode opens with Harris finding Ava and Stefan at the docks. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
He says Gabi is in pain and he told her what was going on
I know she was roughed up in an earlier prison run (thank you, Abby and Stefa-NO), but the Gabi who's been on-screen for the past decade should be running the prison gangs by now, not cowering in off-screen fear.
Konstantin makes a remark and Maggie tells him it sounds like something Victor would say.
Was it a misogynistic swipe at the current lover of one of Victor's biological relations?
Was surprised the pub was open. In my little town (and trust me, it's little), the only thing open was a gas station/mart.
How many international companies are headquartered in your town? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Can Xander please lock up Konstantin in a cage?
I'm pretty sure the heat ducts at Titan TV are still open, in a pinch!
Was it a misogynistic swipe at the current lover of one of Victor's biological relations?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

So slimy Konstantin has bought Maggie an alleged fine Greek gift. This one probably did come from Greece, but it’s probably from the Athens version of the Dollar Store.

As for Salem corporations and offices, the local attorneys are even worse. “The only one I can recall having a real office was Aiden “Dead Bird” Jennings.
Damn, Alex is a jerk. I know it won't happen because of the influences of Maggie and Sarah but I wish Xander would put Alex in his place once the truth is known. Alex's place is the unemployment line after having been blackballed from all Salem corporations. Most Salem CEOs are simply lazy or unqualified whereas Alex is both of those things plus viciously unprofessional.
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Thanks for the summary. I’m so sick of the Konstantin storyline and Alex’s behavior that I will not comment.

I actually enjoy the Ava and Harris stuff way better than most things on the soap right now.