Days of Our Lives - Tuesday Dec 28, 2021


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Dec 29, 2012
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Possession and Exorcism day

The show starts in Nicole's apartment with Johnny yelling at Allie she's jealous and that she's still in love with Chanel. Allie says she's in love with Tripp. She's upset because she doesn't want her best friend hurt. Chanel says she's not her best friend anymore she's her sister in law. Allie says you won't be happy and she brings up her marriage to Xander. Allie says Johnny will break your heart. Johnny and Allie yell who has the worse parent. Chanel wants to leave. It's Christmas morning and not very merry. Chanel and Johnny leave.

Brady and Belle are in the police station. He just got released. Belle tells him to thank Chloe because she made Victor and Kate sign papers to say Philip wasn't dead. Brady is thankful Belle is here because of Marlena. He wants to know what's going on. Belle says their dad is doing an exorcism.

John lets Eric in. Eric asks how his mom is doing. He's sorry John has to go through this a second time. John tells him he's been reading the scriptures, but nothing is working. Eric tells he has back up now and he's suited for the job. Eric takes off his coat and scarf. Eric is wearing his priest collar. John called Eric the night before about Marlena and Eric told him then he was a priest. John is thankful that Eric made the decision. Eric says it was God's will. Eric said it was because of what Nicole said that when he took the collar off it didn't change him. Eric has been in the Congo. He talks about how he became priest again.

Sami, Lucas and demon Marlena are still in the bedroom discussing Lucas having a secret. Flashback from yesterday when demon Marlena tells Lucas she knows he kidnapped Sami. Back to the present, demon Marlena tells Lucas she's going to find out. Do you want to tell her or shall I? Sami tells Lucas just tell me. Lucas says he's been lying to her. He's still in love with her, but you don't know how much I love you. demon Marlena says how deep is the ocean and how high is the sky. Sami throws holy water on it. Lucas tries again. He tells Sami I would do anything to have you and be back together.

Then Eric and John come into the bedroom. demon Marlena sees priest Eric. Sami is surprised Eric is priest. Eric tells her he and Nicole broke up. Eric talks to demon Marlena about how the Bible says not to put Lord God to the test. demon Marlena says not my god not my lord. Eric and demon Marlena go back and forth.

Steve and Kayla are at the hospital. They talk about how Tripp was in the hospital bed and not Jan. Kayla says Shawn is taking Jan to Statesville. Later, Steve comes out dressed as Patchy Claus. They talk about Stephanie and Joey not being there for the holiday. He wants Kayla to sit on his lap. She doesn't think a good idea with everyone watching. She finally does. Steve gives her an anchor bracelet. He tells her Tripp says it's the thing to give this holiday. He also says it will go with the necklace he gave her on their honeymoon. Flashback to then with Steve giving her an anchor necklace. He tells her she's still his anchor. They kiss.

Eric tells demon Marlena his mom is still in there and his boss is going to make sure she wins. Eric wants everyone else to leave. demon Marlena says Sami and Lucas aren't a part of God's Squad. John leaves the room too. Eric starts praying. demon Marlena asks how he's a priest again. Eric says he was reinstated. demon Marlena wonders how because of the people who saw the video and says he found his calling in the adult entertainment business. Then demon Marlena turns into demon Kristen. She asks Eric if he wants to make a sequel.

Sami, John and Lucas are in the living room. They hope Eric knows what he's doing. Belle and Brady arrive. Brady tells Lucas he didn't hurt Philip. Lucas says he believes him. Belle and Brady find out Eric is in room and is now a priest. Belle wonders why he did that. Sami says Nicole probably made him swear off women. John says no it was faith. Brady doesn't think Eric should be in there alone.

Eric is shocked that the demon now looks like Kristen. She asks how you not interested in me. Eric says he was drugged last time. demon Kristen pops up a tablet with the sex video showing. Eric can't stop watching it. Brady comes in and says don't listen to her. Brady says it's the devil's trick. demon Kristen is happy Brady came. They both try not to talk to her. Then demon becomes Marlena again. Eric says we can't do this alone. We have to try a different approach.

Belle tells Sami about Shawn and Jan. Then they start fighting. John yells at them to stop. They have to be united to save Marlena. Brady and Eric come out. Eric says they have to fight the devil as a family.

After Chanel and Johnny leaves, Tripp asks Allie if she still loves Chanel. She says she's not in love with Chanel, but wants her to be happy. She loves him. Tripp says he loves her. She gets a call. It's grandpa John.

demon Marlena alone says Marlena your family is circling the wagons for your soul, but you're going to lose.

Chanel is in the square. Tripp comes up with baby carriage. Tripp says he's sorry about before. He asks if Johnny got a call. Chanel says yes he did. Tripp invites her to go with him to the Christmas party at the hospital.

Allie and Johnny meet in the hallway. They both agree they are doing this for grandma. Sami opens the door. Johnny goes in. Sami wants to discuss what Paulina told her. Allie says not the time.

Belle, Brady, John, Johnny, Allie, Eric, Sami and Lucas in living room discussing what they need to do. Lucas leaves saying this a family thing. Eric says the exorcism is a very emotional and exhausting. He says Christmas is a good day to do because Jesus was born.

They all go in the bedroom. demon Marlena sees Johnny and says he came because of his movie. He says no. John says don't talk to her. Eric blesses everyone before it begins. They join hands and say the Lord's prayer. Wind starts blowing around the room. demon Marlena looks worried. The bed starts shaking Eric is throwing holy water on demon and says blessing. The bed stops shaking. They think it's over. demon Marlena laughs and starts taunting Belle and Sami. John says talk to Marlena and not the demon.

Kayla is with Steve reading the Christmas story (there are no real kids listening). Chanel and Tripp come out of elevator and listen.

Lucas arrives at the Horton house and puts packages under the tree. He looks at the angel and prayers to God to forgive him for what he did to Sami.

John tells Marlena to fight. Eric keeps praying to keep Marlena safe and bring her back. Wind comes back. Marlena has flashbacks with the children and John. demon Marlena yells no. Everything gets still. John goes to her and says Doc. Marlena wakes up and says John. She says you saved me. She sees everyone else and says you all saved me. They untie her and hug one another. (It's a Miracle and let's hope it's over.)
Raise the flag, bang the drums, blow the horns -- Mar-Devil appears to be gone. Thankyou Father Eric.

Father Eric: In addition to apparently exorcising Marlena, he did the impossible, he got all the members of her perpetually warring family to work together, which is far harder than herding cats.

Johnny: What's wrong with him -- complaining about being compared to Xander? He can only dream about having saved a person's life and having all the ladies swoon when he takes off his shirt.

Horton Tree: A full-length view of the tree today showed that there is plenty of space for a Xander ornament. It's time for Maggie to get busy with this project.

Patchy Claus: As usual, he did a fine job. His appearance was also the occasion of flashback scenes to when Days actually did real romance.:wine:
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So Lucas managed to get out of the room without confessing to Sami that he was the one who had her kidnapped. He was smart to say he loved her, as that is actually true, but I still expect it to come out that he was responsible for her disappearance.

If Brady was still in jail on Christmas Day, and the exorcism was occuring at the townhouse, just who was watching Rachel? I hope she wasn't still in that house with the devil there.

I liked the flashback scenes Marlena had with each of her children. The only thing is, where was the flashback with Eric? She had one with everyone else there.

I loved that ending with all of John and Marlena's onscreen family there with her gathered around the bed as the devil was driven from Marlena. I liked Johnny and Allie there as the new generation representing Marlena's grandchildren. It's just too bad Will and/or Claire could not have been there for that scene as well.

While it looks like the end of Marlena's possession and MarDevil, I have a feeling that it is not the end of the devil lurking around Salem and possibly possessing someone else. After all, the devil still wants Ben and Ciara's baby. Maybe he will show up nearer the time Ciara is about to give birth.
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I guess I'll believe it when I see it. I mean there is always a chance the Devil is faking it to get loose. Call me Debby Downer, if you must, but been around these type of endings before only to have it be a ruse.