Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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40 minutes of much to do about nothing. This might be the time when the scab writers started writing longer shows.

Chad, Stephanie and Alex are still standing in Horton Town Square. Stephanie comments this is awkward. Chad says he wants Stephanie to be happy. Everett walks up to the group with a box. He asks Stephanie if she remembers they have a lunch date? Stephanie says she wants to be alone and walks away. Everett follows her.

Theresa gets a call from Poughkeepsie. She answers the call and finds out it's Konstantin. She tells him to leave her alone. She hangs up. Brady walks up behind her. He says first the trash can and now the mystery caller. She says it was a spam caller and wants the person to leave her alone. Brady wants to be sure she stays out of trouble. Theresa says he's slept with all the women in Salem and calls him a sex addict. (oh my). After a while, they go their separate ways.

Ava is at the Bistro when Stefan hurries in. (is he growing a mustache?) Stefan says Gabi broke her leg in two places in prison. He knows it was Clyde. They sit down to talk. They talk about a shipment. Stefan wants to use Harris to get information. Ava doesn't want to do that. (guess who walks up to the table?) Harris comes up. Stefan leaves. Ava tells Harris that they were talking about the reopening of the Bistro.

Chad and Alex try to have a conversation when Theresa comes up. She asks Alex if the gift bags are for her? She tells Alex she needs to go to the office. They leave and Chad stands alone.

Paulina is dozing on the couch. There's a knock on the door. It's Abe and he's brought a box. Paulina is embarrassed since she's not dressed or combed her hair. Later, Paulina brings out a plate of cookies. Abe made them himself. Paulina says they're delicious and Chanel might want the recipe. Chanel is in her room wrapping presents. Paulina tells Abe she's not able to write the Christmas speech. She wants to give everyone hope, but this year hasn't been a good one.

At the Bistro, Harris and Ava are standing. He tells her what happened the night before. He got drunk with Jada and Stephanie. Stephanie couldn't get home. She slept in his room and they only kissed. He asks Ava if he can accept his apology? She says no.

Chad goes to the pub and finds Stefan drinking. Stefan tells Chad that Gabi broke her leg. Chad goes to another table and they still talk to each other. Chad says he and Stephanie broke up. He is worried Stefan is drinking too much. Stefan is worried about Gabi. He says Weston. Chad runs over to Stefan's his table and wants to know why? Chad gets angry and breaks a glass on the floor. Stefan gets up and leaves. Chad says to himself that Clyde killed Abby.

At the Titan office, Theresa can't find the receipts. She's mad the accounting office wants hard copies. Alex finds the folder. Brady walks in the office. Alex leaves to answer a phone call. Brady talks to Theresa about Alex and asks if she was completely reformed. He knows something is going on with her. He mentions the Mexican drug lord. They wish each other a nice holiday. Theresa leaves. Alex comes back. Brady doesn't want Theresa hurt and he hopes she's going to her meetings. Alex leaves and Brady is alone.

Harris is sitting at a table waiting for Ava. She has to break up with him to protect herself. Things went wrong with Rafe and Steve. She needs to keep an eye on her mental health. (that's one way to keep Harris out of the way when she's laundering money). Ava tells him it's over. He leaves and she cries.

Everett finds Stephanie at a park bench. She tells him she's sorry she had to cancel lunch. They talk a while. She tells him she and Chad are no longer together, says she's not interested in a romance now. Everett asks about being friends? She says he's a good listener. Later, they're eating a pastry that was in the box. Everett tells Stephanie she's too hard on herself. He knows she'll have a home and family. Stephanie wants to be a young mom (she better hurry up). She's glad Everett is her friend. They get up and wish each other a nice Christmas Eve. They leave in different directions.

After Everett and Stephanie leave, Theresa comes to the park bench. She gets a call. It says from China. She answers the phone and yells at the person thinking it's Konstantin. It's Andrew. He's in Salem and wants to talk to her alone. She will meet him at the park by Horton Town Square.

Ava is at a table drinking when Stefan returns. Stefan called the warden at the prison. The warden insists Gabi slipped and fell when she broke her leg. Ava tells Stefan it's over with her and Harris. She didn't want to take the risk if he found out what they are doing at the Bistro.

Chad is back in Horton Town Square by Tom and Alice's plaque. It made Abby smile when she saw the plaque. He talks to them about how they accepted him at first, because they knew how much he loved her. He's a better man because of her. Clyde took her away from me and my children. He promises them that he will make Clyde pay.

Paulina has her speech done. She wants Abe to read it. He has her stand up and read it to him. It's a nice speech and she wishes everyone a Christmas full of love. When she's finished, Abe gets up. They wish each other a Merry Christmas. Then they hug each other.
It didn't make sense to me Theresa kept answering calls that could be spam. Does she answer them since she's lonely? And why isn't Andrew's phone number in her phone?. It said from China and it might be spam.

And since Andrew in Salem, why did it say China?

I thought smartphones were smarter than that. Maybe not in Salem. :)
Thank you kat for the summary.

I think I have Paulina's exhaustion illness. Just watching the show is making me so sleepy. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Thanks for the summary since I ended fast forwarding through this entire show. I did stop in the very last second and I got distracted trying to figure out why Paulina's robe was sort of pinned to her pajama top.

Maybe we could get zombie Charlie back for a special Christmas episode? Maybe Rory as the pot smoking parish priest could take him on? Then because it's Salem he leaves the priesthood because he falls for his old friend Theresa and they become the super couple of Horton Town Square and get rich with a legal pot shop and cross market with Chanel.
I couldn't remember who Andrew was! He's Theresa's brother, right? Another thing you have to remember to forget. Years ago, Stephanie came to town as big racecar driver. She ought to be a lot older, if they ever remembered anything. I can't stand any of the men in the show. They're all creeps.
Thank you kat for the summary.

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This essentially describes the episode. Stefan Zero is pathetic. If he’s having problems with certain people, all he has to do is ask himself: “What would Stefano do?” As for Gabi’s problems, can’t Rafe call the warden and ask that she be put into protective custody? Who would say no to the mighty Rafe?
Thanks for the write-up. You know the soap is boring when the most entertaining thing on it is Ava, Stefan, and Harris. Truly, they were a delight to watch after all the other silly crap. Even Brady's odd and frosty interactions with Theresa have gotten stale and pointless.