Days of Our Lives - Tuesday Feb 20, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
41 minutes. Why, oh why?

It's still Valentine's night <yawn> and a filler show.

Kate and Roman are outside the pub. They discuss Lucas moving to a new safe house. Kate is upset Lucas is gone. Roman says Lucas is positive and said not to worry about him. Roman reminds Kate it's a special day. He points at two cupid cutouts on the window outside the pub.

Sloan is sitting at the Small Bar waiting. Melinda finally shows up.

Brady is in the townhouse living room when Marlena comes out from the back. Brady asks if his dad is asleep? She says yes and we'll see how long he stays asleep. Brady mentions insomnia. Marlena tells him nightmares too. Brady says he's noticed John isn't himself lately. Marlena says she notices Brady isn't himself either. She knows Brady is worried about Tate and she's concerned.

Alex walks into the apartment. Theresa is packing and on the phone with the Salem Inn. There's no room at the inn since it's Valentine's Day. Alex says she doesn't have to leave. She doesn't want to stay with someone who doesn't want her.

Ava comes home with Stefan. He brought her home since she's not eating or sleeping. He wants to her to go to bed. Ava wants to take a shower and get back to the hospital. Stefan tells her to stay away from Harris.

Alex tells Theresa he cares about her and he went to a meeting for people who have loved ones who are addicts. He wants to slow down things for a bit. Alex says she has a child. Theresa says Tate is almost an adult. She wants a commitment. Later, Theresa is at the door, leaving. Alex asks her to marry him. She turns around and asks if this is for real? Alex sighs.

Theresa says next time to drop on one knee and ask her. (I wouldn't want a man do that). She gets angry and tells him she didn't want to be proposed to by guilt or pity. Alex slams the door and wants to know where's she going since she's in recovery? Theresa gets upset and says she won't find a drug dealer and do drugs. She tells Alex to have a nice life and tosses the apartment door keys to him as she leaves.

Kate and Roman enter the pub. He turns on the light. There's a table for two. When Kate sits down, Roman takes a covers off the food. It's clam chowder. Kate isn't happy. Roman starts laughing. He tells Kate not to tell anyone since he bought Bistro food and it's in the warmer. Kate agrees and tells him he always makes her feel loved and safe. He tells her she's everything to him.

Melinda and Sloan have drinks. Melinda wonders why she's there on Valentine's night? Sloan says she got sidelined by a baby and she's sick of it. Melinda says give Eric a break since he's a new dad. Sloan says Jude is the star of the movie and she's a background extra. Sloan says she's scared. Melinda asks of what? Another voice is heard saying "you." We see Connie. (she went on one date with Li) Connie tells Melinda that she and Li were lovers and if Melinda hadn't lured him into her trap he would be with me (Connie) and alive.

Marlena doesn't want to pressure Brady to talk. He tells her he feels lost and lonely. He mentions Valentine's Day is good for some, but others it brings up negative feelings (that's a fact). He's happy the day is almost over. Marlena asks if he saw Rachel? Brady says he did, but got into a fight with Kristen and Rachel saw it. Rachel yelled to stop fighting. Brady says this is his Valentine's Day. He lost Chloe, his little girl is tramatized and his ex wife is insane.

Marlena tells him Rachel will love him not matter what happens. She reminds him not to fight with Kristen in front of Rachel. Brady says he tries, but when he's around Kristen he loses it. Marlena says she can help him with that. Brady says right now he wants to focus on tomorrow when he sees Tate. He doesn't want to say more. Marlena reminds him his children are her grandchildren. She says it's not a burden to her. Brady mentions the letters Tate sent to him and Theresa.

Tate told Theresa he missed her, the letter to Brady was cold. Marlena says Tate is stressed and treated unfairly. Marlena says Brady is a scapegoat and that's what happened with her and Sami. Marlena wanted Sami to know she understood what Sami was going through and you want that with Tate. Marlena tells Brady having a child is wondrous and having your heart walk outside your body. Brady cries.

Ava doesn't understand why she has to stay away from Harris. Stefan reminds her they're supposed to be a thing. Stefan says how will Clyde react when he knows you're with Harris? (it's too late, he already knows) Ava finally agrees since Tripp is on the night shift. She texts Tripp. Ava doesn't understand why Tripp won't answer her. Ava tells Stefan what if something happens and she's not there? (boo hoo)

Stefan wants to know why she wants to go to hospital since Harris won't know she was there? Ava says she will know. Ava feels guilty since Harris thought he got a message from her to meet him. She says if she finds out who did that do him, she'll kill that person. Stefan tells her they may never know who shot Harris. Ava is upset Tripp hasn't answered. Stefan tells Ava that since he can't cheer her up, he'll feed her. He'll make her an omelet.

After dinner, Kate says her steak was tender. Roman says the Bistro has a good chef. She feels bad she didn't get him a gift. He says everyday with her is a gift. They kiss. Later, Roman turns on music and they get up to dance.

Brady is afraid of his visit with Tate. Marlena tells him to respect Tate's feelings. There's rapid tapping on the door (who can it be?) It's Theresa. Theresa says she just broke up with Alex and has nowhere to go. She wants to sleep in Tate's room since they're seeing him tomorrow. Marlena says it's ok. Brady brings in her things. Theresa gets a call from Alex. She ignores it and tells Marlena thanks as she goes in the back with Brady.

Melinda tells Connie she doesn't know who she is or how she escaped the psych ward. Sloan says Connie was a client of hers. Connie says she knows both of them. Melinda remembers now, she had one date with Li. Connie says it would have been more except for you, and she (Connie) would have kept him safe. Sloan mentions a Stephen King movie. Connie tells Sloan she's a heartless floozy and walks off.

Sloan says Connie is crazy. Melinda says she misses Li and that she took him for granted. She tells Sloan she needs to be more supportive of Eric and Jude. She says Sloan is his mother. Sloan says not really. Melinda says don't go there. Sloan says they stole Nicole's baby. Melinda keeps looking around and says if anyone finds out, our lives are ruined. Sloan finishes her wine and says she knows.

Brady and Theresa come out of the back of the townhouse. Marlena is missing. Brady asks Theresa what happened? She tells him about the ring that fell out of Alex's jacket. She thinks the ring was for her. Theresa thought Alex was going to propose and now she's embarrassed and humiliated. Brady says he's sorry and didn't realize she and Alex were considering marriage.

Theresa's phone rings. It's Alex. She ignores him again. Brady asks Theresa if she loves Alex? Theresa says why else would she marry him? Brady doesn't want to say it, but Alex is getting a lot of money. He wonders if that is her motivation? (flashback of Theresa and Konstantin finding out Xander is Victor's heir) Theresa gets upset. She thought she and Brady getting close and he's calling her a gold digger. Brady apologizes, then says he likes getting closer to her and is sorry that Alex hurt her. Brady then hugs Theresa.

Alex is on the phone trying to get a hold of Theresa. There's a knock on the door. It's Marlena. She tried to call him, but kept getting his voice mail. He keeps trying to call Theresa and she won't answer. Marlena says Theresa is at her house and she thought Alex needed someone to talk to. Alex lets her in.

Alex calls himself an idiot for leaving the ring in his jacket. He tried to stop her from leaving and she wouldn't stay. Marlena says she's hurt and embarrassed. Alex says he cares for her, but he went to a meeting for loved ones of addicts. He told them everything about Theresa at the meeting. He told the group he wasn't sure if he could be in a long term commitment with someone who had those problems. Also, he's unsure how to be a stepfather. Marlena says he needs to be true to himself and he did the right thing for himself and Theresa.

Roman and Kate stop dancing. She wants to go upstairs and give him his Valentine's gift, which isn't wrapped. They kiss and Roman's ready to get his gift that doesn't need wrapping. Kate blows out the candles on the table and they go upstairs.

Marlena tells Alex she usually doesn't do late night house calls, but she thought he needed it. Alex said what Theresa has done has thrown him. He talks about his session when Marlena said if it was true love it would last. Alex thinks he loves Theresa. Marlena agrees, but he has a hard time with Theresa's former drug addiction and being a step-parent. She says that will never change.

Brady and Theresa stop hugging. Theresa wants to stop talking about her love life and wants to talk about seeing Tate. Both are nervous about seeing him. Theresa wonders if he's doing as well as he says in his letters? Brady tells Theresa he'll always be there for her. She kisses him on the cheek and says she'll see him in the morning. Theresa gets up and leaves him, then turns back and watches him.

Sloan tells Melinda she understands and no one will ever find out. Melinda tells Sloan no more drinking. Melinda tells her she needs to go home to her husband and baby. Melinda wants to pay for the drinks, but Sloan says no. Melinda leaves and Sloan orders another drink. Connie is watching her. (maybe Connie has super hearing)

Stefan says he only wants to be nice to Ava. Ava gets a call. It's the hospital. She them that Tripp isn't there with her, then hangs up. She tells Stefan that Tripp never showed up at work.
What will Konstantin do since Theresa left Alex? He was counting on her to get money.
I've been wondering about this portion of the con and they keep showing flashbacks to Theresa and Konstantin talking about changing the document, so what's up?

While a whole bunch of the show didn't need to take place where we saw it, what was the point of Connie barging into a conversation???? Weird

I guess we've seen the last of Lucas till he's needed again. Not sure just how he is staying out of prison, where he was because he did the town of Salem a favor. He should have received a parade and the keys to the city, but that's just my opinion.

Thanks kat for staying awake through this one.
Valentine's Day sure lasting a long time.
Until it runs into the second week of March, it has nothing on Valentine's Day of 2004 that lasted almost a month.

I guess we've seen the last of Lucas till he's needed again. Not sure just how he is staying out of prison, where he was because he did the town of Salem a favor. He should have received a parade and the keys to the city, but that's just my opinion.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Re Konstantin: I was not previously familiar with this actor [John Kapelos]. He is a Canadian actor with quite a long list of film and tv credits. I'm watching the Crossword Mysteries Hallmark tv series. He is a police chief with a very 'general American' accent. Somehow, I think I find Konstantin a bit more tolerable now. I know. That makes no sense.
Where did Connie come from? Is this her first appearance? Evidently she had ONE AND ONLYONE date with Li and thinks they would have been soul mates. I think she will end up kidnapping Jude.

I checked IMDB. She appeared x2 in2023 and her appearance today is also listed.
30+ credits.
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As noted in my post above yours, Connie made one appearance on a botched date with Li Shin months ago.

Here's the summary of that episode:

I checked IMDB. She appeared x2 in2023 and her appearance today is also listed.
I just checked that other episode and her scenes were cut, but the IMDB credit is still there.

Jason47 noted it back on May 11, 2023, after her scenes should've aired.


Here is the episode summary for 5/4/2023, the other episode IMDB says she appeared in for 2023. She didn't actually appear.

Edited to add: Our summary does not mention Connie's very brief scene on 5/4/2023, but I found the transcript online:

I am sorry I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation earlier. Oh, hi. Hi, my name’s Logan. I’m Connie. Nice to meet you. Connie. From what I gathered, it sounds like your lawyer might have a bit of legal trouble over her own. Oh, you heard our conversation. Were we talking that loud? No, no, no. It’s just I was there.
Roman’s meal with Kate was very nice, but Sami would have gagged at the sight of her father getting romantic with the “old hag.”

Alex should get together with Brady. They could commiserate with each other over the problem women in their lives. That said, both of them should get down on their knees and thank God that they’re not involved with boozy Sloan, who is easily Salem’s worst mother. Melinda is probably ruing the day she got involved with her.

Meanwhile, Stefan Zero is becoming more of a wuss each day when it comes to big bad Clyde. This guy is definitely an Alamain. There’s nothing DiMera about him at all.

In contrast, Ava seems to be remembering her Vitali heritage. Creepy Clyde would be foolish to push her too far.
Thanks, Kat!

Disappointed the first scene wasn't the hospital room with Paulina.

Sloan is a sloppy drunk. She will surely talk about Jude's real mother in front of Connie. Please let it be so! Maybe she'll get picked up and have a one-night stand that Eric finds out about. Would love that! But it probably won't happen. Poor neglected Sloany Baloney.

How long will it take to find Wendy and Tripp? Maybe not til Easter. Salem loves holidays.

How long will it take for someone with The Salem Brain in the Salem PD to figure out who the bad cop is? Still Easter.

That red dress does look great on Theresa. Maybe it will be Valentine's Day all week so she can wear it longer. Wouldn't surprise me one bit.
Awww, c'mon, DaysD. Watching drunk Sloany Baloney sounds kind of amusing. :)

And who does Kate think she is to expect food from the Bistro on Valentine's Day?? Is she too good for a juicy Brady Burger, sainted Ma Brady's clam chowder, some garbage can nachos, a big bowl of EJ chow, a nice plate of Wanchai Ferry, and for dessert, a slice of one of Kayla's homemade pies? Roman should be offended that his wife is too uppity for such tasty offerings.
I just checked that other episode and her scenes were cut, but the IMDB credit is still there.

Jason47 noted it back on May 11, 2023, after her scenes should've aired.


Here is the episode summary for 5/4/2023, the other episode IMDB says she appeared in for 2023. She didn't actually appear.

So as noted above, she made one appearance prior to today, back in July of 2023.

Julie's scenes that were cut were from May 12, 2022. That's when I made that post on FB. She ran into Abigail and Chad at Horton Town Square and screamed at them for something or other. The scenes were eventually posted on YouTube.

But she did appear as Connie twice in 2023:

14587...5/4/23 (Episode Length: 38:39)
Cast: Chanel, EJ, Eric, Gabi, Jada, Nicole, Paulina, Rafe, Stefan, Talia, Sloan, Colin, Connie.
Sets: DiMera Mansion, Horton Town Square, Paulina's Apartment, Colin's Motel Room, Brady Pub & Exterior, Small Bar, The Bistro at Saxton's.

14646...7/26/23 (Episode Length: 39:35)
Cast: Alex, Chad, Dimitri, EJ, Eric, Gwen, Leo, Nicole, Sloan, Stephanie, Trask, Li, Connie.
Sets: Small Bar, Nurses' Station, Chad & Stephanie's Apartment & Corridor, Gwen's Salem Inn Room & Corridor, DiMera Mansion, Hospital Exam Room, Horton Town Square.

So this is her third episode. I just spoke with her yesterday actually and mentioned I had seen her in a social media post recently when Burbank Studios had a fire drill. She confirmed she has at least one more episode coming up. I reminded her that now that she's been in 3 episodes (can't count the cut episode from 2022), if she appears in two more, she'll make my episode rankings (since I only chart characters in at least 5 episodes)!
Thanks Jason!

I took that post of yours from 5/11/2023. Kat had taken a screenshot of your Facebook post and posted it here: (post #6)

We have no mention of Connie in the 5/4/2023 summary.

Oh wait, it does have a very brief mention. Jason referred to her as Sloan's mousy client:

Blue Hallway/Club - After Sloan has left, Colin approaches Sloan's mousy client and assures her Sloan is innocent. (He is using the name Logan when speaking with her.)
I found a transcript online for the 5/4/2023 episode and it had Connie's very brief scene:
I am sorry I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation earlier. Oh, hi. Hi, my name’s Logan. I’m Connie. Nice to meet you. Connie. From what I gathered, it sounds like your lawyer might have a bit of legal trouble over her own. Oh, you heard our conversation. Were we talking that loud? No, no, no. It’s just I was there.