Days of Our Lives - Tuesday June 28, 2022


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Dec 29, 2012
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It's a Jan day. Two couples make out and not Ben and Ciara.

Orpheus is reading a book. Someone walks in. It's Evan. He's been in solitary.

Ciara is talking on the phone with Hope. Ben tells her she's been on the phone for hours, then days. He mentions Bo has grown up and in college. Ciara says first I'm on phone for hours, days and now years. She calls him a goofball. She tells Ben her mom talked to her about Jan Spears and baby with Shawn. Ben says Bo is asleep. There's a knock on the door.

Jan is eating a take out burger in the hospital bed. Shawn is unhappy. Jan wants to know what's wrong. He doesn't want to say. He finally tells her he saw Belle.

Repeat from yesterday where we left off with Belle and EJ. Belle tells EJ they can't now because of Sami coming by. EJ says things shouldn't change because Sami is in town. Belle says a bad idea. EJ says it's a good idea.

Lucas and Sami are happy (how long will that last?) she said yes to his proposal. She loves the ring. It's the most expensive one he bought (why waste all that money on a ring?) Sami says she won't keep any secrets from him. Lucas doesn't say anything.

Orpheus isn't happy with Evan because he got returned to prison. Evan said Ben and Ciara got the best of him. He tells Evan he could have helped him. Evan said Allie came and got him out. Allie was possessed. Evan shouldn't have bothered with Satan since he's back. Orpheus wonders if that was the plan all along.

Ciara opens the door and sees Allie. Allie apologizes for what she did. She feels responsible for what she did. Ciara lets her come in. Allie brought a gift for Bo. She calls Ciara supermom for getting Bo back from her. Ciara tells Allie her dad helped. She actually saw him. Ciara says Ben saw Bo when they were at the hospital. Ciara says she misses her dad. Allie can't wait to meet little Bo (Peep). She has to go see how Lucas is doing since Abigail died.

Sami talks to Lucas about Belle. She doesn't understand how Belle doesn't believe EJ is guilty of kidnapping her (well he's not). She mentions how their relationship is messed up. Lucas mentions that it probably happened when you sold Belle on the black market. Sami says she was a kid. Then Lucas says you let Jan Spears loose. Sami says it's not her fault Shawn Douglas behaved that way and not her fault about Jan's baby. They decide to tell the family news about getting engaged.

Jan wants to know what happened with Belle. She reminds Shawn Belle is probably talking to EJ. Shawn tells her Belle is upset with the warden giving Jan an extended stay. Julie walks in and says of course she's upset. Julie talks to Shawn about the new little one. Julie tells Jan she's not part of the family. Jan says she killed Charlie Dale and saved Claire. Then Jan calls Julie a negative Nellie. Julie says Jan is snake. She tells Shawn she has to leave to give Ciara a gift from Hope.

Ciara opens Allie's gift and finds two rubber duckies and a boat to play in the tub. Ciara tells Ben that her mom gave her a special gift. Hope gave them a boat. Ben thinks a toy boat. Ciara tells Ben the story about boats in their family. Bo and Hope had the Fancy Face. Shawn and Belle the Fancy Face 4. Ben wonders what happened to Fancy Face 1, 2 and 3.

Julie tells Shawn that Hope gave Ben and Ciara a boat. Jan wants to know if she gets one too (probably not). Shawn remembers when he and Belle were on the Fancy Face 4. Julie tells Shawn not to worry about Belle. They will get back together. They hug. Julie gives Jan the evil eye.

Meanwhile at the DiMera mansion, Belle and EJ go on and on about how they are trying to stick it to their mates (Shawn and Samantha) being with each other. They both talk about how they are using each other. blah, blah, blah. EJ talks about how Belle came to him to talk instead of Chloe. Then says she staying at the DiMera mansion and not a hotel. Belle finally agrees a small part of her is using EJ to get even with Shawn and EJ is getting even with Samantha.

Allie meets up with her parents in the Horton Square. Allie makes a joke about being possessed. She tells Lucas she was on her way to see him. Sami tells Allie she and Lucas are getting married (how many times have they done that?). Allie asks when. Lucas wants to do it right away. Allie says they have to wait until the divorce papers are filed. Allie and Sami head off to the pub to see Kate and Roman. Lucas stands their with a dazed look remembering when he woke up after falling off the wagon
wondering if he hurt anyone.

Julie arrives at Ciara and Ben's. She gives them their package. It's a key to their boat. It's called "Living in Cin". Julie doesn't understand why sin spelled wrong. Ciara says Cin is their squish name. She tells Julie that Doug and Julie could be Jug or Dulie. Julie likes Doug and Julie. Julie tells them the boat is in the marina ready to go.

Evan is upset he wasted time going after Ben and Ciara instead of going to see his son David. He's missed so much of his son's life. Then Orpheus tells him Zoey (his sister) got back with her ex and they all moved to New Zealand. Evan is upset since she had not right. Orpheus reminds him Zoe has custody. He tells Evan he needs to focus on the family closest to home.

After all the blah, blah, blah with EJ, Belle tells him she has to think it over if she wants to sleep with him. She starts walking out of the living room. She turns around and kisses him.

Ciara tells Julie to give her Lani her best. Julie thinks the judge will let Lani go. Julie leaves. Ciara says it's tempting to go see their boat now, but it's night out. She wants to plan a little trip. Ben suggests they should go on a big trip with Bo.

Sami and Lucas return to his hotel room. Sami thinks Kate was subdued when she found out they were getting married. Lucas tells Sami he told Kate ahead of time. They start kissing.

A door swings open. Belle and EJ are kissing each other. (did they kiss all the way upstairs?) They get to EJ's bed and start taking off clothes still kissing. Then they start rolling around on the bed.

Jan tells Shawn she wants to go to NICU to see baby Shawn. She tells him she would be a great mom to their son if she didn't have to go to prison. Then says he's going to be a great dad.

Wait for it.. here comes the big news.

Evan doesn't understand what Orpheus means about family. Orpheus tells him he has another son with Jan Spears. Evan looks at him like how did that happen. (we all wonder how it happened.. but don't care since not Shawn's baby.)
How long before Shawn finds out? I am willing to bet that Jan knows the truth and will wreak havoc to keep Shawn in the dark.

How in hades can Evan be the father? We saw Jan and Shawn doing the deed but that obviously didn't take. She must have fooled around with Evan and used the pregnancy to get Shawn. But how does Orpheus know that Evan is the daddy? This is giving me a headache!
Julie was wonderful today.... may she be on attacking Jan every single day until Jan goes away with a coma once again.....

I don't care how Evan and Jan hooked up.... just that they did and this spawn of Satan isn't Shawn's not that it will save his marriage because ReRon has trashed that one....

other notes... the kissing sounds were super gross today..... and the music highly annoying.....

Thanks kat
Prediction: Lucas gets arrested for Abigail's murder. Then, Sami defends him and gets him cleared but, in the course of it all, discovers he's her kidnapper.

I'm still hoping EJ and Belle never sleep together. It's just gross.

I'll have to watch the show tonight, but it seems today's Salem brain award goes to Julie.
Ok I am super glad that Shawn isn't baby daddy even though DNA test was done but hey this is Salem. I had that thought when I saw in spoilers that Orpheus had a surprise for Evan. Is this why baby middle name is Christian because Jan knows? But anyway I had a better thought on resolving this Jan baby mess. I was gonna say she was Belle when baby was conceived so DNA test maybe Belle is true mother! Hey it's Salem crazier things have happened! But now it's not even Shawn's. I'm good with that!

But I gotta say about Belle, once a cheater always a cheater. I was hoping they were gonna back off but nope!!

Lucas with Sami saying she brought Jan Spears. It's Marlena/Devil's fault that Jan was pregnant but now guess not. She was getting busy in jail apparently!!

They are really making fool out of Sami. Is she going to find out Lucas kidnapped her before or after they are married!!??
I am a true crime fan and a huge Dateline watcher (my other show I watch on Peacock) and I just can't believe there hasn't that much focus on how someone got in and committed a murder in this mansion. I mean I know there is weak security all over town, including the prison! It's been "I can't believe someone killed a mother" instead of "How did someone get in?" etc.
OK, I'll go there: I'm enjoying Belle and EJ, full-stop. I want this to continue for some time, and not just to keep Sami away from EJ either. The chemistry between the two actors is excellent.

Evan being the father of Jan's baby isn't a surprise. I just wonder what'll happen when he and Jan meet again.

I love seeing Lucas and Sami (especially with Allie) like this. I just wish it were under better circumstances.

Julie annoys me to no end. I definitely preferred her visit with Ciara and Ben to her interaction with Jan Spears and Shawn-D.