Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, March 12, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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35 minutes with people going to and fro.

It's black leather jacket day. John, Steve, Ava and Harris are all wearing one. Rafe's wearing a black sportcoat.

Replay of John, Steve and Ava at the brewery door, opening it to see Tripp and Wendy. John tells Ava to stay put.

Replay of Tate and Holly's conversation of why she can't tell anyone the truth because she doesn't want her mother upset that she was doing drugs. Her mom lost a baby and then Holly was in a coma. Nicole won't trust her again. Tate says you're going to sacrifice me to keep up appearances? Tate begs her help him. Holly tells him don't make her do this. Then the door bursts open. Angry EJ is there, and asks Tate how he got in? He's calling the police. Holly yells no. EJ dials the phone.

Brady and Sarah bump into each other on the square. Brady says to Sarah you have coffee so you're going to work. He's on the way to the gym. Brady is wearing his Basic Black pullover. (I want one). Before Sarah leaves, Brady wants to talk to her about comas.

Replay of John and Steve pushing on Wendy and Tripp's chests. Ava is hoovering, asking how it's going? Steve says to call 911. She already has. She calls again, and prays. John says he has nothing. Sirens in the distance. Ava's happy they're here. Rafe and Harris walk in, guns pointing. John says they need help now. Rafe calls and says they need help now.

Brady asks Sarah if a coma can affect Holly's memory? Sarah can't say because of doctor/patient confidentiality. Brady rephrases the question and asks if someone was in a coma, will affect their memory? Sarah says she's not a neurologist, but a coma can cause a wide range of problems, even physical ones. Brady wants to know if there could be short term loss? Sarah says it depends.

Sarah says when a coma patient wakes up, their memory can come quickly, gradually, or not at all. Brady says he read that online, but wanted a professional opinion. Sarah hopes things work out for Tate, then leaves. Brady has a flashback when he talked to Tate. He told Tate he believes him, but how do we proof it?

Holly yells at EJ not to call police since Tate didn't do anything wrong. EJ says he broke into my home. Holly wants to explain and why he's here. EJ hangs up. Tate says he wanted to see how Holly is doing. EJ goes off that it's Tate's fault that Holly OD'd. Tate says the drugs weren't his. Nicole comes into the room. EJ says Tate broke into the window, and he's calling police. He leaves the room. Holly begs Nicole to stop him. Nicole says she can't, but she's calling Brady. Brady picks up his phone. Nicole tells him to get to the DiMera house since Tate broke in. Brady's on his way. After she hangs up, Nicole wants to know what's really going on?

At the brewery, Rafe helps John with Wendy. Harris stands next to Ava as she sort of prays. Rafe finds a pulse on Wendy. As Steve keeps pushing up and down on Tripp's chest, he tells him Wendy is back. Wendy squeezes John's hand and tries to get up. John tells her to breathe with him. Steve says he has a pulse. Tripp asks where his wife is? Ava says Wendy is fine, then asks about him about Wendy being his wife. Steve says one day they will be. Rafe gets a call from Jada. Clyde escaped prison. John asks if they have intel? Rafe says it just happened. Sirens in the distance. Harris wonders if they had help from Goldman?

At the DiMansion, Nicole, EJ, Tate and Holly are in the living room. Brady walks in. EJ can't believe Nicole called him. Tate tries to explain he just wanted to see Holly. EJ says he only came so Holly would lie to him. He says he heard Holly say "Tate don't make me do this" when he opened the door. (the door was closed when she said that). Tate just wants Holly tell the truth. The doorbell rings. EJ goes to door. Tate turns to Holly and begs her to tell the truth. She looks at floor.

EJ returns with two cops and tells them to arrest him. Brady wants to talk about this. EJ says Tate has been a plague to his family since he came to Salem. EJ says Tate broke into his house. Brady defends Tate that he just wanted to get to the truth and he's a good boy. Tate only wants Holly to finally tell the truth. EJ says they already know it was Tate that put her into a coma. Holly says stop it. She tries to say more, but faints. Tate tries to help, but EJ pushes him away. EJ carries Holly upstairs, followed by Nicole. EJ tells the police to take Tate away. They put handcuffs on him and read him his rights.

At the hospital, Rafe is talking to Jada on phone about interviewing guards, prisoners, and other staff about the breakout. Rafe and Harris leave the other three to talk by themselves. Ava doesn't understand why they haven't heard anything about Tripp and Wendy. Steve talks about trusting the doctors. John whispers trust to Ava and they had a plan. Sarah comes out. They can see Tripp and Wendy now. Sarah says they both need rest and they can visit, room 441. John asks about Wendy. Sarah says he can see her in room 445. (John's not family). Rafe and Harris stop their conversation. Sarah says to Harris she needs to see him in examining room C after he talks to Wendy.

Steve and Ava arrive at Tripp's room. Tripp says she doesn't have to tiptoe since he's awake. He knows it's her by her perfume. They sit next to him. They ask how he is? Ava says Steve saved his life. Tripp is thankful they didn't give up on them. Wendy's clue saved them. Officer Goldman had gun on them and to read a script. They didn't have time to plan anything. Wendy did that on her own and didn't want to be obvious. Steve said he almost missed it. Ava said John and Steve were relentless looking at the video. Ava is counting on Tripp coming home soon, but she wants him to rest. Tripp doesn't mind if they stay while he's sleeping.

Rafe and John arrive at Wendy's room. Wendy is thankful she's breathing and they saved her life and Tripp's. Rafe wants to know if he should call her mom? Wendy said she left her message. Harris comes into the room. Rafe asks if she wants to talk about what happened? Wendy says Officer Goldman took them on Valentine's Day as a direct order from Rafe. Rafe says they know now she's a bad cop. Wendy thought she was a good guy. John says kudos (touches his face) on the clue. Wendy says it's first word she learned in college ASL. John jokes that Steve and Ava will give her a lifetime of beer.

Rafe is lost (closeup of Harris looking back and forth). Wendy asks if he saw the video Ava got? Rafe says he did. Wendy says you didn't notice me signing beer behind him? John says it led them to the brewery. Rafe said good thinking, but maybe they'd have found her sooner if they had video shared the video from beginning. (another Harris close up).

Wendy says don't be mad with Ava since she was told no cops can know about video (maybe a good thing; would they have know she was signing and not playing with her hair?) Rafe says Ava knew to trust him. Harris chimes in that's it's a happy ending and all that matters. Rafe says if he finds out Ava helped Clyde escape. Harris speaks again. Rafe talks about no coincidence Clyde escape and the kids were found. Harris asks about evidence?
Later, Harris is talking to Sarah at the nurses' station. Sarah tells him his stitches are holding up. She gives him two prescriptions. An antibiotic and one for pain. He has to get the antibiotic. She also recommends bed rest. Sarah admires his work. He admires hers too. She hopes he can resolve his case since Xander has been in prison without bail. Harris says the cops are following the evidence. Sarah says that it all lines up against Xander. She asks if remembers who shot him? Harris says not yet (liar, liar pants on fire). She hopes he remembers soon since Victoria misses her dad. She knows he will investigate until he can bring Xander home where he belongs.

Steve and John are at the coffee pots by the nurses' station. John says Wendy seems fine. Steve says Tripp too. They will get more information when they are stronger. John is worried. Steve says no one knows they helped Clyde escape. John says Rafe's suspicious of Ava and is going to do some serious digging. He says we made a big mistake letting the devil loose.

Harris returns to Wendy's room to talk to Rafe. Wendy is gone. Harris says he's checked out and asks about escape. Rafe says he's going to station and get the task force started. Harris says he has to go to pharmacy and will follow him. Rafe says no. The doctor's orders say you're going home to get rest. Harris doesn't want to. Rafe says that's an order, he doesn't want to lose Harris (isn't that special?) Harris finally agrees.

Tripp is in bed. There's a knock at the door. It's Sarah. She asks how he is? He says he'll be better if he sees Wendy. He wants Sarah to take him to visit her. Sarah opens the door and pushes Wendy into the room. Wendy sits on his bed and Sarah leaves. Tripp wants to take her on a trip. She says she'll go anywhere with him. But now she's fine sitting with him, not having a panic attack or trouble breathing. He promises that won't happen again. They say they love each other and kiss.

In Holly's room, Holly is awake with Nicole and EJ. Nicole wants to call Sarah, and she wants to leave the monitor on. Holly doesn't want Tate go to jail. Nicole says they'll talk about it in the morning. Holly wants to explain, but Nicole won't let her talk. Holly tries again, but EJ says listen to your mother. EJ and Nicole leave. Holly has flashbacks of New Year's Eve when she offers drugs to Tate. Then she remembers what Tate said about helping him and tell the truth. That the pills were hers. He wants her to tell the truth, but she can't. Holly lies there with her eyes open.

Brady is still downstairs with Tate and cops. One cop will let Brady talk to Tate. Tate wants to make sure Holly ok and not back in a coma. Brady says Jim (cop) will let him talk to her. Tate wants to go back to halfway house. He'll do more chores. Brady can't help you. You broke in to the DA's house. Nicole won't help him. The cops take Tate. Brady says he'll call Justin. Tate is gone. Brady's alone in the living room.

Harris comes back to nurse's station and sees Ava. They hug. Ava thanks him to taking care of her son. Harris says he knows she was there for him. Rafe told him. Harris knows that helped his recovery. Ava asks how he's feeling? He says he's going to his place to sleep in his bed. Ava says he can sleep in her bed. She knows he's still recovering from the gunshot wound. She says he acted like a superhero saving her son and he needs someone to take care of him. She wants to be that person. Ava asks if he'll let her? Harris doesn't answer. He looks at her with his usual face.
Interesting how they edited the show. They scenes were longer in each location of the show instead of cutting back and forth to other places.

At the end, Nicole talks about a baby monitor. She asks if Holly wants it on? Was it on and that's how EJ knew to come to her room? If it was on, did they hear all of the conversation? It was odd that it was mentioned at end.

Did Sarah ask Harris about his memory because Brady asked her questions?

I almost had to use tissues with the Ava and Harris scene. gotcha :)
Thanks kat. The guys got their workout with CPR today. Not done correctly, so please don't use this as a how-to.

So just how long were they kidnapped? A little less than a month as current calendar time? Harris was in a coma for a long time in West Salem while in East Salem it was still the next day. So where was the brewery???

Yeah, nothing creepy about having a baby monitor in a teen's room. Again, someone who came home Valentine's Day and was up walking around next day as if nothing happened after having a meal of yummy clear broth. Next time we see her, it's Buddy's Burger Barn food she's chowing down.

Time, it's a wonderful thing in Salem.
Missed opportunity for Sarah not to bring up that she and Xander are in the same situation as Brady and Tate, waiting for somebody to tell what they know post coma.

I would like Tate to have Xander as his protective cellmate this time in jail, but I doubt that will happen.
They will shred Holly on the witness stand.
The witness stand is the least of airhead Holly’s worries. When the word gets out at Salem High about what she’s doing to the poor Tot, she won’t be able to walk down the hall without being called every name in the book.

As usual EJ was the perfect fool. If Sami ever hears that he’s now playing the role of the angry defender of public morality, she’ll collapse in laughter. And why were cops available to come to the DiMansion? Shouldn’t they all be chasing Clyde?

The EMTs were typically Salem today, not even making it on screen. How do they travel — by donkey cart?

Why was Brady so concerned about the long-term effects cf comas, when his own father, the Salem Coma King, has come out of his many comas without any ill effects.

Finally, free Xander on bail now!!! The second attempt on Harris’s life by Stefan Zero surely casts doubt on his guilt. And with a wife and baby, he’s a flight risk only in the fevered imagination of idiot DA EJ, the tormenter of innocent Tater Tot.
Does anyone know when we will no longer be seeing the fired guy's work? His ideas just don't seem to mesh with most viewers' thoughts on storylines , etc. And he sure had his fingers in anything and everything while the boss (Corday) was out enjoying himself on the golf course.
Well, we have to suspend believability as we watch Days. Evidently budget only allows for the usage of some actors, sets have to be used by different characters, thus episodes are filmed very much out of order, then edited to fit into particular episodes. If they have certain different actors for a few days, or a week or so.......scenes are filmed for a dozen or more episodes with those particular actors. They have to be careful with wardrobe then, so when an actor is filming scenes that occur the same day, the clothes match, and are changed if they film scenes from episodes that occur a few days apart. Can you imagine how they have to match hair length, and female hair styles?
Holly lies there with her eyes open.
I hate Holly. She already had three points against her being the spawn of that handsy doctor, and EJ liking her makes me loathe her. Nicole ignoring her pleading about Tate makes me hate Nicole. And the fact that I'm defending a brat like Tate that's the spawn of two drug-addled morons makes me physically ill. (The actor is good, though.)
Time, it's a wonderful thing in Salem.
DUH PLOT always overrules Time. It's no contest.
Finally, free Xander on bail now!!! The second attempt on Harris’s life by Stefan Zero surely casts doubt on his guilt. And with a wife and baby, he’s a flight risk only in the fevered imagination of idiot DA EJ, the tormenter of innocent Tater Tot.