Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Oct. 14th, 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Episode #10932 Directed by Albert Alarr

EJ & Nicole are at the hospital, as Kayla comes out, telling Nicole she is ready for her ultra sound. EJ informs her they are getting a paternity test. Kayla covers her surprise, just telling Nicole to come in, as EJ goes off to answer his cell. Later, she is in hospital gown, Kayla is doing the ultra sound, EJ comes in. They watch as the baby appears on the screen, Kayla pointing out heart, arm & a leg. She says it is too early to tell the sex, maybe next time, but neither Nicole or EJ care what the sex is. Kayla tell them they can do a paternity test now, just with blood from the mom & dad, with no danger to the baby at all. She will send in a nurse. EJ tells Nicole he is sorry for offending her by asking for this, but after all Sami put him thru, he just needs this. Nicole accepts his apology, but wants him to understand she is not Sami, not at all. Later, Kayla arrives with the test results, Nicole & EJ read them, and she asks him if he is satisfied now. Kayla tells them to make an appointment with an obstetrician, leaves, & Nicole tells EJ that she can do this now all alone, she is perfectly capable and willing…….or are they going to do this together, it is up to him.

Lexie has asked Lacey to meet her in the park, and tho Lacey thinks it is to watch Theo, that is not the case. Lexie tells her they will no longer be needing her services, Lacey is taken aback. She protests, saying she needs this job, has student loans, rent, credit cards maxed. She is sorry for what happened yesterday, but she only turned her back for a second. Lexie is adamant….that is just it, she never should have turned her back, not for a second. Theo could have been hit by a car, been kidnapped. Lacey is getting upset, as Abe arrives, with her final check. She leaves, Abe & Lexie talk of going to announce his candidacy for mayor.
Lacey walks past a poster that proclaims “Honest Abe”, and gets in a Sami revenge mode. She calls the mayor’s office. Later, the mayor arrives, & Lacey proceeds to say she has some info about Abe Carver that the mayor might be interested in, since Abe is about to announce his candidacy. The mayor is all ears.
Abe, Lexie & Theo arrive at Chez Rouge, which has a big banner set up, podium, mikes, tons of reporters, video cameras, etc. Maggie is front & center, he thanks her for allowing them to use Chez Rouge. She offers to take Theo for some special cookies and leaves with him. Later, we see her & Lexie seated at a table, with Lexie having just explained ab out having to let Lacey go, and how much Theo liked Lacey, but likes Chelsea Brady even more. Maggie offers to temp babysit until they find another sitter, as Evan begins to introduce Abe. Lexie is standing with Theo (who is holding onto his giraffe), when he tugs at her, pointing out Lacey, who has just arrived. Abe begins his acceptance speech, when Lacey bursts out with a stream of accusations, calling Abe a wimp who has a pushy and bullying wife, how their son was diagnosed with autism, but really is just in need of discipline. The reporters all jump in front of her, taking pictures, asking questions, as Lacey goes on at how Lexie could not stand the way Abe looked at her all the time, very creepy, how she had been Theo’s sitter, having to watch him all the time because Abe & Lexie had no time to spend with him. Both Abe & Lexie try to tell Lacey this was not the place for personal grievances, or say it is all lies, and Maggie, Evan, try to get her to leave, to no avail. In his office, the mayor has been smiling as he watched it all on TV, even claps at Lacey’s performance, then grabs his phone to make a call. Abe is telling Evan & Lexie that this only makes him want to run for mayor even more, and he won’t stop til he achieves that goal. But Lexie says no, she cannot do this, she will not go thru all this at all.

Stephanie is fingering Trent’s wallet, as Max comes out of the shower. They argue once again about what to do with it. She wants to turn it in, Max wants to destroy it, Stephanie protests, they argue about Melanie, and finally Stephanie makes him realize that this wallet could clear Caroline. Later, they are down at the police station, turn the wallet (in a plastic bag) over to Bo, explaining where they found it, he takes it down to the lab. Guess what, the only fingerprints on it are Max & Stephanie’s. (Duh! Is Max supposed to be some sort of genius, both have handled the wallet, wiped it off, and then are surprised when only their own prints show up. Ugh!). Bo says this might clear Caroline, but now both of them are implicated.

Melanie comes downstairs to find Nick at the bar downing a beer. She is surprised, being he just got out of jail on a DUI, and now is having a beer for breakfast. He claims he is o.k. They chit chat about all he has done for her, how much trouble she has caused him, taking the bullet and all.She tells him she never properly thanked him, and gives him a big kiss.

At the cabin, Sami impatiently waits for Lucas to wake up. When he sleepily strolls out of the bedroom, just in his PJ bottoms, trying for a cup of coffee (know how that feels, lol) she pounces with her news, she can’t wait to tell him. In her usual beat around the bush manner, she finally blurts out that EJ has knocked up two women in Salem. Lucas chuckles, sort of in disbelief. He learns how she found out by eavesdropping when Nicole told EJ, that she did not tell EJ about her own pregnancy. He asks what her parents said when she told them…..Sami evades, & Lucas rightly guesses she did not tell them either. He warns her she cannot hide this forever, she has to tell EJ. Nope, she will do all she can not to be raising another DiMera baby. Lucas thinks Stefano will be delighted to learn Nicole is having a DiMera baby & might leave her alone, but Sami is determined. Lucas protests she cannot hide this pregnancy forever, EJ will be coming to get Johnny, and is she going to hide behind plants and sofas??? Sami says she will figure something out. (Frankly she looks very pregnant and the unattractive top she is wearing doesn’t help matters at all.) She wants Lucas to swear he won’t tell anyone ever that she is pregnant. He won ‘t do that, she wants him to promise. Later, Lucas comes out in his suit, she asks him if he thought it over. She begs, pleads for him not to tell anyone. He sighs, as he finally agrees not tell anyone for now, but she had better make up her mind what she is going to do, as he won’t keep her secret for long. He leaves, Sami ponders…..there has to be another way. We can see the light bulb go off as she decides that maybe there is.

Thanks for the write up!
I swear I think they have turned Max & Stephanie into Luca & Sami. Every scene that they are in is nothing but yelling & screaming & blammng!! Getting a little old. And do the relatives of the police in Salem have no idea about evidence?? I mean here is trents wallet...lets paw it & then give it to the police so they can get fingerprints from it! Sheesh!! Come on.....I watch enough CSI to know...dont touch it!

Hate that the babysitter is acting a fool. Must be in the Salem Water!

Wonder what Sami is up to now!

Thanks again!

Leigh Ann
Thanks for the recap.
Here we go again with another of Sami's hairbrain schemes. Wonder up she is going to do this time.
As for Trent's wallet, how come there is only Max & Steph's fingerprints on it when the cops were pawing it too.
Isn't it too early for any kind of paternity test? And doesn't it take days not an hour for results.
Oh I forget this is Salem
I had to laugh when I saw Max wipe off the wallet and then when he brings it into the police station it is in a plastic bag. Thanks for the write up Poirot. I was suprised that they did the DNA testing with just blood from mom and dad. That tells nothing about baby. Oh well.
Maybe they invented a new test just for Salem U patients. Kayla said something about anti-bodies or platleets or something from the mother's blood matching with the father's.
Hmmm...dragging Theo into it. Does the mayor not know this is Stefano's grandson. Guess we can figure out why the mayor would be in some "danger"
How come everytime I go to the doctor's I have to wait a week for blood work, but in Salem you get DNA test immediatly. Those suckers were back faster then you can get Taco Bell.
According to this link you can do a prenatal paternity test, with a blood draw from the mother and a DNA sample from the father. According to the site "This test uses both fetal cells and fetal DNA isolation from maternal blood. During pregnancy, a variety of cell types of fetal origin, as well as fetal DNA, cross the placenta and circulate within maternal peripheral blood." Don't know how accurate the test is.

All the other sites I found mentioned collecting the fetal DNA from a CVS - Chorionic villus sampling (taking a small piece of the placenta) or Amniocentesis.
According to this link you can do a prenatal paternity test, with a blood draw from the mother and a DNA sample from the father. According to the site "This test uses both fetal cells and fetal DNA isolation from maternal blood. During pregnancy, a variety of cell types of fetal origin, as well as fetal DNA, cross the placenta and circulate within maternal peripheral blood." Don't know how accurate the test is.

All the other sites I found mentioned collecting the fetal DNA from a CVS - Chorionic villus sampling (taking a small piece of the placenta) or Amniocentesis.

Thanks for the info. I have not gone to work yet to see any of the Docs.
Sami found out three days ago that she is pregnant and hadn't suspected a thing. Today, she looks about six months along. This woman has had two previous pregnancies and she didn't recognize any of the signs. How dumb do the writers think we are?
I asked at work yesterday. It can be done if they find some fetal cells in the moms blood. It is not 100% sure that the results are correct. It is usally followed up with DNA testing after the baby is born.
I asked at work yesterday. It can be done if they find some fetal cells in the moms blood. It is not 100% sure that the results are correct. It is usally followed up with DNA testing after the baby is born.

Thank you for checking on that. I was wondering about the accuracy of such a test. It's good, though, that they can come up with some reasonably reliable results that way.
I guess that would explain the RH negative phenomenon with crossover of fetal blood via the placenta and how fetal blood cells would be present in the mothers blood.
Being an RH negative, all I know is, I had to have blood test within the lst 3 months, and again at the end of 7 months, I think they may have done it again as I was in labor. Not sure. I know they tested the babies' blood right away after they were born.