Days of Our Lives - Wed., 2/27/19

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Marlena's on the phone (with Sami, I think) saying she's doing everything she can to get dirt on Leo.

Leo comes into the living room of the K-mansion wrapped in a towel and sees luggage. He asks who is moving in and Victor informs him that HE is moving out.

Diana reads a story in the Spectator about how Sonny and Will have been arrested on the attempted murder of Leo. The story mentions that Leo's real name is Matthew Cooper and was formerly a prostitute. She's ticked off and says she should've never sold the Spectator to Jack.

John comes to her door and they go back and forth about Leo, with John asking Diana if she has anything to "neutralize" Leo. She gets mad and says that's a rotten way to discuss "their son", while he pleads with her to help him. Diana tells John how much she loved him and the big mistake she made walking away and never telling him about Leo. John says at least he had a stepfather, and she tells him her husband was abusive, which John apologizes for not being there for Leo, and her. She admits she also came back to Salem to see him again. John said he was happy to see Diana too, to get some closure, after the way she left all those years ago.

She chatters on about how she wished she'd have made a different choice, especially with Leo, after seeing what a great father John was to Carrie and the twins. She felt like she was competing with Marlena's ghost back then and when she found out Marlena was alive, she knew she never stood a chance. John says Marlena is "his girl", but he could be there for Leo. He talks about keeping the secret of Leo from Marlena, while Diana begs him to keep quiet for awhile. John asks for info about Leo to help Will and Sonny. Diana says she'll see what she can do to get Leo to drop the charges, and they hug.

Justin comes into the room in the Salem PD to discuss his strategy for the hearing and tells Sonny & Will to keep their lips zipped. Justin is fuming that they were so stupid to talk to Eli without a lawyer. Then he tells the boys that Ted Laurent is the new DA, which sets them off. They ask if he can step down from the case, but Justin pretty much tells them they're up the river without a paddle. And if Sonny wasn't his son, he wouldn't even take this case.

Sarah's in bed, when a man's hand caresses her face. She smiles and mutters "Rex", then the camera pulls back and it's Eric. He tells her he can't fight it any longer, they need to be together and start kissing. Then Sarah hears a noise and opens her eyes. Twas a dream and Rex says he wants to go to breakfast, or pick up where they left off at midnight, as she weirdly stares at him. She says she had a dream that unsettled her, he says "a nightmare?" and tells her he's great at chasing it away. Then Sarah tells Rex she has something to confess.

She tells Rex it's about Valentine's Day and he apologizes for being with Kate, but Sarah cuts him off and says that's not what she was going to say. She tells him she and Eric were talking about last Valentine's Day, and Rex says, yes, about how he got snowed in when helping Marcy, the coworker. She said she became obsessed, thinking he had a hookup with Marcy (Rex interrupts to ask if she realized Marcy was gay), and he apologizes again for breaking her trust, says he will win back her trust so she won't have those suspicions again. They begin to kiss.

Eric comes into Marlena's office with a flyer for a new fundraiser for the Horton Center, for playground equipment. She says she and John will be there. Then she asks why he looks so tired and he tells her about Rex and Sarah "being up all night", and that it's difficult for him. Eric and Marlena are talking about Rex and Sarah, and what about Eric's happiness (she weirdly has a large framed picture of Sami prominently displayed on her desk). Marlena asks if Eric was talking to someone who was going through something like this, would he tell them to keep their feelings to themselves, or be honest with the person. He agrees he'd tell them to be honest about their feelings.

Marlena tells Eric he's such a good man for wanting to protect his brother's feelings. Then she gets a text about Will being released. Eric and Marlena talk about how Sami would've been there and strung up Leo if she could've. Seems Marlena and Eric had both just talked to Sami. (I'm afraid if they say her name 3 times, she'll appear, like Beetlejuice)

Justin and the boys are now out of the hearing (we don't see any of it); they were released on bail, as they thank Justin over and over. He leaves to handle the paperwork. Sonny and Will are so happy and relieved, and now Leo has nothing to hold over their heads and they can be together. Justin comes in and says "think again". He reads them riot act about making a spectacle of themselves and their relationship since Leo is so vindictive. He tells them no secret meetings, no contact, nothing, until this is all over. They ask for some time to say goodbye and Justin says they have a minute as he steps outside the room, while Sonny and Will hug.

Justin and Sonny are now walking through the park's private area, with Sonny asking how Justin is going to handle the case. He wants this over, and Justin says maybe he shouldn't have pushed Leo to his breaking point. Justin asks Sonny to be patient, as Sonny jibber-jabbers, saying maybe he and Will should go on the run together. Justin is furious.

Victor tells Leo to put on some clothes (as Leo is pouring some coffee). He tells Victor he is entitled to some family jewels and a big settlement to divorce Sonny. Victor calls him a buzzard. Victor and Leo go back and forth, as Diana comes into the room. Leo is shocked that his mother and Victor know each other. She tells Leo to leave the room so she can speak to Victor (and Victor barks at him to get dressed), Victor then asks Diana what the hell she wants.

Will sits in Horton Town Square, as Leo comes by, calling Will a rude name for hooking up with "his husband" on Valentine's night. They bicker and Leo tells Will to shut the hell up. Marlena comes along and tells Leo to keep his hands off her grandson. He gets snarky with Marlena and she gives him a verbal smack-down, but then says she's trying to help him, and asks why he behaves the way he does. He gets smart with her, and makes a snide remark about an inappropriate relationship between Marlena and Will; then Will punches Leo. After Leo gets up, he and Marlena nearly get into fisticuffs as John comes upon them and breaks up the pair. Marlena says it was Leo's fault and John reminds them if Will hadn't rolled Leo into a rug, they wouldn't be here now. Marlena is stunned and asks why he's defending Leo????

Victor and Diana go back and forth, it's obvious they still have bad blood between them. Diana tells Victor she's still in love with John and if he helps her get John back, she'll make sure all charges are dropped against Sonny and Will (how exactly can that happen???) Victor asks if she's lost her mind, and says he holds no sway over John, and asks if she's forgotten he's married to Marlena, the love of his life. Diana reminds Victor that he doesn't even care about Marlena. She then says that Sonny and Will will spend their lives in prison without her help. He notes how cutthroat she is now. Yes, she's changed, but her love of John never has. So, do they have a deal? Victor agrees to the deal and they shake hands (as Sonny peers into the living room)

After seeing Diana, John comes into the pub, and Roman tells him the good news about Will being released. They discuss Will and Sonny's issues with Leo, and John not yet telling Marlena about Leo being his son and what a mess this is. Roman reminds John that they know all the problems that can come from keeping a secret. John tells Roman that Diana says she'll try to convince Leo to drop everything. John then says he feels sorry for Leo because he was abused by his stepfather. Roman says he hates hearing that, and reminds John that he built a wonderful relationship with Paul, and he could do the same with Leo. John thanks Roman and says he's heading over to the hospital to see Marlena. (he comes upon her, Will and Leo in the square, noted above)

Now Rex comes in to talk with Roman, who asks how Kate is doing, then offers Rex some breakfast. Rex declines, but says he'd like to talk to Roman, he needs his help.

Sarah is now at work and Eric walks up to her, asks if they can talk. Sarah talks about how she was an idiot on Valentine's night (making the drunken phone call) and apologizes. But Eric says it was a nice evening and now he just wants to be honest with her. Eric stammers and babbles, trying to tell her how he feels about her, as Rex walks in. He has a huge balloon bouquet, champagne and a box of doughnuts, her favorites. He was going to set it all up in the lounge as a surprise. Hanging on the end of the balloons is an engagement ring, and he gets down on one knee and proposes again.
This is not as in-depth as your regular summarizers, but the show did play in AZ at the regular time, so here are the main points. I hope this gets you through to tomorrow. Have a great day.

Sarah told Rex about the stupid call she made on Valentine's Day, to which Rex took all the blame and said that he needed to do a better job at reassuring her.

Leo wants to negotiate something with Victor - he said that the ship had already sunk. Then Diana came in and wanted to talk to him and sent Leo out.

Justin found out about the Valentine diversion and went ballistic, while Will and Sonny were giggling abut the pillow placement (and truly acting like 6-year olds). Justin told them they had to stay away from each other (so maybe he is taking the case, which he also said is being handled by the corrupt DA who already knew the whole story).

John is telling Roman that he feels sorry for Leo since he was abused (Diana told him earlier).

Marlena walked in on Leo and Will, and told Leo to give a thought to why he tries to inflict pain on everyone. Leo told Marlena to shut the hell up, so Will jumped to her defense and Leo made some snide remark about knowing what oedipal complex means, but what do you call it when you are in love with your grandmother. John walked in on the disagreement and Marlena said that it was not Will’s fault. John said that if Will hadn’t rolled Leo up in a carpet, they wouldn’t be in this situation.

Rex came to talk to Roman about something but we don’t know what it is yet. OK, he is complaining that he lost all of Sarah’s trust and he learned his lesson and he is a one-woman man but he needs his help.

Next we see Sarah and Eric and she is babbling on about their Valentine’s Day and Eric said he wants to be honest. Eric tried telling Sarah that he didn’t know how it began, but then we see doofus Rex stumbling in with balloons, flowers and donuts and makes a clumsy excuse about how she wasn’t supposed to see him and he wanted to set everything up in the lounge and then asked her to marry him again.

Diana is meeting with Victor and she wants him to help her get John back and she will convince Leo to drop the charges against Will and Sonny, because she has always loved John and wants him back. She doesn’t need any money – she has plenty. Victor told Diana she has changed and she admitted that she has, but her love for John hasn’t. Victor agrees to the deal.
Thanks for the summaries JS and LisaK- no show here in NW Montana...actually, just checked the West coast feed and am getting some. Anyway - thanks for your time and energies!

Why would Vic agree to work with Diana to split up John and Marlena? I must say that if these writers split John and Marlena over this issue - I'm GONE! Where are the DNA tests? Come on, really? Sloppy, lazy writing - in my opinion.
Thanks for the summary.

I don't understand why Victor has let Leo live in his house this long.

I don't understand what Rex and Eric see in Sarah. Eric needs to have a vision that Nicole is still alive and go look for her and Rex needs to find his old face and go back to Mimi.

Can an anvil (piano, safe, crane...whatever) fall onto Diana and Leo?

I hope John tells Marlena about this whole Leo thing and she whacks him in the head to knock some sense into him regarding the DNA test.

Also, John needs another surprise child about like Abe does.
I think Ted Laurent will be Leo's biological father.
Why not? If so, it would be a case of the rotten apple not falling far from the tree. As for other characters:

Leo: He just doesn't know when to quit, making stupid requests to Victor and talking trash to Will and Sonny. If he keeps this up, he might just have a reunion with Xander -- on the wrong end of a gun. As for his mommy dearest, she should do the viewers a favor and get out of town.

Justin: He thinks that Will and Sonny's case is hopeless? Somebody should point out to the bumbling barrister that there's nothing in the Leo photos that proves Will and Sonny actually tried to kill him. As for any testimony that Leo might have to offer, coming from a professional liar and grifter, it would have no value whatsoever.

Sarah & Eric: Now the writers have her dreaming about the Salem sourpuss? Why? They're bad enough during their waking hours.
I guess the problem is that Will & Sonny told Eli everything that happened, including how Leo was injured. So, the fact is out that Will & Sonny were in an altercation with Leo when he hit his head, and presumed dead. Sonny, the son of an attorney, knows better than to talk to the police without a lawyer present. sigghhhhh.
NikkiFan, I absolutely agree! I don't understand how people can in good conscience counsel someone to go after another person's lover or spouse. News flash: You don't have to act on every feeling or desire you have! I know I'm very glad I didn't act on some of the things I wanted at some point in life. Besides, it's just a matter of time until Rex wrecks this ship himself, if Sarah doesn't beat him to it, although I think they pretty much deserve each other.

Thanks to all of you for the writeups and comments. The show did not air in my area so I'm especially glad to get the summaries.
Thanks, JS and Lisa.

I was able to see the whole show here and there.

Nice to see John's picture in Marlena's office.

I was shocked what Marlena told Eric about Sarah. Eric already destroyed
his relationship with one brother and Marlena is encouraging him to do
that with another brother.

I'm glad Sonny saw Victor and Diana shake hands.

John needs to stop being an idiot and tell Marlena about Leo.

Diana is acting like most women who pop in from a man's past in
Salem. She seems more obsessed about him than being in love
with him.
Agree with everyone about John not telling Marlena. Did I imagine it, or didn't they already discuss the possibility that he MIGHT be John's son? If so, it shouldn't be a surprise. Also, after John defending Leo because of his waaa waaa baby bad childhood, I would think that would be a logical time to tell her when she asks him why he is defending Leo instead of Will. Meaning, it won't happen. :sad:
Mine was totally preempted yesterday so I recorded overnight and they had a special report at 1 am!!! So I still missed the first 25 minutes.

Sonny and Will are like children. Oh I like you so much. No I like you so much. Oh can we go over here and smoochy smoochy? Don't like them as a couple anymore. It was funny Will got saved by his grandma.

It is ridiculous that Marlena would encourage Eric to go after his brother's girlfriend. It's also ridiculous that when Eric asks Sarah to talk that Sarah then jabbers on and on not letting Eric talk.