Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 10, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Finally, a day featuring mostly Jack & Jennifer! But first, of course, let's see what Eve is doing at the Pub, which is downing her Mimosas, as she waits for the Russian guy to show up. Eric chats with her some, getting onto the subject of Jack, Eve's involvement with him, Jennifer. She thinks she has done Eric a favor, leaving the road clearly open for him to get with Jen. He notes he & Jen are just friends, that he knows Jack is the love of her life, and he is happy for them both. He is rather cheerful, finally Eve feels she has waited long enough, that either her informant got cold feet, or she has been played. Her back is to Eric, as he says something with the Russian accent, Eve whips around......It was you! Da, says Eric. LOL (tis funny scene). She puts money down (!!!!) and leaves.

Rex & Sarah meet up with Will & Sonny, test results in, Will has small brain tumor. Doesn't mean cancer, if it was, would be much larger. Will & Sonny both reeling from this news. Rex says to go home, that if headaches get worse, or he feels weak/faint to come back. The guys go home, Will is researching brain tumors online, is upset with what he learns. Sonny comes, takes one look at Will's nearly tearful face, as Will says......what is that is what happens when you are making other plans. Sonny holds him, as Will is tearful.

Rafe is in the square, runs into Lani, baby is crying, Rafe has to do something or other, asks Lani to watch him for a bit, says he was up all night. Lani only too glad to do so. He returns, Lani has baby quieted down, sleeping. Rafe thankful she was there, talks of contacting Child Services, Lani talks him out of it, Jordan entrusted her baby to him, asked him to protect David. Rafe agrees, always wanted a child of his own, likes taking care of David, but notes that he doubts Hope would want to raise another child at this stage in her life.

Ted is once again pestering Hope about her marriage, she is telling him she is sorry she ever confided in him, she is happy in her marriage, is not looking for another relationship, to back off, go away. He makes a reference to telling her yesterday he loved her, as the door opens, Eli hears it. Ted takes off, Eli just stands there, what is going on. Hope assures him nothing, but Eli no fool. Tells her he respects both her & Rafe, knows they have some problems. She talks of Rafe being a “rock” for everyone, and how she should be #1 on his list, but isn't. Eli knows that Ted professes she is on his. But, he keeps out of it, leaves.

Replay of Jack seeing the smoke opening door to see fireman. He has a blanket over him, as the fireman leads him away, down to the basement, or a storage room. He is babbling away, as the fireman takes off the helmet and mask, knocking back the blanket covering Jack, and he realizes it is Jennifer. He protests, is getting married, she knows, the tux gave him away. She has to interrupt his babbling to tells him how years ago, he did the same thing to her, when she was about to marry another man, Emilio Ramirez. And as she talks, we see the video clip from then, as Jen is taken out of a room, wedding dress & all, by a fireman, how mad she was to discover it was him, and the ride in the fire truck. (wonderful clip) . Then she goes on about how Jack could never say he loved her, but when they were in a dangerous situation.......and another clip, of Jen who evidently fell off the side of a cliff onto a ledge, Jack looking down, calling to her, talking of how he cannot do without her, who would he fight with, she is everything. Jen opens her eyes, but won't let him know she has come to, as he goes on and on, finally talking of caring only for her, he is coming down, he doesn't care about anything else except her. Young Jen jumps up, knew he cared about her.....In the present Jack has listened but yammers how he is not that man, all these stories she tells mean nothing to him, he does not remember. He is not that man, saying Eve accepts him for who he is now. Jen thinks not, reciting how she talked him into running for mayor, even into marrying her. They argue back and forth, Jack protesting that whoever it was that Jen fell in love with, married, he is not that man. Why is she doing this. She says because she still loves him. Jack blurts out, well, he doesn't love her!!

Lani is talking to sleeping baby David, in his pram, how she could just watch him forever, tucking his blanket, etc. Eli has come along, hears her going on and on to the baby.

Rex & Sarah sit outside the Pub, she is thinking about Will, and not knowing what life is going to deal you, wants to set their wedding date, get married right away. Rex is delighted, they kiss, as Eric, who has come outside, heard it all, watches.

Hope sits behind her desk, picks up her phone, looking at it. Rafe opens the door, tells her “we have to talk”.

Eve returns to her room, calling out for Jack. She calls him, but his phone is there in the room, ringing. She wonders where he could be.

Jen cannot believe Jack really is going to marry Eve. He has had enough, wants out of that locked room, Jen won't give him the key. He intends to get out, starts pounding on it, yelling, shoving on it, causing a bunch of boxes to fall off the shelf, onto him, knocking him out. He lays unconscious.
I'm sorry, so Rafe took the baby home and it spent the night with him and Hope and that was all off camera!!

Hope did pause when asked if she was thinking of leaving Rafe. And I'm sorry Eli, but when people see Rafe and Hope nothing is obvious! Except that there is no chemistry between them!!

All the flashbacks were nice but I was never a Jen/Jack fan. I don't see them as true loves. But yay he got hit on the head and we all know that is the miracle cure for lost memories!! Wouldn't voters question a man running for Mayor that has amnesia? Speaking of lost memories, anyone else hoping Will's tumor makes him lose all his memories again? So he won't be madly in love with Sonny?

I'm still torn about whether to worry about Lani and the baby. Part of me thinks she's just acting like a mom. Moms love babies. If she takes him then I'll be worried. Of course I'm sure she's gonna miss the pizza place and Eli will show up.
I'm thinking this little accident with Jack will just start him along the path of getting his memory back. He'll probably starting having flashbacks although he did have that one way back but I guess they just forgot about that. I'm thinking it will go this way because I'm a cynic and I too assume sweeps will play a role. Just happy if they get on with this story.
So Will has a brain tumor? What could be more original? If so, he doesn't need boring, cheating Dr. Rexy or the awful Sarah, he needs 1960s TV neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Casey (played by the late Vince Edwards) who saved a new brain tumor patient every week. He'd have been perfect for Salem: e.g., his love interest had been in a coma for 15 years, which easily beats any of John Black's past efforts.

Ben Casey: "Will's brain tumor
issue will probably drag on for
weeks. I could cure him in less
than an hour."

On other subjects:
Was nice to see doll-in-blanket hard at work again today.
The accomplished Doll-in-Blanket once again aced all it's scenes. It's acting was so compelling that Lani being utterly smitten by "Baby David" was very credible.

Jack & Jenny: This was an interesting blast from the past. It's too bad they can't get that fire engine back, load all the writers responsible for the recent series of snoozers onto it, and then drive them out of town.
Loved Eric actually showing some personality!!! Gotta admit, Will and Sonny tugged on my heart in the last scene. I think Sarah is way more like her brother doctor Daniel than we knew! He liked women in green hospital gowns,, Sarah wears a green dress, that barely covered her backside, to the hospital. Maybe she was hoping to catch an orderly's eye. (Please Sarah, do not lean over the bed to check a pulse!!)
When Jack told Jen that he doesn't love her, granted he has said that several different times to her over the past 30 years, but still, ouch!
Will has small brain tumor
At least it's not affecting any organs he needs to continue to be a character on this show.
he doubts Hope would want to raise another child at this stage in her life.
A: Why haven't they ever discussed this?
B: :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Are we to believe Hope is perhaps grandparental age?
JasonDiSpeech--Hope is definitely grandparental age. By her recent over the top hysterics, I'd say she's in deep deep need of hormone replacement therapy! Better yet, she needs to go get a room at Bayview for awhile.

The flashbacks of Jack and Jen were fun, but let's get Jack's brain (if there is still one) on the "fast track".
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Thanks for the summary. I will admit I'm touched by the Will-Sonny stuff. I do hope he recovers and they can just be a normal happy couple at long last.

Not even gonna moment on Ted, Hope and Rafe (or Rex and Sarah). I do like the thought of Eli & Lani adopting that baby and getting married.

Eric was funny today! This is the Eric I like! But why do I have an odd feeling he will have a romp in the sack with Eve once Jack's memories return? I hope I'm wrong.
Thanks, Poirot.

I really enjoyed the Jack/Jen flashback scenes.

Wow, Eric smiled today.

Interesting what Jack said about his old self "that one sounds like a complete idiot"

Jack didn't answer Jennifer's question about loving Eve. Does he love her or is
marrying her to get votes?
Interesting what Jack said about his old self "that one sounds like a complete idiot"
Jack sure told the truth that time.

Does [Jack]love her or is marrying her to get votes?

Since he's out of work, and sleeping in the same bed with Eve, her money is probably the biggest draw. With her reputation in Salem, I don't see how associating with Eve can do Jack any favors, political or otherwise.