Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 17, 2019

Gabi sounded as looney as Stefan did talking about getting someone who wasn't real out of his system. Good grief!

Abigail is off screen and the writers wants to keep reminding us of some sick twisted obsession Stefan had for a mentally ill woman. Awful.

Sarah is so nosey.Just all up in Eric's business. Why is she always hanging around his apartment like it belongs to Rex? She is so annoying.
Thanks for the summary!

Hey writers, let me introduce Marlena Evans to you. Marlena would never be so cold and rude to Sarah (or anyone really), and she would never encourage her son to once again go after a sibling's loved one. Boom. What's that sound? It's another fan favorite being thrown under the bus to prop a terrible storyline. :angry::tsk::tsk::tsk:
What's wrong with these writers? Are they trying to lose all DOOL fans?