Days of Our lives - Wed., Apr. 6, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives'
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lots goin on in Salem today, so let's begin with the courthouse, where Pamela VanDamme has arrived, telling everyone (Steve, Kayla, John, Roman, Belle, Justin ) that there will be no trial, she has already talked to Judge Covelli who has wiped it from his calendar. Justin is floored, asks several questions. Well, seems Steve has been undercover for the ISA the past 6 months, under orders to eliminate a national security threat, name of Ava Vitali. That was accomplished. Justin wants to know nature of the threat, sorry, classified information. He asks if Belle knew, she cannot answer, as he well knows because of attorney/client confidentiality. Everyone else in the room says not a word. Justin leaves to go talk to the Judge, Belle goes along. Roman has a few calls, so leaves the 4 others to "talk among yourselves".

Patch looks around, says can someone here tell me what the hell just happened. Seems the ISA takes care of their own. But Steve has not worked for ISA in some time now. Once an agent, always an agent. Pamela leaves. John (loved all his expressions during all that went on), claps Steve on the shoulder, smiles, leaves. Roman tells Steve he is one lucky guy, leaves as well. Steve tells Kayla "It is over", but she is not looking too happy, says lets talk at home.

Earlier Joey was in the square, telling Jade he was determined to go to court, but he is now outside the door as Kayla comes out. He went to the courtroom, no one there, so came over here. Jade begins congratulating Patch, (she is soooo overdone) but Kayla wants them all to go home. She is making sandwiches, while Steve is trying to talk to Joey alone, but Joey tells his it is o.k. And Jade gaily tells Steve she knows all about it, that Joey killed Ava with the pillow. Steve about has a fit, learns Kayla just found out this a.m. Joey realizes his parents want to talk, so suggests he & Jade take a walk.

Brady comes home, after spending night at hospital, Theresa worried as he has not yet taken his anti-rejection meds. Knock, knock, it is Philip, wanting to find out how his dad is, knows he would be welcome to see him. Brady lets him know Vic is still unconscious, that Nicole happened by and saved his life, and then tells Phil that he also knows that Deimos was home, upstairs in bed with your mom, while all this was going on downstairs. Phil asks what Deimos was doing there in the house, Brady says I think we both know the answer to that.

Nicole is with Maggie (really great scenes) having brought her flowers. They talk a bit, Maggie thanks Nik for saving Victor's life, is so worried, wants to see him, could Nicole get here there. Nicole gets an idea, uses her phone to make a video of Maggie, so she can talk to Vic, and promises to show it to him, if she can get in. She offers to stay til they come to take Maggie to surgery, but Maggie says no, she already sent Hope & Jen home, and has told Melissa, Sarah & Melanie not to come. She just would not like the hovering. Nicole understands, leaves, but stops, fishes out a pic of Daniel, which she finds comforting for her, great smiling pic. Maggie wonders if she really wants to part with this, Nicole tells her that when she is out of the hospital, she can walk over to her place then and return it. Smiles. Nicole leaves......runs into Summer, tells her Maggie is scared beyond, should not get upset now, and don't say or do anything that might do that. Summer abruptly says, My mother, I am going to see her.

and now Summer's turn to visit with maggie a bit, telling her how her religious parents were always in church, Sundays, Wed. evenings, and how she had perfect attendance for 12 years, but absorbed none of it. Did not care. But now she has been praying constantly that all goes well for Maggie. More chatting, finally they come for Maggie for surgery, Summer promises to be there waiting when Maggie comes back.

Joey & Jade are on the park bench, unsure of what he wants to do now. He is upset with himself, even if it is over, that he took a life, Jade figures Ava deserved it, reciting all she did. Now she thinks they should do something cracy to celebrate. Like what asks Joey. This, as she begins to kiss him.

Deimos is doing a Ewe Search on his laptop about Nicole, he cannot get over her being a "double" for the woman in his picture. He reads of her being a TV reporter for Titan, recently leaving Basic Black to start up a company called DJ Wear. He is intrigued. He then reads of her marriages...Trent Robins, Lucas Roberts.......and Victor Kiriakis. Well, well. This surprises him.

Nicole is with the comatose Victor, talking of having saved his life, when she always thought she would be the one to GIVE him a heart attack. But she comes with a message, and brings out her phone, playing for him the message from Maggie. (which we see). Maggie talks of him being the love of her life, the fun of her life, a miracle they ever found each other. Makes a deal, she will walk again after the surgery if he will get well, too. Victor's eyes are closed, Nicole begins to leave, but he weakly says, Maggie. Nicole turns, stays. Vic is pretty weak, won't let her call the doctor, thanks her for saving his life. He mentions Deimos, she says she met him, isn't too happy about that, said he was weird. Victor warns her away from Deimos, saying he will come to her now, now that he has seen her. She gets nervous, why, why would he want to see me. Victor barely can speak, tells her Deimos is his brother, hates him, feeling mutual. Stay away, he is evil. Now vic wants to sleep. Deimos is watching them thru the window.

Patch & Kayla talk, he knows something is wrong. She is hesitant, but finally spills it. She loves him, will til the day she dies, but she cannot take all the trouble that follows him. He isn't looking for it, she knows that, but it is there. She does go on and on, talking of how she thought they would be o.k. but he brought danger to them, not his fault, Ava followed him, wanted him, & now their son has committed murder, something he will have to live with deal with now. She just cannot do this, she thought she could, always loves him, but she has to think of her son. She gives Steve back the ring he gave her, he doesn't want to take it, she lays it on the table, takes her purse and is out the door. Steve calls her name.......then picks up the ring, looking around.
Bummed about Kayla walking out. Really hope Steve fights for her; they are one of the last remaining super couples.

Liked Nicole taking the recording to Victor and for him warning her about Deimos. There was a part of me thinking he would let her get eaten alive by his brother.

Love the relationship they are building with Maggie & Nicole.
Ok Steve getting off is a bit of stretch but we didn't want him going to jail. Love how Belle said, good now that's its over we didn't have a chance in hell. But I absolutely have to agree with Kayla - Joey killed someone! Everything is not ok now!!

This Nicole looking exactly like Helena is a stretch too. Not once has Victor ever alluded to it. But apparently he has noticed it always. Is that why he hates her? Helena a bad part of his life? Oh and Nicole is 41? Or gonna be July 6. :) I did like that Nicole recorded Maggie and that's what woke him up. And that he was nice and thanked Nicole. Was funny when he said you saved my life and she said something like surprises me as much as it surprises you. :rotfl:

And have to agree with everyone that Jade is trouble. She was a little too excited about her first murder trial and so matter of fact with knowing "that Joey smothered that woman with a pillow".
Thank you, Poirot. This sounds like a good show except for having to see Summer and Jade. Guess I'll fast forward through their scenes tonight.

John had use of the Salem brain for contacting the ISA director to rescue Steve.

Somebody better talk some sense into Kayla. Joey also needs to start seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist.
Oh for the love of all that is good please do not let them put Nicole with Deimos. Her character has come so far and I think her being with him would just drag her character back to a place the character does not need to be.
Today was another good episode I thought, again progression in stories is always great then stay stagnant. I was glad that Steve got off though I could have done without Justin's attitude and arrogance.

I think Kayla is upset over the ISA in general. I mentioned in another thread I felt that when the director of the ISA told Steve "Once a spy always a spy." It reminded Kayla why she divorced Steve, because of the ISA. It basically turned her off and I think she is afraid Steve will leave on a mission again.

Jade, all I can say is WOW. This girl does have some major "cajones" and it's not cute. I said it plenty of times before, she is seeming a lot more like Ava the more she opens her mouth. Jade is a vulgar girl, does not respect people's boundaries, desensitized to murder, and is pushy obsessing over a boy, definite characteristics of Ava Vitali. I speculate Jade's father is part of organized crime. Joey definitely has a basket case that will turn on him I speculate.

I paused when Deimos pulled up Nicole's online profile. States her first career as a porn star and first husband Trent Robbins. I forgot Nicole was married to Trent, duh! Though it looks like a character bio of Nicole Walker from a fan site online when I took a closer look. Deimos kept calling Nicole a exact double, so I think I can assume she resembles someone from Greece that Deimos knew.

I enjoyed the Victor and Nicole scenes the best! It was kind of ironic that Nicole saved Victor, thought it was funny they both poked fun at that idea. Was great to see them actually getting along.
It occurred to me that it would be interesting to discover that Jade turns out to be the "long lost child" of Steve and Ava. Just kidding.

I have actually thought that exact same thing! Of course they thought it was boy and hopefully it doesn't go there but would explain her being there. Has major mommy issues so she's glad she's dead? But hopefully not.
I really like how silent John was today, just enjoying what was taking place. He had his partner's back, same partner who came to help him when he & his son were held prisoner, and he returned the favor. A clasp on the was all that was needed.

Kayla's sudden turn about in re staying with Steve was surprising. Just a couple hours earlier she wanted to go on the run with him & Joey. Joey still would have killed someone, and Patch would have had wanted posters all over the place for him. Would have been hard for him to disguise himself with that Patch.

She would not have been able to practice with name changes, she would have no proof of her status. But when Steve got off, she was not happy. He always manages to get out of problems & scrapes.

I really hoped that Kayla & Steve would come together finally, being a couple who would face adversity, troubles, find solutions, fend off problems TOGETHER, a solid front. She knows only too well about how short life is, how one never know.....and felt it when Bo died.....& kn ows it was Steve who risked his life for HER brother, his friend, and got him back home.

Rather disappointed in Kayla walking out today.
Ok Steve getting off is a bit of stretch but we didn't want him going to jail.
It's more than a stretch. Anywhere but Salem, if it was reported that agents and ex-agents of some sketchy agency were licensed to murder American citizens within the boundaries of the United States, the uproar in the media would be deafening. That said, this is Salem, so anything goes -- literally. Unfortunately, for Steve his teflon, licensed-to-kill persona doesn't extend to his private life. Unlike EJ, who simply had to persuade his clueless "sweet-hot" that he'd "changed," Steve is going to have real problems winning back "Sweetness." His unorthodox lifestyle has just caused her too much grief over the years.
Thanks, Poirot. Good show today.

I enjoyed Nicole with Maggie. It was nice of Nicole to take the video and give Maggie
the small photo of Daniel.

The video was nice, but surprised to hear Maggie tell Victor he was the
love of her live.
What happened to Mickey?

I almost cried when Victor said "Maggie" just when Nicole was leaving. It's going to
be interesting if they can be friendly to each other.

What a surprise when Pamela said Steve was undercover for the ISA...he sort of
was when he was under the covers with Ava :) Then we found out Pamela lied,
"Once an agent, always an agent". I wonder what John did to have it happen.

Roman said case closed. Will it stay closed if Joey or Jade blab to someone else?

I think Roman was interested in Pamela. Too bad she left so fast.

I wasn't happy with the ending either when Kayla left the house.
Kayla's sudden turn about in re staying with Steve was surprising.
To say the least. I have whiplash over here. They need to put a sign up if there's a turn that sharp. And speaking of sharp turns...
Steve has been undercover for the ISA the past 6 months, under orders to eliminate a national security threat, name of Ava Vitali
This is clearly a rewrite as we dealt with writer changes. I do not count John making 2 phone calls as appropriate buildup. This should have taken months of umbrella stories to build to a satisfying conclusion. Instead, it just pops away.

I can't decide if I love Jade or not. I love that she's honestly herself. On the other hand, girl has issues.
The video was nice, but surprised to hear Maggie tell Victor he was the love of her live.
What happened to Mickey?
Who-ckey? There's never been a Mickey on Days of Our Lives. Maggie has only ever loved Noah and Victor. :sarcasm::sarcasm:
the uproar in the media would be deafening
Fortunately for Ms Gosh Darn and the "Black Patch" boys, the only licensed reporter in town is currently playing nursemaid to her former tormentor while NOT launching her poorly-named "DJ Wear" line with her ill-advised partner, so this story won't gain any traction. Unless our young murder enthusiast, the famous "fifth year" Salem High student Jade, is really a Never Been Kissed-esque reporter undercover looking for a big scoop....
Of course she was lying, but if the news media got hold of Steve's story and the alleged reason for the dropping of the charges against him, they'd be an uproar. Then what is the ISA going to say, "Oh, we just made this up so that Mr. Johnson wouldn't be prosecuted?" If that happened, poor Steve would be back in Roman's jail and a conviction-hungry Justin would be licking his chops, knowing that legal genius, Belle, has already admitted that her case was hopeless.
I also thought that Pamela and Roman might hit it off. Oh well.:)

I have a feeling Kayla and Steve's separation won't be permanent. She is just scared for Joey. So the ending didn't really upset me. I did like the ISA turn of events and didn't see that coming at all. At least it was a reason that somewhat made sense.

I liked everything about Nicole today except the Daniel photo. ENOUGH! Can we go one episode without him being mentioned? I am interested in where they are going with Deimos.

Someone on the Salem Spectator page suggested that perhaps Jade is Ava's half-sister. I think I'd prefer that over her being Ava or Ava/Steve's kid. But overall I still prefer her not to be connected to anyone.