Days of Our Lives - Wed. Aug. 11, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Episode #11394 Taped 6/10 Director – Albert Alarr

Henderson is on the phone, telling a reporter there will be no statements issued from this house. Vivian comes in, complaining of those paparazzi being everywhere, could not even enjoy her ride. (She really looks cute in her riding outfit. Love the hat, lol) She complains about Mr. K not being there, seeking comfort from his wife, his soulmate, lol, then asks Henderson for breakfast in this room. Brady comes in, making a few snarky comments, Vivian giving some right back, calling him a moocher, and how he should give his grandfather’s wife a little respect. Brady figures it won’t be long before his grandfather tires of having her around, and will terminate the marriage. Brady leaves. Viv tries to call Victor, but gets no answer.

Over at Bo’s place, Victor is coming in, yelling at the jackals outside to leave him alone, asking Bo if he cannot do something. Bo says as long as they stay across the street, freedom of the press and all that jazz. Victor did not come to talk First Amendment, wants to offer his help and support. Bo says everything that happened was his fault, he was responsible for all that Hope did. Maggie comes in to check on Ciara, who is not there, she is with Doug & Julie. Bo has to leave, is going to the station. Victor wants him to get the best attorney he can, and bill Victor. Bo spits out he doesn’t want his money, then comes back, apologizes, says thank you. Maggie says to give Hope her love, Bo leaves.
Maggie talks to Victor, she has missed her friend, he has missed her, too, they decide to go for a walk, and later sit down on Benchie in the park. Maggie doesn’t know what is going to happen with Hope, with Ciara, she doesn’t know what she can do to help, wonders how this happened. She is crying, Victor puts an arm around her, her head is on his shoulder for a minute or so, just enough for Vivian to see as she comes up behind them. Vivian mutters that she warned Maggie, and now she is going to pay. Next, we see Viv back at the K mansion, Gus arriving, Vivian talking about Victor being swayed by that redhead with aprons, tea cozies, Americana on the walls…a whole litany. Gus calms her down, Focus, Focus. Vivian stops her tirade, she is needing Gus’s help with her plan to undermine Maggie.

Hope is brought into the interrogation room where Abe stands, she tries to go back to her cell, not her choice. She comes in, sits down, doesn’t know what to say. But Abe is more or less scolding her for not fighting for herself. For just giving up. He does not consider himself her victim, but is her friend. Hope cannot have that, it is worse for her to get any sort of special treatment. Abe is still giving her what for when Lexie arrives, telling Abe to stop. Hope says Abe is right, all is fine. Abe leaves, Lexie hugs Hope, who still is trying to come to grips with all that she has done. Lexie leaves, Ciara has a playdate with Theo, will give her love to Ciara.
And next, in comes Brady, who truly is empathetic with Hope. No advice, but a lot of understanding about what was deep down, causing her to feel she needed those pills. Hope says she just wanted to sleep, to hide from the pain and not think about any of it. She is that what she did caused a problem for him & Arianna, he says that was not her fault, was in the cards. She says but still had you hooking up with Nicole. Brady doesn’t answer.
And then we have EJ on the phone with a paid off cop, insisting he wants to see Hope, The cop tells him to come over right away, and so, in walks EJ who, in his very snarky manner, tells Hope that she is not going to hide behind her two prominent names, that law & order will be done here, he will see to it. She asks how he got in here, he avoids replying, continues to insist she is going to pay big time, he will see to it. In walks Bo, who tells EJ to stop threatening his wife, and gets EJ to leave. He also wonders how EJ got it, Hope doesn’t know. Bo says he came to the station for some paper work, Hope guesses correctly it is her case, he admits it. He is not going to let her down.

And now, EJ answers his door, to find Bo standing there, warning him if anything happens to Hope at all, or any attempt at retaliation by the DiMeras in any way, he will kill him. EJ smiles, mentions the security cameras, Bo really should be careful of his words. He even asks Bo where Dr. Manning is. Bo doesn’t back down, he meant what he said.

Abe & Lexie are at the beach, watching Ciara & Theo play, (we do not see them) as they talk about what has happened. They mention their own rough spots that they overcame, have so much love to spread around, and seem to indicate that perhaps they are ready to share some of that love with someone else besides Theo. And the impression is left that they would like to have another child.

Rafe has come around a corner, just in time to hear EJ telling his father, on the phone, that he has asked Samanther to marry him, and she said yes. Rafe quickly leaves, & we next see him, several time, fast & furious at a punching bag. Meanwhile, Sami is sitting with Will, telling him EJ asked her to marry him, Will is non-committal, just says, “cool”. Sami presses him, he wonders why she is doing this, she talks of her children, him being the father of Johnny & Sydney (egads, and what about the father of Will & Allie?). Will tells his mother she has never put her children before herself, and if she claims she is doing so this time, it is a first. He gets up, intending to leave, Sami stops him, he doesn’t want to talk about this..she insists, claiming that EJ has changed, he is a different person, has NEVER EVER lied to her, not once! Will asks her about Rafe. Doesn’t she love him. She tries to insists they are over. Next, they are walking near the pier, she tells Will that she wanted to tell him privately, and keep this to himself until they are ready to tell everyone. Will has left, and along comes Rafe…..who offers congratulations to Ms. Brady. Sami is taken aback, but Rafe just continues on his run.

Later, he is in the locker room at the station or FBI building, having just had a shower, towel around the waist, one around his neck. Sami comes bursting in, the other agent/cop there says he is going to the shooting range and leaves. Sami wants to know what Rafe meant, he retorts “you are marrying EJ, right”. She wanted to tell him herself at the right time, but is glad he knows and realizes they are over. He just says “great”, goes to his locker, but Sami has a hissy fit, he turned his back on her. She storms over between him and his locker, Rafe commenting how she says it is over, but can’t stand him ignoring her. She claims EJ loves her, she loves him, Rafe tells her she doesn’t love EJ, and he can prove it. He kisses her, big time… she definitely kisses him back.

Thanks for the write up!! Sami says EJ has never lied to her..not once. Really Sami?? Girl has no memory.
Wonder how she will feel about him knowing he is going after Hope like he is!??

And I am tired of Vivian!! She can leave agian for all I care!
Heck, did he not lie to her about being deported, or about the annulment being granted. Just 2 rather important things.......But, maybe Sami is only counting since Sydney was returned. ????
The bit about Abe and Lexie maybe wanting another child is interesting. I wonder (speculating) if they might adopt an older child--perhaps a teenager to fill out Salem's teen set? Chad has been SORASed, Mia's gone (yay!), we rarely see Kinzie/Kinsey/however you spell it.

As for Sami saying EJ never lied to her, bwahhahaha! Yet another anvil about how stupid she'll feel and how angry she'll be when she finds out this teeny-tiny little thing he's been keeping from her. He's so changed! I mean isn't it obvious? He's over threatening her aunt, which is totally changed and awesome, though as far as I know Sami didn't bother to ask if she could see while she was at the police station.

I love when we get a mention of the DiMera security cameras, lol. Of course, they seem to have not been working over the last two years, but whatever.

Thanks for the great writeup!
Rafe in a towel and wet from a shower.:drool: Ok I am back in reality. Will telling Sami the truth is more than she can handle. She is trying to convince herself that she loves EJ and is not using him for the Dimera life. EJ has not lied to her. Did we already forget about the townhouse that was flooded?

Thanks for the write up as usual. Can not wait to see Rafe kiss Sami. Let the sparks fly
Grrr! Sami! I wonder how Sami would feel if she saw EJ going after Hope! ?
Good write up, good write up... thank you.
Now everyone, you know EJ has never lied to Sami once..... He's done it everytime he's opened his money, probably a million times.... :D
Thanks for the write up!

Oddly, I can't wait for the Victor/Maggie and Abe/Lexie scenes, LOL I also can't wait for the shirtless Rafe scene either. I admit it...

What does Sami really expect Rafe to say? Just goes to show that she is so used to drama, that she doesn't know how to be normal.
Oh oh...Bo said the big words today, "I'll kill you" to EJ....okay so the list of potential suspects is building:

Sami, Bo, Will, Rafe, Arianna, Nicole, Baker, Anna....who else has insinuated that they'd kill Ej at one point or another..."or" they'd kill whomever was responsible for kidnapping Sydney....the list builds....I think we're going to have either a murder mystery or a who shot EJ scenario soon....
What does Sami really expect Rafe to say? Just goes to show that she is so used to drama, that she doesn't know how to be normal.
That is just about what Rafe tells her.
She chases after him, bursts into the locker room, just to tell him she was waiting for the right way to tell him herself. That now he would know it was finally over. And when he says "great", and turns to his locker, she is yapping about him turning his back on her, and gets inbetween him and the locker, still yammering and gets ticked when Rafe says that EJ has conned her.

However.....Rafe in the towel......Yowza!
Also loved when he was angrily punching that bag saying all he had to do was tie Anna & EJ together. (evidently upset that he was unable to do that)
Well and the point is with Sami- is that is she's saying it's over why doesn't she just turn around herself and walk out of the locker room and go on her deranged little way?
BTW, it struck me as strange that Sami just burst into the FBI's locker room?? Like... do who are you? lol
Rafe+towel= :hot:
@Poirot, Rafe in a towel really makes me wish my today's episode was tomorrow ;)

Her behavior around Rafe sounds like my 2 1/2 yr old's temper tantrum when she's tired and doesn't want to nap.
Rafe shirtless and just a towel wrapped around the waist was just:hot::hot::hot:

Thank you writers:clap::clap::clap:
Oh Sami.....what a douch!

Oh Bo....really? Let's go over to diMansion wearin' our Big Boy pants and get all macho...

Another Douch!

Yay Rafe!
Yay Will....high five bro'!... you are yer father's son. :)

and Yay Yay Yay to BARB!!!!!:smile::smile::smile:
Sami - You've been drinking too much of the Salem Stupid Juice again!

In the meantime, Sami, stop drinking that Salem Stupid Juice because it is pickling your brain. EJ never ever LIED to Sami??!! She IS nuts or deluded.

I agree Viv, GO AWAY! Let Victor and Maggie get together. Now THAT would be an enjoyable storyline! I so love Maggie! Vic not so much but she could rehabilitate him and what dynamics with HIS family and Maggie! Good ones for once. I am afraid though that Viv will try to kill Maggie. It's her M.O.
Thanks for the recap Barb. Hmm wonder how Sami will react knowing that EJ threaten her aunt. Too bad Carly wasn't there to hear Bo refer to Hope as HIS WIFE and kudos to EJ for mention where Dr. Manning was.

Poirot, thank you for the preview. I'm looking forward to the episode. I was glad to hear Bo goes back and apologizes for yelling at Victor, and thanks him for his offer of help.
i'm torn

I gotta admit that i was excited to read about the sami and rafe kissing scene and that she was definitely kissing back.... I really liked them as a couple. hes a very good guy

that being said, i think sami and ej make a super hot couple also. obviously hes not the most upstanding citizen.... I really liked them together too.

I guess i'll just try to tune in for the steamy scenes, no matter who shes with, because it bound to be good.

I'm having a hard time understanding why Hope would just give up, when she has a good chance of getting off. seems to me she would want to be there for ciara. and possibly Bo?
why not turn the tables on Carly and be the other woman for a change? IMO, hope could be handling this situation a lot better than she is.

So no Dr. Dan and Chloe today. I hope we will have an answer on the parentage and not another whos the daddy when we see them again.

Thanks Poirot! Your days ahead keep me goin!
I would really love to see vivian attempt to do something to maggie, but instead maggie one ups her! That would be awesome.