Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 18, 2021


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
JJ’s Apartment: Abe drops by. He and Eli talk about Theo's hardship. Eli tells him Lani went to see Paulina. Later, they talk about Lani's decision to forgive Paulina at length, and whether or not Abe will also forgive her.

Apartment 227: Lani wants to start over with Paulina, no more lies. Olivia is sure that that can be arranged; Lani's aunt Paulina will be truthful from here out. Paulina seems to have something to say. Olivia sends Lani for tea and snacks and scolds Paulina. The secret is mentioned twice while Lani is mere metres away. She returns and wants to know what's up. The secret is revealed! Just kidding, but there are some attempts at jokes on-screen. Paulina is forgiven by Lani. They'll move forward. Lani tells her that Abe revealed Paulina's abusive relationship. Olivia interrupts. Olivia will remain in town as long as she needs to keep her eye on Paulina.

Townhouse: Marlena comes home from a long day, John recaps Allie & Claire’s release as well as Ben & Ciara’s reunion. He also reports that Sami's marriage is over. He also reports the Lucas/Sami affair, relayed through Belle. Marlena is positive they'll find their way back together.

DiMansion: EJ is grabbing a drink when a young man exits the tunnels. It's Johnny. He used the tunnels because the front door was locked. EJ wants to know why Johnny is here, Johnny wants to know where Sami is. Later, he's heard of the affair with his twin's father, and EJ doesn't know or care where she is. They imbibe. Johnny is looking for investors for a movie. This surprises EJ, and Johnny blathers on about his inspiration. EJ wants him to work for DiMera. They fight and yell. Johnny stalks away.

Hospital: Tripp and Allie hug and kiss. Chanel exits the elevator. She wanted to see Horton after hearing she was released. Chanel invites them both to dinner & Allie can sign the bakery documents. Allie has to meet her grandma, she needs her help re: Sami. Chanel has the documents, Allie signs them. She and Tripp walk away together and Chanel looks disappointed.

Townhouse: Tripp and Allie are picking up Henry and then the four alleged adults talk about Sami, Lucas, and EJ. The group has facial expressions suggesting they are flummoxed. Allie reports that Gabi hasn't seen Sami, they rule out an accident, and don't think it likely that Sami left town to cool off (not her style). John suggests EJ interloped to hurt Sami. Their speculation moves to the couch as a trio. The groupthink now seems to be that Sami left town to cool her heels. Marlena goes to get Henry, Tripp speculates, Allie worries about Chanel's reaction.

Julie's Place: Chanel scolds herself after having a flashback to her smooch with Allie. Later, Johnny storms in and yells for a drink. They chat. He had a fight wif his daddy. He downs some booze and she talks about her aborted relationship. He hits on her and she shoots him down. He offers to buy her a drink, but EJ's cut him off. She pays (somehow?). They exchange names, and he puts her digits in her phone.

DiMansion: John enters. He wants to know where Sami is, and insinuates Elvis John knows more than he's saying. EJ steams slightly, John smirks, no plot movement. John leaves. EJ smashes a glass.

JJ’s Apartment: Lani arrives, and announces that her grandmother is doing better and has dropped by for a visit. Lani updates on her forgiveness protocols. Lani gushes about how awesome her husband and dad are.

227: Paulina suddenly feels great urges to tell the truth to Lani (after 40 years? please) and Olivia continues to scold her. Olivia reminds her that if the truth comes out, Lani will lose her mother... and her father. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Townhouse: Marlena emerges, Henry's asleep. John arrives, recaps his talk with EJ. Marlena and Allie get a text from "Sami". After they read the text without suspicion, cut to Dimansion, where EJ is tucking away a phone in his pocket. He talks to Stefano's portrait. "Now that that's settled, what are we going to do about Giovanni."

For the Record: The show ends with the Johnny/Chanel scene.
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Wow.... I'm thinking I watched a totally different show than the folks on Twitter who thought this was the best.......

Since when is the front door locked at DiMera?
Apparently in Sami's dragging her kids everywhere looking for her beloved smoochy moochy she forgot to teach them manners.... Johnny/Giovanni is one spoiled brat..... even if I kinda enjoyed his hissy fit with his father.....

High point of the show.... Duke the bear didn't appear.....
Agree with those thoughts about Lani/Paulina.
Also thought Carson Boatman did a bang up job for his first day as johnny!
And then, when EJ was tucking away his phone, & I was thinking ...sheesh, he texted them all in Sami's name.....does he have her phone, does that mean he may have arranged her kidnapping.........
then they show Johnny unable to use his credit card as his dad cancelled them. that what EJ did FIRST, then wondered aloud what he was going to do about Giovanni. (he definitely wants him in the family business)
That was funny when John said Elvis John. They are making it appear that EJ has something to do with Sami's disappearance. But maybe was just canceling Johnny's card.

I do not like this Paulina story at all. Lani will be devastated if Abe isn't her father as will be Abe!! Not good.
ssshhh, but "Ray" was a character on one of Jackee Harry 's shows, I think it was Sister, Sister. Ron just loves filling Days with all these references to Jackee's other shows. LOL
Days thinks up a lot of dumb things........maybe EJ wanted to make sure Sami wasn't gonna get permission from Gabi to still live in the Dmansion. So he stashes her somewhere, for a while, til she understands he means business. He doesn't want her in his life right now. Whether that remains his thought......who knows? Stupid.

Actually, I'd love it to be Lucas who grabbed her. lol.
John: He's losing it. Why isn't he planning to break into the DiMansion tunnels or link to DiMera secret island webcams to look for Sami. Could it be that he really doesn't want Sami found? Life is so peaceful without her.

Johnny: He's a typical Salemite. He wants to start at the top -- in his case in the movie business as the next coming of Federico Fellini. He's a good fit with Allie and Chanel who probably have never run a Saturday afternoon lemonade stand who think they can run a full-time bakery.

Harold: When did he start answering the door again. If he wants to keep his job, he'd better learn not to let in undesirables like John.

EJ: John said that his middle name was John. Actually, it should be Jerk with a capital J. His mummy experiences have clearly done nothing for his social skills.
I really don't like this EJ. I can't see anything to make you want to follow him. Lani/Paulina situation is just what can happen in this situation. I thought Olivia wanted Paulina to tell and then she shuts her up. If ancient John gets on Sami's disappearance, she will turn up ere long!!!!
God Bless you summary writers. You just have no idea how much you are appreciated and needed. Do you know of those in the military, who are stationed in areas that do not get the show, thus rely on us here? Do you know how much it means to those who suffer a power outage for long periods, who eagerly look forward to reading what happened each day? And then those who lose a good portion or perhaps all of the show in their area because of "breaking news". (nothing we can do when national TV does it, but local means, some area is not getting the show, while everyone else is). Days has it good times, and bad, boring & exciting, heck, just like life itself. Anyway, huge thank you to all who pitch in to help us all.
Thanks for the summary, Jason!
Just had a thought, so this will make Lani and Chanel sisters, right??
Have we ever heard who her dad is? I may have missed it, but if it's this Ray guy, why did she keep Chanel and not Lani?
I’m really not excited about the Lani/Paulina angle either.
Thanks, Jason. I'm surprised you didn't fall asleep. I like how you call Lani and Eli's place JJs apartment.

Nice to hear nonno for Stefano today.

John's name got referenced twice today. Once for Elvis John and then Johnny said he was named after his
grandfather John.

Interesting EJ did to Johnny what Paulina did to Chanel. Johnny and Chanel know each others their first names,
but they don't know their connection to Allie.

Who sent the texts to Allie and Marlena? And how long will it be before someone notices Gabi is wearing Sami's necklace?

Olivia told Paulina that if Lani knows the truth she would lose a mother and Abe has a father.

Should we guess how Lani finds out the truth that Paulina is her mother? Will one of the twins be sick and a blood test
is done? That's usually the Salem way.