Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 20, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Nicole (looking pretty in pink) is trying to get a reluctant Daniel to talk to her, in the hospital, but he wants to know what she did to Eric to make him hate her, a man who hates no one. She denies doing anything, testified before the grand jury, did all in her power, everything she could to help Eric, went to Rome with Eric, testified there, the Cardinal said he could be a priest again, but he won't. He feels he can't. They argue a bit, she hopes they are still friends, but Daniel says no. He was her friend, stuck up for her, stood by her, and she lied to him, over and over, deceived him, and they can not be friends again, ever.

JJ & Paige are playing with Parker in the park, along comes MaryBeth, noting what a cute kid, asking if it is JJ's. Paige confronts her, MaryBeth says she was just joking, but manages to continue to disparage JJ, and Paige's relationship. Paige makes her leave, JJ says she did not have to defend him, he could do that himself. Then why didn't you, asks Paige. JJ says she is your friend. He gets a text from his mom, has to go home.

Will returns home, the article is still not published, Sonny mentions Abigail brought Arianna back, thinks Will should tell her about the article. He calls Abby, starts talking of his writing, the new job he got, the chance to write this article, cover story. Abby is happy for him, will be sure to read it, but her mom is calling, she has to go, will talk later. Ooops, Will did not get a chance to tell her about the article.

Eve is not happy with the time restriction on the offer from Jen, rants a bit. They advise her to get her lawyer here, pronto, or the offer is gone, they will see her in court. She angrily calls her attorney, he shows up, thinks she should sign, tells her that her case is weak. She is not a happy camper, but signs. Aiden leaves, Jen stays, has a few things to say. There is a rider, whereby Eve cannot talk about Jack, say a single word about anything, or the entire deal if off. Eve seems insulted, but Jen reminds her she wanted to dictate all the terms of the movie deal, who would write script, direct, etc. And she can say nothing to no one. One word, one is over. Jen leaves, Eve is furious.

Daniel returns to the park to pick up Parker, thanks them. JJ had to leave, Paige says she can babysit anytime for him, she is staying in Salem for her freshman year. Daniel offers to talk to someone at the hospital so she can maybe intern there, getting credit. She gets a text from JJ, the lawsuit is settled, has to rush home. Now Daniel is packing up when Theresa shows up. She mentions Brady's father in the coma, asks Daniel if he thinks John make come out of it. Daniel wonders why she is always so curious about John's condition, always asking questions, wonders if she would get worried if John DID manage to wake up. Oh, he knows Theresa, how she thinks, and what she will do to get what she wants. He grabs Parker and their bag of stuff and leaves.

Brady is at the Pub bar, asks for water, the bartender mentions vodka with a twist, but no, just the water. He drinks it, gets up, and there is Theresa. They sit and talk a bit, Brady is bringing in some medical specialists, to confer about his father's condition. They talk a bit about the annulment, he is leaving, has sent all his stuff in, she will let him know when she hears anything from Vegas.

At the courthouse Eric arrives, he & Kristen stare at each other before he goes in. She calls him back, feels so bad that he is no longer a priest, blah, blah. Not fair. ERic tells her he has to goes testify about what is not fair. She decides she wants to be inside, tells her lawyer to get her in. Eric is testifying, talking of being unable to remember anything because of the drugs that had been injected, but there was a video recording of everything, and also the nightmares he had. He mentions tracking her down once before she disappeared, being told how much Kristen hated his mother, and sought this revenge against her. Ms. Trask has gently led the questioning, then excuses him.

Brady arrives home, with Nicole arriving right after, checking on him. She tells him about testifying, that Kristen was not in the courtroom, too chicken, but she did see her later, & his name came up. Brady doesn't want to hear any of it, wants no part of Kristen, nor to see her. Eric arrives, starts to tell Brady of just coming from testifying, but stops short when he spots Nicole.

Theresa arrives at Eve's and hears about the settlement. She thinks it great, a huge amount of money, but Eve is not happy, could have been more. She rants and raves, makes nasty remarks about Jennifer, talks of her gloating, yada, yada. She figures Jen is on a conference call to everyone, her kids, Hope, Maggie, even Daniel. Theresa's ears perk up, she thinks Eve is still after Dan. Eve denies this, not one of Jen's old boyfriends. She tells Theresa her visit with Paige did not work, Paige saw right through it. She is really mad, and assures Theresa that JJ is going to be out of there quickly.
Later, Paige comes in, all excited that the lawsuit is over. Now they can all be friends again. She hugs her mom, who gives a sick smile over Paige's shoulder. Yes, we can. LOL

Abigail is in the square, and sees on her phone/tablet that the article Will wrote is on line. She is all happy, as she sits down to read it. She sees the cover, which is sort of split, with EJ's pic in the upper left side, and Sami's pic in the lower right, a divider between them. Abby's face changes as she realizes the article is about Sami & EJ.

Will arrives home, having gone out to purchase diapers, Sonny is reading the tablet, looks stern. Will asks what is wrong. Sonny hands him the could you do that?

The judge has the jury's decision, has Kristen and her lawyer stand. He proceeds to rattle on about all the various charges the jury has brought on Kristen. Several counts on each, it is a long list, begins with assault, battery, evading arrest, etc. etc. and the last is one count of rape. How does she plead. Yes, folks, she pleads not guilty. Ms. Trask asks that bail be denied, that Kristen is a flight risk, and has the means. The judge, though, tells her to hold on a minute. They need to have a long discussion about that point. Excuse me,? queries Ms. Trask. Yep, Kristen is smirking.

JJ comes home to find Aiden & Jen drinking champagne, all happy. Aiden leaves so Jen can tell her son the good news. JJ breaks out in a big grin when he hears it is all over, been settled. Abigail comes in, Jen & JJ excitedly tell her the good news. Abby looks as tho she has been crying, quietly says she is glad it is all over. Jen can see something is wrong, asks her what happened. Abby says she thought it could not get any worse, but it has.
In such a small town it is so freaking amazing that folks can tell one person "NO YOU WILL NEVER EVER BE MY FRIEND EVER AGAIN" and be so darn sanctimonious about it.

Sounds like tomorrow will be one explosion after another as the least read magazine in the world gets read by everyone in Salem.
How nice that Daniel can so easily write people out of his life, first Jennifer, now Nicole.

Although I'm all for Dan writing Jennifer out, frankly. On more than one occasion, she has spoken and decided for him (the hand tremors thing, for one), got mad at him for all sorts of stupid reasons (the last time around, it was because Daniel was with Eve and he did not magically know Eve was Jennifer's arch enemy... oh the nerve of this man ! Get over yourself, prissy Jen Jen !), also disrespected him, basically calling him stupid time and time again. In that sense, Jennifer is pretty much Nicole's Eric. Both Jenny and Eric can't see what they do wrong, but are quick to pass judgments on others, especially someone they claim to love. (Don't get me started on Eric's hypocritical and judgmental treatment of Nicole, when he can't even own up to his part in the fiasco and now telling everyone how much he hates her while entertaining erotic fantasies. Telling Nicole he loved her no matter what evidence showed up was a lie, period.)

As far as Daniel not being friends with Nicole ever again, I doubt that. I'm sure he will forgive her, hopefully sooner than later. Contrary to his off again/on again farce of a relationship with Jennifer, which I hope is over for good. In fact, I'm still hoping Daniel and Nicole are the end game. I find Dr. Dan much less annoying with Nicole (except these days, of course).

Oh. Speaking of Dan : we all see Super Dan coming back, discovering Theresa was the one who hit John. After all, why would Brady or Marlena or anyone else find out, when Super Dan is there to save the day. :rolleyes:

Anyway, the rest was oh hum for me. Filler. Soooooo tired of Eve and Paige and and Jennifer and JJ and their boring storyline. Because, even though the case is settled, I'm sure there is more angst to come for poor, poor Jen Jen.

The article ? I doubt anyone will care after a few weeks, even after a few days. So Abigail will survive. So will Sonny and William. Really, poorly written drama in my opinion.

Thanks for the summary, as always, Poirot.
I'm disappointed in Daniel's treatment of Nicole, and I think it would have made more sense for Nicole to hold onto her anger towards him until discovering he was almost killed by Kristen than for him to do this sudden switcheroo courtesy of some fickle writers. However, I predict that in about six months, Nicole will find out something Daniel needs to know and go to his apartment, where something like this will happen:

NICOLE: I know we're not friends anymore but -
DANIEL: Yeah. We're not. (starts to close door)
NICOLE: Wait Daniel please. Listen.
DANIEL: What do you want, Nicole?
NICOLE: Just give me two minutes.

Followed by Nicole giving Daniel whatever the info is, him telling her she'd better not be lying, her promising that she's not, and a few days later, their friendship is restored.
Thanks for the summary. I missed the last few minutes due to the President talking about something.

Good show. I'm so glad the lawsuit is all over, and also enjoyed seeing the court scenes.
So upset that Kristen isn't carted away, though, but at least we can see her vs Theresa at some point, hopefully.

I did not like Nicole's dress, Daniel's sanctimonious attitude, Eve's whining, or Paige's stupidity. I probably will fast-forward the JJ and Paige scenes from now on. Her doubting him is getting on my nerves. Boring.
The way Eve was ranting and raving today, Victor would do everyone, including the viewers, a favor by paying out her settlement share immediately so she can buy a bus ticket out of Salem. Otherwise, what seems in store for long-suffering Salemites will be Eve's interminable, pointless, and tiresome efforts to attack Ms. Priss, ruin JJ (watch out Eve, JJ has a powerful ally in Rory), meddle in her daughter's life (maybe EJ could get her into Oxford so she'd be an ocean away from her idiot mother), chase men who want nothing to do with her (watch out Brady), and try to make life miserable for Jeannie Theresa (sorry Eve, but the brat girl does a good job of that unaided). As for today's grand jury proceedings, it was good to see that it threw the book at the Salem witch. That said, if the judge grants an extreme flight risk like Kristen bail, like Judge Fitzpatrick, he's probably on Stefano's payroll.
DrBakerFan, I have to agree with you about the judge being on Stefano's payroll.
With the long list of of things against Kristen, he wanted to discuss bail :rolleyes:

I liked the pink purses Nicole and Jen had.

I'm glad Brady mentioned his papers were sent off on the annulment.
I hope we hear soon the marriage is now Null and Void.

I'm glad the lawsuit is over too. Seemed like a big waste of time
to me. I wonder what Eve's next big plan is.

Theresa had some funny lines today. I like the one she told Dr Dan
"Doctor Dad by day, Bounty Hunter by night"
I did not like Nicole's dress, Daniel's sanctimonious attitude, Eve's whining, or Paige's stupidity. I probably will fast-forward the JJ and Paige scenes from now on. Her doubting him is getting on my nerves. Boring.

My thoughts exactly though I already tune out JJ and Paige if I'm watching live.

Another day, another boring episode.
In re: Nicole's dress today. While I totally agree with it being too seems the wardrobe dept. doesn't know anything else except too tight and too short.
However, the dress was really pretty, and looked good on Nicole. I liked the pale pink, and it far outdid Jen's dress.