Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 23, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Chad is on Abby's hospital bed, holding her, both asleep. They wake up, happy to be next to each other, they coo at each other, glad to have woken up next to each other, He has to go home, change his clothes, can't wait to wake up next to each other, without clothes. LOL. They exchange I love you's, kisses, he leaves. Jennifer arrives, bringing Maggie's lemon bars, Abby shares her engagement news, she & Chad are being married again. Jen is a bit hesitant, remembering how Abby could not go thru with their vow renewal last time. Yes she is sure, she made mistakes, so has Chad, but both love each other, want this.

Sonny & Paul also wake up, do their share of cooing, have breakfast in bed, reminisce a bit of doing so in the past. Sonny has to take a shower, Paul goes along to help.

Kate is on the phone with Mr. Shin, who else, blabbering about corporate decisions, Andre comes in. She is startled, tells him to stop skulking, can't he just walk in a room? He mentions walking into the Pub, her kissing Roman. She insists it was nothing, just a kiss. He wonders how the board would feel about Mrs. DiMera, CEO kissing another man. He can find ways to get pics, have her watched, more insinuated threats. He wants to be co-CEO, she thinks it isn't possible, that Mr. Shin, & the board, would never agree to it, being they feel he is insane. He says what if I get a psychiatrist to certify that I am not insane. She laughs, you're certifiable all right! She stalks out, Andre slams the doors closed, vowing to get his due. Oh, yes, in the middle of this, Chad comes in, tells of his engagement. Andre' delighted, Kate, of course, talks of poor Gabi. Chad is sorry if she is hurt, but she understood, etc. Andre leaves, is going to watch a movie...Roman Holiday, he says pointedly at Kate. Kate now claims she just wants Chad to be happy, he is. He goes upstairs. Andre & Kate resume their war of words.

Paul comes to the Kmansion, telling Brady the good news, he is lst person. Oh, he texted dad, called him, but no reply back. Brady promises to make sure Dad will contact him, if he sees him.

Brady is staring at the booze tray, the array of decanters, Nicole comes in. What are you doing, he is just thinking. Both did not sleep well, Brady notes that both Sonny & Chad are free. She worries about her guilt, someone finding out. That Sonny & Chad would not have spent so much time in jail if the true killer was known. Brady reminds her she actually saved her daughter from being raised by a mad man. Concentrate on that. She mentions the amulet,.he pulls it from the drawer, no one is going to find it here, not to worry. She has to go to work. Brady knows there is nothing going on between her & Eric.

Bonnie is refusing to bed Justin, who is puzzled. Knock at door, tis Sonny, come to tell them the good news. He hears his mom broke it up with Lucas, is now with his dad, is overjoyed. (Bonnie calls him Jackson, Sonny laughs as she never calls him that). Sonny tells his good news, his folks are happy for him. Sonny leaves, wants to go see Abigail, Bonnie has mentioned moving into Kmansion to be with Justin, sooner the better. Justin head is spinning, she claims she just broke it off with one guy, can't go between the sheets with another so quickly. Justin is still puzzled, but then figures that with her mastectomy and reconstruction, she just is not ready yet, so fine. Pack your things.

Eric sits in the Pub, writing another letter, or rather reading one he wrote to Nicole, thanking her for forgiveness, and admitting he loves her. In comes a drunk Lucas, giving him a hard time about those nasty photos he took of Nicole, Brady told him all about them. Eric realizes he has been drinking, does his best to stop Lucas from going to the bar, they argue, Eric wants to go to a meeting, take a walk. Lucas finally walks out, refusing Eric's offer for a taxi, Eric says Lucas is in no shape to drive, Lucas replies, who do you think I am......YOU? , then heads over to the hospital, walking into Abby's room. Jen realizes he is drunk, pulls him out of the room, scolding him slightly. What is going on. She dumped me, says Lucas. Jen notes seeing Adrienne earlier, and she was just not herself, was acting strangely. Now she tries to get Lucas to let her help him, talking of the love and support he gave her just a couple days ago. Let her do the same for him. He runs off.

Next Lucas shows up at DiMansion, bottle in the little brown bag, taking a swig, telling his mother how Adrienne dumped him. Kate is all full of "I told you so", even reciting his failed relationships. But Lucas really lights into her, what was I thinking, coming here for love, support. YOU are the reason I am drinking, your constant meddling and interference in my life. She warns she will fire him from Countess W if he doesn't stop drinking. He notes yes, she would do that, wouldn't she. Kate says it is called Tough Love. He turns on his heel, That's the only kind you know, as he stalks off.

Eric calls Jen, leaves a message for her to call him, it is about Lucas. Andre is alone in the study, looks at Stefano's portrait,, muttering, Kate has gone too far.

Sonny comes with flowers to visit Abby, finds Chad outside the door. Has something to ask Chad, who has something to ask Sonny, Both insist the other go first, then both blurt out they want the other to be their best man. (nice scene)

Lucas comes to Bonnie's room, just barges in, I cannot live without you, I just can't.

Brady opens the drawer, takes out the amulet, stares at it, throws it back in the drawer, goes over to the bar, pours himself a big drink, and ...down the hatch.

Eric is concentrating on his letter, Nicole arrives, sorry she is late. He glances up, I didn't notice.
I think it's great that Abby had beautiful loose spiral waves, perfectly framing her face, while in a hospital bed. :sarcasm:Any time I've been in the hospital, the best I could accomplish was a messy ponytail.
Hey, Salem University Hospital may be a center of malpractice, quackery, and all-around third-rate care, but it offers great hair-styling services.

On other fronts:

Roman: What's he doing serving breakfast burritos? Dad Brady must be turning over in his grave. A place like the Brady Pub should serve only traditional Irish breakfasts.

Nicole: She actually fears the Salem P.D.? Clearly, she hasn't been paying attention. Catching criminals isn't exactly its forte.

Kate: She's playing too fast and loose with Andre. Underneath his new "Mr. Sensitive" persona, lurks the same guy who once buried Roman alive.

Liquored-up Lucas: He certainly made the rounds today. Some of the blunt stuff coming out of his mouth was reminiscent of the kind of things RoboJohn used to say back in his "glory" days.

Bonnie: Still more gaffes today. And if she does make it inside the K-mansion, she's putting her head in the lion's mouth and is sure to be devoured. Bonnie ought to head to the Salem bus station while she still has a chance.
How many more episodes are we going have to sit through of people saying "There's something wrong with Adrienne/Marlena?" I mean seriously, it would be one thing if Bonnie was actually prepared and competent enough to impersonate Adrienne, but she's not.

Here's another thing that's driving me crazy and Justin mentioned it: Adrienne's mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Why doesn't Adrienne just go to the prison infirmary and say "I am not Bonnie Lockhart and here's all the proof I need."?? Surely when confronted with the fact that the woman they think is Bonnie Lockhart has had medical procedures they know Bonnie Lockhart has not had, because she's been incarcerated in their facility for the past 10 years, the prison officials will have to put two and two together at that point, right?

I wouldn't have a problem with a good doppelganger story, which is a trademark of daytime drama, when it's well done. When the switch is done in a way that makes sense and the copy is actually prepared to play the part. But Anjelica's plan has been sloppy and amateurish. It's probably meant to be comedic, and I've chuckled at some of it as I did today at the expression on Bonnie's face at hearing of Sonny's engagement, clearly having no idea that's he's gay. But overall it's just been insulting my opinion.

Sorry to be so negative but this storyline is driving me nuts. I just really, really, really don't like it. LOL
I read a snippet....Originally, the killer of Deimos was supposed to be Victor, via hiring Xander, as revenge for what happened to Bo. Ron C changed it, to stretch it out, have it impact other story, and wind up the Higley stories
Thanks, Poirot.

I wondered about the burrito breakfast too. I guess the pub is adding more
ethnic food to go with the Wanchai Ferry.

Nice of Maggie to make Abby lemon bars.

Cute line Andre had about the movie "Roman Holiday"

If Bonnie gets into the K-mansion, I hope Victor realizes she's not Adrienne
since no one else can figure it out. Then he'll probably have a stoke or
heart attack.
I like Lucas and he seems to be enjoying being "drunk" Lucas. May we please have more Lucas?

Kate, can she please please please go to Europe for a couple of months or so? I'm so over her pulling for Chad and Gabi from out of the blue. And her "loving care of Lucas" just made me shudder.
I'm perplexed! Will someone please fill me in on why Kate is constantly pushing Gabi on Chad? As for the Kate/Andre' marriage, his facial expressions alone tell me cocky Kate is pushing her hubby dangerously close to the edge. I'm anxious to see what he has in store to knock her down a peg or two. She and Julie ring the circus bell on the holier than thou meter.
Toby, you mentioned something that is a huge mystery, more so than who killed Deimos. Kate had an affair with Rafe, another with his father, had Dario steal DiMera's money, and pushes constantly for Chad to be with Gabi.

She ingores the fact that Chad loves Abby, that Abby is Thomas's mother, will always be in Chad's life in some way, just wants him to be with Gabi......but the why of it she has kept to herself, while the writers have kept that reason to themselves as well.

Thus, no explanation to the viewers at all. Gabi was hooked up with JJ, a small attraction with Eli, Kate ignores that, just pushes Chad at Gabi, and vice versa.

Maybe we will eventually find out, but it looks as tho perhaps it will be one of those storyline items that just is ignored and dropped.
I just read an article about the woman who was lost in the woods for a month and recently found. She was apparently doing drugs with two guys when this first happened. The two guys were questioned by the police and the one admitted he shot the woman in the back of the head, then he and the other guy threw her body into the nearby creek. They were stunned when the woman was found alive and unhurt (other than wandering lost in the woods for a month).

I wish this would be the case with Nicole, in which she only thinks she killed Deimos because of the Halo2 giving her false memories.
Line of the day from Andre, to Kate: Something about a kiss (?) being on "a slippery slope to an affair." I'd like to hear a lot more mention of slippery slopes! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Did I hear Abigail say something about a divorce from Dario taking a long time? She should consult the lawyer who expedited her divorce from Chad! Chad should delay their remarriage, pending Abby's living as a sane person for at least a couple of years. This would also give her plenty of time to find a nice, vintage party dress to wear at her modest wedding. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Those drapes are still hanging in the DiMansion living room! :sick: :sick:
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Abigail does not need a divorce. She can get an annulment on the grounds of fraud. Dario lied about his need to marry her to avoid deportation and he failed to tell her that he was involved in serious criminal activities. They key question is would Abigail have married him if she'd known the truth. Here, the answer is a resounding no. (Similar scenarios would be if a woman married Rory after he told her that he was an eccentric billionaire or Andre got somebody to marry him while he was posing as a kindly philanthropist and concealing his true psychotic nature.