Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 30, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Paul continues to talk to Hattie, becoming more and more uneasy as "Marlena" makes comments and statements about John which he has never heard. She is trying to make excuses and explanations for dumping John, but Paul is not accepting them as truth. He mention Marlena kissing Roman, and that John was upset, she has no idea where John is, finally makes up a story about him coming to see her, yelling and hollaring, and she told him to go away, and not return until he calms down. Then she claims he went off on an ISA mission. Paul doubts that, as they are in business together, his dad would not do that without letting him know. She calls him a spoiled brat, then searches for another word to indicate that, something a psychiatrist would use. Paul is really puzzled now. So she finally figures the only way to get Paul to understand her position. 3 strikes and you are out. Game is called. Over. She gets up and leaves.

Over at the cop shop, Lani & JJ talk about Raines, she is resentful he dad is still in jail. Raines comes in, asking if she has something she wants to say to him (she is alone) She apologizes for giving him the wrong impression last night. Raines goes into the area where JJ sits, to talk to him. (I lost TV for about 10 min., due to a storm, so missed a few things, and when TV came back, lots of commercials, lol). Raines is gone, Lani comes in, JJ says he did what they had discussed, told Raines he has his support, they will nail Abe, etc. Raines pops his head in, is going to a meeting at City Hall, JJ is in charge.

Rafe & Hope are at Club TBD, questioning Myron, who claims Raines came to see Dario's records. Rafe & Hope don't buy it, question Myron, first Rafe, then Hope. Myron keeps denying, despite the fact they know Raines is the silent partner. He finally tells of Raines wanting fake evidence against Abe, so the cops urge him to do so, that way they can nail Raines producing the fake evidence. Myron is reluctant, fears for his life, doesn't think the cops can protect him from Raines' threat to kill him. He takes off. Hope follows, has his keys, so Myron is on foot. She catches up, finally convinces him that he is better off trusting them than Raines. He agrees to help them. They go back to the station, confer with JJ & Lani a bit.All 4 are now anxiously waiting to nail Raines.

Raines calls Myron, says he stopped by the club, he isn't there. Myron claims a couple errands, yes he is nearly done with the project for Raines.

Chloe is in the park, makes the anonymous call to 911 about the dead body in the hotel, gives room number, says she thinks it was natural causes. No, won't give her name, doesn't want any trouble. She hangs up, turns, and Eric is standing there. Uh, oh, but he only heard her mention not wanting trouble. Chloe claims the cops wanted to know if she knew anything about Dario's dealings, since he hired her for a gig at the club. Eric is about to go on, she stops, asking about Nicole and his feelings for her. Makes no mind, Nik is in love with Brady, devoted to him, just wants her daughter back.

At Bayview, replay of the entire fantasy sequence wherein John talks Marlena into picturing them sans the straitjackets, and in each other's arms. Marlena is happy, but thinks they will never be free. John has a plan, talks of the orderly coming with lunch, they will make their move. He now manages to free himself of the straitjacket, urging marlena to do the same. She struggles, can't. John calms her anxiety, talks her through it, urging her constantly, despite he claims she can't, she can't. Yes she can. He says when the orderly comes, he will take care of him, then come for her, the exit door is right across from her room door, to make a dash for it, run, and keep on running. She will, she will, and finally, his urging takes effect, and she is out of her straight jacket. She talks of it being so long since she was able to touch him,. feel him, though she knows he is on the other side of the wall. He gets an idea, sticks his fingers thru the slats in the vent, tells her to do the same, maybe they can reach each other. His hand is thru, she puts hers through, their fingers touch, she is moaning, so happy.

Nicole is on the sofa with Brady at the Kmansion, worried that someone might find out she killed Deimos. She talks of how evil Deimos was, kidnapped her baby, was responsible for her losing custody, etc. She wants Justin to do something, but Brady says no, Justin just got Sonny cleared, they cannot let him know anything. Justin walks in. He says the hearing about Holly's custody has been moved up to TODAY. They have to be in the judge's chambers. Brady says they have to both go change, as Justin has to call Eric. Brady gets uptight, but since Eric was Nicole's supervisor, he has to testify to doing the work, etc.

Everyone is at the courthouse, (Nicole has changed into a dark grey somber looking dress, but rather low cut, odd) when Eric & Chloe come in. She was with Eric when he got the call, so came along. She thanks Nicole for sending her pics of Holly, Nicole mentions they came from Maggie, she was grateful, Chloe happy Nicole shared them with her. She only came to say hi, will be going now. Nicole wants some water, so leaves with her, giving Brady time to apologize to Eric for trashing his room, and for suspecting him having an affair with Nicole. He knows that is not true. Eric assures him it never will happen. Handshake, hug.

Rafe is at the club, Chloe arrives. Since she was hired for this singing gig, was wondering if anyone was in charge. Rafe says the government seized all Dario's assets, he doesn't know about the club. She says there is not much out there for her, she thought she'd check. Rafe starts to take her phone # down, to call her if he finds the info, but his cell rings. He excuses himself, tis dispatch, repeats "Dead Body?" where? Chloe slips out the door. Rafe will be right on it, hangs up, starts to apologize to Chloe, turning around. But Chloe is gone.
Lunchtime Hattie: In a previous post, I mentioned the possibility of Hattie raising suspicions with her less-than-refined table manners. Today, another problem -- she came close to talking with her mouth full. Imagine Roman at the Pub saying: "What da hell. Marlena's talking with her mouth full of Brady burger!"

Craven Myron: This tech geek should go back to playing computer games 18 hours a day. The speed with which he rolled over for Rafe and Hope proves that he's clearly not cut out for the criminal life. Both Raines and Dario were complete fools for working with him.

Houdini John: The other day, I suggested that John "channel his inner Houdini" and get out of his straight jacket, and today, voila, he actually did. Kudos the writers. It's too bad that the air shaft isn't bigger. The always-resourceful John could pull out those vents and he and Marlena could be gone before any of Bayview's idiot staff realizes that they're gone.
Thanks Poirot.

I'm glad John found his inner Houdini to get out of the straitjacket. Then he talked to
Marlena how to get out of hers. It was interesting after that Hattie was talking to
Paul about John doing disappearing acts.

Maybe the ISA is short for International
Sorcery Association :)

I hope Hattie said enough to Paul to have him wonder who he was really talking to.

So, Chloe used her own phone to call about the dead body. Maybe the Salem PD doesn't pay
for caller ID and they didn't know
Chloe called them. If she called 911, they would have
recorded her call.

Line of the day goes to John when he talks to Marlena about helping to deliver
Belle in the Horton cabin. He said "delivering a baby not in the spy catalog"
Sorry, Jason, I just didn't think of Marlena as the breakfast burrito type. If Marlena did go to the Pub for breakfast, I'd expect her to order something like French toast. In constrast, I'd expect Rafe to scarf up some heuvos rancheros; JJ would stick to his childhood favorite, sugar frosted flakes, Roman would have eggs with Irish bacon or sausages, Eric would have thin gruel because he still doing penance for all his sins, and Raines would chew nails.
Thanks for the summary
I liked when she couldn't come up with "polished" words when talking to Paul. Thought that was funny.
I laughed too. Certainly Paul should be at least suspicious of this "Marlena".

My speculation about Justin's last line "The judge knows what you did". I think/hope he was talking about her work at the Horton Center and that, therefore, he was ready to give her custody of Holly. Hey, I can dream, can't I?
:clap:for dreamers!
Got this one watched now. Paul had some entertaining expressions while talking with Hattie.

It's interesting how Chloe is making her way around town, appearing in scenes with a lot of different people. A little bit odd but I'm enjoying it.

John and Marlena were making so much racket, they sounded like horses trying to break out of stalls in a barn! I kept expecting half the staff to come rushing in to see what they were doing!
Thanks for the summary. A nice show.

OC, I agree. Chloe wandering about aimlessly IS weird, and yet kind of realistic and nice to see her and so many characters interacting.

Kat, I think Paul will know something's off. He's not a Salem police officer, who would never notice the difference or put it together.

The breakfast burrito, still trying to make sense of this one. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing Eric with Chloe right about now. That could be interesting, certainly more than him being with Jennifer.

Raines needs to be busted, and fast. I don't want this storyline dragging on and on.