Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec.11, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Chad is in his room, gets text from Stevano about lying to him, knows Gabi sent Eli to Italy to get Kristen's shares, on the DiMera jet. They text back & forth, Chad tries to get him to phone him, no dice, Chad does text he is still working on it, Steveano says to wait for word from him.

Gina is conning Abby on the balcony, trying to get her to drop her idea that someone else pushed Jen off the balcony, then finally says o.k., since Abby cannot shake that feeling, she will reopen the case. Abby thanks her, Gina leaves.

At the hospital, Sarah & Eric worry over Mickey, her fever is down, but the test results are taking forever. Xander is pacing outside the window, worried sick at no news. In Marlena's office, Kayla sits, shift over, wants to get lab results to give to Sarah & Eric. Marlena encourages her to go, she will get the results, and deliver them. Kayla is grateful, special time planned, Justin moving in. Marlena happy she has moved on, wishes her well.

Ciara takes call from Ben, who has bad news, his attorney quit. He doesn't want her trying any more to get goods on Xander & her grandfather. She, however is determined. After taking the call, she spots Justin bring down his boxes of stuff, learns he is moving in with Kayla. He can see she is bothered with something, promises to not tell anyone, she tells him her tale of woe. Ben's lawyer quit, she needs proof Xander & grandfather are responsible for Jordan's death, maybe should just confront Xander. Justin says no, Xander is established criminal, will never tell her anything, or admit to anything. She wonders about asking Grampa, nope, that will not work. And since Justin is atty for Titan, he can't as anything Vic says is client/atty confidential. However, he thinks there might be a way.

Ben has a whole fantasy about Xander visiting him in prison, showing a scarf he wrapped around Ciara's neck, squeezing tight, as he did to Ben's sister. (black & white) . He calls Ciara again, collect, she tells him of getting him a new lawyer, Justin.

Kayla is clearing out desk drawers, almost throws out pic of her & Steve, instead, leaves it on a side table. Justin moving in, she makes dinner, small talk and chit chat about the whole thing, both saying they love each other, were in other relationships for years, & know time doesn't stand still. They toast wine glasses, more chit chat. Then Kayla says she heard via the grapevine he was Ben's new lawyer. (Honestly, when did she hear that? ) He says yes, just that he heard Ben's lawyer quit, always felt he was telling truth. Yada, yada.

Eric stays with baby, Sarah comes out to talk to the worried Xander, sorry Eric is taking such a hard line against him. Marlena appears with test results, but won't reveal in front of Xander, she & Sarah go to where Eric is, Marlena breaks the news, Mickey has neuroblastoma......cancer. Tumor, cannot be removed. No surgery. However, she will call in oncologist, Mickey will be fine. Just hang in there.

Abby comes home, she & Chad exchange tales of their day. She is bothered by “Hope's” attitude, Chad jokingly says she cannot be thinking Hope killed her mother. She talks of the security video evidence, Chad notes that one of the companies just developed something or other that will reveal if film was doctored. Abby all excited about that.

Gina returns to the loft, complains to Steveano about Abigail causing problems. She comments reporters have access to closed case files, so she now reopened the case, so no more access. Steveano notes he thinks Abigail causing him problems as well, with his son. Her impudence is rubbing off on him. Chad and Abby are snuggled in bed, asleep, as Steveano's voice says if Abigail continues to be a problem, she will have to be removed.
Thank you, Poirot.

We all figured there would be a medical emergency with Mickey. I just didn't think Days would go straight to cancer that quickly. Normally, the diagnosis would be drawn out for weeks.

I'm soooooo sick of Princess Gina. I'd rather have dreary Hope back. Even the poor writing for her was better than anything these writer's come up with for Gina.

If Justin and Kayla have to live together without marriage, at least he's moving into her place. Victor's head would probably explode if one more person moved into the K-mansion.

So is Steveano's proclamation against Abby a foreboding of her being the next Salemite to be in a coma, kidnapped, etc ??
I was confused why "Hope" would reopen case but then Abigail can't see evidence. So she's going to be mad that she can't get the video now that Chad has a guy.

I couldn't believe Ciara was just yapping about her grandfather killing Jordan right there in the entry way! Can't believe no one overheard her. But now Justin knows. How did Kayla find out?!!

Did Stefauxno say Hope? Wouldn't he be calling her Gina? Closed captioning said Hope but replaying it almost sounded like he said Well. So I don't know.

The baby has cancer?! Can these writers ever have a happy story? I know it will bring out her true parentage but geez! There are other ways! I know she's a little young but I was hoping when Eric was saying I love you so much, your daddy loves you that Mackenzie would say you are not my daddy!! Hey a girl can dream!

I do like Kayla and Justin together. I liked them with Steve and Adrienne too. But Kayla and Justin work. They are moving in pretty quick but I'm sure Stefauxno will be revealed and throw a wrench in their happiness.
We all figured there would be a medical emergency with Mickey. I just didn't think Days would go straight to cancer that quickly. Normally, the diagnosis would be drawn out for weeks.
Look how fast they diagnosed Johnny's eye cancer and removed his eye, all at Christmas time. Days sure knows how to have a jolly Christmas, by giving babies and small children cancer.
The show is just starting here, but did Marlena really say to Eric and Sarah that "their" child has cancer, but don't worry and everything will be fine?????

And, can they please find a bigger pretend baby to hold? We have seen Baby Mickey and the towel that Eric's holding was wayyyyyy too small!
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Marlena said "Mickey will be fine. Just hang in there."
What hogwash! The baby has an inoperable cancer in her little brain, and Marlena says she will be just fine. Of course, she will recover if that's what the plot calls for, but I still think it strange that a doctor would say that. I hope they do blood tests that show either Rex or Xander as the father. I'd love to see sourpuss Eric's face if Mickey doesn't belong to him.
Inoperable brain cancer, cannot have surgery, but will be fine? Yes, she said that, Marlena, I mean. Eric does ask Sarah if the baby will be o.k., she's a doctor...... Sarah cries......"I don't know".
Heck, did she ever work before that? She would be in the hospital, but doing anything? Nope. Heck, she is supposed to be a doctor......why couldn't she go to the lab to get those results?
I didn't like how dismissive Marlena was to Xander if Sarah wanted him to hear the results with her. I understand she wanted to just tell the parents, but if Sarah said it was OK, it is not Marlena's decision to make. She was nicer afterwards when she took him to her office, but I don't like snippy Marlena. At least we KNOW she is not Hattie, since we have seen Hattie in jail with Eve.

And when they had that scene with Xander visiting Ben in prison, did he really confess to killing Jordan, or was he just trying to make Ben pay for kidnapping Mickey? Wasn't Mickey kidnapped way after Jordan was killed, since that was supposed to have happened a year ago and Mickey was just kidnapped/returned recently?
There are sooooooo many things wrong with this show. But one thing is bothering me so much right now. (I won't get into the cancer thing, the Steve being Stefano thing, etc. for now.) Is there never anyone working at the restaurant/bar where Jennifer was pushed from the balcony, and now, where the "investigation" is going on? The place is always empty. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
And when they had that scene with Xander visiting Ben in prison, did he really confess to killing Jordan, or was he just trying to make Ben pay for kidnapping Mickey? Wasn't Mickey kidnapped way after Jordan was killed, since that was supposed to have happened a year ago and Mickey was just kidnapped/returned recently?
It was Ben's dream.
Thanks, Poirot.

Today closed captioning had Hope as Gina and Steve as Stefano. Everyday
it has something different.

Stevano did say Hope when she walked in. He's probably confused like we are.

Gina told Abby she would reopen the investigation. Then Gina told Stevano because
then Abby can't have the files. It's too late for that. Yesterday, Abby had
the big file
in Jennifer's room.

Poor Mickey, she has cancer. Will they find a cure in time for the Christmas miracle
that usually happens in Salem?

Poor Ben, Justin is now his lawyer :)

Hopefully, Chad won't tell his father about his plan with checking the video with
Eve to show it was faked.
OK, so, I double hate the cancer storyline and the way Marlena handled herself. Don't get me started haha! That said, here's something I can hope for:

PURE SPECULATION - HOPEFUL OUTCOME - Perhaps this is the Christmas miracle. A new fancy doctor will have the skills to do the surgery and all baby Mickey will need is a donor from her father, and tests reveal Eric isn't her father after all. Xander is. Xander saves his baby, and Sarah, Xander and Mickey spend Christmas together celebrating health, triumph over cancer, and togetherness, and Eric is left alone. Because you know he'll go running back to Nicole. And here's the Christmas miracle, we all cheer as Nicole slams the door in dumb Eric's face. Nicole is already happy with her surprise new man, Rafe.

Ahhhh a girl can dream, right?
Found: A Salem lawyer who is worse than Justin and even makes pre-mummy EJ and the late, not-so-great Ted Laurent look good -- it's whatever idiot was representing Ben. An attorney just can't quit a case during a client's appeal without the permission of the court and the ability to demonstrate the he/she isn't getting paid or the client is engaged in some form of improper conduct, particularly when doing so will prejudice the client's case. As for Justin, even the bumbling barrister might not find it too difficult to get Ben's conviction reversed.
  • Legal errors by the judge (in Salem, most judges are legal dunces).
  • Police misconduct and/or tampering with evidence (the Salem P.D. is notoriously bad and both Hope and Rafe have good reasons to dislike Ben).
  • Misconduct by the district attorney (Melinda is an infamous barracuda who would do anything to get a conviction).
  • ineffective assistance of counsel (if the lawyer who just quit handled the trial, this should make this usually difficult grounds for appeal easy to establish).
As for the rest of the episode, I'm with other posters: the baby cancer story is truly awful and the Steve-ano plot is utterly nonsensical.