Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 14, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Deimos tells the sleeping Nicole he loves her so much, leaves, downstairs he tells Brady about going to Dr. Lee's offices, to find out once and for all if Chloe is carrying Nicole & Daniel's baby. Later Nicole comes down, looking for Deimos, who was going to go with her for a run. Brady offers to go instead. Later, both are in the square, Guess both must have checked their coats, since this is mid-December, and very cold in the mid-west. (yes, you are reading sarcasm here). They chat a bit, go back to the house, a package arrives, tis a train set Theresa had ordered for Tate for Christmas. Brady doesn't understand how Theresa could have ordered this, so lovingly after teaching Tate to say Choo Choo, and then run off.

Deimos is with Dr. Lee, apologizing for overstepping with his questioning, just wanted to know what all was being accomplished there. Dr. Lee has to see a patient, shows Deimos out, but Deimos manages to unlock the door before closing, returning later, throwing his keys on the desk, sitting at Dr. Lee's computer. He calls Brady, puts him on speaker phone as he checks out Dr. Lee's schedule. Yep, Chloe & Nicole were there in December, that had to be the failed in vitro. He scans thru the following months, finding an appt. with Chloe in May, but before he can go further, he hears the doctor coming. He shuts off his phone, the computer, jumps up and is on other side of the room when Dr. Lee enters, asking how he got in there, door always locked. Deimos only mentions leaving his keys, and yes, there they are, he grabs them off the desk and leaves.

When he returns home, Brady & Nicole have set up the train, arguing about going fast or slow, saying beep. Nicole gets up, tells Deimos not to let Brady make the engine go fast, up to take a shower. Deimos now fills Brady in on what he found on the computer (making one wonder what the point of the call to Brady and using speakerphone was all about). Brady asks what he is planning on doing....Deimos figures it is now obvious that Chloe is carrying Nicole's baby, he has more digging to do, but Chloe will be delivering that baby, and if it is Nicole's, Deimos will do everything he can to make sure Nicole gets her baby.

Joey arrives at the Pub at Jade's request. She has ordered tea & toast to try and combat her constant nausea. They get to arguing a bit, she has to run to the bathroom, hand over her mouth. She returns, talks of morning sickness all day long, they get into another argument about going off the pill, not telling him so he could use a condom, she angrily gets up to leave, but doubles over in pain.

Steve & Kayla are at the hospital, evidently Adrienne has been with her doctor. She rushes out, there is Justin, she scolds him for following her around not giving her some space. Steve & Kayla come along, Adrienne finally gives a rundown of what happened. She got the lecture about missing her mammogram appt., has Stage 2 cancer (Kayla explains that means it has not left the breasts.

Adrienne goes on, that because of that mutation gene, this cancer will be more aggressive in her, so her doc wants to do a double mastectomy with chemo both before and after. That's the 411, and she runs off, has not yet made an appointment. Justin follows her, Kayla tries to explain to Steve what is going on, he gets ticked off, this is his sister, not someone anonymous, and he is not a 5 year old. He stalks off.

Kayla gets a text from Joey about bringing Jade in. Now Jade is in bed, getting an IV, Joey is asking if Jade is losing the baby, Kayla shoos him outside the room. He watches thru the window, Steve has returned, is with him, arm around his son. Kayla says Jade was dehydrated from all the nausea, and the pains were cramps from that. The IV is working, no more pains. And just to be sure, they are doing an ultra sound. Joey has come back in, Kayla asks if Joey's dad can come in, too. Sure. Kayla starts the ultra sound, points out the baby, lets Jade listen to the heartbeat, and provides a picture for her. Jade & Joey talk about the baby, who now has become something more real to them both. She calls it a girl, he says could be boy. He apologizes for what he said earlier, and is in this with her, going to be a good dad.

Outside, Steve sits with the ultra sound pic as well, is sorry for getting angrier earlier. She also is sorry for being so blunt, should have been nicer, knows he was very concerned about his sister.

Justin had followed Adrienne, who gets upset with him, wants him to leave her alone. He offers to call the doctor's office & make the surgery appointment, she refuses. He is assuring her that she has a lot of family and friends who will help, naming a few, and even including Lucas, tho he has issues with him. She refuses, makes him leave.

Adrienne sits on the park bench, Kate arrives. (Excellent scenes!!). She got Adrienne's text, but Adrienne just thanks her for coming to the hospital to see her. Kate feels she did not do much. Adrienne is holding back the tears, as she says "you held my hand, it is exactly what I needed right then. Kate sits down, they are both silent, Adrienne is fighting back the tears. Kate notes that when she had cancer she did not want to talk. To anyone. No one. Then asks when the surgery is scheduled. Adrienne admits she has yet to make that call. Kate reminds her she went up against Sami Brady when Sonny was marrying Will, and if she can do that, she has the guts for anything. Kate says Adrienne only needs a jump start, pulls out her phone, calls Dr. Davis's office, claiming to be Adrienne's personal assistant, then hands the phone over. Adrienne is a bit reluctant, but takes it, says she is ready to make the date for soon as possible. O.K. fine. She hands the phone back to Kate, who puts an arm around her, and Adrienne completely breaks down, sobbing uncontrolably, as Kate holds her.

Nicole is in her robe, evidently out of the shower, and finds a text message from Chloe. Got your message, I think we need to meet and to talk.

Nicole texts back in the affirmative, glad and agreeing. Hope now you will tell me everything. She smiles, hugs herself.
So, assuming Judi Evans (Adrienne) won't get a mastectomy herself or tape her boobs down, I'm assuming Adrienne will also get breast implants. My cousin's wife got a boob job. When I hug her, it's like being pressed against rocks!
Well, I know someone who had a double mastectomy, and 6 mos. later decided to have the fake boobs.....these are not the gel things, I don't think. But she is pleased with how it turned out.
You know, you are making me wonder if that was the case with my friend. She even posted pictures of what was going to be done. Actually, she is the daughter of a friend, who writes a column. I remember her dad telling me how she had survived breast cancer for 10 years....and then, since she always got a check on it, it appeared on the other side. First time I believe she had a lumpectomy, but this time, she decided she did not want to have to deal with this all perhaps a few years down the road, so did the double surgery, I know she had chemo, because before the surgery, she posted a pic, and had shaved her entire head. Knowing what was coming with the chemo, since she had it before.

I remember when Chloe was having chemo, all we ever saw was a single lock of hair on her pillow. She always had all her hair. Will be interesting to see how Adrienne fares. Just an aside, but Judi Evans, (Adrienne) used to be on GL, where a female character underwent this. The actress insisted on having her hair cut very very short, and then wore scarves for a while, as Kayla did after her surgery. )

Deimos does realize that Chloe has not been forthcoming with Nicole because of him and what he did, and I am glad he admitted that to Brady. And I do understand Chloe not wanting to have Nicole's hopes go up, when there has yet to be the birth.
Chloe definitely wore a wig. It was the only time she had bangs.

I think the show is playing the emotional beats well so far in terms of Adrienne's reactions to the doctors and her loved ones. I'm still annoyed that they seem to have rewritten her decision mid-storyline but that's par for the course with this show. No consistency.

Good acting by Paige Searcy (Jade) today but I still think she is playing Joey both in terms of her morning sickness and that he is the father.

It's time for a break from Nicole, Deimos, Chloe, Brady, and Ghost Daniel. I feel like I've been watching the same episode all week. I did enjoy the Nicole and Brady scenes but the sound effects for the train set were too loud and obviously fake. Why not just run the train around the track and use the actual train noises?

More good stuff with Steve and Kayla. Too bad they can't write other rootable couples in a similar manner.
Good show here and there.

It was great when Dr Lee showed up before Deimos could find what
he was looking for. I hope Nicole finds out about the baby before
Deimos does.

Fun scene with Nicole and Brady playing choo-choo :)

Great scene with Kate and Adrienne again. Interesting Kate told Adrienne she
stood up to Sami and she could do this too.
I actually thought that wording was very odd. Maybe not intentional but Kate was talking about Will as if he was a stranger. That's how it came across to me anyhow. Surely they could have come up with a better analogy.

Also was laughing at Adrienne crying into Kate's fur coat. Meanwhile Brady was out running in a tank top.
A good line today was that Adrienne could certainly face cancer since she had the courage to go up against Sami Brady. If the writers had decided to go all-Sami today, they could have worked in some other references.

Joey: Don't worry, Jade, you're sure to be a better mother than Sami Brady.

Deimos: OMG, Chloe had an in-vitro process done without telling Nicole. Even Sami Brady wouldn't do that.

As for Adrienne getting emotional support from Kate, this was bad news for Salem's flying pigs. Already worn out from doing circles around the church steeples of Salem after Andre played the hero in the capture of Clyde, they'll now have to take to the air again.
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What I appreciate is we got a moment of some self-awareness for a couple of characters that in my oh so humble opinion desperately needed it: I'm referring of course to Deimos and Jade.

I was glad to hear Demos admit that Chloe's hatred of him is justified. I think this means we are finally going to see a kinder, more considerate less ends-justify-the-means type of guy. Bwaha ha ha ha! I know I kill me! Why I'm not headlining at Ceasar's Palace in Vegas has got to be the Ninth Wonder of the world. :)

As for Jade well I'm glad that she admitted that before the ultrasound the baby and her impending motherhood really weren't real to her. Does this mean we'll see a more mature side of her? I'm not holding my breath but for the sake of both her and the baby I hope so.
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