Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 25, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Prison: Ciara couldn't wait to see her inmate - Will. He wonders what's up. She explains about Vic being wise to her prison visits, and has enlisted Marlena's assistance in this madcap plot. She is ostensibly there to see Ben, whom Ciara greets. They talk of their plans to prove Xander's guilt; she's sure he'll be out next year, and he doesn't want her wasting her Christmas on him. Meanwhile Marlena learns from Will that Ben is his friend and protector, and he asked Sonny for a divorce. She counsels and supports this decision, agreeing to give Sonny a message. She leaves; Ciara, Will, and Ben talk and he supports their keeping their love together.

Pub: Kayla arrives, hugs Roman, they have been in touch with Sarah and Eric respectively, Mickey did well with her first treatment. Roman is making pecan pies for the hospital. They talk about his being Santa and the pub's employment roster. Kate is not leaving; Kayla recaps her convo re: Steve with Kate. Roman will talk to her, and now regrets inviting Kate to the hospital event. Kayla's shocked, but they're not dating (Roman suspects she's seeing someone else); Kayla admits she's vulnerable because of the holidays (no Joey, no Stephanie, Steve dumping her as he did) and she shouldn't have let Kate get to her. Roman assures her she's strong enough to survive. She also says there's an imbalance between her and Justin, because Justin knows Adrienne would want him to be happy, and she has no idea where Steve is; furthermore she feels she's cheating on Steve at times. (Justin is in Arizona with his kids.) Nice, but way too many, scenes. Kayla eventually leaves to supervise the party.

Kate's Room above the Pub: Kate and Steve-aNO trade barbs. They talk about her plans to attend the hospital event with Roman. Steve-aNO is nonplussed until he realizes Marlena will be there. Later, he's obtained a costume and Kate throws barbs at him since it's not Halloween. Later, Steve-aNO has donned a Santa suit.

Townhouse: John enters, having visited Paul in Chicago. John laments that "Marlena" is not listening to him. (The CC and Deidre Hall's acting make it clear this is Hattie.) Hattie says she's not Marlena, she's been released from prison; Marlena invited her to stay on the hard guest bed.

Square: Evan and David run into Sonny and a giant, recast Arianna. Arianna is bucking for the naughty list, having been complaining about what she didn't get. (Rafe is working because Stefano DiMera is on the loose.) Evan gets an invite from Sonny to the hospital shindig, which he explains as a tradition for the patients.

Hospital: Kate confronts Sonny and Evan. Sonny reveals Will's present to him: A divorce. (Arianna is not around.) As they are trading barbs, Marlena arrives. Kayla worries that Roman's not there.

Pub: Roman staggers about, confused. What da hell happened to the Santa suit?

Prison: Ciara wants Will's help distracting the guard; he recalls his subterfuge in a previous Christmas episode to see Sonny. He chats up the guard so Ben and Ciara can make out.

Hospital: Kayla is reading the story. Steve-aNO enters as Santa, creeps on Marlena, slips a gift in her bag.

Square: Evan and Sonny are with the kids. Arianna goes to look at some toys, but she's got all her presents; Sonny laments having to reveal the divorce. Arianna returns as Sonny is touching Evan's hand; Sonny offers a sledding outing. Arianna will wait for Will to return. Evan and David leave as Arianna gives him side-eye.

Hospital: Santa hands out the presents, asks Marlena to sit on his lap. John calls, they need to talk because he's home early. She bolts; Steve-aNO goes back to presents and Marlena watches him. She has a flashback of Steve. He leaves; she pursues him. Roman exits the elevator, Kate is dumbfounded about the other Santa. Kate's wheels turn.

Hallway at the Hospital: Kayla pursues Santa. "Steve, is that you?"
Healthy options: It was nice of Roman. to provide the hospital patients with fresh-baked pecan pies, but shouldn't he have provided an alternative for health-conscious, weight-watching persons, such as gift-wrapped boxes of organic, low-calorie EJ Chow?

Let's think outside the box: So Roman wants to strangle Steve? Hasn't it occurred to him and other concerned Salemites that Steve might have again fallen victim to the evil machinations of Stefano and Dr. Rolf. Have they forgotten the role that a brainwashed Steve played in Stefano's evil plot to get a new liver?

Keep your eyes on the prize: Once again Steve-ano has showed himself to be a weak imitation of the real Stefano. The real deal is unlikely to have taken a foolish chance like playing the hospital Santa, which would endanger his long-term plans to win back his beloved Queen of the Night.
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Here's how much Stefano McSwoony loved his Queen of the Night, back in 2015:

[Marlena]: Why am I the Devil? Because I do everything to protect my family, Marlena pontificates. She talks of how they couldn't bury the hatchet when EJ/Sami married, but they did love their grandchildren. And Stefano and Marlena are both a part of them, and she wouldn't change that. Would he? Again she talks about losing a child. Would he feel better if he killed her? He thinks he would. How would Johnny/Sydney feel upon learning that their "precious Nono" took their grandmother away forever? He claims they'll never know. Orders his men in, tells them to throw her out the window.

Replay of Stefano's goons taking Marlena to the window, her struggling and pleading with Stefano, who looks on expectantly. He asks her if that is how Kristen pleaded for her life before Marlena sent her out the window. Abe is getting Chad to phone Stefano, and get him to spare Marlena. Roman comes into the study, Abe tells him Chad cannot get through, they ask Chad to try again, then go to "toss" Stefano's room, maybe it will give them a clue. Chad debates a few seconds, then sends a text saying "emergency". Finally Stefano answers the phone, Marlena screams for help, Carson covers her mouth, Stefano claims he is watching TV, which is now muted. And the "Spectator Award" today goes to Billy Flynn as Chad DiMera, as he pleads with Stefano to spare Marlena. Stefano, of course, denies she is there, but Chad persists. Good dialogue, as Chad tell Stefano all that Kristen did. Stefano refuses to believe him, no, Kristen did not.
Stefano tells the goons to let her go. Abe & Roman ask Chad if he got through to him. Chad doesn't know, the two men leave. Chad looks sad, has to get out of this house.

If it weren't for Chad, Stefano would've happily had Marlena killed by having his goons toss her out of the castle window.
Thanks, Jason.

Roman said his famous phrase "what da' hell?" twice today.

John needs to go back to detective school because he didn't
know it was Hattie not Marlena.

Ari's attitude has changed since she's gotten older. She wasn't happy
Evan was with Sonny and she wasn't happy with her Christmas gifts.
I hope she doesn't turn into another Sami.
I do feel bad for little Ari - she has such a screwed up life with her parents being in and out of jail. I am sure we are in for some rebellion storylines.

Yeah, John is just all kinds of clueless lately. At least Hattie didn't make a play for him or he would have fallen for it.

But, come on- SteveaNO didn't sound anything like Roman's voice when he was calling out names. I hope the reveal to Salem is very soon. And, even though they play the "scary Stefano" music, so we know who he is, it just isn't working. At all.
It is ridiculous that people would not recognize Steve even without the patch. It sure as heck was not Roman. I was hoping Kayla was going to pull off the beard. I'm sure they will find some lame way that she doesn't see it's Steve.

Someone needs to slap Kate really, really hard. Her holier than though attitude with everyone is just so annoying. I still think we will find out Evan has ulterior motives.