Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 6, 2023


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Nov 23, 2006
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One could probably whiz thru this episode in about 10 minutes, it is what might be called "a filler episode". Tis 42 minutes. Dinner time in Salem, as various couples cook and dine, having meaningless conversations.

Wendy returns from Hong King, the funeral of her brother Li. Tripp is there, she is sad, knows her brother did bad things, but didn't get the chance to get back on the right path. Tripp comforts her, talks of making dinner, he does, etc. etc.

Everett is not happy he was fired, informs Stephanie that he called Gwen, who told him it wasn't her, she sold her half of the paper, so he spends a lot of time trying to track down the new owner, only to find it is a new company, probably just a shell company called Flynn Industries. So now he wants it's owner. Stephanie figures if anyone can find it quick, it is Uncle Shane Donovan, calls him, asks the favor.

Ava & Harris do a bit of canoodling, he decides to make some fantastic Italian meal, she doubts he can pull it off, but, voila, he does! They dine, she pronounces it excellent (in Italian). They do a bit of dancing, she says excellent first date, he asks if that means a send one, she does big kiss to answer.

Rafe & Jada are hanging out, have brought back a very young pine tree in a little container. She has not much room in her apartment (looks like Charlie Brown's tree has a much younger sibling). But Rafe & Jada throw on a few little ornaments, are happy with the result, and of course are next rolling around in bed, basking in afterglow.

Chad has a few scenes, more about still wanting to avenge death of Abby.

Stefan calls his mother, wanting to put a hit out on Clyde Weston, who is threatening Gabi. He figures Ivan could do the job, Mom refuses, he calls someone else, has a job for them.

Uncle Shane eventually comes thru, sends the name of Flynn Industries owner. Everett is hesitant to show Stephanie the result, but she insists, he does, it is Chad!

As I mentioned, all seemed like filler, just here and there on an evening in Salem
Thanks, Poirot. Now rest the rest of the day.

The name of the company that part the Spectator was Flynn Industries. The actor who plays Chad is named
Billy Flynn.

Harris grinned today. I'll try to post picture later.

Forgot to mention, I wasn't surprised madam told Stefan no to killing Clyde. She never liked Gabi.

I kept thinking Jada and Rafe would mention the tree looked like a Charlie Brown one. Interesting
they didn't since they plugged Hallmark movies.
Thought he did, but with new writers for the next month, they will not know a lot of things, probably.

forgot to mention there was talk of missing drugs from the cop shop, inside job? keys missing from Harris's pocket.............* had no idea what they were talking about since I did not see the show for a lot days recently.
Just sorta watched. Thank you Poirot for writing up this summary. This was a total filler day.

The only news Everett found out was who really fired him.

Why is Ava shocked that a non-Italian can cook?

I'm really annoyed that Rafe no longer mentions his house. I know it was just a kitchen, but come on, couldn't he have a kitchen and a bedroom?

I did like the callback to Arianna. That was nice, and I do like that they mention people not on-screen but still as far as we know, still alive.

Going to be hard to hang in till April/May when the new regime takes over if this filler is what we get until then.
I'm really annoyed that Rafe no longer mentions his house. I know it was just a kitchen, but come on, couldn't he have a kitchen and a bedroom?
The also showed that little den in Rafe's house a lot when Evan first came to Salem and was working as baby David's nanny. It's the same set that is used for the little den in Hope's house. They just decorate it differently for Rafe's house and Hope's house.
Thank you, Poirot. Filler, indeed. Today's show should be named "botox."

Love that Everett was able to find out that Chad bought Gwen's half of the paper. Can't wait for him to get slapped by Stephanie, and a break up should be happening soon.

I admit that I enjoy Ava and Harris. Great chemistry, and he smiles now! They hardly touched the linguini.

The tree Jada bought also reminded me of the one that Archie Bunker had (see below). But when she turned on the Christmas lights, the place looked great.

Now that their love has been declared, Rafe should move Jada into his house so she can stop living in that one room.

Tripp and Wendy are kinda dull, but they are good together.

Stefan going against Ava's advice to not have Vivian's henchman kill Clyde backfired, but he is going to find a work around.

I also noticed that Billy Flynn's (Chad) name was used for Flynn Industries.

Just an aside......regular writers will be back some time around or just after Christmas. But the fired guy will still be in charge until Spring.

It is rather hard to fathom how an entire episode could be filled with nothing but chit chat and small talk about what amounts to nothing in particular. I agree about the mention of Arianna and of Sydney.......Am wondering if perhaps Sydney might be making an appearance? She has been mentioned a couple of times. Who knows?
Wow, Action Hero Harris can also prepare Italian food that is bellisimo. All he needs is a good, tailor-made suit and he can become Salem’s James Bond, a man who could smash Clyde’s drug ring in a Salem second.

Fie on Vivian for not helping son Zero take out Clyde. Doesn’t she know that the family that kills together stays together.

Chad didn’t exactly cover himself in glory today, having his cheap plot uncovered by a Nick Fallon lookalike and his love interest, Stephanie. His ex-father, former DA Woods, must be laughing and telling anyone who will listen: “I knew that kid was a moron.”

Finally, if Paulina is going to make a habit of barging into police headquarters, Rafe ought to invest in a good set of ear plugs.