Days of Our Lives - Wed., Dec. 7, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Elves have worked their magic as trees and decorations are up all over Salem, but no one is smiling as residents deal mostly with the news that Adrienne has breast cancer. Although she was half expecting this news, Adrienne nearly collapses when Kayla confirms that she indeed has breast cancer. Sonny helps her to the sofa, she sits, her family surrounds her. She is to go back to the hospital, Kayla has reserved a room, Justin is going to take her, but it ends up Steve will take her, Kayla asks someone to pack her bag (Adrienne says it is already packed), the 3 leave, Lucas says he will get the bag, leaves, Justin hugs Sonny, tells him everything will be all right, leaves. Sonny sits alone.

Lucas is at Kate's, she is going on and on about his being left at the altar, Adrienne choosing Justin, babbling her "I told you so"s at him, despite the sad look on his face. He bursts out with She did not choose Justin, and relates all that happened, and that she has cancer. This stops Kate cold, who then apologizes profusely, is so protective of him, and against anyone seeming to hurt him. She then is wiping a tear or two from her eye, as she reminds him she had lung cancer, has survived, all the different kinds of treatments, etc. Lucas looks as tho he is going to cry any second.

Over at the Kmansion, Brady is throwing more of Theresa's things into a garbage bag, ignoring Deimos's attempts to take his mind off Theresa. But Brady is not interested in anything to do with Titan, business, etc. He is on his way out as Nicole arrives. Deimos mouths to her, and she returns to the foyer to talk more than "hello" to Brady, but he really is in no moon, and out he goes.

As he strides thru the square (sorry, he looks stupid carrying that garbage bag there) he bumps into Paul, and they end up having a rather nice conversation.Paul assures him that Tate not only has a wonderful dad, but all the family, naming them, who love him, and will be helping. And who knows, Brady may meet someone in the future, and Tate will have someone else in his life. That talk is too soon for Brady.

Late, Brady is back at the Kmansion, sitting in front of the fire, Justin comes in, Brady doesn't want Justin even in the same room with him, Justin pours himself a drink, then ridicules Brady's whining and pouting because his wife prefers drugs & alcohol, and left to enjoy them. He is yelling that others have worse things, are living with the fact they have cancer! Brady shuts up, realizes he is talking of Adrienne, is sorry, leaves the room.

Paul now spots Sonny in the square, sits down beside him, Sonny tells all, blaming himself for locking Adrienne in that room, endangering her life. Paul reminds him that if he had not done that, Adrienne might have gone undiagnosed for months yet. And that Sonny actually saved her.

Nicole & Deimos are kissing, going on about missing each other, decide to go somewhere more private, and race up to the bedroom. We do see them in bed, talking about the successful trip to launch Basic Black in Europe, whispering, and guess it is now round 2.

Philip has come in downstairs, answers a knock at the door, it is Nancy. She just left Chloe in Chicago, was told everything, they go elsewhere (private park area) to talk, so as not to be overheard. He tells her how Chloe told him all about the baby, about telling Chloe he loves her. Nancy is encouraging, but Philip said he has not mentioned it since to Chloe, and she has said nothing either. They evidently make some sort of plan, because Phil is back at the Kmansion, packed suitcase in hand, calls Nancy, he is leaving now, & no, Chloe doesn't know. Ah, but behind him, there stands Deimos, who has heard it all.

Adrienne is settled into her hospital bed by Kayla, who goes to check on when the lab will be ready for her. Steve pulls out a deck of cards, ready to play 5 card draw with his sis, jacks are wild. She asks him to go for a burger & fries first, the chowder she had just did not fill her up. He realizes she just wants to be alone for a bit, kisses her forehead, will be right outside. She flashes back to getting the letter about her gene mutation, and Kayla being concerned she did not call right away.

A song plays now, the lyrics reflecting being alone, as we see various scenes of those affected. Lucas sits looking sorrowful, near tears, pulls out their flight tickets, tears them up, as he cries. Steve is out in the waiting area, Kayla coming up behind him, a hug; Justin finishes his drink in front of the fire, gets up, throwing the glass into the fireplace; Sonny sits mournfully on the park bench as Paul comes up, sits down beside him, puts his arm around him, rubs his shoulder. Adrienne sits in her bed, fighting back the tears, the door opens, it is Kate. Adrienne looks a bit fearful, draws back a little, but Kate comes next to the bed, gently taking Adrienne's hand. Adrienne breaks into a tearful half smile as she squeezes Kate's hand.
she returns to the foyer to talk more than "hello" to Brady, but he really is in no moon, and out he goes.

I think you meant mood. This made me laugh. Brady is such an annoying toddler not getting his way when his is in no moon, ya know??

Justin, the household staff thanks you for the extra clean up. Shattered glass is always a joy to clean.

Poor Lucas, he can't catch a break.
So I guess we are now supposed to believe Adrienne has not made her decision, contrary to what we saw last week. Even though she was holding Lucas' hand today. But then Justin called her sweetheart and honey. Ugh! Which is it???

Still a very slow and mostly boring episode but good reactions to Adrienne's cancer.

Poor Motherless Brady Kiriakis was having a pity party again. :rolleyes: I'm sure Marlena would have a lot to say about that or even John. Why can't TIIC simply say he has 2 mothers? That would be the most logical dialogue here. It respects the fact that Isabella died but also respects the fact that Marlena raised him from infancy as her own. And while I do like Paul, I can't help but wish the HTS scenes had been with Brady and Belle instead.

Justin crying to Brady was just all levels of weird. The acting was fine but the dialogue was weird as was him putting his head on Brady's shoulder.

I really like Philip. Too bad he is another character that's just wasted as a glorified extra. So much potential.

How come the guys never made it to the hospital to be with Adrienne? That made no sense.

Deimos and Nicole: NOPE, NOPE and NOPE

I thought the directing was awful today. Way too many close up shots that really weren't necessary. At one point, I thought Brady and Paul were going to kiss based on the camera angle.

Was that Wally Kurth (Justin) singing at the end?

I agree the last scene with Kate and Adrienne was great. Mostly because of Adrienne's facial reactions as she went from disbelief to relief. No words needed.
To borrow a line from Charles Dickens, it was the best of times and the worst of times in Salem today, with sadness and worry about Adrienne's condition while slimy Deimos and Nicole happily cavorted between his silk sheets. Apart from the drama, TPTB missed a chance to earn some cash with product placement scenes.

Deimos: Brady, you've really stuffed that bag full of Theresa's stuff. Are you sure it won't break?
Brady: Yes, this is a Glad bag. It wouldn't break even with every bit of Theresa's junk inside it.

Nicole: Let's get Chinese takeout.
Deimos: No need. The freezer is full of Wanchai Ferry.

Finally, Philly K. needs to clue Nancy in about Salem's climate -- that there's never a need to wear a winter coat even in the depths of winter.
No, the song at the end was by.....

The final act montage song appearing on today's episode is titled "Angel (All My Days)" and is performed by Robbie Wyckoff. The full version is available on iTunes here:…/angel-all-my-days-…/id1179751074…

Courtesy of Jason 47
LOL, Dr. Bakerfan.........I was really happy to see Nancy in a winter coat......but then there was Phil, just a jacket, and his shirt open to middle of bare chest.........sigghhh. And in the same vicinity, Sonny & Paul....light weight clothing.

Oh, well, guess Salem's climate changes depending on how many steps you take. LOL
Am guessing that there is not all that much interest in the summaries any more, since very little input. Perhaps it would be best to dispense with this forum?
DrBakerFan, we're thinking alike again. I made a joke the last time Brady had a garbage
bag. He used a Hefty :)

Why was Brady carrying the bag around? Was he going to dump it in the river and be
a litter bug? Or maybe he was taking it to Good Will?

Interesting what Paul said to Brady when they bumped into each other. Maybe Paul
shouldn't been walking and looking down at his phone. I wonder how many people
are injured doing that?

Nice to see Nancy again. Is Philip on his way to see Chloe? Will Deimos have him

Good scene with Kate entering Adrienne's room. Adrienne kept backing up
looking scared until Kate took her hand.
I will have to say the scene where the camera point of view was from Adrienne when everyone was in her face asking if she was okay and her really not hearing anyone was actually spot on. When I was told by the doctor I had cancer, that is exactly what I felt, the doctor was talking and I felt like I was in a bubble and couldn't hear anything else but the "C" word. It took me quite sometime before I realized the doctor was still talking. Watching that today was very emotional and brought up a lot of feelings. For once the writers seem to have gotten something right.
Am guessing that there is not all that much interest in the summaries any more, since very little input. Perhaps it would be best to dispense with this forum?

Oh dear, Poirot, I would be lost without the daily summary! I look forward to it everyday! I'm thinking maybe people are just busy with other things, with Christmas coming upon us. It seems like Facebook and Salem Spectator are both slower than usual right now. The busy place is Wal-Mart!

Today's episode wasn't the best for me because I don't like sad things, and often just don't watch them. However, I did watch all of today's show, except for Nicole and Deimos in bed. That's always a skip for me. My favorite part was Kate being human. I used to enjoy Kate, but for some time now have found her pretty intolerable. It was refreshing to see her show some heart today. I especially liked the scene at the end with her and Adrienne. Yes, Adrienne's expressions were priceless!
I will have to say the scene where the camera point of view was from Adrienne when everyone was in her face asking if she was okay and her really not hearing anyone was actually spot on. When I was told by the doctor I had cancer, that is exactly what I felt, the doctor was talking and I felt like I was in a bubble and couldn't hear anything else but the "C" word. It took me quite sometime before I realized the doctor was still talking. Watching that today was very emotional and brought up a lot of feelings. For once the writers seem to have gotten something right.

Camera angles and shot perspective are done by the director. The writers only right the words. Sorry to hear about your cancer and hoe you are winning the battle.
Am guessing that there is not all that much interest in the summaries any more, since very little input. Perhaps it would be best to dispense with this forum?
While I do not participate much in discussion regarding Days after the write up it is because I watch it once or twice a week based upon the write ups of each episodes and if I haven't watched it do not feel my opinion would be own. I truly appreciate being able to come here at 1:00pm my time to read the daily episode for the sole reason that I cannot always watch it everyday but I do make note of must see episodes based upon this forum. So thank you to you and everyone who jumps in to provide a recap when you are unable to.
Am guessing that there is not all that much interest in the summaries any more, since very little input. Perhaps it would be best to dispense with this forum?
Poirot, you can't be blamed for the poor quality of the show. I didn't watch today because the show is just dreadful. I for one vote for keeping the summaries going. Are they dropping in views/readers?
I have to admit to being lazy and not commenting a lot of times or just thinking my comments are not interesting enough to bother with, or else they are too negative, even though I always read the summaries. Without these summaries, there's a good chance I would stop watching the show. Reading the summaries and the comments of others is what keeps me interested enough to watch.
Poirot, you can't be blamed for the poor quality of the show. I didn't watch today because the show is just dreadful. I for one vote for keeping the summaries going. Are they dropping in views/readers?
Agreed. When there is a particularly good show, the number of summary views and poster comments seem to go up. I for one wouldn't want this thread to vanish. Some posters seem to use it as a basis of whether to invest their time watching a particular episode. I also enjoy tossing in my two cents on each episode and maybe writing something that will make somebody smile. I also like the commentary by other posters who often provide a slant on an episode that I hadn't noticed.
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