Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 11, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
February 11, 2015

Good show today, if you ignore the JJ/Eve stuff in bed at very beginning. Replay of Hope watching the video on Meredith's tablet. She is claiming her husband is a monster, wants her dead, and knows he doesn't come across that way. The dimples, the smile. Whoever is watching this video should beware. Don't believe that I was sick, or had an accident. Aiden calls down to Hope, is she o.k. Yep. He will be just another minute or two. She continues to watch, but has to quickly put the video away,. as Aiden comes down, he talks a bit about the house, memories, how Meredith should have died the way she did, and suggests a walk on the beach, just to get out a bit. Hope says it is dark, chilly, and is about to open the closet door, but Aiden stops her, says there are just some things of Meredith's in there, and his jacket is right here, has her wear it, he will be fine in his sweater, off they go. They return, she is shivering at how cold it was, he helps her off with the jacket, talks of the bridge being open tomorrow, and she can go on, he will stay, and finish up here. She goes upstairs, lingering look back at the desk drawer, and then the closet door. Later, in the dark, she sneaks down, tries to open the closet door, it is locked. She is about to open the desk drawer when Aiden calls her name, turns on light, comes down asking what she is doing down there. She claims getting a glass of water before going to bed, he says he knows she likes that, put one in her room. Guess she did not see it, replies Hope. She asks if she woke him up (huh? he is still dressed as before) but he says he hears everything, is such a light sleeper that if Chase sniffled, he would be up. They both go upstairs. (And yes, these scenes have a very suspenseful Hitchcock feel to them)

Repeat of Abe asking Sonny what he remembers about what happened to him, but Sonny is just looking, is silent, but finally says "Will".....then "where were you". Guilty Will flashes back to being with Paul, but only says he was working. Sonny has raised his hand, sees his ring is gone, doesn't know why. Upshot....he remembers being at the club, thinking about spring, and taking Ari out, now that she is walking. That is the last thing. Kate & Lucas are now in the room, which seems too crowded to me, for someone who has just come out of surgery and nearly died. Adrienne thinks this is enough for now, Kayla & Abe agree, everyone leaves, with Abe telling Sonny to give him a call if he remembers anything. Sonny wants Will to stay until he falls asleep, Will promises to buy him a new ring, put it on his finger just as he did before. He tells Sonny that he knows he spent way too much time away from him & their daughter, that he hasn't visited Gabi in ages, and is going to make it all up to them all. He finished the article wishes though he has not been given the assignment. However, he does mention he thinks it will help a lot if people.He talks of how he would not know what to do if he lost Sonny, who notes that he didn't. But Will says he would be lost without him, and won't take anything for granted.

Repeat of Kate giving Lucas a hard time about his friendship with Adrienne, Lucas retorting that nothing is going on, and letting her know she is one to talk when she mentions Adrienne being married.
Derrick spots Paul in the square, goes up and starts to say something about hoping he did did not make trouble for anyone, Sonny cuts him short, doesn't have time. He walks off, calling the hospital to check on Sonny, but gets no info. He calls Adrienne (amazing how he has her phone #, must have bought the phone in Salem, lol) and hears that Sonny is awake, etc. She thanks him for saving her son's life, he says he will be leaving Salem for good, she wishes him all the best. Paul finishes his drink, and thinks about he & Sonny proclaiming their love to each other.

Cole & Paige exchange meaningless conversation before he finally tells her that what he learned from JJ's phone texts is that he has been having an affair with Daphne. So Paige dashes off to confront her, grabs her phone as she is texting, accusing her of texting JJ, but Daphne said she was texting her, to arrange their meet. Paige accuses more, learns the truth, sees Daphne's phone, and realizes how wrong, apologizes, then runs off, promising to meet up with Daphne back at the dorm in just a bit.

Eve & JJ are in bed. Only a bit of the rolling around, :eyeroll:, he lays back on the other side of the bed. She figures he has to leave now. Nope, no where to go. Gives a hangdog explanation of not going out to a club to pick up girls, no reason, and he is not starting anything with anyone new, Paige might see them and he won't hurt her again, figures he did enough of that already. Eve says Paige already thinks he has someone, but he says then Paige would have a face and name. Nope.
Eve gets up, gets a couple of bottles of water, and in comes Paige. Surprise. Awkward, why 2 bottles of water. Eve claims oh, so used to getting one for herself and for Paige. She pleads with Paige to stay a while, but Paige only came for her backup charger or something, grabs it, and is gone. JJ has heard it all, comes out in shorts, (gad I hate this)and Eve is despondent all over again.

Replay of Clyde coming up behind Victor in the chapel, offering sympathy for the injury Sonny suffered. Victor gets up, Clyde is in his face. Surprised to see me, huh? And boy, is Clyde on a roll. He figured when he sent that message from Damon's phone to meet in the chapel, it was a good place, one where truth will be told. And he will get to Damon's whereabouts later. He tells Victor that he should tell his man when you shoot someone you don't aim here, pointing to his upper chest area, but here, pointing to his head. Unless you use a knife, then it is here, pointing to his abdomen. Victor is getting angrier, calls him an SOB, that Sonny is family and family is off limits. Clyde laughs that off, telling Victor that he better not try and come after him again, because he has a lot of family, rattles off names, including little Ciara.Vic roars that Clyde stay away from all of them, but Clyde is not intimidated one bit. He warns Victor not to come after him again, then tosses Sonny's ring on the pew, before leaving.
Kate comes in, was looking all over for him. But she gets a call, goes outside the door to take it. Yep, it is Clyde, inviting her over to his place, will make up for lost time. She comes back in, Victor knows who that was, she doesn't have to tell him. She has to run, Vic stops her, but only thanks her for telling him about Sonny.
In his room, Clyde opens his shirt a bit, fingers 3 red marks on his skin. He flashes back to laying in that snowstorm, Jeremiah coming and helping him get up. Clyde is saying oh, wow, that was something. It still hurts, his shirt open a bit, 3 marks against his skin, Jeremiah saying you are lucky to be alive. (are those rubber bullets? sorry, it looks like bits of metal in his skin, unless a vest is flesh colored???) In his room, Clyde smiles, lets Kate in. She notes the marks, he claims he fell on the ice, is nothing. They are kissing, she says he has a lot of energy for an injured man, but Clyde figures he has to make up for lost time.

Victor fingers Sonny's ring, puts it in his pocket. He sees Roman in the square, no they no leads on Sonny's attackers, and oddly, can't rummage up any wittnesses either. Victor walks away a bit, takes out the ring and his hankerchief, wipes the ring completely, and drops it on the other side of a fence. He walks off.
Aiden, when talking of Meredith, said she was drunk nearly all the time, made up lies about him, yelled, argued, etc. And's like that one or two minutes of Merdith on the tablet, is believing that (she remembers how Merdith said Aiden's smile was so deceiving, etc. )

But makes you wonder if that closet is not full of empty bottles. We can remember when Aiden first came to town, the aversion Aiden had to alcohol.

Since I cannot tape the show, so have nothing to refer to, can someone who does, please tell me if they can tell if Clyde was wearing a vest in that flashback???
JJ and Eve - He looks over, sees a picture of Paige and goes right back to boinking her mother? Really?! I wish this would end but the damage has already been done. Why? Why did they put them together. 3 times!!!

Clyde - the explanation for him not being dead is beyond ridiculous. Why was there no snow on his face? They showed him completely covered by snow. He could not have been found for awhile and he wears a vest all the time just in case he's shot?

Hope and Aidan - I hope he's not a bad guy. I wasn't that crazy about them to start with but it's nice to have Hope with someone since Bo deserted her. And I like Daniel Cosgrove (Aiden).

Will and Sonny - Will Sonny tell that he knows? And boy, Will sure likes to think about Paul a lot. I can't wait until Paul finds out that Will and Sonny are married. That is overdue.
I have played that clip more than 1/2 dozen time (just the Clyde/Jeremiah scene) even blew it up to full screen. what has bugged me is the bullets seemed lodged in his skin, BUT when I freeze framed about 3 times, it looks as though perhaps there IS a vest, light colored????>?
I have played that clip more than 1/2 dozen time (just the Clyde/Jeremiah scene) even blew it up to full screen. what has bugged me is the bullets seemed lodged in his skin, BUT when I freeze framed about 3 times, it looks as though perhaps there IS a vest, light colored????>?

If the bullets were lodged in the skin then there should have been bleeding.
For some reason my show taped only 15 minutes! So thank you for the summary!!

JJ/ words, just :sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick: . Paige...leave town. I want to see Clyde vs. Ciara, she'll cut him down to size.

I want Victor to go nuclear on Clyde.

Surprise, surprise. Sonny's lost a bit of memory. Pardon me while my eyes roll out of my head. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: (There is still the slight chance he's faking it to stick the screws to Will, but that would be out of character...and the writers would never do that, would they?? :sarcasm: )

I am beyond caring about Hope & Aiden. The time for investigations would have been about four months ago, Det. Brady. This stinks of a setup but I'm sure the writers wouldn't do that again so soon. :)
Hopefully, Victor was paying attention to slimy Clyde's eagerness for a tryst with Kate. All his guys have to do is keep an eye on the two of them, and when the door closes, wait for a short time, and then burst in. It's highly doubtful that the Poplar Bluff super-perv wears his vest when he's between the sheets with Ms. Blue Chunk. That said, Victor should give stern instructions to empty the whole clip into the creep. Recall the time when a DiMera thug popped in on Philip and Stephanie Melanie and put one shot into the center of Philip's chest, which turned out not to be enough. As for bumbling amateur detective Cole, when he's finished at Salem U., he ought to apply to the Salem P.D. Given his non-existent detecting skills, he'd fit right in. And his criminal past shouldn't be a problem when one of Roman's top detectives is ex-convict Hope.
Like Poirot I caught a Hitchcock vibe in the Aidan-Hope scenes particularly in reference to Suspicion (1941) which starred Joan Fontaine as a wealthy heiress who suspects her charming husband (Cary Grant) is trying to kill her. Hitchcock was forced to deviate from the end of the novel the film was based on because the studios didn't want audiences to think of matinee idol Grant as a killer. Are the writers playing same kind of bait-and-switch with Aidan? We are all going to be on pins and needles to find out I'm sure.

I got the feeling that that the writers are playing homage to some other films as well here are some examples:

Clyde and Victor: The film this story made me think about was No Country for Old Men (2007). Victor is the old world crime boss who has a code you don't deal drugs to kids, you don't go after families. He's dealing with a "new" sort of rival in Clyde who has absolutely no code, no feeling and no morality. Nothing is off limits. Clyde is a stand-in for Javier Bardeem and Victor is Tommy Lee Jones-who was a sheriff in the film not a criminal but the comparison still fits I think.

Eve and J.J. (UGH!): This one is so obvious it's not even funny, Eve is Mrs. Robinson and J.J. is Benjamin from The Graduate (1967). Again I say UGH!

Paige and Cole: This is perhaps the most sophisticated and clever homage. What could I be thinking of? Why none other then Dumb and Dumber! :)

Maybe I'm just feeling charitable here but I don't hate Sonny's memory loss as much as I thought I would. My initial reaction was to roll my eyes so hard I thought they would fall out. Then I got to thinking when you take Sonny's heightened emotional state before the attack then the shock of the suddeness of the attack itself; is it that unreasonable that he may form a sort of mental block? I am no expert on this sort of thing and maybe what I just wrote is utter hooey. But I'm willing to give this a chance and see where it goes with an open mind.

When Will said it's been too long since he visited Gabi I said to myself we are all guilty of that sin. I got to thinking that Arianna's birthday would be a nice time for a visit if not sooner *which I don't see happening*. Well that's what I'm keeping fingers crossed for anyway.
It didn't take long to watch the show fast forwarding JJ and Eve.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised Cole only looked at one text and
assumed JJ's bed partner was Daphne. Who has JJ's phone now?

How long it will take Sonny to remember what actually happened
before he was stabbed?

I have to agree with Hope that it has been a long day and night
in Salem. Will it be new day in Salem on tomorrow's show?

Clyde told Victor he would let him know about Damon. Is Damon dead?
So Victor got Sonny's ring back from Clyde letting him know who it was that did the deed. Victor did what he had to do and got rid of the ring because people would be questioning him how he got it. If he said Clyde gave it to him then they would want to know how he got and it would all lead to their war. As the saying goes one lie leads to another one and on and on it goes.
I don't know if the ring is engraved, but Victor is assuming it will be found and turned my guess. Gosh, is he truly counting on honesty in Salem, of all places?

Troy, you really gave me a good laugh, and Suspicion is the exact movie that came to mind as well, with Aiden & Hope.

I don't mind if Days relies on good movies for ideas. But I hope they don't think they are anywhere near the excellence of "When Harry Met Sally" with their "when Melanie met Brady".

So now JJ is going to whine like Eve? No where to go, why bother leaving? (translation, My life is no longer worth it, Can't have Paige, have screwed up my life, so have to settle for an old has been ex-singer, even if she IS the mother of the gal I claim to love.
It was a light grey bullet proof vest. That's why it looked flesh toned.

Surprise, surprise. Sonny's lost a bit of memory. Pardon me while my eyes roll out of my head. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: (There is still the slight chance he's faking it to stick the screws to Will, but that would be out of character...and the writers would never do that, would they?? :sarcasm: )

I am beyond caring about Hope & Aiden. The time for investigations would have been about four months ago, Det. Brady. This stinks of a setup but I'm sure the writers wouldn't do that again so soon. :)

I agree about Sonny. I think the giveaway here was his comment about thinking about things to do with Ari in warmer weather. That's not what he was doing at all which makes me think he is lying. Out of character yes but also could very interesting to see Sonny show his Kiriakis side. It may also play into the Lucas/Justin/Adrienne storyline if there is one.

The problem with Hope and Aiden is they've been on 3 days this week and nothing new has really happened. I also think Hope is in the same boat as the audience in that she wants to believe Aiden is good. That's why she is so hesitant to investigate him. Nonetheless, I still believe this is all a setup. But yes the scenes were very creepy.

And why does Hope have to sleep in the guest room?!? They have been together several times now in a hotel and claim to be in love.

The scenes between Victor and Clyde were awesome! And I liked the scene with Kate and Victor. I do hope Clyde hurts her very badly for all she has done to Jordan and Rafe. Sorry to say but she deserves it.

No words for how disgusting and infuriating it is to continually see JJ/Eve and Kate/Clyde go at it while John/Marlena and other couples are pushed to the back burner.