Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 6, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Eric sits at his computer, hears banging/bumping at the door, grabs a poker or bat or something, opens the door, only to find Rex & Sarah making out against the door. They apologize, he takes off for a walk. Sarah & Rex now yak up a storm about their digressions, forgiving each other, who Rex slept with, who Sarah bedded, make their peace with it all, he is not going to rush/push her, will now take her home. Oh, but Sarah really is not ready to do so, knows they can't go back to the way they were, but they do have NOW. Kiss, kiss, tear each other's clothes off.

Roman, John & Marlena sit in the Pub, filling Roman in about Diana Colville, her past with John, & being Leo's mother. Eventually, a tired Marlena decides to go home, John wants to go over a case with Roman. She leaves, John beats around the bush a bit, but finally admits he is worried that Leo might be his son. Roman figures the way to be sure is just ask Diana, but John is not too keen on that. He talks of Leo putting Will & Sonny thru hell, and how he & Mrlena would then cope with it all if the scumbag turns out to be his son. Roman wants to know if no one ever talked to John about birth control. He replies “apparently not”. LOL....John finally leaves.

Marlena has run into Eric, they talk a bit about Sarah, Rex, why Eric left the apt. Along comes a very angry Ben, who is totally upset with Marlena, calls her a 2 faced quack. Eric tries to stop him, Marlena tells Eric it is o.k., tries to explain to Ben how worried Hope was, and how the confidentiality can be broken if she feels good cause. Ben is not appeased, Hope is accusing him, convinced he took Ciara, he was upset at Marlena's as he did not even know Ciara was missing. Would never hurt her. She wants Ben to come to the office, they can talk. Nope, he will never trust her, he takes off. Eric hugs her, he leaves, John comes up, she doesn't mention Ben, only that she ran into Eric. John offers his arm, is going home with her.

Ben runs into Tripp & Claire, asks Claire if she has seen Ciara. No. He is so worried, tells of her plane landing and no one hearing from her. Claire figures she will turn up, Ben leaves, Tripp doesn't believe him, Claire does, he was really concerned. Nope, Tripp is suspicious.

Diana answers a knock to find Leo at her door. He has a one way ticket for her to return home tomorrow. Be gone. Oh, he doesn't tell her what to do, who to see, or where to go. (these are good scenes) Now they get into a huge discussion, her wanting to know why Leo is intent on destroying the lives of two fine young men. Leo thinks she is not appreciative of what he has done, fine husband, beautiful home, money, etc. She thinks a husband who will never love him is not a good thing. They really go back and forth, Leo accusing her of never liking him, especially when he turned out to be gay, her denying that, him talking of never being smart enough, good looking enough, athletic. She pounces on that, he was on soccer team as a kid, she was so proud, carried pic in her wallet of him, about 10 yrs old, holding soccer ball.

These two rant at each other, and now comes her threat to expose him as a murderer, and back and forth about his father, abusive, nasty. She protests, loving husband. He talks of throwing lamps, plates, slamming door in faces, screaming, black eyes. She knows they had problems but good husband. So, Leo killed his father, feels it a good thing, did everyone a favor. She doesn't think so. He still wants her gone, she isn't going anywhere. He mentions John Black, she talks of things different back then, now he has matured, she is smiling. They again talk of Leo's father, who Diana claims to have loved very very much. Leo says he was an evil, abusive pig, got what he deserved, and if Diana is not careful, she will get the same. He storms out.

Abby is astonished to find Jordan at her door, who claims to have been driving by, saw a light, took a chance. Abby invites her in, Jordan saying things not good with her, Abby makes tea, they talk. Jordan claims she returned to Salem, worried about Ben, thinks he still a danger to folks. Abby denies this, his doctors felt he was stable. Jordan really pumps her, Abby tells of seeing Ben Christmas Eve, as she was leaving, but just pushed past him, tho for a second she was scared Stefan would tell Ben to stop her, but he didn't. Jordan wonders why Abby not worried Ben might take Charlotte, Abby was never worried, but Jordan says Ben might feel that it was retaliation as Thomas would have been his, had Abby not cheated on him with Chad. She really plants all kinds of seeds here, tho Abby was not at all worried or concerned. Jordan finally decides to take her leave, Abby takes the tea things to the kitchen, Jordan will let herself out.

Ben is back in his room, looking at a pic of Ciara, promising he is going to find her.

Eric returns home, finds Rex and Sarah's clothes strewn all over the living room.

Jordan dons her coat, looks around, and quickly heads upstairs.
Thank you, Poirot.

The best lines of the day have to be Roman's when asking John about birth control

Yep, Jordan is definitely one beer short of a six pack. I feel for Ben since he's accused of what she's doing now and things she probably did before.

Finally some explanation as to why Leo is pushy, manipulative, etc. He better not be John's son, but I bet his mom tries to make everyone think he is.

Eric / Rex / Sarah = :sick:
Today's episode had a real assortment of conversations.

Rex-Sarah: Another encounter between dull and duller. Please make it stop.

Ben-Marlena-Eric: The Salem sourpuss shouldn't have been angry at Ben for confronting his mother. Instead, he should take his gloomy look and say a few choice words to batty Hope.

Trippy-Claire: If Sarah and Rex are duller and duller, these two are dumb and dumber. And how will Little Trippy react when he learns that Ben didn't kidnap Ciara?

Roman-John: These two are always worth the price of admission, but why is John suddenly so concerned that Leo could be another surprise son? Does he even know how old the grifter is? Of course, if John is Leo's father and then learns the fate of the step-father, he will have something to fret about.

Jordan-Abigail: A conversation between a former and a future mental patient. Jordan is clearly on the fast track for Bayview.

Leo-Diana: The parricide and the schemer. These two richly deserve one another.
Roman was funny with "did anyone ever tell you how NOT to get a woman pregnant?" I am hoping since John is having these thoughts that it is not gonna be true.

Eric is unbelievable and annoying. Ok, so are you still mourning losing Nicole and Holly or are you lusting after your brother's girlfriend and genuinely mad that they are back together and making out!!But really Sarah, you just leave your clothes in the living room where you know Eric will see them!

Yay Ben for letting Marlena have it!!! She did not just tell Hope his state of mind, she told her he had missed one or two doses. That is breaking confidentiality!! In one breath she says she had to tell if she thinks she has evidence of a crime but then she agrees when Ben says he would never hurt Ciara. So what crime was she talking about!!

I really thought that when Jordan came back she would be on Ben's side not trying to set him up and get him put away. I hope he doesn't get blamed for anything Jordan did. I really don't remember Ben asking Stefan if he wanted him to stop Abigail. I just watched that episode again and he did not say that. He was at the door when she opened it to leave, she was shocked, Stefan says he lives here and Ben says you called her Abigail then she left. He did not say do you want me to stop her. After he said to Stefan I'm sorry I couldn't stop her but he didn't try to stop her. I just don't remember Ben ever being threatening to Abigail this go round. Her telling Jordan "but the look in his eye". I just want Ben to be redeemed. I like the actor and I liked Ben before he became the neck tie killer.
Thanks, Poirot.

Roman had the best line. I wonder if he's thinking about dating Diana.

Hopefully, Leo isn't John's son.

Interesting talk with Leo and his mom. I want to see the picture in her wallet.

Should we be worried Jordan went upstairs instead of leaving the house?
And did Jordan wear those high heeled shoes walking in the woods?