Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 16, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Got interrupted a few times today, so bear with me. Rex thinks Sarah is there because he asked Eric to call her to come over. No.......she goes thru the entire explanation of seeing Xander, coming to tell Eric and him rushing out. They talk about the situation. Evidently she calls the cops, goes rushing back to the Kmansion. Meanwhile, Eric has thrown Xander against the wall, arm against his neck, Xander could probably thrown him off, doesn't. Eric grabs a knife or letter opener, holds it against Xander's neck as he berates him for causing Nicole's death, leaving Holly without a mother, etc. etc. Xander makes a few nasty comments back, Sarah comes rushing in, talks Eric off Xander, and then Eli arrives to arrest Xander for shooting Marlena, leads him away in cuffs.

Eric thanks Sarah for stopping him, for calling the cops. As they talk, she suggests that if Xander made it out of that building, one wonders if Nicole did as well. Eric ponders this for a bit, but no, Nicole was trapped in a confined space, there was no way.

Ted has arrived to confer with Stefan, presents his defense plan, which Stefan refuses. Ted warns that he has no other recourse. Stefan indicates Ted is fired, he will get another attorney. (He evidently wanted Stefan to blame or pin something on Ben). Stefan figures, rightly, that Ted owes Hope for hiding him, so this is how he has to pay back. Ted doesn't admit anything, leaves.

Hope has Ben in her office, has told him of Ciara going to South Africa, surprising him. He did not know Ciara was leaving the country. This pleases Hope, who does all her usual blaming, etc. etc. She tells him this is not over, yet, talks of Stefan being charged with espionage, but to get off, will turn on Ben. Blah, blah.

Chad opens door to Gabi, who wants to talk to him about Gabi Chic. Chad more or less tells her to get lost, he doesn't want to see her, talk to her. She does all her usual excusing herself, talks of her prison time, Arianna, wanting to head of Gabi Chic for her, a lot of other nonsense. He says she betrayed their friendship, and her best friend's. Gabi pulls out the “she sent me to prison”, Chad reminds her Abby was sick, what was your excuse? Gabi talks of loving him, knows he loved her a bit, but she stepped aside when Abby came back. Chad is pretty angry, never did anything to her, but you hurt me, my family, my children. Oh, she never meant to hurt him.

Eli brings Xander into the station, talking of having him on film, shooting Marlena, clear as a bell. He says to save time, just sign a confession now. Nope, Xander is not going to do that. Eli says, that's o.k. We have enough evidence.

Kate has gone to see Abigail, apologizing, but Abby is not forgiving at all. She says the only person Kate cares about is herself. Kate says Gabi was blackmailing her, that she convinced board to put Chad in as CEO, get everything back, that he wants to liquidate GabiChic.

Chloe comes to Eric's apt., looking for a stuffed kitty Holly has to have to go to sleep. Rex had seen it, gives it to her, nice long conversation, as they exchange info...Eric, Sarah, Rex's intentions towards her, his reasons for moving Mimi & Emily to Chicago(to share custody) and how he took a leave of absence from hospital to win Sarah back.

Hope & Ted meet up, he sits down, no arraignment, seems the Feds got the head engineer to admit he is one who sold the secrets, etc. Stefan was cleared and is out. Hope still wants to “get Ben”. Ted is leaving, reminding Hope they are now even. They shake hands.

Abby comes downstairs, Kate asks how is Charlotte. Abby says she needs her mother, please leave, opening the door. Kate grabs her coat, understands Abby not forgiving Gabi, or Kate herself, but for the sake of your children and both of you, you should forgive Chad.

Sarah is making Eric keep a bag of frozen peas on the hand he used to punch Xander. She should not have gone running to Eric to tell him Xander was back, is sorry.

Rex is going to do all he can to remind Sarah how great they were together, will definitely grovel.

Chad tells Gabi to stay the hell away from him, and out of his life. He is going to cut Gabi Chic from DiMera Enterprises, will be all hers. He is CEO and can do it. Not so fast, little brother, It is Stefan. He is back.
Thank you, Poirot.

Stupidest writing...Sarah running to warn Eric then calling the police. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

Hope and her one note song are tiresome.

Gabi needs to be off camera for a long time. She grates on my nerves as much, if not more, than Hope does. Nobody believes her poor pitiful me mantra any more.

Kate has done a lot of horrible things, but at least she gave Abby good advice to forgive Chad.
Compared to yesterday’s episode, this one was awful for me. Hope is horrible. I don’t understand the writing for her character. She is not a saint. Everyone knows this. Why does she feel so superior to Ben? It is not about protecting Ciara anymore. It is about getting Ben. I miss Princess Gina.

Chad & Gabi ..... Fast forward

How does Kate even have the gall to go see Abby?!?! Kate deserved a slap, and Chad is not her son!!!! She has four sons!!!!!

I wish Sarah wouldn’t have interrupted Eric & Xander. I did like the Eli & Xander scenes though.

What is the point of sending people like Stefan and EJ to jail if they just get out after 3 episodes? I remember when some characters would be in a jail cell for weeks or months before everything was sorted out.
Was I the only one hoping Ben would get into a homicidal mood when he was talking to Hope?:wink:

I for one am glad that the charges against Stefan have been dropped. I thought they were kind of lame. Plus now he definitely won't turn on Ben much to Hope's chagrin. She needs another story and needs to split from Rafe. Maybe then I would like her. But honestly I only liked her when she was with Aiden before they ruined him.

How long was Eric choking Xander!? Sarah had time to get there? She didn't leave right away. Was just dumb and seriously is Eric ever ever going to be happy person! I would certainly think he'd be jumping at the chance that Nicole is alive since Xander is.

Had to laugh when Gabi said she wanted to set a good example for Arianna by having Gabi Chic. Great example when you lied and tried to destroy a woman.

Kate needs to give up apologizing. What she did is unforgivable. But no, Abby, do not forgive Chad. When she had DID he was oblivious. Weird things happened he never questioned them. Then when she doesn't have it he won't listen to her at all!! I don't care they have 2 kids.
Hope is the only police Commissioner on Days who goes out or investigates crimes. When Roman was Comm, he always had his detectives report to him at the Police Station; same with Abe. Hope still thinks she is among the rank and file. Tom Selleck plays a rock solid Commissioner on Blue Bloods who rarely oversteps. There still is plenty of drama. Even going after his son's killer was done above board.

The best thing right now would be for Melinda to become Mayor and remove Hope.
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The Salem Transporter was workin' overtime today, wasn't it. Sarah was back and forth to the Kmansion in blink of an eye. But then, all these places are within quick walkin' distance aren't they. Cross the street. down 2 hses. etc.
As usual, many Salemites weren't at their best today.

Ted: He goes to the head of the class for his sorry performance with Stefan Zero. Any street cred he got by trouncing bumbling Justin in the child custody trial is long gone. Let me count the ways:
  • he thought his proposed defense of the Big Zero was "compelling." On the contrary. McPerv was right to call it "laughable";
  • he never once considered that Zero's tale of his innocence was the truth;
  • he actually thought that the Feds would drop a serious national-security espionage case so that some local cops could bring kidnapping charges against Ben;
  • he really believed that no other lawyer would agree to defend the Big Zero. Actually, a lot of attorneys would love to have the opportunity to take a high-profile case.
Eli: He thought he'd scored a real coup by arresting Xander. Unfortunately for him, the X-man, unlike many hapless arrested Salemites, knows his rights. And if that tape doesn't actually show Xander shooting a weapon in the direction of Marlena, darling Melinda might have a tough time getting a conviction. He also should have arrested Eric. The scowling sourpuss's knife-wielding antics with Xander constituted civil assault, menacing, and harassment. Yes, these are all misdemeanors, but Melinda would surely welcome the chance to prosecute the man who once drove drunk and caused the death of St. Daniel Jonas.

Gabi: What was she thinking showing up at the DiMansion doorstep? She's lucky Chad didn't have attack dogs to sic on her. And she ought to forget GabiChic. Who's wants fashion advice from somebody with Gabi's reputation? After all, would Lizzie Borden have been successful as a fashion consultant after avoiding conviction for using a hatchet on her father and step-mother?

Hope: Another one of her ethically-challenged, anti-Ben plots evaporated, this time because she relied on the questionable talents of shyster Ted. It's high-time for Hope to turn in her badge. Hopefully, down the road, a Mayor Melinda orders her to do just that.
Thanks, Poirot.

Eli had the best lines today. When he saw Xander he said "Salem looking like 'The Walking Dead"'
That's a TV show. Then he asked Xander how he felt "rising from the dead".

Gabi annoyed me saying the same old stuff again, blah, blah, blah.

Ha, ha to Hope that Stefan is out and he didn't flip Ben.

Hope did her best to make Ben feel bad because Ciara went to see Theo.
I agree, Xander would have easily overpowered Eric and threw him across the room. Was ridiculous having him stand against the wall looking powerless. Sigh.

Why are there no other people at home at the Kiriakis mansion with all this loud shouting and fighting? Maggie and Victor, Adrienne and Justin, Sonny and Leo, Gabi and Arianna, Henderson. Love to see a whole episode shot in the Kiriakis mansion with everyone home at the same time and constantly running into each other. Kind of like that show Eight is Enough.

I don’t like this new Rex. He comes across as a narcissist. The old Rex was total opposite, a lot more likable. I hope Rex and Sarah reunite and both leave Salem ASAP. Two characters I do not want to see anymore.

The Hope and Ben scene....oh boy...I could see on Ben’s face that he was suppressing the urge to lunge at Hope and strangle her. Good thing he is taking his medication. I was hoping he would bring up her past and throw it at her like she keeps doing to him. She killed Stefano, she attempted to kill Bo, she knocked out numerous other men of Salem. Of course she has excuses (sleeping pills blah blah blah).

As much as Kate’s apology seems sincere, I could never trust her or forgive her. Abigail was correct in that Kate only cares about herself. She should have kept the door shut and let Kate stay out in the cold. It’s her house, she doesn’t have to let Kate in.

Gabi is just as untrustworthy. I don’t believe her anger and thirst for revenge all just magically disappeared. I don’t believe she is truly sorry for what she did to Abigail. I am really frustrated that she has no consequence for all that she did. Abigail was merciful for not pressing charges.
Gabi, just go and stop playing the broken record pity party.

I wish this Abby and Chad would hang around. Marci Miller as Abigail seemed forced to me.

Sometimes it's hard to care when the writers do not.
I am constantly surprised that Hope continually pushes Ben's buttons, but doesn't seem at all worried he could snap and that would be the end of her! I mean, she talks of keeping Ciara safe, she constantly refers to him as a serial killer, he won't change, etc. etc. yada, yada. But if he is sooooo bad, so unreliable as to what he might do, she sure is not worried about herself. Now why is that? O.KI. she is in her office, in the police station........but she is not always there, is she?
Ben was released months ago, he has lived on the street, in homeless shelter, applied for jobs all over town, all different kinds. He lived with 3 other people for a very short time (Tripp, Claire, Ciara) & none ever felt threatened. Hope needs counseling of some kind, as something else has to be going on.