Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 2, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

All over town, the aftermath of the “Jack is Alive” reveal. JJ goes to see Abigail, tells her the news. Abigail is in disbelief, especially that Jack has no memory of any of them. She has got to go see him, tells JJ to watch Charlotte, and takes off.

Chad is at the Pub. Talking to Will, filling him in on Gabi's shenanigans, his failure to realize it, how his hatred of Stefan had caused him to treat Abby terribly, he won't ever forgive himself, and then betrayed Sonny as well. Now he is married to Leo. Will agrees, and Sonny is miserable, Leo is spending his money, drunk all the time, wanting “a real marriage”, etc. Chad says if he can help in any way, just let him know.

Leo comes in, his head is killing him, Sonny asking if he is still drunk. Leo is happy the brat is not there (evidently, Ari was taken ice skating by John & Marlena, so Will told Chad). Sonny reminds him Ari is his daughter, and both he & Will should be looking after her together, and can't because of him. Also reminded him Ari's mother was in jail. Leo starts talking of lousy, rotten mothers, evidently his mother was one. Sonny's thinks the sun rises and sets in his, but that was not the case with Leo, who was not so lucky. He stalks off. Sonny calls Will, says he may have come with something to get rid of Leo, seems he has an Achilles heel.

Jen arrives at Eve's room, wants to talk to Jack, who is not there. Jen says Eve said both were in town to stay, but Eve says Jack only went out for coffee. Jen has a few choice words for her, but Eve tells her to get lost, closes the door.

In the square, Hope comes upon Jack just leaving with the coffee, is shocked, he doesn't know who she is, doesn't remember anyone. She starts explaining who she is, he is married to her cousin, Jennifer, the love of his life, drags out phone to show pics, but he is not interested, says he already saw her, doesn't want to see her again. Leaves. Hope is sitting at a table, Jen arrives, tells her tale of woe, they talk, Hope tries to be positive, it will all come back to him. Jen says Eve won't explain anything, how she found him, where, etc.

Jack returns, Eve happy to see him with coffee, he tells of seeing someone, said her name is Hope, Eve explains she is Jen's cousin, and a cop. She says not to worry, just stay far far away from Jen. She goes to get dressed, a knock on the door, it is Abby, who is shocked to see her dad really alive, is hugging, babbling away non-stop. Jack pulls away, doesn't know her, she introduces herself, just keeps talking, all is o.k., he will know them all eventually, will remember. She offers to give him the necklace with the wings he gave her, he says no. Eve comes out, wants Abby to leave, she ignores her, just keeps talking to Jack, who suddenly has a few flashes of being in the elevator with Abby, who realizes he remembered something, but Jack denies it. She keeps talking, urging him to say, but he doesn't, so she is going to bring Charlotte, and Thomas, his grandchildren, so he can meet them, She goes on and on, finally departing. Eve says she is like her mother, mentions her locking 3 women in a room to suffocate, then saying she came after Eve once, is just like Jennifer, and Jack should stay, far far away. They are bad news. Now she leaves, promising she will be right back.

Out in the square, she runs into JJ, who lights into her about what she did last night. How she sprung her surprise on them all, but first getting her digs in. She brags that she brought a live Jack back, folks should remember that. JJ says no warning, you would not tell anyone beforehand, jibing that this was and still is all about Eve, isn't it?

At the cop shop, Gabi has admitted all she did to Rafe, who cannot believe she did all this. She is begging him to help her, she cannot be away from Ari again, Ari is so scared. Rafe wonders why she did not think more of her daughter as she was doing all this to Abby & Charlotte. She claims she got carried away, so wanted Stefan & Abby to suffer like she had, blah, blah. Justin arrives, Rafe called him. But Justin did not know it was for Gabi. Abigail is his niece, and after all Gabi did, he just cannot represent her. He leaves. Gabi is distraught.

Chad runs into Abby, heard about her dad, yes it is true. He asks if she wants to talk about it. Yes, she does, but not with you, she walks off.

Later, Hope has come in, talks with Rafe, learns Justin backed off, suggests Ted Laurent. Rafe gets ticked off, but Hope reminds him she has been supportive of him, and his sister, but Gabi just went too far, and her sympathy is all used up. However, she is trying to help. Ted was able to help Theresa get custody, and could probably help Gabi. The idea of Ted doesn't set well with Rafe.

Chad has come to the Kmansion, talks to JJ, again professing his anger at himself for what he did to Abby, wanting to make it up, however long it took. He asks to look in on Charlotte, JJ doesn't think so, Abby left him to watch her. Chad reminds him he is father, and later we see him holding her, walking around the living room, telling her he just learned she was his on Christmas Day, best present he ever got. He promises to make everything up to her, says she will be meeting her big brother, he loves her, etc.

Jack opens the door to is Jennifer.

Gabi is still in the interrogation room, door is Abigail.

Eve is on a bench, texting someone. I'm here, where are you? She gets a reply, “right behind you”. She turns, sees someone.
I am glad Jack is having memory flashes. Though it is the most disturbing memory which I guess would be a good trigger. Eve is just horrible the way she described Abigail without exactly mentioning that she had DID.

Hope says unless it's an exact double in reference about Jack and Rafe's response is stranger things have happened? No!! The exact thing has happened Rafe and the double was for you!!! Not to mention Marlena and Adrienne and Hattie and Bonnie!! Stranger things!!

Please let this Gabi business be the end of Rafe and Hope. How can he be upset that Hope or anyone is really angry about it.
I could’ve done without the Will & Chad scenes. Two of my least favorite characters these days. I liked Leo talking about his mother. I think we are about to see another side to him soon. Not just this obnoxious hustler.

Add Sonny to my least favorite list. Don’t blame your and Will’s bad parenting on Leo. Look in the mirror if you want to blame someone.

I screamed at my TV for Jack to get away from Hope. He has enough problems right now. Of course Abby went to smother him because no one understands amnesia in Salem, but I do hope he gets his memory back sooner than later.

I’m really trying with Gabi and her sob stories, but I don’t believe she is really sorry. Didn’t she tell Stefan she had no regrets?

Rafe and Hope are both hypocrites as usual, but Hope is right. First, there was Gabi & Nick, then Gabi & Julie, and now this Abigail revenge plot. Enough is enough.
Jennifer said "I buried my husband" when she was talking to Eve. Guess she forgot that Jack was cremated and they sprinkled his ashes in California.
They can rewrite that terrible story any way they want in my opinion. In her heart Jen had to let him go emotionally like a death.
Thanks, Poirot.

It' is going to be interesting when Jack finds out about Eve and JJ.

Is Will staying with John and Marlena now?

Is Chad still staying at the K mansion with Thomas?

I was wondering because Leo was happy Ari out of the house and Abby told JJ
to look after Charlotte. No mention of Thomas.

Great flashback Jack had with the elevator accident.

So Leo doesn't like his mom. Can Will and Sonny use this information to get
rid of Leo once and for all?
I don't get it. If Eve brought Jack back to taunt everyone, didn't she realize that he probably will remember everything especially after Marlena hypnotizes him. Will we also get new flashbacks of jack crawling out of a sewer pipe, rescued by an old fisherman who nursed him to health and then took him on a fishing trip to NYC:clap:
Is Chad still staying at the K mansion with Thomas?

I was wondering because Leo was happy Ari out of the house and Abby told JJ
to look after Charlotte. No mention of Thomas.

It seems like Chad is still staying at the K Mansion but I think Victor had told him he could stay until after the holidays.

I don't know if it was today's episode or Monday's but somebody said Charlotte had not yet met her brother. Maybe it was Chad, when he was talking to the baby today?
Jennifer said "I buried my husband" when she was talking to Eve. Guess she forgot that Jack was cremated and they sprinkled his ashes in California.

She also forgot that Jack wasn't her husband when he died

If Eve brought Jack back to taunt everyone, didn't she realize that he probably will remember everything especially after Marlena hypnotizes him.

My theory is that Eve/Jack are either already married or are about to be married. This way IF Jack remembers, Eve still has a hold over him. WAY too much talk from Eve about her Jennifer is Jack's ex-wife. Plus when Jack asked why he and Eve got divorced, she refused to answer. That said I'm also over Eve.

Nice that Hope has photos of Jennifer's kids on her phone. I wonder if she has one of Claire.

Hope's scenes with Jack were weird. But I did like that she was put into this story early as a support for Jennifer. I know this is probably a minority opinion but I'm not a fan of Jennifer's dialogue to Jack so far. She makes it sound like she would have nothing without him. While he did teach her about journalism and such, she's been on her own for years and still managed to have a successful career. Plus she's had other suitors through the years, before and after Jack.

I still say the show wrote Gabi into a corner and now doesn't know what to do with her. Rafe being angry at Hope is just silly. I hope that he is just lashing out because he's really mad at Gabi.

I wanted to see JJ with Charlotte and John/Marlena ice skating with Arianna. Oh well.
Jack: Like Jason, I'm already bored with story but I'm also annoyed. For one thing, the reveal of Eve and Jack was a beat-for-beat repeat of the reveal of Vivian and Stefan last year. You see the scenes of the mysterious couple getting ready for the party, Eve moving though the square in a hooded cloak. and then you had Eve insulting the party guests before Jack made entrance. If that weren't bad enough Jack is amnesia just like Will. I wasn't watching during the hey day of Jack and Jennifer but I know Jack is an iconic character and this is the best they can do? Seriously?

Leo: I know this is just a TV show but I have a real problem both in real life and on TV with people who are deliberately mean to kids, even if it's off-screen. And I'm getting a strong impression that is how Leo treats Arianna. It's over-the-top and there is just no reason why he has to be that much of a jerk. As long as he exhibits this personality trait I'm not going to have any sympathy for him.

Gabi: Okay I t totally understand the skepticism expressed by some of the posters in this thread but I've wanted to see the softer vulnerable side of Gabi I that know she possesses for so long. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I know I'm a hopeless sap but I wanted to hug her. LOL
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Yep, a mistake to repeat the entrance of Viv & Stefan last year, using Eve & Jack this year. Very definitely, a big mistake. Guess someone thought it would be "cute" or "cool". It wasn't. Eve has told him his name, that he'd been married, had children, a lot of negative items about Jen, so why make such a big entrance and freak everyone out, including Jack.
And while Jennifer & Jack were divorced at the time of the tunnel explosions, they WERE about to get married again. The divorce occurred only because Jen thought Jack had left her, deserted her. (That all was badly written at the time - in my opinion).
Right now, it is difficult to talk to Jack, he has no idea what the heck anyone is referring to, they are frustrated that he doesn't. He has been relying on Eve, and she is avoiding telling him a lot of stuff, and painting jennifer in a bad light.
We really need to know the back story here, of how Eve came across Jack, and why he is relying on her so much.
I don’t understand why Eve resurfaced as an evil witch towards everyone. Why and how long is she back? She was holding the whole Nicole dumping Eric mystery over supposedly intelligent Jen Jen's head. Jen rode that bus willingly so she could hold on to Eric.

Eve's warped thinking and conspiracies with Vic were instrumental in causing a father to lose his son but she is dense as to why, even with all his discretions and wrong-doing can’t grasp why he couldn’t forgive her.

On another note, it looks like Jack is already getting his memory back so let’s hope we’re not tortured to a year of flashbacks.

Amnesias, resurrections, who’s the daddy seem to be the only recycled drama TPTB know how to write

P. S. Hope, stop calling Jennifer cuz! Neither you or Jen are 12 anymore and it isn’t cute, so grow up already
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