Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 23, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Ted is sitting with Kate, who is sipping her martini, they go back and forth, talk of him being gone, now is out of danger, Hope helped, he would like to start over with Kate. Yada, yada, blah, blah, she doesn't think so. He actually asks for one last kiss, still hoping for another chance. She tosses her drink in his face, over his suit, tells him to get lost, and takes off. Hope has witnessed this.

Kayla talks to Haley, who tells of a positive visit with Marlena, went well, she has never been able to open up about herself before. She spills about her former roommate throwing her out, JJ offering her a place til she finds something else. Here comes Tripp, had some hot oil spilled on his arm by the cook at work, Kayla takes a look, 1st degree, not bad. She tells Tripp of head engineer confessing to being the one stealing secrets from the bionic eye of Steve's, she isn't sure when he will return, is sure he wants to, with Jack back. She leaves, Haley dresses the arm, gives instructions, she & Tripp talk a bit.

Melinda Trask is down at the cop shop, raising cane over Xander going free, giving them what for, etc. Eli defends Hope, Trask is going on and on about the incompetency of the dept., is furious that the video of Xander shooting Marlena was deleted, Abe comes in, was his office, takes full responsibility. They go into his office, she rants, he explains it was Xander pretending to be John, who she says should not have had access anyway. She rants about Abe's special favors to his friends, has already said Hope should be fired, but now resigns. Abe is surprised, Melinda determined, has been planning it for some time, on to bigger and better things.

Hope thanks Eli for having her back, he feels she is great boss, meant every work. He asks about Rafe being gone, she explains about Sami needing help with Johnny, doesn't know how long Rafe will be gone, finally decides she needs some air, and leaves. See above.

And with the filler stuff out of the way now to...........JJ arrives at Pub, sees Jack, calls out to him, Dad, dad. Jack's is on his tablet, doesn't turn around until JJ says “Jack”. He smiles, not used to hearing Dad meaning him. JJ asks him to join him, he is just off work. They sit and talk, Jack mentions researching political issues, JJ remembers him being elected before, the things he would tell him, dinners were so interesting, many times a civic lesson. JJ talks of how he looked up to Jack so much, relied on him, then tells of how he had such a troubled last year, thought of him every day. Jack asks about Abe Carver, JJ says he used to date Abe's daughter, then quietly talks of nearly killing his son. How he could not forgive himself, almost did away with himself. Jack feels so bad, as JJ talks of needing him then, Jack wishes he could have been there. JJ says he was lucky to have other family & friends who helped him, so now he is trying to pay that forward. Jack asks if he means the girl from New Year's Eve. They talk some more, get to the subject of Eve, JJ warns Jack not to trust her, that she is only using Jack to get to Mom, just as she used me. Jack's jaw mean she tried to seduce you......JJ doesn't answer, but his expression tells the tale. JJ finally decides he has to leave now, tells Jack if he ever just wants to talk, come over, I am close by, gives him his address. Jack thanks him, tells him the same, you want to talk, just call me.

Eve sits in her hotel room, reading the diary, not making head nor tail out of the formula that will get Jack back his memory. She comments to herself how Seth Burns should not leaves his keys around (that is so flimsy reason she has the diary), knocking at door, she hides the diary, answers, tis Jennifer, who wants to see Jack. Eve tells her she cannot get it thru her head she is not welcome there, Jen walks in anyway. Eve points out Jack not there, and the women have a delightful, verbal sparring match, no yelling. Eve is bragging Jack will marry her, even bought her the bridal mag. Jen laughs, no way he ever would, whether memory returns or not. They jab at each other nicely, back and forth. (really good scenes) but Eve gets frustrated, almost seems to be about to show Jen the diary, but instead shows her the contract from Chad she turned down. She boasts how she could have taken it, gone to Paris, taken Jack with her, but turned it down, stayed right there. Doesn't faze Jen, Jack will never marry her, and will have her number. And then Eve will be alone, again. She leaves. Eve tosses the contract across the room.

JJ is home as Haley arrives, glad he is there, is going to make dinner for him, he has been so good, letting her stay there, making her breakfast. He asks if she heard from Melinda, but no.

Jack is back at the apartment, wanting Eve to explain about seducing his son. Eve laughs it off, claiming it was just one time, ages ago, ancient history. She was in a bad place, just like you were, Jack, when you slept with Jennifer's mom. Jack cannot believe it.....I did? Oh, yes, you did! She brightens up, on to the future. Have you decided if you will run for mayor? Jack replies, o.k., let's go after Abe Carver.

Jennifer reluctantly meets outside with Melinda Trask, who tells of resigning, but who has a scoop for the Spectator. When we come back, Jen is wide eyes, “are you sure”. Positive, go ahead, run the story.
Thank you, Poirot.

The Jack and JJ scene sounds nice as does the JJ and Haley scene. I hope the Haley / Tripp scene isn't a foreboding of putting those 2 together.

That sure was nasty of Eve telling Jack about him and Laura. They were both in a mental hospital under false names at the time, and they had no idea who the other one really was.
I liked the opening exchange between Tripp and Kate. I did not like the Ted and Kate scenes. They have ruined any potential Ted had. The scene where Eli slapped his face for asking Hope about Ted was good too. I feel like we have been watching the same scene between Eve and Jennifer for a month. I’m exhausted of those two. The JJ and Jack scenes were the highlight for me. I wish they would explain more about Rolf and the amnesia. Jack seems like the same person without memories, but Will seemed like a different person to me.
Eve...done, done and more done.

Why couldn't Jack come back and go through all this angst without inserting Eve? She is such a liar and spins on a dime. She is just too much for me to care. Why not put her in Brady's orbit? Putting her with Jack for the sole purpose of hurting Jennifer is so ridiculous. All Jen did was sacrifice her own happiness for the truth. (Personally I could do without Eric altogether, but Jen stepped aside). Of course Eve wouldn't know the truth if it bit her scrawny carcass.
I have a couple of questions. How did Eve know about Jack /Jen's mother, Laura? Both were in a sanitarium, and both were using fake names. Did one or the other tell someone after they left that place? (and yes, I know neither one knew who the other one really was)

And then, I have been thinking about that regain memory serum. Didn't Will steal that vial? Replace what was in it with something else?Or rather fill another vial to leave in it's place? So is that what Seth gave to the FDA, some water & who knows what that Will used to replace the hypo he stole?
How did Eve know about Jack /Jen's mother, Laura? Both were in a sanitarium, and both were using fake names. Did one or the other tell someone after they left that place?
In a nutshell, once back in Salem, they ended up kissing and Jennifer walked in on them, so she turned back to Peter Blake. The story trickled out to other Salemites.

At the Meadows, Laura had gone by Monica, while Jack used the name Clarke.
Re: Jack/Laura
I guess we have to imagine that Jennifer told Bill who told Frankie who told Eve who sat on it for 2 decades.

Eve isn't working. Jack's return is boring already.

Enough with the clockwork episodes! Move the plot along and stop having everyone act so stupid.
Thanks, Poirot.

I'm assuming Laura never met Jack until they were in the mental hospital.

I enjoyed JJ and Jack, especially Jack's face when he guessed about Eve.

Why did Kayla talk to Haley out in the open about her therapy appointment?

I laughed when Eli told Hope she was a good boss.. really. How many people
have gone free since she has become commissioner? Someone needs to compare
her arrests with Abe and Roman. Maybe it's the same low number.
Why not put [Eve] in Brady's orbit?
Been there; done that. :)

Why did Kayla talk to Haley out in the open about her therapy appointment?

'Cause that's how they do things in Salem. It seems the doctors there have never heard of/or practiced "patient/doctor confidentiality."
I always found that storyline a little far fetched. We beg for history references and they give it to us under the worst circumstances unfortunately
I generally avoid someone I detest. Eve and Jennifer purposely cross the street to get in each others orbit. It seems to be their sole mission to confront, taunt, irritate, banter, and harass one another. Turn the hose on these two wenches because they're both way too old for this adolescent behavior.
Jenny: If doing the same thing over and over is a definition of insanity, then Jenny is ready for Bayview. How many times has she "confronted" Eve to no good effect. Talking to Eve is like talking to a snarky wall.

Abe: He said that the buck stops with me. Was he describing the size of Days' future budget? And what's his platform?
Could it be:
  • Bring down the DiMeras, finally (including getting posthumous convictions of Stefano and EJ so they'll go to jail if they come back to life);
  • Enforce disturbing the peace laws against loud Town Square talkers;
  • Launch an investigation into unorthodox practices at University Hospital;
  • Finally do something about the lethal Salem tunnels;
  • Permanently ban Sami Brady from Salem;
  • Take action against the pigs who occasionally fly around the the City Hall roof.
  • Appoint a D.A. who doesn't mind losing cases involving members of the Salem in-crowd.
Eve; As others has said her treatment of the hapless Jack is unconscionable. And running a total amnesiac for mayor is absurd. What's his campaign slogan going to be: "Vote for me, I'm a blank slate." Finally, she had some nerve waving off her trysts with JJ as "ancient history." It's relevant to Jack and, in Salem, history never really goes away.
Thanks for the summary!
I feel like we have been watching the same scene between Eve and Jennifer for a month. I’m exhausted of those two.
The only change in the scenes is the wardrobe - sometimes! Eve needs to GO AWAY!

Eve...done, done and more done.
I enjoyed JJ and Jack, especially Jack's face when he guessed about Eve.
I thought their scene was truly awesome! We need more like that - sharing real feelings and ideas...not the same repetitive crap we've been getting WAY too much of! Please let Jack pull away from her - he has so much potential, but she ruins each scene with him - as far as I am concerned!:angry:
Abe: He said that the buck stops with me.
Could it be:
  • Bring down the DiMeras, finally (including getting posthumous convictions of Stefano and EJ so they'll go to jail if they come back to life)
  • Take action against the pigs who occasionally fly around the the City Hall roof.
Eve; As others has said her treatment of the hapless Jack is unconscionable. And running a total amnesiac for mayor is absurd. What's his campaign slogan going to be: "Vote for me, I'm a blank slate."
