Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jul. 6, 2022


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiMansion - Chad talks to someone (John?) about the kids on the phone. Then he has a long scene in his bedroom sniffing Abby's scarf.

Pub - Nancy is flaunting her bracelet. Rafe questions her about it. She claims Chloe gave it to her. He explains it's police business, the jewellery is stolen. There's about 300 lines of dialogue before Clyde admits to giving her the bracelet. He bought it from an average-looking guy who was selling his late aunt's stuff. Rafe does his "smug cop" routine, and after about 11 scenes, Clyde and Rafe leave.

Townhouse - Ben asks Marlena to be godmother to Baby Bo. They recap the devil story. And to their credit, Ben's history and Marlena's role in his recovery.

Hospital - Shawn-D is getting a burger for Jan, wants Ciara to sit with her. They argue about the violent person who reproduced with a Brady (no, not Ben, the other one). Shawn-D wants his baby's mother to be in his baby's life. Blah blah.

Jan's Room - Evan (on the phone) relays Jan's scheme as she plays dumb. He reveals that he's the son of Orpheus. He plans to call Shawn-D unless Jan figures out a way to get him a visit with his son.

Square - Leo is drinking and has a wad of cash. Bearded Will walks by and demands to know how Leo got money. They snipe until Will leaves, after mentioning Abigail's funeral. Leo is sorry (appears to be genuinely so, but who knows with this trainwreck of a show).

Jan's Room - Jan worries about Evan keeping the secret, and has a fantasy in which he declares his love for her. She is determined to become Jan Brady. Ciara enters to keep Jan company. She wants to say goodbye to her nephew before leaving on her boat. Shawn-D brings in the burger and Jan sends them to hold Baby Shawn-C. Jan has lifted the boat key.

Square Private Bench Area - Chad is running, takes a break. Leo happens upon him, wants to talk. Leo is sorry, but he has given up revenge. He didn't want her to die. Chad is mad about the backlash from Leo's article which caused harassment for Abby. Leo apologises again, and talks about Thomas, but oops he just learned about Thomas from Gwen. Chad thanks him for the apology and leaves.

Townhouse - The 700-hour Marlena/Ben goodbye continues. Will enters. They begin a 2000-hour goodbye. (Apparently, there will be more good-byes tomorrow.)

Prison - Evan stews.

Jan's Room - Shawn-D wants to show off photos. Jan is gone, her ankle monitor is in the refuse.

Weston Apartment - Ben and Ciara share Chinese food and talk about their plans.

NICU - Jan removes a mask and tells the baby it's time to go.

Townhouse - Will mentions his Leo run-in to his grandmother.

Walking Path between Pub & Square - Leo and Nancy have an encounter. She weeps about her arrested boyfriend.

Police Station - Rafe has Clyde cuffed. Chad arrives. Rafe has an update on Abby's case. END
Hopefully, this will put an end to Jan being free to be with Shawn. Although, I do wonder what will happen to the baby with both parents in jail.
I think someone had it right last week (I think that was Just Samantha) - send him off to be with Zoey and those kids. At least he'd have a half-sibling there.
A few dumb questions.

Why would Clyde be reluctant to rat out Leo? It's not like the grifter inspires loyalty in anyone.

Have Ben and Ciara considered how they can survive without Chinese take-out?

If Shawn and Belle sailed away aboard the Fancy Face II and Ben and Ciara are planning to do the same on the Fancy Face V, what happened to the Fancy Face II, III, and IV?
  • Sold for various reasons.
  • Repossessed by creditors.
  • Fell apart because of neglect; finally sank at the dock.
  • Lost in a hurricane or typhoon.
  • Captured by Somali pirates.
  • Sank after hitting an iceberg.
  • Went over Niagara Falls.
  • Seized by the Coast Guard after being used to smuggle drugs.
One of the Fancy Face boats was sunk, when it hit something in the water, Bo was on board......I doubt they ever said what happened to the others, only that the couple sailed away on them.
Wilde Woman, money grows on trees in Salem. I guess it will grow on seaweed for ben and Ciara.

I just had eye surgery and my eyes are still a bit blurry. Did Ben have his arm in a sling or was he breastfeeding? If it was the latter, I'm glad my eyes are blurry.
The “baby” was in a sling. Ben was holding him in a weird way.

I’m as exhausted by Jan’s delusions as the straining threads of Ciara’s bra in that top. I’m not *bleep* shame-y about clothing, but that outfit just doesn’t fit.
That made me laugh, truly, OperaGirl. However, I believe Ciara has a trust fund, set up by Victor long ago. So did Bo, which is now inherited by Hope, Maybe Ciara as well??? Salemites don't discuss money much, hardly ever. They never even mention going to the bank, or paying bills. They eat at restaurants drink at the Pub, and never pay.

Cannot imagine why Ciara chose that dress to wear to a somber event like a funeral (or wake). The color black does not make it appropriate, she needs a lesson or two.
Honestly as I was watching today all I could think is I can't wait for Ciara and her chest to finally leave. It's just a reminder of how the powers that be don't really care one bit about how these characters come across. And I think I spent more time this year counting how many times Ciara and Ben could sit on the bed with her conveniently angled toward the camera.
Thanks, Jason.

I hope Ciara takes lots of sunscreen on their trip. She doesn't want the "girls" to get sunburned.

When Ciara was standing in the doorway of Jan's room, she reminded me of Morticia from the
Adam's Family tv show.

I had forgotten Will and Ben were roomies in prison. It's strange they're friends. Maybe Will forgave
Ben for trying to kill him since he got his old face back.

I can't believe Nancy lied to Rafe where she got the bracelet. I can't believe they kept saying it was two
weeks ago that Clyde bought the bracelet when today was Abby's funeral.

Rafe is going to embarrassed he arrested the wrong person for Abigail's murder. He should know by
now that he lives in Salem and usually the first person arrested is the wrong one. He should also
remember sometimes the murderer is probably someone no one has ever heard before.

Will Jan find a way to steal Ben and Ciara's boat? Let's hope not because than Ben and Ciara won't be
leaving town :)
Rafe arresting Clyde makes the Salem PD look even more incompetent. What on Earth would be Clyde's motive for killing Abby? Did they ever even interact?

The goodbyes did take way too long. I hope the goodbyes tomorrow are off-screen or mentioned briefly in passing.

The Jan Spears thing is beyond ridiculous. Don't care.

Where Ben and Ciara eating Wanchai Ferry? Did Chad pick up scarf-sniffing as a hobby from his older brother? The EJ-Taylor scarf-sniffing was as bad as a cat frolicking about in a field of catnip.
What on Earth would be Clyde's motive for killing Abby? Did they ever even interact?
At one point, Clyde was about to be Abby's father-in-law (when she was engaged to Ben and pregnant with Thomas). Clyde was mighty ticked off when he found out Abby and Chad slept together and there was a possibility Chad was the father of the baby. He paid the lab tech at the hospital to make sure his boy Ollie was the father. So Clyde had no warm fuzzy feelings for Abby, although I don't think he killed her.